123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925926927928929930931932933934935936937938939940941942943944945946947948949950951952953954955956957958959960961962963964965966967968969970971972973974975976977978979980981982983984985 |
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- \begin_body
- \begin_layout Title
- Squirrel Usage in Godot
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Section
- Introduction
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Squirrel is a nice scripting language.
- It's sort of a mix between Lua, Java and JavaScript and ends up being easy
- to learn for most programmers.
- It has more language features than GDScript but it's also slower, more
- limited and not as well integrated.
- This guide will explain how Squirrel is integrated to Godot and all the
- quirks that are needed to know in order to use it properly.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Section
- Enabling Squirrel
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Squirrel may not be enabled by default in a Godot build.
- To enable it, execute SCons with the following parameters:
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset listings
- inline false
- status open
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- shell$ scons squirrel=yes <target_binary>
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Section
- Documentation
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Godot utilizes Squirrel 2.2.
- Documentation can be found at:
- \begin_inset CommandInset href
- LatexCommand href
- target "http://squirrel-lang.org/#documentation"
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Section
- Class Files
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Unless writing a library, Godot expects a class for scripting an object.
- Since a Squirrel source file can contain many classes, the main class must
- be returned.
- The following is an example of extending a button:
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset listings
- inline false
- status open
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- class MyButton extends Button {
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- constructor() {
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- // ALWAYS call parent constructor
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- Button.constructor()
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- }
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- }
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- return MyButton // main class returned
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Additionally, classes are all copied to the root table, so all class names
- in scripts must be different if they are attempted to be loaded simultaneously.
- The same can be said for any other globals declared in the script.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Finally, squirrel scripts must be saved with the .nut or .sq extensions (both
- are recognized).
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Section
- Including Other Scripts
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Other scripts can be included with the include() directive.
- Full and relative paths are supported.
- When included, the classes and globals are moved to the root table, so
- they become immediately available.
- Constants, however, are only inlined in the current class on load, so Squirrel
- does not make them available.
- Example of including scripts:
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset listings
- inline false
- status open
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- include("my_button.nut") # // relative to current script, expected to be
- in the same path
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- include("res://buttons/my_button.nut") // using resource path
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Section
- Built-In Types
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- There are some small differences between the Built-In types in Godot and
- the ones in Squirrel, so the documentation will not match.
- The differences are documented here.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- An attempt will be made to document everything here,but if in doubt about
- bindings on built-in types, you can always take a loot at the bindings
- source file in script/squirrel/sq_bind_types.cpp.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Built-In Types in Squirrel are passed by reference (unlike by value like
- in GD).
- They also don't need to be freed.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset Quotes eld
- \end_inset
- pos
- \begin_inset Quotes erd
- \end_inset
- ,
- \begin_inset Quotes eld
- \end_inset
- size
- \begin_inset Quotes erd
- \end_inset
- and
- \begin_inset Quotes eld
- \end_inset
- end
- \begin_inset Quotes erd
- \end_inset
- are not available Use get_pos()/set_pos and get_size()/set_size().
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- InputEvent
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- InputEvent is a single datatype and contains everything.
- Use only the fields meant for the event type:
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset listings
- inline false
- status open
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- //for mouse motion and button
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- int mouse_x
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- int mouse_y
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- int mouse_button_mask
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- int mouse_global_x
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- int mouse_global_y
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- //for mouse button
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- int mouse_button_index
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- bool mouse_button_pressed
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- bool mouse_button_doubleclick
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- //for mouse motion
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- int mouse_motion_x
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- int mouse_motion_y
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- //for keyboard
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- int key_scancode
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- int key_unicode
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- bool key_pressed
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- bool key_echo
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- //for keyboard and mouse
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- bool mod_alt
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- bool mod_shift
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- bool mod_meta
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- bool mod_control
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- //joy button
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- int joy_button_index
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- bool joy_button_pressed
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- //joy axis
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- int joy_axis
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- float joy_axis_value
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- //screen drag and touch
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- int screen_index
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- int screen_x
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- int screen_y
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- //screen touch
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- int screen_index
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- //action
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- int action_id
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- bool action_pressed
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- Matrix3
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- x,y,z member vectors are not available.
- Use get_row() and set_row() instead.
- Individual float values of the matrix are available as swizzle masks such
- as xxy, xyz, zzx, etc.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Additional in-place versions of some functions are available: transpose(),
- invert(), rotate(), scale(), orthonormalize().
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- Transform
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset Quotes eld
- \end_inset
- basis
- \begin_inset Quotes erd
- \end_inset
- and
- \begin_inset Quotes eld
- \end_inset
- origin
- \begin_inset Quotes erd
- \end_inset
- members are not available.
- Use get_basis()/set_basis() and get_origin()/set_origin() instead.
