123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496 |
- #include "MSDFErrorCorrection.h"
- #include <cstring>
- #include "arithmetics.hpp"
- #include "equation-solver.h"
- #include "EdgeColor.h"
- #include "bitmap-interpolation.hpp"
- #include "edge-selectors.h"
- #include "contour-combiners.h"
- #include "ShapeDistanceFinder.h"
- #include "generator-config.h"
- namespace msdfgen {
- #define ARTIFACT_T_EPSILON .01
- const double ErrorCorrectionConfig::defaultMinDeviationRatio = 1.11111111111111111;
- const double ErrorCorrectionConfig::defaultMinImproveRatio = 1.11111111111111111;
- /// The base artifact classifier recognizes artifacts based on the contents of the SDF alone.
- class BaseArtifactClassifier {
- public:
- inline BaseArtifactClassifier(double span, bool protectedFlag) : span(span), protectedFlag(protectedFlag) { }
- /// Evaluates if the median value xm interpolated at xt in the range between am at at and bm at bt indicates an artifact.
- inline int rangeTest(double at, double bt, double xt, float am, float bm, float xm) const {
- // For protected texels, only consider inversion artifacts (interpolated median has different sign than boundaries). For the rest, it is sufficient that the interpolated median is outside its boundaries.
- if ((am > .5f && bm > .5f && xm <= .5f) || (am < .5f && bm < .5f && xm >= .5f) || (!protectedFlag && median(am, bm, xm) != xm)) {
- double axSpan = (xt-at)*span, bxSpan = (bt-xt)*span;
- // Check if the interpolated median's value is in the expected range based on its distance (span) from boundaries a, b.
- if (!(xm >= am-axSpan && xm <= am+axSpan && xm >= bm-bxSpan && xm <= bm+bxSpan))
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /// Returns true if the combined results of the tests performed on the median value m interpolated at t indicate an artifact.
- inline bool evaluate(double t, float m, int flags) const {
- return (flags&2) != 0;
- }
- private:
- double span;
- bool protectedFlag;
- };
- /// The shape distance checker evaluates the exact shape distance to find additional artifacts at a significant performance cost.
- template <template <typename> class ContourCombiner, int N>
- class ShapeDistanceChecker {
- public:
- class ArtifactClassifier : public BaseArtifactClassifier {
- public:
- inline ArtifactClassifier(ShapeDistanceChecker *parent, const Vector2 &direction, double span) : BaseArtifactClassifier(span, parent->protectedFlag), parent(parent), direction(direction) { }
- /// Returns true if the combined results of the tests performed on the median value m interpolated at t indicate an artifact.
- inline bool evaluate(double t, float m, int flags) const {
- // Skip expensive distance evaluation if the point has already been classified as an artifact by the base classifier.
- return true;
- Vector2 tVector = t*direction;
- float oldMSD[N], newMSD[3];
- // Compute the color that would be currently interpolated at the artifact candidate's position.
- Point2 sdfCoord = parent->sdfCoord+tVector;
- interpolate(oldMSD, parent->sdf, sdfCoord);
- // Compute the color that would be interpolated at the artifact candidate's position if error correction was applied on the current texel.
- double aWeight = (1-fabs(tVector.x))*(1-fabs(tVector.y));
- float aPSD = median(parent->msd[0], parent->msd[1], parent->msd[2]);
- newMSD[0] = float(oldMSD[0]+aWeight*(aPSD-parent->msd[0]));
- newMSD[1] = float(oldMSD[1]+aWeight*(aPSD-parent->msd[1]));
- newMSD[2] = float(oldMSD[2]+aWeight*(aPSD-parent->msd[2]));
- // Compute the evaluated distance (interpolated median) before and after error correction, as well as the exact shape distance.
- float oldPSD = median(oldMSD[0], oldMSD[1], oldMSD[2]);
- float newPSD = median(newMSD[0], newMSD[1], newMSD[2]);
- float refPSD = float(parent->invRange*parent->distanceFinder.distance(parent->shapeCoord+tVector*parent->texelSize)+.5);
- // Compare the differences of the exact distance and the before and after distances.
