gdscript_editor.cpp 155 KB

  1. /**************************************************************************/
  2. /* gdscript_editor.cpp */
  3. /**************************************************************************/
  4. /* This file is part of: */
  5. /* GODOT ENGINE */
  6. /* */
  7. /**************************************************************************/
  8. /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see */
  9. /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
  10. /* */
  11. /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
  12. /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
  13. /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
  14. /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
  15. /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
  16. /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
  17. /* the following conditions: */
  18. /* */
  19. /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
  20. /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
  21. /* */
  29. /**************************************************************************/
  30. #include "gdscript.h"
  31. #include "gdscript_analyzer.h"
  32. #include "gdscript_parser.h"
  33. #include "gdscript_tokenizer.h"
  34. #include "gdscript_utility_functions.h"
  35. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  36. #include "editor/gdscript_docgen.h"
  37. #include "editor/script_templates/templates.gen.h"
  38. #endif
  39. #include "core/config/engine.h"
  40. #include "core/core_constants.h"
  41. #include "core/io/file_access.h"
  42. #include "core/math/expression.h"
  43. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  44. #include "core/config/project_settings.h"
  45. #include "editor/editor_file_system.h"
  46. #include "editor/editor_settings.h"
  47. #endif
  48. void GDScriptLanguage::get_comment_delimiters(List<String> *p_delimiters) const {
  49. p_delimiters->push_back("#");
  50. }
  51. void GDScriptLanguage::get_doc_comment_delimiters(List<String> *p_delimiters) const {
  52. p_delimiters->push_back("##");
  53. }
  54. void GDScriptLanguage::get_string_delimiters(List<String> *p_delimiters) const {
  55. p_delimiters->push_back("\" \"");
  56. p_delimiters->push_back("' '");
  57. p_delimiters->push_back("\"\"\" \"\"\"");
  58. p_delimiters->push_back("''' '''");
  59. // NOTE: StringName, NodePath and r-strings are not listed here.
  60. }
  61. bool GDScriptLanguage::is_using_templates() {
  62. return true;
  63. }
  64. Ref<Script> GDScriptLanguage::make_template(const String &p_template, const String &p_class_name, const String &p_base_class_name) const {
  65. Ref<GDScript> scr;
  66. scr.instantiate();
  67. String processed_template = p_template;
  68. bool type_hints = false;
  69. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  70. type_hints = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/completion/add_type_hints");
  71. #endif
  72. if (!type_hints) {
  73. processed_template = processed_template.replace(": int", "")
  74. .replace(": Shader.Mode", "")
  75. .replace(": VisualShader.Type", "")
  76. .replace(": float", "")
  77. .replace(": String", "")
  78. .replace(": Array[String]", "")
  79. .replace(": Node", "")
  80. .replace(": CharFXTransform", "")
  81. .replace(":=", "=")
  82. .replace(" -> void", "")
  83. .replace(" -> bool", "")
  84. .replace(" -> int", "")
  85. .replace(" -> PortType", "")
  86. .replace(" -> String", "")
  87. .replace(" -> Object", "");
  88. }
  89. processed_template = processed_template.replace("_BASE_", p_base_class_name)
  90. .replace("_CLASS_SNAKE_CASE_", p_class_name.to_snake_case().validate_unicode_identifier())
  91. .replace("_CLASS_", p_class_name.to_pascal_case().validate_unicode_identifier())
  92. .replace("_TS_", _get_indentation());
  93. scr->set_source_code(processed_template);
  94. return scr;
  95. }
  96. Vector<ScriptLanguage::ScriptTemplate> GDScriptLanguage::get_built_in_templates(const StringName &p_object) {
  97. Vector<ScriptLanguage::ScriptTemplate> templates;
  98. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  99. for (int i = 0; i < TEMPLATES_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
  100. if (TEMPLATES[i].inherit == p_object) {
  101. templates.append(TEMPLATES[i]);
  102. }
  103. }
  104. #endif
  105. return templates;
  106. }
  107. static void get_function_names_recursively(const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *p_class, const String &p_prefix, HashMap<int, String> &r_funcs) {
  108. for (int i = 0; i < p_class->members.size(); i++) {
  109. if (p_class->members[i].type == GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::FUNCTION) {
  110. const GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *function = p_class->members[i].function;
  111. r_funcs[function->start_line] = p_prefix.is_empty() ? String(function->identifier->name) : p_prefix + "." + String(function->identifier->name);
  112. } else if (p_class->members[i].type == GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CLASS) {
  113. String new_prefix = p_class->members[i].m_class->identifier->name;
  114. get_function_names_recursively(p_class->members[i].m_class, p_prefix.is_empty() ? new_prefix : p_prefix + "." + new_prefix, r_funcs);
  115. }
  116. }
  117. }
  118. bool GDScriptLanguage::validate(const String &p_script, const String &p_path, List<String> *r_functions, List<ScriptLanguage::ScriptError> *r_errors, List<ScriptLanguage::Warning> *r_warnings, HashSet<int> *r_safe_lines) const {
  119. GDScriptParser parser;
  120. GDScriptAnalyzer analyzer(&parser);
  121. Error err = parser.parse(p_script, p_path, false);
  122. if (err == OK) {
  123. err = analyzer.analyze();
  124. }
  125. #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED
  126. if (r_warnings) {
  127. for (const GDScriptWarning &E : parser.get_warnings()) {
  128. const GDScriptWarning &warn = E;
  129. ScriptLanguage::Warning w;
  130. w.start_line = warn.start_line;
  131. w.end_line = warn.end_line;
  132. w.leftmost_column = warn.leftmost_column;
  133. w.rightmost_column = warn.rightmost_column;
  134. w.code = (int)warn.code;
  135. w.string_code = GDScriptWarning::get_name_from_code(warn.code);
  136. w.message = warn.get_message();
  137. r_warnings->push_back(w);
  138. }
  139. }
  140. #endif
  141. if (err) {
  142. if (r_errors) {
  143. for (const GDScriptParser::ParserError &pe : parser.get_errors()) {
  144. ScriptLanguage::ScriptError e;
  145. e.path = p_path;
  146. e.line = pe.line;
  147. e.column = pe.column;
  148. e.message = pe.message;
  149. r_errors->push_back(e);
  150. }
  151. for (KeyValue<String, Ref<GDScriptParserRef>> E : parser.get_depended_parsers()) {
  152. GDScriptParser *depended_parser = E.value->get_parser();
  153. for (const GDScriptParser::ParserError &pe : depended_parser->get_errors()) {
  154. ScriptLanguage::ScriptError e;
  155. e.path = E.key;
  156. e.line = pe.line;
  157. e.column = pe.column;
  158. e.message = pe.message;
  159. r_errors->push_back(e);
  160. }
  161. }
  162. }
  163. return false;
  164. } else {
  165. const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *cl = parser.get_tree();
  166. HashMap<int, String> funcs;
  167. get_function_names_recursively(cl, "", funcs);
  168. for (const KeyValue<int, String> &E : funcs) {
  169. r_functions->push_back(E.value + ":" + itos(E.key));
  170. }
  171. }
  172. #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED
  173. if (r_safe_lines) {
  174. const HashSet<int> &unsafe_lines = parser.get_unsafe_lines();
  175. for (int i = 1; i <= parser.get_last_line_number(); i++) {
  176. if (!unsafe_lines.has(i)) {
  177. r_safe_lines->insert(i);
  178. }
  179. }
  180. }
  181. #endif
  182. return true;
  183. }
  184. bool GDScriptLanguage::supports_builtin_mode() const {
  185. return true;
  186. }
  187. bool GDScriptLanguage::supports_documentation() const {
  188. return true;
  189. }
  190. int GDScriptLanguage::find_function(const String &p_function, const String &p_code) const {
  191. GDScriptTokenizerText tokenizer;
  192. tokenizer.set_source_code(p_code);
  193. int indent = 0;
  194. GDScriptTokenizer::Token current = tokenizer.scan();
  195. while (current.type != GDScriptTokenizer::Token::TK_EOF && current.type != GDScriptTokenizer::Token::ERROR) {
  196. if (current.type == GDScriptTokenizer::Token::INDENT) {
  197. indent++;
  198. } else if (current.type == GDScriptTokenizer::Token::DEDENT) {
  199. indent--;
  200. }
  201. if (indent == 0 && current.type == GDScriptTokenizer::Token::FUNC) {
  202. current = tokenizer.scan();
  203. if (current.is_identifier()) {
  204. String identifier = current.get_identifier();
  205. if (identifier == p_function) {
  206. return current.start_line;
  207. }
  208. }
  209. }
  210. current = tokenizer.scan();
  211. }
  212. return -1;
  213. }
  214. Script *GDScriptLanguage::create_script() const {
  215. return memnew(GDScript);
  216. }
  218. thread_local int GDScriptLanguage::_debug_parse_err_line = -1;
  219. thread_local String GDScriptLanguage::_debug_parse_err_file;
  220. thread_local String GDScriptLanguage::_debug_error;
  221. bool GDScriptLanguage::debug_break_parse(const String &p_file, int p_line, const String &p_error) {
  222. // break because of parse error
  223. if (EngineDebugger::is_active() && Thread::get_caller_id() == Thread::get_main_id()) {
  224. _debug_parse_err_line = p_line;
  225. _debug_parse_err_file = p_file;
  226. _debug_error = p_error;
  227. EngineDebugger::get_script_debugger()->debug(this, false, true);
  228. // Because this is thread local, clear the memory afterwards.
  229. _debug_parse_err_file = String();
  230. _debug_error = String();
  231. return true;
  232. } else {
  233. return false;
  234. }
  235. }
  236. bool GDScriptLanguage::debug_break(const String &p_error, bool p_allow_continue) {
  237. if (EngineDebugger::is_active()) {
  238. _debug_parse_err_line = -1;
  239. _debug_parse_err_file = "";
  240. _debug_error = p_error;
  241. bool is_error_breakpoint = p_error != "Breakpoint";
  242. EngineDebugger::get_script_debugger()->debug(this, p_allow_continue, is_error_breakpoint);
  243. // Because this is thread local, clear the memory afterwards.