- Additional in-place versions of some functions are available: invert(),
- affine_invert(), orthonormalize(), rotate(), translate(), scale().
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Vector2
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- Plane
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset Quotes eld
- \end_inset
- normal
- \begin_inset Quotes erd
- \end_inset
- member vector is not available.
- Use get_normal(), set_normal() instead.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- Rect2
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset Quotes eld
- \end_inset
- pos
- \begin_inset Quotes erd
- \end_inset
- ,
- \begin_inset Quotes eld
- \end_inset
- size
- \begin_inset Quotes erd
- \end_inset
- and
- \begin_inset Quotes eld
- \end_inset
- end
- \begin_inset Quotes erd
- \end_inset
- are not available Use get_pos()/set_pos and get_size()/set_size().
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- Native Arrays
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Native arrays such as RawArray, IntArray,StringArray, etc are not supported.
- Use regular squirrel arrays instead, since conversion to/from them will
- happen automatically.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- Math Functions
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Math functions are inside the Math namespace in Squirrel.
- For example Math.sin , Math.PI, Math.atan2().
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- Native Types
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Array, Dictionary and NodePath are not available.
- Use a native array, table and string respectively.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Section
- _get , _set
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- _get and _set are reserved in Squirrel, for overriding Godot Object property
- getter/setter, use _get_property and _set_property.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Section
- Member Export
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Simple exporting of members (so far only integer, floating point and string
- are supported) is supported by the @export extension.
- It is used like this:
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset listings
- inline false
- status open
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- class MyButton extends Button {
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- aprop=1 // @export
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- bprop=2.0 // @export
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- cprop="3" // @export
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- //these will be available to the property editor, and will be loaded/saved
- with the scene.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- }
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Section
- Always Enabled Scripts
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Scripts are not enabled in the editor by default.
- To enable a script always, add an @always_enabled comment.
- Example:
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset listings
- inline false
- status open
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- //@always_enabled
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- class MyButton extends Button {
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- ...
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Section
- Threads
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Thread support in Squirrel is very poor.
- This is because of the stack-based nature of the language implementation.
- Since godot can run in multiple threads, it will forcibily lock the whole
- VM when accessed from multiple threads, which will result in degraded performan
- ce.
- Creating user threads in Squirrel is definitely not recomended, as it may
- completely lock the main thread.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Section
- References
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Godot has a built-in reference counted type used in conjunction with a template
- (objects that inherit the
- \begin_inset Quotes eld
- \end_inset
- Reference
- \begin_inset Quotes erd
- \end_inset
- class).
- Since Squirrel also uses reference counting, it becomes impossible for
- such types in godot to contain a script, because it would result in an
- un-breakable reference cycle.
- To avoid this, a Ref() class was created in Squirrel.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- When calling Godot API functions, returned references are wrapped inside
- Ref() transparently, but the problem arises when creating a Reference-derived
- object from the code.
- In such cases, the reference must be wrapped manually like this:
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset listings
- inline false
- status open
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- local f = Ref( File() )
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- local err = f.open("hello.txt",File.READ)
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Anything not a reference that inherits from Object can be freed manually
- by calling .free(), just like in GDScript.
- Object classes are in itself weak references to engine objects, and their
- validity can be checked by calling the
- \begin_inset Quotes eld
- \end_inset
- has_instance()
- \begin_inset Quotes erd
- \end_inset
- built-in method.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Section
- Unicode
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Squirrel source code is supposed to support Unicode, but the implementation
- is very broken (Squirrel attempts to use 16 bit chars no matter what, making
- it incompatible when the host OS is 32 bit, like Linux).
- Squirrel source code is parsed as UTF-8, and strings also contain UTF-8.
- Wide char access in strings is not supported.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Section
- Debugging
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Squirrel is well integrated into the Godot debugger.
- To run the project in debug mode, execute the godot binary with the -debug
- argument.
- Godot will break on squirrel errors and allow the programmer to debug.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Section
- Utility Functions
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- There are a few squirrel-only utility functions available:
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- print(value[,value])
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Print stuff to stdout.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- dofile(path)
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Execute a squirrel script file and return whatever the file returns.
- Not recommended to use in production because it can't be optimized.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- nativeref(var)
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Convert any squirrel type to an engine type.
- When this type returns to squirrel, it's converted back.
- This is useful to add to Godot callbacks to ensure that the datatype is
- not converted.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- unicode_split(string)
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Split an unicode string (utf8) into an array of widechars.
- Useful since there is no wide char access from Squirrel.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- breakpoint()
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Stop the debugger when reaches here (when run inside the debugger).
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- backtrace()
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Print a backtrace of the call stack.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- tr(text)
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Translate text (use string lookup in Godot translation system).
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- printerr(text)
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Print a string to stderr.
- \end_layout
- \end_body
- \end_document