- return parent->minImproveRatio*fabsf(newPSD-refPSD) < double(fabsf(oldPSD-refPSD));
- }
- return false;
- }
- private:
- ShapeDistanceChecker *parent;
- Vector2 direction;
- };
- Point2 shapeCoord, sdfCoord;
- const float *msd;
- bool protectedFlag;
- inline ShapeDistanceChecker(const BitmapConstRef<float, N> &sdf, const Shape &shape, const Projection &projection, double invRange, double minImproveRatio) : distanceFinder(shape), sdf(sdf), invRange(invRange), minImproveRatio(minImproveRatio) {
- texelSize = projection.unprojectVector(Vector2(1));
- }
- inline ArtifactClassifier classifier(const Vector2 &direction, double span) {
- return ArtifactClassifier(this, direction, span);
- }
- private:
- ShapeDistanceFinder<ContourCombiner<PseudoDistanceSelector> > distanceFinder;
- BitmapConstRef<float, N> sdf;
- double invRange;
- Vector2 texelSize;
- double minImproveRatio;
- };
- MSDFErrorCorrection::MSDFErrorCorrection() { }
- MSDFErrorCorrection::MSDFErrorCorrection(const BitmapRef<byte, 1> &stencil, const Projection &projection, double range) : stencil(stencil), projection(projection) {
- invRange = 1/range;
- minDeviationRatio = ErrorCorrectionConfig::defaultMinDeviationRatio;
- minImproveRatio = ErrorCorrectionConfig::defaultMinImproveRatio;
- memset(stencil.pixels, 0, sizeof(byte)*stencil.width*stencil.height);
- }
- void MSDFErrorCorrection::setMinDeviationRatio(double minDeviationRatio) {
- this->minDeviationRatio = minDeviationRatio;
- }
- void MSDFErrorCorrection::setMinImproveRatio(double minImproveRatio) {
- this->minImproveRatio = minImproveRatio;
- }
- void MSDFErrorCorrection::protectCorners(const Shape &shape) {
- for (std::vector<Contour>::const_iterator contour = shape.contours.begin(); contour != shape.contours.end(); ++contour)
- if (!contour->edges.empty()) {
- const EdgeSegment *prevEdge = contour->edges.back();
- for (std::vector<EdgeHolder>::const_iterator edge = contour->edges.begin(); edge != contour->edges.end(); ++edge) {
- int commonColor = prevEdge->color&(*edge)->color;
- // If the color changes from prevEdge to edge, this is a corner.
- if (!(commonColor&(commonColor-1))) {
- // Find the four texels that envelop the corner and mark them as protected.
- Point2 p = projection.project((*edge)->point(0));
- if (shape.inverseYAxis)
- p.y = stencil.height-p.y;
- int l = (int) floor(p.x-.5);
- int b = (int) floor(p.y-.5);
- int r = l+1;
- int t = b+1;
- // Check that the positions are within bounds.
- if (l < stencil.width && b < stencil.height && r >= 0 && t >= 0) {
- if (l >= 0 && b >= 0)
- *stencil(l, b) |= (byte) PROTECTED;
- if (r < stencil.width && b >= 0)
- *stencil(r, b) |= (byte) PROTECTED;
- if (l >= 0 && t < stencil.height)
- *stencil(l, t) |= (byte) PROTECTED;
- if (r < stencil.width && t < stencil.height)
- *stencil(r, t) |= (byte) PROTECTED;
- }
- }
- prevEdge = *edge;
- }
- }
- }
- /// Determines if the channel contributes to an edge between the two texels a, b.
- static bool edgeBetweenTexelsChannel(const float *a, const float *b, int channel) {
- // Find interpolation ratio t (0 < t < 1) where an edge is expected (mix(a[channel], b[channel], t) == 0.5).
- double t = (a[channel]-.5)/(a[channel]-b[channel]);
- if (t > 0 && t < 1) {
- // Interpolate channel values at t.