  244. _debug_parse_err_file = String();
  245. _debug_error = String();
  246. return true;
  247. } else {
  248. return false;
  249. }
  250. }
  251. String GDScriptLanguage::debug_get_error() const {
  252. return _debug_error;
  253. }
  254. int GDScriptLanguage::debug_get_stack_level_count() const {
  255. if (_debug_parse_err_line >= 0) {
  256. return 1;
  257. }
  258. return _call_stack.stack_pos;
  259. }
  260. int GDScriptLanguage::debug_get_stack_level_line(int p_level) const {
  261. if (_debug_parse_err_line >= 0) {
  262. return _debug_parse_err_line;
  263. }
  264. ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_level, _call_stack.stack_pos, -1);
  265. int l = _call_stack.stack_pos - p_level - 1;
  266. return *(_call_stack.levels[l].line);
  267. }
  268. String GDScriptLanguage::debug_get_stack_level_function(int p_level) const {
  269. if (_debug_parse_err_line >= 0) {
  270. return "";
  271. }
  272. ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_level, _call_stack.stack_pos, "");
  273. int l = _call_stack.stack_pos - p_level - 1;
  274. return _call_stack.levels[l].function->get_name();
  275. }
  276. String GDScriptLanguage::debug_get_stack_level_source(int p_level) const {
  277. if (_debug_parse_err_line >= 0) {
  278. return _debug_parse_err_file;
  279. }
  280. ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_level, _call_stack.stack_pos, "");
  281. int l = _call_stack.stack_pos - p_level - 1;
  282. return _call_stack.levels[l].function->get_source();
  283. }
  284. void GDScriptLanguage::debug_get_stack_level_locals(int p_level, List<String> *p_locals, List<Variant> *p_values, int p_max_subitems, int p_max_depth) {
  285. if (_debug_parse_err_line >= 0) {
  286. return;
  287. }
  288. ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_level, _call_stack.stack_pos);
  289. int l = _call_stack.stack_pos - p_level - 1;
  290. GDScriptFunction *f = _call_stack.levels[l].function;
  291. List<Pair<StringName, int>> locals;
  292. f->debug_get_stack_member_state(*_call_stack.levels[l].line, &locals);
  293. for (const Pair<StringName, int> &E : locals) {
  294. p_locals->push_back(E.first);
  295. p_values->push_back(_call_stack.levels[l].stack[E.second]);
  296. }
  297. }
  298. void GDScriptLanguage::debug_get_stack_level_members(int p_level, List<String> *p_members, List<Variant> *p_values, int p_max_subitems, int p_max_depth) {
  299. if (_debug_parse_err_line >= 0) {
  300. return;
  301. }
  302. ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_level, _call_stack.stack_pos);
  303. int l = _call_stack.stack_pos - p_level - 1;
  304. GDScriptInstance *instance = _call_stack.levels[l].instance;
  305. if (!instance) {
  306. return;
  307. }
  308. Ref<GDScript> scr = instance->get_script();
  309. ERR_FAIL_COND(scr.is_null());
  310. const HashMap<StringName, GDScript::MemberInfo> &mi = scr->debug_get_member_indices();
  311. for (const KeyValue<StringName, GDScript::MemberInfo> &E : mi) {
  312. p_members->push_back(E.key);
  313. p_values->push_back(instance->debug_get_member_by_index(E.value.index));
  314. }
  315. }
  316. ScriptInstance *GDScriptLanguage::debug_get_stack_level_instance(int p_level) {
  317. if (_debug_parse_err_line >= 0) {
  318. return nullptr;
  319. }
  320. ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_level, _call_stack.stack_pos, nullptr);
  321. int l = _call_stack.stack_pos - p_level - 1;
  322. ScriptInstance *instance = _call_stack.levels[l].instance;
  323. return instance;
  324. }
  325. void GDScriptLanguage::debug_get_globals(List<String> *p_globals, List<Variant> *p_values, int p_max_subitems, int p_max_depth) {
  326. const HashMap<StringName, int> &name_idx = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map();
  327. const Variant *gl_array = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_array();
  328. List<Pair<String, Variant>> cinfo;
  329. get_public_constants(&cinfo);
  330. for (const KeyValue<StringName, int> &E : name_idx) {
  331. if (ClassDB::class_exists(E.key) || Engine::get_singleton()->has_singleton(E.key)) {
  332. continue;
  333. }
  334. bool is_script_constant = false;
  335. for (List<Pair<String, Variant>>::Element *CE = cinfo.front(); CE; CE = CE->next()) {
  336. if (CE->get().first == E.key) {
  337. is_script_constant = true;
  338. break;
  339. }
  340. }
  341. if (is_script_constant) {
  342. continue;
  343. }
  344. const Variant &var = gl_array[E.value];
  345. bool freed = false;
  346. const Object *obj = var.get_validated_object_with_check(freed);
  347. if (obj && !freed) {
  348. if (Object::cast_to<GDScriptNativeClass>(obj)) {
  349. continue;
  350. }
  351. }
  352. bool skip = false;
  353. for (int i = 0; i < CoreConstants::get_global_constant_count(); i++) {
  354. if (E.key == CoreConstants::get_global_constant_name(i)) {
  355. skip = true;
  356. break;
  357. }
  358. }
  359. if (skip) {
  360. continue;
  361. }
  362. p_globals->push_back(E.key);
  363. p_values->push_back(var);
  364. }
  365. }
  366. String GDScriptLanguage::debug_parse_stack_level_expression(int p_level, const String &p_expression, int p_max_subitems, int p_max_depth) {
  367. List<String> names;
  368. List<Variant> values;
  369. debug_get_stack_level_locals(p_level, &names, &values, p_max_subitems, p_max_depth);
  370. Vector<String> name_vector;
  371. for (const String &name : names) {
  372. name_vector.push_back(name);
  373. }
  374. Array value_array;
  375. for (const Variant &value : values) {
  376. value_array.push_back(value);
  377. }
  378. Expression expression;
  379. if (expression.parse(p_expression, name_vector) == OK) {
  380. ScriptInstance *instance = debug_get_stack_level_instance(p_level);
  381. if (instance) {
  382. Variant return_val = expression.execute(value_array, instance->get_owner());
  383. return return_val.get_construct_string();
  384. }
  385. }
  386. return String();
  387. }
  388. void GDScriptLanguage::get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const {
  389. p_extensions->push_back("gd");
  390. }
  391. void GDScriptLanguage::get_public_functions(List<MethodInfo> *p_functions) const {
  392. List<StringName> functions;
  393. GDScriptUtilityFunctions::get_function_list(&functions);
  394. for (const StringName &E : functions) {
  395. p_functions->push_back(GDScriptUtilityFunctions::get_function_info(E));
  396. }
  397. // Not really "functions", but show in documentation.
  398. {
  399. MethodInfo mi;
  400. = "preload";
  401. mi.arguments.push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "path"));
  402. mi.return_val = PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Resource");
  403. p_functions->push_back(mi);
  404. }
  405. {
  406. MethodInfo mi;
  407. = "assert";
  408. mi.return_val.type = Variant::NIL;
  409. mi.arguments.push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "condition"));
  410. mi.arguments.push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "message"));
  411. mi.default_arguments.push_back(String());
  412. p_functions->push_back(mi);
  413. }
  414. }
  415. void GDScriptLanguage::get_public_constants(List<Pair<String, Variant>> *p_constants) const {
  416. Pair<String, Variant> pi;
  417. pi.first = "PI";
  418. pi.second = Math_PI;
  419. p_constants->push_back(pi);
  420. Pair<String, Variant> tau;
  421. tau.first = "TAU";
  422. tau.second = Math_TAU;
  423. p_constants->push_back(tau);
  424. Pair<String, Variant> infinity;
  425. infinity.first = "INF";
  426. infinity.second = INFINITY;
  427. p_constants->push_back(infinity);
  428. Pair<String, Variant> nan;
  429. nan.first = "NAN";
  430. nan.second = NAN;
  431. p_constants->push_back(nan);
  432. }
  433. void GDScriptLanguage::get_public_annotations(List<MethodInfo> *p_annotations) const {
  434. GDScriptParser parser;
  435. List<MethodInfo> annotations;
  436. parser.get_annotation_list(&annotations);
  437. for (const MethodInfo &E : annotations) {
  438. p_annotations->push_back(E);
  439. }
  440. }
  441. String GDScriptLanguage::make_function(const String &p_class, const String &p_name, const PackedStringArray &p_args) const {
  442. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  443. bool th = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_setting("text_editor/completion/add_type_hints");
  444. #else
  445. bool th = false;
  446. #endif
  447. String s = "func " + p_name + "(";
  448. if (p_args.size()) {
  449. for (int i = 0; i < p_args.size(); i++) {
  450. if (i > 0) {
  451. s += ", ";
  452. }
  453. s += p_args[i].get_slice(":", 0);
  454. if (th) {
  455. String type = p_args[i].get_slice(":", 1);
  456. if (!type.is_empty()) {
  457. s += ": " + type;
  458. }
  459. }
  460. }
  461. }
  462. s += String(")") + (th ? " -> void" : "") + ":\n" + _get_indentation() + "pass # Replace with function body.\n";
  463. return s;
  464. }
  465. //////// COMPLETION //////////
  466. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  468. struct GDScriptCompletionIdentifier {
  469. GDScriptParser::DataType type;
  470. String enumeration;
  471. Variant value;
  472. const GDScriptParser::ExpressionNode *assigned_expression = nullptr;
  473. };
  475. // These methods are used to populate the `CodeCompletionOption::location` integer.
  476. // For these methods, the location is based on the depth in the inheritance chain that the property
  477. // appears. For example, if you are completing code in a class that inherits Node2D, a property found on Node2D
  478. // will have a "better" (lower) location "score" than a property that is found on CanvasItem.
  479. static int _get_property_location(const StringName &p_class, const StringName &p_property) {
  480. if (!ClassDB::has_property(p_class, p_property)) {
  481. return ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_OTHER;
  482. }
  483. int depth = 0;
  484. StringName class_test = p_class;
  485. while (class_test && !ClassDB::has_property(class_test, p_property, true)) {
  486. class_test = ClassDB::get_parent_class(class_test);
  487. depth++;
  488. }
  489. return depth | ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_PARENT_MASK;
  490. }
  491. static int _get_property_location(Ref<Script> p_script, const StringName &p_property) {
  492. int depth = 0;
  493. Ref<Script> scr = p_script;
  494. while (scr.is_valid()) {
  495. if (scr->get_member_line(p_property) != -1) {
  496. return depth | ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_PARENT_MASK;
  497. }
  498. depth++;
  499. scr = scr->get_base_script();
  500. }
  501. return depth + _get_property_location(p_script->get_instance_base_type(), p_property);
  502. }
  503. static int _get_constant_location(const StringName &p_class, const StringName &p_constant) {
  504. if (!ClassDB::has_integer_constant(p_class, p_constant)) {
  505. return ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_OTHER;
  506. }
  507. int depth = 0;
  508. StringName class_test = p_class;
  509. while (class_test && !ClassDB::has_integer_constant(class_test, p_constant, true)) {
  510. class_test = ClassDB::get_parent_class(class_test);
  511. depth++;
  512. }
  513. return depth | ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_PARENT_MASK;
  514. }
  515. static int _get_constant_location(Ref<Script> p_script, const StringName &p_constant) {
  516. int depth = 0;
  517. Ref<Script> scr = p_script;
  518. while (scr.is_valid()) {
  519. if (scr->get_member_line(p_constant) != -1) {
  520. return depth | ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_PARENT_MASK;
  521. }
  522. depth++;
  523. scr = scr->get_base_script();
  524. }
  525. return depth + _get_constant_location(p_script->get_instance_base_type(), p_constant);
  526. }
  527. static int _get_signal_location(const StringName &p_class, const StringName &p_signal) {
  528. if (!ClassDB::has_signal(p_class, p_signal)) {
  529. return ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_OTHER;
  530. }
  531. int depth = 0;
  532. StringName class_test = p_class;
  533. while (class_test && !ClassDB::has_signal(class_test, p_signal, true)) {
  534. class_test = ClassDB::get_parent_class(class_test);
  535. depth++;
  536. }
  537. return depth | ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_PARENT_MASK;
  538. }
  539. static int _get_signal_location(Ref<Script> p_script, const StringName &p_signal) {
  540. int depth = 0;
  541. Ref<Script> scr = p_script;
  542. while (scr.is_valid()) {
  543. if (scr->get_member_line(p_signal) != -1) {
  544. return depth | ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_PARENT_MASK;
  545. }
  546. depth++;
  547. scr = scr->get_base_script();
  548. }
  549. return depth + _get_signal_location(p_script->get_instance_base_type(), p_signal);
  550. }
  551. static int _get_method_location(const StringName &p_class, const StringName &p_method) {
  552. if (!ClassDB::has_method(p_class, p_method)) {
  553. return ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_OTHER;
  554. }
  555. int depth = 0;
  556. StringName class_test = p_class;
  557. while (class_test && !ClassDB::has_method(class_test, p_method, true)) {
  558. class_test = ClassDB::get_parent_class(class_test);
  559. depth++;
  560. }
  561. return depth | ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_PARENT_MASK;
  562. }
  563. static int _get_enum_constant_location(const StringName &p_class, const StringName &p_enum_constant) {
  564. if (!ClassDB::get_integer_constant_enum(p_class, p_enum_constant)) {
  565. return ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_OTHER;
  566. }
  567. int depth = 0;
  568. StringName class_test = p_class;
  569. while (class_test && !ClassDB::get_integer_constant_enum(class_test, p_enum_constant, true)) {
  570. class_test = ClassDB::get_parent_class(class_test);
  571. depth++;
  572. }
  573. return depth | ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_PARENT_MASK;
  574. }
  575. static int _get_enum_location(const StringName &p_class, const StringName &p_enum) {
  576. if (!ClassDB::has_enum(p_class, p_enum)) {
  577. return ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_OTHER;
  578. }
  579. int depth = 0;
  580. StringName class_test = p_class;
  581. while (class_test && !ClassDB::has_enum(class_test, p_enum, true)) {
  582. class_test = ClassDB::get_parent_class(class_test);
  583. depth++;
  584. }
  585. return depth | ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_PARENT_MASK;
  586. }
  588. static String _trim_parent_class(const String &p_class, const String &p_base_class) {
  589. if (p_base_class.is_empty()) {
  590. return p_class;
  591. }
  592. Vector<String> names = p_class.split(".", false, 1);
  593. if (names.size() == 2) {
  594. const String &first = names[0];
  595. if (ClassDB::class_exists(p_base_class) && ClassDB::class_exists(first) && ClassDB::is_parent_class(p_base_class, first)) {
  596. const String &rest = names[1];
  597. return rest;
  598. }
  599. }
  600. return p_class;
  601. }
  602. static String _get_visual_datatype(const PropertyInfo &p_info, bool p_is_arg, const String &p_base_class = "") {
  603. String class_name = p_info.class_name;
  604. bool is_enum = p_info.type == Variant::INT && p_info.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_CLASS_IS_ENUM;
  605. // PROPERTY_USAGE_CLASS_IS_BITFIELD: BitField[T] isn't supported (yet?), use plain int.
  606. if ((p_info.type == Variant::OBJECT || is_enum) && !class_name.is_empty()) {
  607. if (is_enum && CoreConstants::is_global_enum(p_info.class_name)) {
  608. return class_name;
  609. }
  610. return _trim_parent_class(class_name, p_base_class);
  611. } else if (p_info.type == Variant::ARRAY && p_info.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_ARRAY_TYPE && !p_info.hint_string.is_empty()) {
  612. return "Array[" + _trim_parent_class(p_info.hint_string, p_base_class) + "]";
  613. } else if (p_info.type == Variant::DICTIONARY && p_info.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_DICTIONARY_TYPE && !p_info.hint_string.is_empty()) {
  614. const String key = p_info.hint_string.get_slice(";", 0);
  615. const String value = p_info.hint_string.get_slice(";", 1);
  616. return "Dictionary[" + _trim_parent_class(key, p_base_class) + ", " + _trim_parent_class(value, p_base_class) + "]";
  617. } else if (p_info.type == Variant::NIL) {
  618. if (p_is_arg || (p_info.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT)) {
  619. return "Variant";
  620. } else {
  621. return "void";
  622. }
  623. }
  624. return Variant::get_type_name(p_info.type);
  625. }
  626. static String _make_arguments_hint(const MethodInfo &p_info, int p_arg_idx, bool p_is_annotation = false) {
  627. String arghint;
  628. if (!p_is_annotation) {
  629. arghint += _get_visual_datatype(p_info.return_val, false) + " ";
  630. }
  631. arghint += + "(";
  632. int def_args = p_info.arguments.size() - p_info.default_arguments.size();
  633. int i = 0;
  634. for (const PropertyInfo &E : p_info.arguments) {
  635. if (i > 0) {
  636. arghint += ", ";
  637. }
  638. if (i == p_arg_idx) {
  639. arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
  640. }
  641. arghint += + ": " + _get_visual_datatype(E, true);
  642. if (i - def_args >= 0) {
  643. arghint += String(" = ") + p_info.default_arguments[i - def_args].get_construct_string();
  644. }
  645. if (i == p_arg_idx) {
  646. arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
  647. }
  648. i++;
  649. }
  650. if (p_info.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VARARG) {
  651. if (p_info.arguments.size() > 0) {
  652. arghint += ", ";
  653. }
  654. if (p_arg_idx >= p_info.arguments.size()) {
  655. arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
  656. }
  657. arghint += "...";
  658. if (p_arg_idx >= p_info.arguments.size()) {
  659. arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
  660. }
  661. }
  662. arghint += ")";
  663. return arghint;
  664. }
  665. static String _make_arguments_hint(const GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *p_function, int p_arg_idx, bool p_just_args = false) {
  666. String arghint;
  667. if (p_just_args) {
  668. arghint = "(";
  669. } else {
  670. if (p_function->get_datatype().builtin_type == Variant::NIL) {
  671. arghint = "void " + p_function->identifier->name.operator String() + "(";
  672. } else {
  673. arghint = p_function->get_datatype().to_string() + " " + p_function->identifier->name.operator String() + "(";
  674. }
  675. }
  676. for (int i = 0; i < p_function->parameters.size(); i++) {
  677. if (i > 0) {
  678. arghint += ", ";
  679. }
  680. if (i == p_arg_idx) {
  681. arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
  682. }
  683. const GDScriptParser::ParameterNode *par = p_function->parameters[i];
  684. if (!par->get_datatype().is_hard_type()) {
  685. arghint += par->identifier->name.operator String() + ": Variant";
  686. } else {
  687. arghint += par->identifier->name.operator String() + ": " + par->get_datatype().to_string();
  688. }
  689. if (par->initializer) {
  690. String def_val = "<unknown>";
  691. switch (par->initializer->type) {
  692. case GDScriptParser::Node::LITERAL: {
  693. const GDScriptParser::LiteralNode *literal = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::LiteralNode *>(par->initializer);
  694. def_val = literal->value.get_construct_string();
  695. } break;
  696. case GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER: {
  697. const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(par->initializer);
  698. def_val = id->name.operator String();
  699. } break;
  700. case GDScriptParser::Node::CALL: {
  701. const GDScriptParser::CallNode *call = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::CallNode *>(par->initializer);
  702. if (call->is_constant && call->reduced) {
  703. def_val = call->reduced_value.get_construct_string();
  704. } else {
  705. def_val = call->function_name.operator String() + (call->arguments.is_empty() ? "()" : "(...)");
  706. }
  707. } break;
  708. case GDScriptParser::Node::ARRAY: {
  709. const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *arr = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *>(par->initializer);
  710. if (arr->is_constant && arr->reduced) {
  711. def_val = arr->reduced_value.get_construct_string();
  712. } else {
  713. def_val = arr->elements.is_empty() ? "[]" : "[...]";
  714. }
  715. } break;
  716. case GDScriptParser::Node::DICTIONARY: {
  717. const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *dict = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *>(par->initializer);
  718. if (dict->is_constant && dict->reduced) {
  719. def_val = dict->reduced_value.get_construct_string();
  720. } else {
  721. def_val = dict->elements.is_empty() ? "{}" : "{...}";
  722. }
  723. } break;
  724. case GDScriptParser::Node::SUBSCRIPT: {
  725. const GDScriptParser::SubscriptNode *sub = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::SubscriptNode *>(par->initializer);
  726. if (sub->is_attribute && sub->datatype.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::ENUM && !sub->datatype.is_meta_type) {
  727. def_val = sub->get_datatype().to_string() + "." + sub->attribute->name;
  728. } else if (sub->is_constant && sub->reduced) {
  729. def_val = sub->reduced_value.get_construct_string();
  730. }
  731. } break;
  732. default:
  733. break;
  734. }
  735. arghint += " = " + def_val;
  736. }
  737. if (i == p_arg_idx) {
  738. arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
  739. }
  740. }
  741. arghint += ")";
  742. return arghint;
  743. }
  744. static void _get_directory_contents(EditorFileSystemDirectory *p_dir, HashMap<String, ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> &r_list, const StringName &p_required_type = StringName()) {
  745. const String quote_style = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/completion/use_single_quotes") ? "'" : "\"";
  746. const bool requires_type = p_required_type;
  747. for (int i = 0; i < p_dir->get_file_count(); i++) {
  748. if (requires_type && !ClassDB::is_parent_class(p_dir->get_file_type(i), p_required_type)) {
  749. continue;
  750. }
  751. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(p_dir->get_file_path(i), ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_FILE_PATH);
  752. option.insert_text = option.display.quote(quote_style);
  753. r_list.insert(option.display, option);
  754. }
  755. for (int i = 0; i < p_dir->get_subdir_count(); i++) {
  756. _get_directory_contents(p_dir->get_subdir(i), r_list, p_required_type);
  757. }
  758. }
  759. static void _find_annotation_arguments(const GDScriptParser::AnnotationNode *p_annotation, int p_argument, const String p_quote_style, HashMap<String, ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> &r_result, String &r_arghint) {
  760. r_arghint = _make_arguments_hint(p_annotation->info->info, p_argument, true);
  761. if (p_annotation->name == SNAME("@export_range")) {
  762. if (p_argument == 3 || p_argument == 4 || p_argument == 5) {
  763. // Slider hint.