- float c[3] = {
- mix(a[0], b[0], t),
- mix(a[1], b[1], t),
- mix(a[2], b[2], t)
- };
- // This is only an edge if the zero-distance channel is the median.
- return median(c[0], c[1], c[2]) == c[channel];
- }
- return false;
- }
- /// Returns a bit mask of which channels contribute to an edge between the two texels a, b.
- static int edgeBetweenTexels(const float *a, const float *b) {
- return (
- RED*edgeBetweenTexelsChannel(a, b, 0)+
- GREEN*edgeBetweenTexelsChannel(a, b, 1)+
- BLUE*edgeBetweenTexelsChannel(a, b, 2)
- );
- }
- /// Marks texel as protected if one of its non-median channels is present in the channel mask.
- static void protectExtremeChannels(byte *stencil, const float *msd, float m, int mask) {
- if (
- (mask&RED && msd[0] != m) ||
- (mask&GREEN && msd[1] != m) ||
- (mask&BLUE && msd[2] != m)
- )
- *stencil |= (byte) MSDFErrorCorrection::PROTECTED;
- }
- template <int N>
- void MSDFErrorCorrection::protectEdges(const BitmapConstRef<float, N> &sdf) {
- float radius;
- // Horizontal texel pairs
- radius = float(PROTECTION_RADIUS_TOLERANCE*projection.unprojectVector(Vector2(invRange, 0)).length());
- for (int y = 0; y < sdf.height; ++y) {
- const float *left = sdf(0, y);
- const float *right = sdf(1, y);
- for (int x = 0; x < sdf.width-1; ++x) {
- float lm = median(left[0], left[1], left[2]);
- float rm = median(right[0], right[1], right[2]);
- if (fabsf(lm-.5f)+fabsf(rm-.5f) < radius) {
- int mask = edgeBetweenTexels(left, right);
- protectExtremeChannels(stencil(x, y), left, lm, mask);
- protectExtremeChannels(stencil(x+1, y), right, rm, mask);
- }
- left += N, right += N;
- }
- }
- // Vertical texel pairs
- radius = float(PROTECTION_RADIUS_TOLERANCE*projection.unprojectVector(Vector2(0, invRange)).length());
- for (int y = 0; y < sdf.height-1; ++y) {
- const float *bottom = sdf(0, y);
- const float *top = sdf(0, y+1);
- for (int x = 0; x < sdf.width; ++x) {
- float bm = median(bottom[0], bottom[1], bottom[2]);
- float tm = median(top[0], top[1], top[2]);
- if (fabsf(bm-.5f)+fabsf(tm-.5f) < radius) {
- int mask = edgeBetweenTexels(bottom, top);
- protectExtremeChannels(stencil(x, y), bottom, bm, mask);
- protectExtremeChannels(stencil(x, y+1), top, tm, mask);
- }
- bottom += N, top += N;
- }
- }
- // Diagonal texel pairs
- radius = float(PROTECTION_RADIUS_TOLERANCE*projection.unprojectVector(Vector2(invRange)).length());
- for (int y = 0; y < sdf.height-1; ++y) {
- const float *lb = sdf(0, y);
- const float *rb = sdf(1, y);
- const float *lt = sdf(0, y+1);
- const float *rt = sdf(1, y+1);
- for (int x = 0; x < sdf.width-1; ++x) {
- float mlb = median(lb[0], lb[1], lb[2]);
- float mrb = median(rb[0], rb[1], rb[2]);
- float mlt = median(lt[0], lt[1], lt[2]);
- float mrt = median(rt[0], rt[1], rt[2]);
- if (fabsf(mlb-.5f)+fabsf(mrt-.5f) < radius) {
- int mask = edgeBetweenTexels(lb, rt);
- protectExtremeChannels(stencil(x, y), lb, mlb, mask);
- protectExtremeChannels(stencil(x+1, y+1), rt, mrt, mask);
- }
- if (fabsf(mrb-.5f)+fabsf(mlt-.5f) < radius) {
- int mask = edgeBetweenTexels(rb, lt);
- protectExtremeChannels(stencil(x+1, y), rb, mrb, mask);
- protectExtremeChannels(stencil(x, y+1), lt, mlt, mask);
- }
- lb += N, rb += N, lt += N, rt += N;
- }
- }
- }
- void MSDFErrorCorrection::protectAll() {
- byte *end = stencil.pixels+stencil.width*stencil.height;
- for (byte *mask = stencil.pixels; mask < end; ++mask)
- *mask |= (byte) PROTECTED;
- }
- /// Returns the median of the linear interpolation of texels a, b at t.
- static float interpolatedMedian(const float *a, const float *b, double t) {
- return median(
- mix(a[0], b[0], t),
- mix(a[1], b[1], t),
- mix(a[2], b[2], t)
- );
- }
- /// Returns the median of the bilinear interpolation with the given constant, linear, and quadratic terms at t.
- static float interpolatedMedian(const float *a, const float *l, const float *q, double t) {
- return float(median(
- t*(t*q[0]+l[0])+a[0],
- t*(t*q[1]+l[1])+a[1],
- t*(t*q[2]+l[2])+a[2]
- ));
- }
- /// Determines if the interpolated median xm is an artifact.
- static bool isArtifact(bool isProtected, double axSpan, double bxSpan, float am, float bm, float xm) {
- return (
- // For protected texels, only report an artifact if it would cause fill inversion (change between positive and negative distance).
- (!isProtected || (am > .5f && bm > .5f && xm <= .5f) || (am < .5f && bm < .5f && xm >= .5f)) &&
- // This is an artifact if the interpolated median is outside the range of possible values based on its distance from a, b.
- !(xm >= am-axSpan && xm <= am+axSpan && xm >= bm-bxSpan && xm <= bm+bxSpan)
- );
- }
- /// Checks if a linear interpolation artifact will occur at a point where two specific color channels are equal - such points have extreme median values.
- template <class ArtifactClassifier>
- static bool hasLinearArtifactInner(const ArtifactClassifier &artifactClassifier, float am, float bm, const float *a, const float *b, float dA, float dB) {
- // Find interpolation ratio t (0 < t < 1) where two color channels are equal (mix(dA, dB, t) == 0).
- double t = (double) dA/(dA-dB);
- // Interpolate median at t and let the classifier decide if its value indicates an artifact.
- float xm = interpolatedMedian(a, b, t);
- return artifactClassifier.evaluate(t, xm, artifactClassifier.rangeTest(0, 1, t, am, bm, xm));
- }
- return false;
- }
- /// Checks if a bilinear interpolation artifact will occur at a point where two specific color channels are equal - such points have extreme median values.
- template <class ArtifactClassifier>
- static bool hasDiagonalArtifactInner(const ArtifactClassifier &artifactClassifier, float am, float dm, const float *a, const float *l, const float *q, float dA, float dBC, float dD, double tEx0, double tEx1) {
- // Find interpolation ratios t (0 < t[i] < 1) where two color channels are equal.
- double t[2];
- int solutions = solveQuadratic(t, dD-dBC+dA, dBC-dA-dA, dA);
- for (int i = 0; i < solutions; ++i) {
- // Solutions t[i] == 0 and t[i] == 1 are singularities and occur very often because two channels are usually equal at texels.
- if (t[i] > ARTIFACT_T_EPSILON && t[i] < 1-ARTIFACT_T_EPSILON) {
- // Interpolate median xm at t.
- float xm = interpolatedMedian(a, l, q, t[i]);
- // Determine if xm deviates too much from medians of a, d.
- int rangeFlags = artifactClassifier.rangeTest(0, 1, t[i], am, dm, xm);
- // Additionally, check xm against the interpolated medians at the local extremes tEx0, tEx1.