  764. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption slider1("or_greater", ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_PLAIN_TEXT);
  765. slider1.insert_text = slider1.display.quote(p_quote_style);
  766. r_result.insert(slider1.display, slider1);
  767. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption slider2("or_less", ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_PLAIN_TEXT);
  768. slider2.insert_text = slider2.display.quote(p_quote_style);
  769. r_result.insert(slider2.display, slider2);
  770. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption slider3("hide_slider", ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_PLAIN_TEXT);
  771. slider3.insert_text = slider3.display.quote(p_quote_style);
  772. r_result.insert(slider3.display, slider3);
  773. }
  774. } else if (p_annotation->name == SNAME("@export_exp_easing")) {
  775. if (p_argument == 0 || p_argument == 1) {
  776. // Easing hint.
  777. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption hint1("attenuation", ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_PLAIN_TEXT);
  778. hint1.insert_text = hint1.display.quote(p_quote_style);
  779. r_result.insert(hint1.display, hint1);
  780. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption hint2("inout", ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_PLAIN_TEXT);
  781. hint2.insert_text = hint2.display.quote(p_quote_style);
  782. r_result.insert(hint2.display, hint2);
  783. }
  784. } else if (p_annotation->name == SNAME("@export_node_path")) {
  785. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption node("Node", ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CLASS);
  786. node.insert_text = node.display.quote(p_quote_style);
  787. r_result.insert(node.display, node);
  788. List<StringName> native_classes;
  789. ClassDB::get_inheriters_from_class("Node", &native_classes);
  790. for (const StringName &E : native_classes) {
  791. if (!ClassDB::is_class_exposed(E)) {
  792. continue;
  793. }
  794. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(E, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CLASS);
  795. option.insert_text = option.display.quote(p_quote_style);
  796. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  797. }
  798. List<StringName> global_script_classes;
  799. ScriptServer::get_global_class_list(&global_script_classes);
  800. for (const StringName &E : global_script_classes) {
  801. if (!ClassDB::is_parent_class(ScriptServer::get_global_class_native_base(E), "Node")) {
  802. continue;
  803. }
  804. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(E, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CLASS);
  805. option.insert_text = option.display.quote(p_quote_style);
  806. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  807. }
  808. } else if (p_annotation->name == SNAME("@export_custom")) {
  809. switch (p_argument) {
  810. case 0: {
  811. static HashMap<StringName, int64_t> items;
  812. if (unlikely(items.is_empty())) {
  813. CoreConstants::get_enum_values(SNAME("PropertyHint"), &items);
  814. }
  815. for (const KeyValue<StringName, int64_t> &item : items) {
  816. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(item.key, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CONSTANT);
  817. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  818. }
  819. } break;
  820. case 2: {
  821. static HashMap<StringName, int64_t> items;
  822. if (unlikely(items.is_empty())) {
  823. CoreConstants::get_enum_values(SNAME("PropertyUsageFlags"), &items);
  824. }
  825. for (const KeyValue<StringName, int64_t> &item : items) {
  826. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(item.key, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CONSTANT);
  827. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  828. }
  829. } break;
  830. }
  831. } else if (p_annotation->name == SNAME("@warning_ignore") || p_annotation->name == SNAME("@warning_ignore_start") || p_annotation->name == SNAME("@warning_ignore_restore")) {
  832. for (int warning_code = 0; warning_code < GDScriptWarning::WARNING_MAX; warning_code++) {
  833. if (warning_code == GDScriptWarning::RENAMED_IN_GODOT_4_HINT) {
  834. continue;
  835. }
  836. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption warning(GDScriptWarning::get_name_from_code((GDScriptWarning::Code)warning_code).to_lower(), ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_PLAIN_TEXT);
  837. warning.insert_text = warning.display.quote(p_quote_style);
  838. r_result.insert(warning.display, warning);
  839. }
  840. } else if (p_annotation->name == SNAME("@rpc")) {
  841. if (p_argument == 0 || p_argument == 1 || p_argument == 2) {
  842. static const char *options[7] = { "call_local", "call_remote", "any_peer", "authority", "reliable", "unreliable", "unreliable_ordered" };
  843. for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
  844. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(options[i], ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_PLAIN_TEXT);
  845. option.insert_text = option.display.quote(p_quote_style);
  846. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  847. }
  848. }
  849. }
  850. }
  851. static void _find_built_in_variants(HashMap<String, ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> &r_result, bool exclude_nil = false) {
  852. for (int i = 0; i < Variant::VARIANT_MAX; i++) {
  853. if (!exclude_nil && Variant::Type(i) == Variant::Type::NIL) {
  854. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option("null", ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CLASS);
  855. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  856. } else {
  857. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(Variant::get_type_name(Variant::Type(i)), ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CLASS);
  858. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  859. }
  860. }
  861. }
  862. static void _list_available_types(bool p_inherit_only, GDScriptParser::CompletionContext &p_context, HashMap<String, ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> &r_result) {
  863. // Built-in Variant Types
  864. _find_built_in_variants(r_result, true);
  865. List<StringName> native_types;
  866. ClassDB::get_class_list(&native_types);
  867. for (const StringName &E : native_types) {
  868. if (ClassDB::is_class_exposed(E) && !Engine::get_singleton()->has_singleton(E)) {
  869. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(E, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CLASS);
  870. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  871. }
  872. }
  873. if (p_context.current_class) {
  874. if (!p_inherit_only && p_context.current_class->base_type.is_set()) {
  875. // Native enums from base class
  876. List<StringName> enums;
  877. ClassDB::get_enum_list(p_context.current_class->base_type.native_type, &enums);
  878. for (const StringName &E : enums) {
  879. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(E, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_ENUM);
  880. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  881. }
  882. }
  883. // Check current class for potential types
  884. const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *current = p_context.current_class;
  885. while (current) {
  886. for (int i = 0; i < current->members.size(); i++) {
  887. const GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member &member = current->members[i];
  888. switch (member.type) {
  889. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CLASS: {
  890. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(member.m_class->identifier->name, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CLASS, ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_LOCAL);
  891. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  892. } break;
  893. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::ENUM: {
  894. if (!p_inherit_only) {
  895. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(member.m_enum->identifier->name, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_ENUM, ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_LOCAL);
  896. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  897. }
  898. } break;
  899. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CONSTANT: {
  900. if (member.constant->get_datatype().is_meta_type && p_context.current_class->outer != nullptr) {
  901. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(member.constant->identifier->name, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CLASS, ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_LOCAL);
  902. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  903. }
  904. } break;
  905. default:
  906. break;
  907. }
  908. }
  909. current = current->outer;
  910. }
  911. }
  912. // Global scripts
  913. List<StringName> global_classes;
  914. ScriptServer::get_global_class_list(&global_classes);
  915. for (const StringName &E : global_classes) {
  916. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(E, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CLASS, ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_OTHER_USER_CODE);
  917. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  918. }
  919. // Autoload singletons
  920. HashMap<StringName, ProjectSettings::AutoloadInfo> autoloads = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_autoload_list();
  921. for (const KeyValue<StringName, ProjectSettings::AutoloadInfo> &E : autoloads) {
  922. const ProjectSettings::AutoloadInfo &info = E.value;
  923. if (!info.is_singleton || info.path.get_extension().to_lower() != "gd") {
  924. continue;
  925. }
  926. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CLASS, ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_OTHER_USER_CODE);
  927. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  928. }
  929. }
  930. static void _find_identifiers_in_suite(const GDScriptParser::SuiteNode *p_suite, HashMap<String, ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> &r_result, int p_recursion_depth = 0) {
  931. for (int i = 0; i < p_suite->locals.size(); i++) {
  932. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option;
  933. int location = p_recursion_depth == 0 ? ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_LOCAL : (p_recursion_depth | ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_PARENT_MASK);
  934. if (p_suite->locals[i].type == GDScriptParser::SuiteNode::Local::CONSTANT) {
  935. option = ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption(p_suite->locals[i].name, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CONSTANT, location);
  936. option.default_value = p_suite->locals[i].constant->initializer->reduced_value;
  937. } else {
  938. option = ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption(p_suite->locals[i].name, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_VARIABLE, location);
  939. }
  940. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  941. }
  942. if (p_suite->parent_block) {
  943. _find_identifiers_in_suite(p_suite->parent_block, r_result, p_recursion_depth + 1);
  944. }
  945. }
  946. static void _find_identifiers_in_base(const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &p_base, bool p_only_functions, bool p_types_only, HashMap<String, ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> &r_result, int p_recursion_depth);
  947. static void _find_identifiers_in_class(const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *p_class, bool p_only_functions, bool p_types_only, bool p_static, bool p_parent_only, HashMap<String, ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> &r_result, int p_recursion_depth) {
  949. if (!p_parent_only) {
  950. bool outer = false;
  951. const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *clss = p_class;
  952. int classes_processed = 0;
  953. while (clss) {
  954. for (int i = 0; i < clss->members.size(); i++) {
  955. const int location = p_recursion_depth == 0 ? classes_processed : (p_recursion_depth | ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_PARENT_MASK);
  956. const GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member &member = clss->members[i];
  957. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option;
  958. switch (member.type) {
  959. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::VARIABLE:
  960. if (p_types_only || p_only_functions || outer || (p_static && !member.variable->is_static)) {
  961. continue;
  962. }
  963. option = ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption(member.variable->identifier->name, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_MEMBER, location);
  964. break;
  965. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CONSTANT:
  966. if (p_types_only || p_only_functions) {
  967. continue;
  968. }
  969. if (r_result.has(member.constant->identifier->name)) {
  970. continue;
  971. }
  972. option = ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption(member.constant->identifier->name, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CONSTANT, location);
  973. if (member.constant->initializer) {
  974. option.default_value = member.constant->initializer->reduced_value;
  975. }
  976. break;
  977. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CLASS:
  978. if (p_only_functions) {
  979. continue;
  980. }
  981. option = ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption(member.m_class->identifier->name, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CLASS, location);
  982. break;
  983. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::ENUM_VALUE:
  984. if (p_types_only || p_only_functions) {
  985. continue;
  986. }
  987. option = ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption(member.enum_value.identifier->name, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CONSTANT, location);
  988. break;
  989. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::ENUM:
  990. if (p_only_functions) {
  991. continue;
  992. }
  993. option = ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption(member.m_enum->identifier->name, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_ENUM, location);
  994. break;
  995. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::FUNCTION:
  996. if (p_types_only || outer || (p_static && !member.function->is_static) || member.function->identifier->name.operator String().begins_with("@")) {
  997. continue;
  998. }
  999. option = ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption(member.function->identifier->name, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_FUNCTION, location);
  1000. if (member.function->parameters.size() > 0 || (member.function->info.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VARARG)) {
  1001. option.insert_text += "(";
  1002. option.display += U"(\u2026)";
  1003. } else {
  1004. option.insert_text += "()";
  1005. option.display += "()";
  1006. }
  1007. break;
  1008. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::SIGNAL:
  1009. if (p_types_only || p_only_functions || outer || p_static) {
  1010. continue;
  1011. }
  1012. option = ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption(member.signal->identifier->name, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_SIGNAL, location);
  1013. break;
  1014. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::GROUP:
  1015. break; // No-op, but silences warnings.
  1016. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::UNDEFINED:
  1017. break;
  1018. }
  1019. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1020. }
  1021. if (p_types_only) {
  1022. break; // Otherwise, it will fill the results with types from the outer class (which is undesired for that case).
  1023. }
  1024. outer = true;
  1025. clss = clss->outer;
  1026. classes_processed++;
  1027. }
  1028. }
  1029. // Parents.
  1030. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base_type;
  1031. base_type.type = p_class->base_type;
  1032. base_type.type.is_meta_type = p_static;
  1033. _find_identifiers_in_base(base_type, p_only_functions, p_types_only, r_result, p_recursion_depth + 1);
  1034. }
  1035. static void _find_identifiers_in_base(const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &p_base, bool p_only_functions, bool p_types_only, HashMap<String, ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> &r_result, int p_recursion_depth) {
  1036. ERR_FAIL_COND(p_recursion_depth > COMPLETION_RECURSION_LIMIT);
  1037. GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = p_base.type;
  1038. if (!p_types_only && base_type.is_meta_type && base_type.kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN && base_type.kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::ENUM) {
  1039. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option("new", ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_FUNCTION, ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_LOCAL);
  1040. option.insert_text += "(";
  1041. option.display += U"(\u2026)";
  1042. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1043. }
  1044. while (!base_type.has_no_type()) {
  1045. switch (base_type.kind) {
  1046. case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: {
  1047. _find_identifiers_in_class(base_type.class_type, p_only_functions, p_types_only, base_type.is_meta_type, false, r_result, p_recursion_depth);
  1048. // This already finds all parent identifiers, so we are done.
  1049. base_type = GDScriptParser::DataType();
  1050. } break;
  1051. case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT: {
  1052. Ref<Script> scr = base_type.script_type;
  1053. if (scr.is_valid()) {
  1054. if (p_types_only) {
  1055. // TODO: Need to implement Script::get_script_enum_list and retrieve the enum list from a script.
  1056. } else if (!p_only_functions) {
  1057. if (!base_type.is_meta_type) {
  1058. List<PropertyInfo> members;
  1059. scr->get_script_property_list(&members);
  1060. for (const PropertyInfo &E : members) {
  1062. continue;
  1063. }
  1064. if ('/')) {
  1065. continue;
  1066. }
  1067. int location = p_recursion_depth + _get_property_location(scr,;
  1068. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_MEMBER, location);
  1069. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1070. }
  1071. List<MethodInfo> signals;
  1072. scr->get_script_signal_list(&signals);
  1073. for (const MethodInfo &E : signals) {
  1074. int location = p_recursion_depth + _get_signal_location(scr,;
  1075. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_SIGNAL, location);
  1076. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1077. }
  1078. }
  1079. HashMap<StringName, Variant> constants;
  1080. scr->get_constants(&constants);
  1081. for (const KeyValue<StringName, Variant> &E : constants) {
  1082. int location = p_recursion_depth + _get_constant_location(scr, E.key);
  1083. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(E.key.operator String(), ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CONSTANT, location);
  1084. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1085. }
  1086. }
  1087. if (!p_types_only) {
  1088. List<MethodInfo> methods;
  1089. scr->get_script_method_list(&methods);
  1090. for (const MethodInfo &E : methods) {
  1091. if ("@")) {
  1092. continue;
  1093. }
  1094. int location = p_recursion_depth + _get_method_location(scr->get_class_name(),;
  1095. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_FUNCTION, location);
  1096. if (E.arguments.size() || (E.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VARARG)) {
  1097. option.insert_text += "(";
  1098. option.display += U"(\u2026)";
  1099. } else {
  1100. option.insert_text += "()";
  1101. option.display += "()";
  1102. }
  1103. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1104. }
  1105. }
  1106. Ref<Script> base_script = scr->get_base_script();
  1107. if (base_script.is_valid()) {
  1108. base_type.script_type = base_script;
  1109. } else {
  1110. base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
  1111. base_type.builtin_type = Variant::OBJECT;
  1112. base_type.native_type = scr->get_instance_base_type();
  1113. }
  1114. } else {
  1115. return;
  1116. }
  1117. } break;
  1118. case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: {
  1119. StringName type = base_type.native_type;
  1120. if (!ClassDB::class_exists(type)) {
  1121. return;
  1122. }
  1123. List<StringName> enums;
  1124. ClassDB::get_enum_list(type, &enums);
  1125. for (const StringName &E : enums) {
  1126. int location = p_recursion_depth + _get_enum_location(type, E);
  1127. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(E, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_ENUM, location);
  1128. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1129. }
  1130. if (p_types_only) {
  1131. return;
  1132. }
  1133. if (!p_only_functions) {
  1134. List<String> constants;
  1135. ClassDB::get_integer_constant_list(type, &constants);
  1136. for (const String &E : constants) {
  1137. int location = p_recursion_depth + _get_constant_location(type, StringName(E));
  1138. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(E, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CONSTANT, location);
  1139. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1140. }
  1141. if (!base_type.is_meta_type || Engine::get_singleton()->has_singleton(type)) {
  1142. List<PropertyInfo> pinfo;
  1143. ClassDB::get_property_list(type, &pinfo);
  1144. for (const PropertyInfo &E : pinfo) {
  1146. continue;
  1147. }
  1148. if ('/')) {
  1149. continue;
  1150. }
  1151. int location = p_recursion_depth + _get_property_location(type,;
  1152. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_MEMBER, location);
  1153. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1154. }
  1155. List<MethodInfo> signals;
  1156. ClassDB::get_signal_list(type, &signals);
  1157. for (const MethodInfo &E : signals) {
  1158. int location = p_recursion_depth + _get_signal_location(type, StringName(;
  1159. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_SIGNAL, location);
  1160. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1161. }
  1162. }
  1163. }
  1164. bool only_static = base_type.is_meta_type && !Engine::get_singleton()->has_singleton(type);
  1165. List<MethodInfo> methods;
  1166. ClassDB::get_method_list(type, &methods, false, true);
  1167. for (const MethodInfo &E : methods) {
  1168. if (only_static && (E.flags & METHOD_FLAG_STATIC) == 0) {
  1169. continue;
  1170. }
  1171. if ("_")) {
  1172. continue;
  1173. }
  1174. int location = p_recursion_depth + _get_method_location(type,;
  1175. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_FUNCTION, location);
  1176. if (E.arguments.size() || (E.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VARARG)) {
  1177. option.insert_text += "(";
  1178. option.display += U"(\u2026)";
  1179. } else {
  1180. option.insert_text += "()";
  1181. option.display += "()";
  1182. }
  1183. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1184. }
  1185. return;
  1186. } break;
  1187. case GDScriptParser::DataType::ENUM: {
  1188. String type_str = base_type.native_type;
  1189. StringName type = type_str.get_slicec('.', 0);
  1190. StringName type_enum = base_type.enum_type;
  1191. List<StringName> enum_values;
  1192. ClassDB::get_enum_constants(type, type_enum, &enum_values);
  1193. for (const StringName &E : enum_values) {
  1194. int location = p_recursion_depth + _get_enum_constant_location(type, E);
  1195. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(E, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CONSTANT, location);
  1196. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1197. }
  1198. }
  1199. [[fallthrough]];
  1200. case GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN: {
  1201. if (p_types_only) {
  1202. return;
  1203. }
  1204. Callable::CallError err;
  1205. Variant tmp;
  1206. Variant::construct(base_type.builtin_type, tmp, nullptr, 0, err);
  1207. if (err.error != Callable::CallError::CALL_OK) {
  1208. return;
  1209. }
  1210. int location = ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_OTHER;
  1211. if (!p_only_functions) {
  1212. List<PropertyInfo> members;
  1213. if (p_base.value.get_type() != Variant::NIL) {
  1214. p_base.value.get_property_list(&members);
  1215. } else {
  1216. tmp.get_property_list(&members);
  1217. }
  1218. for (const PropertyInfo &E : members) {
  1220. continue;
  1221. }
  1222. if (!String('/')) {
  1223. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_MEMBER, location);
  1224. if (base_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::ENUM) {
  1225. // Sort enum members in their declaration order.