- double tEnd[2];
- float em[2];
- // tEx0
- if (tEx0 > 0 && tEx0 < 1) {
- tEnd[0] = 0, tEnd[1] = 1;
- em[0] = am, em[1] = dm;
- tEnd[tEx0 > t[i]] = tEx0;
- em[tEx0 > t[i]] = interpolatedMedian(a, l, q, tEx0);
- rangeFlags |= artifactClassifier.rangeTest(tEnd[0], tEnd[1], t[i], am, dm, xm);
- }
- // tEx1
- if (tEx1 > 0 && tEx1 < 1) {
- tEnd[0] = 0, tEnd[1] = 1;
- em[0] = am, em[1] = dm;
- tEnd[tEx1 > t[i]] = tEx1;
- em[tEx1 > t[i]] = interpolatedMedian(a, l, q, tEx1);
- rangeFlags |= artifactClassifier.rangeTest(tEnd[0], tEnd[1], t[i], am, dm, xm);
- }
- if (artifactClassifier.evaluate(t[i], xm, rangeFlags))
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /// Checks if a linear interpolation artifact will occur inbetween two horizontally or vertically adjacent texels a, b.
- template <class ArtifactClassifier>
- static bool hasLinearArtifact(const ArtifactClassifier &artifactClassifier, float am, const float *a, const float *b) {
- float bm = median(b[0], b[1], b[2]);
- return (
- // Out of the pair, only report artifacts for the texel further from the edge to minimize side effects.
- fabsf(am-.5f) >= fabsf(bm-.5f) && (
- // Check points where each pair of color channels meets.
- hasLinearArtifactInner(artifactClassifier, am, bm, a, b, a[1]-a[0], b[1]-b[0]) ||
- hasLinearArtifactInner(artifactClassifier, am, bm, a, b, a[2]-a[1], b[2]-b[1]) ||
- hasLinearArtifactInner(artifactClassifier, am, bm, a, b, a[0]-a[2], b[0]-b[2])
- )
- );
- }
- /// Checks if a bilinear interpolation artifact will occur inbetween two diagonally adjacent texels a, d (with b, c forming the other diagonal).
- template <class ArtifactClassifier>
- static bool hasDiagonalArtifact(const ArtifactClassifier &artifactClassifier, float am, const float *a, const float *b, const float *c, const float *d) {
- float dm = median(d[0], d[1], d[2]);
- // Out of the pair, only report artifacts for the texel further from the edge to minimize side effects.
- if (fabsf(am-.5f) >= fabsf(dm-.5f)) {
- float abc[3] = {
- a[0]-b[0]-c[0],
- a[1]-b[1]-c[1],
- a[2]-b[2]-c[2]
- };
- // Compute the linear terms for bilinear interpolation.
- float l[3] = {
- -a[0]-abc[0],
- -a[1]-abc[1],
- -a[2]-abc[2]
- };
- // Compute the quadratic terms for bilinear interpolation.
- float q[3] = {
- d[0]+abc[0],
- d[1]+abc[1],
- d[2]+abc[2]
- };
- // Compute interpolation ratios tEx (0 < tEx[i] < 1) for the local extremes of each color channel (the derivative 2*q[i]*tEx[i]+l[i] == 0).
- double tEx[3] = {
- -.5*l[0]/q[0],
- -.5*l[1]/q[1],
- -.5*l[2]/q[2]
- };
- // Check points where each pair of color channels meets.
- return (
- hasDiagonalArtifactInner(artifactClassifier, am, dm, a, l, q, a[1]-a[0], b[1]-b[0]+c[1]-c[0], d[1]-d[0], tEx[0], tEx[1]) ||
- hasDiagonalArtifactInner(artifactClassifier, am, dm, a, l, q, a[2]-a[1], b[2]-b[1]+c[2]-c[1], d[2]-d[1], tEx[1], tEx[2]) ||
- hasDiagonalArtifactInner(artifactClassifier, am, dm, a, l, q, a[0]-a[2], b[0]-b[2]+c[0]-c[2], d[0]-d[2], tEx[2], tEx[0])
- );
- }
- return false;
- }
- template <int N>
- void MSDFErrorCorrection::findErrors(const BitmapConstRef<float, N> &sdf) {
- // Compute the expected deltas between values of horizontally, vertically, and diagonally adjacent texels.