  1226. location += 1;
  1227. }
  1228. if (GDScriptParser::theme_color_names.has( {
  1229. option.theme_color_name = GDScriptParser::theme_color_names[];
  1230. }
  1231. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1232. }
  1233. }
  1234. }
  1235. List<MethodInfo> methods;
  1236. tmp.get_method_list(&methods);
  1237. for (const MethodInfo &E : methods) {
  1238. if (base_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::ENUM && base_type.is_meta_type && !(E.flags & METHOD_FLAG_CONST)) {
  1239. // Enum types are static and cannot change, therefore we skip non-const dictionary methods.
  1240. continue;
  1241. }
  1242. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_FUNCTION, location);
  1243. if (E.arguments.size() || (E.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VARARG)) {
  1244. option.insert_text += "(";
  1245. option.display += U"(\u2026)";
  1246. } else {
  1247. option.insert_text += "()";
  1248. option.display += "()";
  1249. }
  1250. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1251. }
  1252. return;
  1253. } break;
  1254. default: {
  1255. return;
  1256. } break;
  1257. }
  1258. }
  1259. }
  1260. static void _find_identifiers(const GDScriptParser::CompletionContext &p_context, bool p_only_functions, HashMap<String, ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> &r_result, int p_recursion_depth) {
  1261. if (!p_only_functions && p_context.current_suite) {
  1262. // This includes function parameters, since they are also locals.
  1263. _find_identifiers_in_suite(p_context.current_suite, r_result);
  1264. }
  1265. if (p_context.current_class) {
  1266. _find_identifiers_in_class(p_context.current_class, p_only_functions, false, (!p_context.current_function || p_context.current_function->is_static), false, r_result, p_recursion_depth);
  1267. }
  1268. List<StringName> functions;
  1269. GDScriptUtilityFunctions::get_function_list(&functions);
  1270. for (const StringName &E : functions) {
  1271. MethodInfo function = GDScriptUtilityFunctions::get_function_info(E);
  1272. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(String(E), ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_FUNCTION);
  1273. if (function.arguments.size() || (function.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VARARG)) {
  1274. option.insert_text += "(";
  1275. option.display += U"(\u2026)";
  1276. } else {
  1277. option.insert_text += "()";
  1278. option.display += "()";
  1279. }
  1280. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1281. }
  1282. if (p_only_functions) {
  1283. return;
  1284. }
  1285. _find_built_in_variants(r_result);
  1286. static const char *_keywords[] = {
  1287. "true", "false", "PI", "TAU", "INF", "NAN", "null", "self", "super",
  1288. "break", "breakpoint", "continue", "pass", "return",
  1289. nullptr
  1290. };
  1291. const char **kw = _keywords;
  1292. while (*kw) {
  1293. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(*kw, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_PLAIN_TEXT);
  1294. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1295. kw++;
  1296. }
  1297. static const char *_keywords_with_space[] = {
  1298. "and", "not", "or", "in", "as", "class", "class_name", "extends", "is", "func", "signal", "await",
  1299. "const", "enum", "static", "var", "if", "elif", "else", "for", "match", "when", "while",
  1300. nullptr
  1301. };
  1302. const char **kws = _keywords_with_space;
  1303. while (*kws) {
  1304. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(*kws, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_PLAIN_TEXT);
  1305. option.insert_text += " ";
  1306. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1307. kws++;
  1308. }
  1309. static const char *_keywords_with_args[] = {
  1310. "assert", "preload",
  1311. nullptr
  1312. };
  1313. const char **kwa = _keywords_with_args;
  1314. while (*kwa) {
  1315. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(*kwa, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_FUNCTION);
  1316. option.insert_text += "(";
  1317. option.display += U"(\u2026)";
  1318. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1319. kwa++;
  1320. }
  1321. List<StringName> utility_func_names;
  1322. Variant::get_utility_function_list(&utility_func_names);
  1323. for (List<StringName>::Element *E = utility_func_names.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
  1324. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(E->get(), ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_FUNCTION);
  1325. option.insert_text += "(";
  1326. option.display += U"(\u2026)"; // As all utility functions contain an argument or more, this is hardcoded here.
  1327. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1328. }
  1329. for (const KeyValue<StringName, ProjectSettings::AutoloadInfo> &E : ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_autoload_list()) {
  1330. if (!E.value.is_singleton) {
  1331. continue;
  1332. }
  1333. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(E.key, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CONSTANT);
  1334. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1335. }
  1336. // Native classes and global constants.
  1337. for (const KeyValue<StringName, int> &E : GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map()) {
  1338. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option;
  1339. if (ClassDB::class_exists(E.key) || Engine::get_singleton()->has_singleton(E.key)) {
  1340. option = ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption(E.key.operator String(), ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CLASS);
  1341. } else {
  1342. option = ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption(E.key.operator String(), ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CONSTANT);
  1343. }
  1344. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1345. }
  1346. // Global classes
  1347. List<StringName> global_classes;
  1348. ScriptServer::get_global_class_list(&global_classes);
  1349. for (const StringName &E : global_classes) {
  1350. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(E, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CLASS, ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_OTHER_USER_CODE);
  1351. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  1352. }
  1353. }
  1354. static GDScriptCompletionIdentifier _type_from_variant(const Variant &p_value, GDScriptParser::CompletionContext &p_context) {
  1355. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier ci;
  1356. ci.value = p_value;
  1357. ci.type.is_constant = true;
  1358. ci.type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
  1359. ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
  1360. ci.type.builtin_type = p_value.get_type();
  1361. if (ci.type.builtin_type == Variant::OBJECT) {
  1362. Object *obj = p_value.operator Object *();
  1363. if (!obj) {
  1364. return ci;
  1365. }
  1366. ci.type.native_type = obj->get_class_name();
  1367. Ref<Script> scr = p_value;
  1368. if (scr.is_valid()) {
  1369. ci.type.is_meta_type = true;
  1370. } else {
  1371. ci.type.is_meta_type = false;
  1372. scr = obj->get_script();
  1373. }
  1374. if (scr.is_valid()) {
  1375. ci.type.script_path = scr->get_path();
  1376. ci.type.script_type = scr;
  1377. ci.type.native_type = scr->get_instance_base_type();
  1378. ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT;
  1379. if (scr->get_path().ends_with(".gd")) {
  1380. Ref<GDScriptParserRef> parser = p_context.parser->get_depended_parser_for(scr->get_path());
  1381. if (parser.is_valid() && parser->raise_status(GDScriptParserRef::INTERFACE_SOLVED) == OK) {
  1382. ci.type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
  1383. ci.type.class_type = parser->get_parser()->get_tree();
  1384. ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS;
  1385. return ci;
  1386. }
  1387. }
  1388. } else {
  1389. ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
  1390. }
  1391. }
  1392. return ci;
  1393. }
  1394. static GDScriptCompletionIdentifier _type_from_property(const PropertyInfo &p_property) {
  1395. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier ci;
  1396. if (p_property.type == Variant::NIL) {
  1397. // Variant
  1398. return ci;
  1399. }
  1401. ci.enumeration = p_property.class_name;
  1402. }
  1403. ci.type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
  1404. ci.type.builtin_type = p_property.type;
  1405. if (p_property.type == Variant::OBJECT) {
  1406. if (ScriptServer::is_global_class(p_property.class_name)) {
  1407. ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT;
  1408. ci.type.script_path = ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(p_property.class_name);
  1409. ci.type.native_type = ScriptServer::get_global_class_native_base(p_property.class_name);
  1410. Ref<Script> scr = ResourceLoader::load(ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(p_property.class_name));
  1411. if (scr.is_valid()) {
  1412. ci.type.script_type = scr;
  1413. }
  1414. } else {
  1415. ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
  1416. ci.type.native_type = p_property.class_name == StringName() ? "Object" : p_property.class_name;
  1417. }
  1418. } else {
  1419. ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
  1420. }
  1421. return ci;
  1422. }
  1423. #define MAX_COMPLETION_RECURSION 100
  1424. struct RecursionCheck {
  1425. int *counter;
  1426. _FORCE_INLINE_ bool check() {
  1427. return (*counter) > MAX_COMPLETION_RECURSION;
  1428. }
  1429. RecursionCheck(int *p_counter) :
  1430. counter(p_counter) {
  1431. (*counter)++;
  1432. }
  1433. ~RecursionCheck() {
  1434. (*counter)--;
  1435. }
  1436. };
  1437. static bool _guess_identifier_type(GDScriptParser::CompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *p_identifier, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type);
  1438. static bool _guess_identifier_type_from_base(GDScriptParser::CompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &p_base, const StringName &p_identifier, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type);
  1439. static bool _guess_method_return_type_from_base(GDScriptParser::CompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &p_base, const StringName &p_method, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type);
  1440. static bool _is_expression_named_identifier(const GDScriptParser::ExpressionNode *p_expression, const StringName &p_name) {
  1441. if (p_expression) {
  1442. switch (p_expression->type) {
  1443. case GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER: {
  1444. const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(p_expression);
  1445. if (id->name == p_name) {
  1446. return true;
  1447. }
  1448. } break;
  1449. case GDScriptParser::Node::CAST: {
  1450. const GDScriptParser::CastNode *cn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::CastNode *>(p_expression);
  1451. return _is_expression_named_identifier(cn->operand, p_name);
  1452. } break;
  1453. default:
  1454. break;
  1455. }
  1456. }
  1457. return false;
  1458. }
  1459. static bool _guess_expression_type(GDScriptParser::CompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptParser::ExpressionNode *p_expression, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type) {
  1460. bool found = false;
  1461. if (p_expression == nullptr) {
  1462. return false;
  1463. }
  1464. static int recursion_depth = 0;
  1465. RecursionCheck recursion(&recursion_depth);
  1466. if (unlikely(recursion.check())) {
  1467. ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, "Reached recursion limit while trying to guess type.");
  1468. }
  1469. if (p_expression->is_constant) {
  1470. // Already has a value, so just use that.