- double hSpan = minDeviationRatio*projection.unprojectVector(Vector2(invRange, 0)).length();
- double vSpan = minDeviationRatio*projection.unprojectVector(Vector2(0, invRange)).length();
- double dSpan = minDeviationRatio*projection.unprojectVector(Vector2(invRange)).length();
- // Inspect all texels.
- for (int y = 0; y < sdf.height; ++y) {
- for (int x = 0; x < sdf.width; ++x) {
- const float *c = sdf(x, y);
- float cm = median(c[0], c[1], c[2]);
- bool protectedFlag = (*stencil(x, y)&PROTECTED) != 0;
- const float *l = NULL, *b = NULL, *r = NULL, *t = NULL;
- // Mark current texel c with the error flag if an artifact occurs when it's interpolated with any of its 8 neighbors.
- *stencil(x, y) |= (byte) (ERROR*(
- (x > 0 && ((l = sdf(x-1, y)), hasLinearArtifact(BaseArtifactClassifier(hSpan, protectedFlag), cm, c, l))) ||
- (y > 0 && ((b = sdf(x, y-1)), hasLinearArtifact(BaseArtifactClassifier(vSpan, protectedFlag), cm, c, b))) ||
- (x < sdf.width-1 && ((r = sdf(x+1, y)), hasLinearArtifact(BaseArtifactClassifier(hSpan, protectedFlag), cm, c, r))) ||
- (y < sdf.height-1 && ((t = sdf(x, y+1)), hasLinearArtifact(BaseArtifactClassifier(vSpan, protectedFlag), cm, c, t))) ||
- (x > 0 && y > 0 && hasDiagonalArtifact(BaseArtifactClassifier(dSpan, protectedFlag), cm, c, l, b, sdf(x-1, y-1))) ||
- (x < sdf.width-1 && y > 0 && hasDiagonalArtifact(BaseArtifactClassifier(dSpan, protectedFlag), cm, c, r, b, sdf(x+1, y-1))) ||
- (x > 0 && y < sdf.height-1 && hasDiagonalArtifact(BaseArtifactClassifier(dSpan, protectedFlag), cm, c, l, t, sdf(x-1, y+1))) ||
- (x < sdf.width-1 && y < sdf.height-1 && hasDiagonalArtifact(BaseArtifactClassifier(dSpan, protectedFlag), cm, c, r, t, sdf(x+1, y+1)))
- ));
- }
- }
- }
- template <template <typename> class ContourCombiner, int N>
- void MSDFErrorCorrection::findErrors(const BitmapConstRef<float, N> &sdf, const Shape &shape) {
- // Compute the expected deltas between values of horizontally, vertically, and diagonally adjacent texels.
- double hSpan = minDeviationRatio*projection.unprojectVector(Vector2(invRange, 0)).length();
- double vSpan = minDeviationRatio*projection.unprojectVector(Vector2(0, invRange)).length();
- double dSpan = minDeviationRatio*projection.unprojectVector(Vector2(invRange)).length();
- #pragma omp parallel
- #endif
- {
- ShapeDistanceChecker<ContourCombiner, N> shapeDistanceChecker(sdf, shape, projection, invRange, minImproveRatio);
- bool rightToLeft = false;
- // Inspect all texels.
- #pragma omp for
- #endif
- for (int y = 0; y < sdf.height; ++y) {
- int row = shape.inverseYAxis ? sdf.height-y-1 : y;
- for (int col = 0; col < sdf.width; ++col) {
- int x = rightToLeft ? sdf.width-col-1 : col;
- if ((*stencil(x, row)&ERROR))
- continue;
- const float *c = sdf(x, row);
- shapeDistanceChecker.shapeCoord = projection.unproject(Point2(x+.5, y+.5));
- shapeDistanceChecker.sdfCoord = Point2(x+.5, row+.5);
- shapeDistanceChecker.msd = c;
- shapeDistanceChecker.protectedFlag = (*stencil(x, row)&PROTECTED) != 0;
- float cm = median(c[0], c[1], c[2]);
- const float *l = NULL, *b = NULL, *r = NULL, *t = NULL;
- // Mark current texel c with the error flag if an artifact occurs when it's interpolated with any of its 8 neighbors.