  1471. r_type = _type_from_variant(p_expression->reduced_value, p_context);
  1472. switch (p_expression->get_datatype().kind) {
  1473. case GDScriptParser::DataType::ENUM:
  1474. case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS:
  1475. r_type.type = p_expression->get_datatype();
  1476. break;
  1477. default:
  1478. break;
  1479. }
  1480. found = true;
  1481. } else {
  1482. switch (p_expression->type) {
  1483. case GDScriptParser::Node::LITERAL: {
  1484. const GDScriptParser::LiteralNode *literal = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::LiteralNode *>(p_expression);
  1485. r_type = _type_from_variant(literal->value, p_context);
  1486. found = true;
  1487. } break;
  1488. case GDScriptParser::Node::SELF: {
  1489. if (p_context.current_class) {
  1490. r_type.type = p_context.current_class->get_datatype();
  1491. r_type.type.is_meta_type = false;
  1492. found = true;
  1493. }
  1494. } break;
  1495. case GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER: {
  1496. const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(p_expression);
  1497. found = _guess_identifier_type(p_context, id, r_type);
  1498. } break;
  1499. case GDScriptParser::Node::DICTIONARY: {
  1500. // Try to recreate the dictionary.
  1501. const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *dn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *>(p_expression);
  1502. Dictionary d;
  1503. bool full = true;
  1504. for (int i = 0; i < dn->elements.size(); i++) {
  1505. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier key;
  1506. if (_guess_expression_type(p_context, dn->elements[i].key, key)) {
  1507. if (!key.type.is_constant) {
  1508. full = false;
  1509. break;
  1510. }
  1511. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier value;
  1512. if (_guess_expression_type(p_context, dn->elements[i].value, value)) {
  1513. if (!value.type.is_constant) {
  1514. full = false;
  1515. break;
  1516. }
  1517. d[key.value] = value.value;
  1518. } else {
  1519. full = false;
  1520. break;
  1521. }
  1522. } else {
  1523. full = false;
  1524. break;
  1525. }
  1526. }
  1527. if (full) {
  1528. r_type.value = d;
  1529. r_type.type.is_constant = true;
  1530. }
  1531. r_type.type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
  1532. r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
  1533. r_type.type.builtin_type = Variant::DICTIONARY;
  1534. found = true;
  1535. } break;
  1536. case GDScriptParser::Node::ARRAY: {
  1537. // Try to recreate the array
  1538. const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *an = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *>(p_expression);
  1539. Array a;
  1540. bool full = true;
  1541. a.resize(an->elements.size());
  1542. for (int i = 0; i < an->elements.size(); i++) {
  1543. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier value;
  1544. if (_guess_expression_type(p_context, an->elements[i], value)) {
  1545. if (value.type.is_constant) {
  1546. a[i] = value.value;
  1547. } else {
  1548. full = false;
  1549. break;
  1550. }
  1551. } else {
  1552. full = false;
  1553. break;
  1554. }
  1555. }
  1556. if (full) {
  1557. // If not fully constant, setting this value is detrimental to the inference.
  1558. r_type.value = a;
  1559. r_type.type.is_constant = true;
  1560. }
  1561. r_type.type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
  1562. r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
  1563. r_type.type.builtin_type = Variant::ARRAY;
  1564. found = true;
  1565. } break;
  1566. case GDScriptParser::Node::CAST: {
  1567. const GDScriptParser::CastNode *cn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::CastNode *>(p_expression);
  1568. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier value;
  1569. if (_guess_expression_type(p_context, cn->operand, r_type)) {
  1570. r_type.type = cn->get_datatype();
  1571. found = true;
  1572. }
  1573. } break;
  1574. case GDScriptParser::Node::CALL: {
  1575. const GDScriptParser::CallNode *call = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::CallNode *>(p_expression);
  1576. if (GDScriptParser::get_builtin_type(call->function_name) < Variant::VARIANT_MAX) {
  1577. r_type.type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
  1578. r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
  1579. r_type.type.builtin_type = GDScriptParser::get_builtin_type(call->function_name);
  1580. found = true;
  1581. break;
  1582. } else if (GDScriptUtilityFunctions::function_exists(call->function_name)) {
  1583. MethodInfo mi = GDScriptUtilityFunctions::get_function_info(call->function_name);
  1584. r_type = _type_from_property(mi.return_val);
  1585. found = true;
  1586. break;
  1587. } else {
  1588. GDScriptParser::CompletionContext c = p_context;
  1589. c.current_line = call->start_line;
  1590. GDScriptParser::Node::Type callee_type = call->get_callee_type();
  1591. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base;
  1592. if (callee_type == GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER || call->is_super) {
  1593. // Simple call, so base is 'self'.
  1594. if (p_context.current_class) {
  1595. if (call->is_super) {
  1596. base.type = p_context.current_class->base_type;
  1597. base.value = p_context.base;
  1598. } else {
  1599. base.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS;
  1600. base.type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::INFERRED;
  1601. base.type.is_constant = true;
  1602. base.type.class_type = p_context.current_class;
  1603. base.value = p_context.base;
  1604. }
  1605. } else {
  1606. break;
  1607. }
  1608. } else if (callee_type == GDScriptParser::Node::SUBSCRIPT && static_cast<const GDScriptParser::SubscriptNode *>(call->callee)->is_attribute) {
  1609. if (!_guess_expression_type(c, static_cast<const GDScriptParser::SubscriptNode *>(call->callee)->base, base)) {
  1610. found = false;
  1611. break;
  1612. }
  1613. } else {
  1614. break;
  1615. }
  1616. // Try call if constant methods with constant arguments
  1617. if (base.type.is_constant && base.value.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) {
  1618. GDScriptParser::DataType native_type = base.type;
  1619. while (native_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS) {
  1620. native_type = native_type.class_type->base_type;
  1621. }
  1622. while (native_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT) {
  1623. if (native_type.script_type.is_valid()) {
  1624. Ref<Script> parent = native_type.script_type->get_base_script();
  1625. if (parent.is_valid()) {
  1626. native_type.script_type = parent;
  1627. } else {
  1628. native_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
  1629. native_type.builtin_type = Variant::OBJECT;
  1630. native_type.native_type = native_type.script_type->get_instance_base_type();
  1631. if (!ClassDB::class_exists(native_type.native_type)) {
  1632. native_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::UNRESOLVED;
  1633. }
  1634. }
  1635. }
  1636. }
  1637. if (native_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE) {
  1638. MethodBind *mb = ClassDB::get_method(native_type.native_type, call->function_name);
  1639. if (mb && mb->is_const()) {
  1640. bool all_is_const = true;
  1641. Vector<Variant> args;
  1642. for (int i = 0; all_is_const && i < call->arguments.size(); i++) {
  1643. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier arg;
  1644. if (!call->arguments[i]->is_constant) {
  1645. all_is_const = false;
  1646. }
  1647. }
  1648. Object *baseptr = base.value;
  1649. if (all_is_const && call->function_name == SNAME("get_node") && ClassDB::is_parent_class(native_type.native_type, SNAME("Node")) && args.size()) {
  1650. String arg1 = args[0];
  1651. if (arg1.begins_with("/root/")) {
  1652. String which = arg1.get_slice("/", 2);
  1653. if (!which.is_empty()) {
  1654. // Try singletons first
  1655. if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_named_globals_map().has(which)) {
  1656. r_type = _type_from_variant(GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_named_globals_map()[which], p_context);
  1657. found = true;
  1658. } else {
  1659. for (const KeyValue<StringName, ProjectSettings::AutoloadInfo> &E : ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_autoload_list()) {
  1660. String name = E.key;
  1661. if (name == which) {
  1662. String script = E.value.path;
  1663. if (!script.begins_with("res://")) {
  1664. script = "res://" + script;
  1665. }
  1666. if (!script.ends_with(".gd")) {
  1667. // not a script, try find the script anyway,
  1668. // may have some success
  1669. script = script.get_basename() + ".gd";
  1670. }
  1671. if (FileAccess::exists(script)) {
  1672. Ref<GDScriptParserRef> parser = p_context.parser->get_depended_parser_for(script);
  1673. if (parser.is_valid() && parser->raise_status(GDScriptParserRef::INTERFACE_SOLVED) == OK) {
  1674. r_type.type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
  1675. r_type.type.script_path = script;
  1676. r_type.type.class_type = parser->get_parser()->get_tree();
  1677. r_type.type.is_constant = false;
  1678. r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS;
  1679. r_type.value = Variant();
  1680. found = true;
  1681. }
  1682. }
  1683. break;
  1684. }
  1685. }
  1686. }
  1687. }
  1688. }
  1689. }
  1690. if (!found && all_is_const && baseptr) {
  1691. Vector<const Variant *> argptr;
  1692. for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
  1693. argptr.push_back(&args[i]);
  1694. }
  1695. Callable::CallError ce;
  1696. Variant ret = mb->call(baseptr, (const Variant **)argptr.ptr(), argptr.size(), ce);
  1697. if (ce.error == Callable::CallError::CALL_OK && ret.get_type() != Variant::NIL) {
  1698. if (ret.get_type() != Variant::OBJECT || ret.operator Object *() != nullptr) {
  1699. r_type = _type_from_variant(ret, p_context);
  1700. found = true;
  1701. }
  1702. }
  1703. }
  1704. }
  1705. }
  1706. }
  1707. if (!found && base.value.get_type() != Variant::NIL) {
  1708. found = _guess_method_return_type_from_base(c, base, call->function_name, r_type);
  1709. }
  1710. }
  1711. } break;
  1712. case GDScriptParser::Node::SUBSCRIPT: {
  1713. const GDScriptParser::SubscriptNode *subscript = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::SubscriptNode *>(p_expression);
  1714. if (subscript->is_attribute) {
  1715. GDScriptParser::CompletionContext c = p_context;
  1716. c.current_line = subscript->start_line;
  1717. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base;
  1718. if (!_guess_expression_type(c, subscript->base, base)) {
  1719. found = false;
  1720. break;
  1721. }
  1722. if (base.value.get_type() == Variant::DICTIONARY && base.value.operator Dictionary().has(String(subscript->attribute->name))) {
  1723. Variant value = base.value.operator Dictionary()[String(subscript->attribute->name)];
  1724. r_type = _type_from_variant(value, p_context);
  1725. found = true;
  1726. break;
  1727. }
  1728. const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *dn = nullptr;
  1729. if (subscript->base->type == GDScriptParser::Node::DICTIONARY) {
  1730. dn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *>(subscript->base);
  1731. } else if (base.assigned_expression && base.assigned_expression->type == GDScriptParser::Node::DICTIONARY) {
  1732. dn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *>(base.assigned_expression);
  1733. }
  1734. if (dn) {
  1735. for (int i = 0; i < dn->elements.size(); i++) {
  1736. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier key;
  1737. if (!_guess_expression_type(c, dn->elements[i].key, key)) {
  1738. continue;
  1739. }
  1740. if (key.value == String(subscript->attribute->name)) {
  1741. r_type.assigned_expression = dn->elements[i].value;
  1742. found = _guess_expression_type(c, dn->elements[i].value, r_type);
  1743. break;
  1744. }
  1745. }
  1746. }
  1747. if (!found) {
  1748. found = _guess_identifier_type_from_base(c, base, subscript->attribute->name, r_type);
  1749. }
  1750. } else {
  1751. if (subscript->index == nullptr) {
  1752. found = false;
  1753. break;
  1754. }
  1755. GDScriptParser::CompletionContext c = p_context;
  1756. c.current_line = subscript->start_line;
  1757. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base;
  1758. if (!_guess_expression_type(c, subscript->base, base)) {
  1759. found = false;
  1760. break;
  1761. }
  1762. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier index;
  1763. if (!_guess_expression_type(c, subscript->index, index)) {
  1764. found = false;
  1765. break;
  1766. }
  1767. {
  1768. bool valid;
  1769. Variant value = base.value.get(index.value, &valid);
  1770. if (valid) {
  1771. r_type = _type_from_variant(value, p_context);
  1772. found = true;
  1773. break;
  1774. }
  1775. }
  1776. // Look if it is a dictionary node.