- *stencil(x, row) |= (byte) (ERROR*(
- (x > 0 && ((l = sdf(x-1, row)), hasLinearArtifact(shapeDistanceChecker.classifier(Vector2(-1, 0), hSpan), cm, c, l))) ||
- (row > 0 && ((b = sdf(x, row-1)), hasLinearArtifact(shapeDistanceChecker.classifier(Vector2(0, -1), vSpan), cm, c, b))) ||
- (x < sdf.width-1 && ((r = sdf(x+1, row)), hasLinearArtifact(shapeDistanceChecker.classifier(Vector2(+1, 0), hSpan), cm, c, r))) ||
- (row < sdf.height-1 && ((t = sdf(x, row+1)), hasLinearArtifact(shapeDistanceChecker.classifier(Vector2(0, +1), vSpan), cm, c, t))) ||
- (x > 0 && row > 0 && hasDiagonalArtifact(shapeDistanceChecker.classifier(Vector2(-1, -1), dSpan), cm, c, l, b, sdf(x-1, row-1))) ||
- (x < sdf.width-1 && row > 0 && hasDiagonalArtifact(shapeDistanceChecker.classifier(Vector2(+1, -1), dSpan), cm, c, r, b, sdf(x+1, row-1))) ||
- (x > 0 && row < sdf.height-1 && hasDiagonalArtifact(shapeDistanceChecker.classifier(Vector2(-1, +1), dSpan), cm, c, l, t, sdf(x-1, row+1))) ||
- (x < sdf.width-1 && row < sdf.height-1 && hasDiagonalArtifact(shapeDistanceChecker.classifier(Vector2(+1, +1), dSpan), cm, c, r, t, sdf(x+1, row+1)))
- ));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- template <int N>
- void MSDFErrorCorrection::apply(const BitmapRef<float, N> &sdf) const {
- int texelCount = sdf.width*sdf.height;
- const byte *mask = stencil.pixels;
- float *texel = sdf.pixels;
- for (int i = 0; i < texelCount; ++i) {
- if (*mask&ERROR) {
- // Set all color channels to the median.
- float m = median(texel[0], texel[1], texel[2]);
- texel[0] = m, texel[1] = m, texel[2] = m;
- }
- ++mask;
- texel += N;
- }
- }
- BitmapConstRef<byte, 1> MSDFErrorCorrection::getStencil() const {
- return stencil;
- }
- template void MSDFErrorCorrection::protectEdges(const BitmapConstRef<float, 3> &sdf);
- template void MSDFErrorCorrection::protectEdges(const BitmapConstRef<float, 4> &sdf);
- template void MSDFErrorCorrection::findErrors(const BitmapConstRef<float, 3> &sdf);
- template void MSDFErrorCorrection::findErrors(const BitmapConstRef<float, 4> &sdf);
- template void MSDFErrorCorrection::findErrors<SimpleContourCombiner>(const BitmapConstRef<float, 3> &sdf, const Shape &shape);
- template void MSDFErrorCorrection::findErrors<SimpleContourCombiner>(const BitmapConstRef<float, 4> &sdf, const Shape &shape);
- template void MSDFErrorCorrection::findErrors<OverlappingContourCombiner>(const BitmapConstRef<float, 3> &sdf, const Shape &shape);
- template void MSDFErrorCorrection::findErrors<OverlappingContourCombiner>(const BitmapConstRef<float, 4> &sdf, const Shape &shape);
- template void MSDFErrorCorrection::apply(const BitmapRef<float, 3> &sdf) const;
- template void MSDFErrorCorrection::apply(const BitmapRef<float, 4> &sdf) const;
- }