  1777. const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *dn = nullptr;
  1778. if (subscript->base->type == GDScriptParser::Node::DICTIONARY) {
  1779. dn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *>(subscript->base);
  1780. } else if (base.assigned_expression && base.assigned_expression->type == GDScriptParser::Node::DICTIONARY) {
  1781. dn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *>(base.assigned_expression);
  1782. }
  1783. if (dn) {
  1784. for (int i = 0; i < dn->elements.size(); i++) {
  1785. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier key;
  1786. if (!_guess_expression_type(c, dn->elements[i].key, key)) {
  1787. continue;
  1788. }
  1789. if (key.value == index.value) {
  1790. r_type.assigned_expression = dn->elements[i].value;
  1791. found = _guess_expression_type(p_context, dn->elements[i].value, r_type);
  1792. break;
  1793. }
  1794. }
  1795. }
  1796. // Look if it is an array node.
  1797. if (!found && index.value.is_num()) {
  1798. int idx = index.value;
  1799. const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *an = nullptr;
  1800. if (subscript->base->type == GDScriptParser::Node::ARRAY) {
  1801. an = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *>(subscript->base);
  1802. } else if (base.assigned_expression && base.assigned_expression->type == GDScriptParser::Node::ARRAY) {
  1803. an = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *>(base.assigned_expression);
  1804. }
  1805. if (an && idx >= 0 && an->elements.size() > idx) {
  1806. r_type.assigned_expression = an->elements[idx];
  1807. found = _guess_expression_type(c, an->elements[idx], r_type);
  1808. break;
  1809. }
  1810. }
  1811. // Look for valid indexing in other types
  1812. if (!found && (index.value.is_string() || index.value.get_type() == Variant::NODE_PATH)) {
  1813. StringName id = index.value;
  1814. found = _guess_identifier_type_from_base(c, base, id, r_type);
  1815. } else if (!found && index.type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN) {
  1816. Callable::CallError err;
  1817. Variant base_val;
  1818. Variant::construct(base.type.builtin_type, base_val, nullptr, 0, err);
  1819. bool valid = false;
  1820. Variant res = base_val.get(index.value, &valid);
  1821. if (valid) {
  1822. r_type = _type_from_variant(res, p_context);
  1823. r_type.value = Variant();
  1824. r_type.type.is_constant = false;
  1825. found = true;
  1826. }
  1827. }
  1828. }
  1829. } break;
  1830. case GDScriptParser::Node::BINARY_OPERATOR: {
  1831. const GDScriptParser::BinaryOpNode *op = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::BinaryOpNode *>(p_expression);
  1832. if (op->variant_op == Variant::OP_MAX) {
  1833. break;
  1834. }
  1835. GDScriptParser::CompletionContext context = p_context;
  1836. context.current_line = op->start_line;
  1837. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier p1;
  1838. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier p2;
  1839. if (!_guess_expression_type(context, op->left_operand, p1)) {
  1840. found = false;
  1841. break;
  1842. }
  1843. if (!_guess_expression_type(context, op->right_operand, p2)) {
  1844. found = false;
  1845. break;
  1846. }
  1847. Callable::CallError ce;
  1848. bool v1_use_value = p1.value.get_type() != Variant::NIL && p1.value.get_type() != Variant::OBJECT;
  1849. Variant d1;
  1850. Variant::construct(p1.type.builtin_type, d1, nullptr, 0, ce);
  1851. Variant d2;
  1852. Variant::construct(p2.type.builtin_type, d2, nullptr, 0, ce);
  1853. Variant v1 = (v1_use_value) ? p1.value : d1;
  1854. bool v2_use_value = p2.value.get_type() != Variant::NIL && p2.value.get_type() != Variant::OBJECT;
  1855. Variant v2 = (v2_use_value) ? p2.value : d2;
  1856. // avoid potential invalid ops
  1857. if ((op->variant_op == Variant::OP_DIVIDE || op->variant_op == Variant::OP_MODULE) && v2.get_type() == Variant::INT) {
  1858. v2 = 1;
  1859. v2_use_value = false;
  1860. }
  1861. if (op->variant_op == Variant::OP_DIVIDE && v2.get_type() == Variant::FLOAT) {
  1862. v2 = 1.0;
  1863. v2_use_value = false;
  1864. }
  1865. Variant res;
  1866. bool valid;
  1867. Variant::evaluate(op->variant_op, v1, v2, res, valid);
  1868. if (!valid) {
  1869. found = false;
  1870. break;
  1871. }
  1872. r_type = _type_from_variant(res, p_context);
  1873. if (!v1_use_value || !v2_use_value) {
  1874. r_type.value = Variant();
  1875. r_type.type.is_constant = false;
  1876. }
  1877. found = true;
  1878. } break;
  1879. default:
  1880. break;
  1881. }
  1882. }
  1883. // It may have found a null, but that's never useful
  1884. if (found && r_type.type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN && r_type.type.builtin_type == Variant::NIL) {
  1885. found = false;
  1886. }
  1887. // If the found type was not fully analyzed we analyze it now.
  1888. if (found && r_type.type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS && !r_type.type.class_type->resolved_body) {
  1889. Error err;
  1890. Ref<GDScriptParserRef> r = GDScriptCache::get_parser(r_type.type.script_path, GDScriptParserRef::FULLY_SOLVED, err);
  1891. }
  1892. // Check type hint last. For collections we want chance to get the actual value first
  1893. // This way we can detect types from the content of dictionaries and arrays
  1894. if (!found && p_expression->get_datatype().is_hard_type()) {
  1895. r_type.type = p_expression->get_datatype();
  1896. if (!r_type.assigned_expression) {
  1897. r_type.assigned_expression = p_expression;
  1898. }
  1899. found = true;
  1900. }
  1901. return found;
  1902. }
  1903. static bool _guess_identifier_type(GDScriptParser::CompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *p_identifier, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type) {
  1904. static int recursion_depth = 0;
  1905. RecursionCheck recursion(&recursion_depth);
  1906. if (unlikely(recursion.check())) {
  1907. ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, "Reached recursion limit while trying to guess type.");
  1908. }
  1909. // Look in blocks first.
  1910. int last_assign_line = -1;
  1911. const GDScriptParser::ExpressionNode *last_assigned_expression = nullptr;
  1912. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier id_type;
  1913. GDScriptParser::SuiteNode *suite = p_context.current_suite;
  1914. bool is_function_parameter = false;
  1915. bool can_be_local = true;
  1916. switch (p_identifier->source) {
  1917. case GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::MEMBER_VARIABLE:
  1918. case GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::MEMBER_CONSTANT:
  1919. case GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::MEMBER_FUNCTION:
  1920. case GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::MEMBER_SIGNAL:
  1921. case GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::MEMBER_CLASS:
  1922. case GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::INHERITED_VARIABLE:
  1923. case GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::STATIC_VARIABLE:
  1924. can_be_local = false;
  1925. break;
  1926. default:
  1927. break;
  1928. }
  1929. if (can_be_local && suite && suite->has_local(p_identifier->name)) {
  1930. const GDScriptParser::SuiteNode::Local &local = suite->get_local(p_identifier->name);
  1931. id_type.type = local.get_datatype();
  1932. // Check initializer as the first assignment.
  1933. switch (local.type) {
  1934. case GDScriptParser::SuiteNode::Local::VARIABLE:
  1935. if (local.variable->initializer) {
  1936. last_assign_line = local.variable->initializer->end_line;
  1937. last_assigned_expression = local.variable->initializer;
  1938. }
  1939. break;
  1940. case GDScriptParser::SuiteNode::Local::CONSTANT:
  1941. if (local.constant->initializer) {
  1942. last_assign_line = local.constant->initializer->end_line;
  1943. last_assigned_expression = local.constant->initializer;
  1944. }
  1945. break;
  1946. case GDScriptParser::SuiteNode::Local::PARAMETER:
  1947. if (local.parameter->initializer) {
  1948. last_assign_line = local.parameter->initializer->end_line;
  1949. last_assigned_expression = local.parameter->initializer;
  1950. }
  1951. is_function_parameter = true;
  1952. break;
  1953. default:
  1954. break;
  1955. }
  1956. } else {
  1957. if (p_context.current_class) {
  1958. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base_identifier;
  1959. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base;
  1960. base.value = p_context.base;
  1961. base.type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
  1962. base.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS;
  1963. base.type.class_type = p_context.current_class;
  1964. base.type.is_meta_type = p_context.current_function && p_context.current_function->is_static;
  1965. if (_guess_identifier_type_from_base(p_context, base, p_identifier->name, base_identifier)) {
  1966. id_type = base_identifier;
  1967. }
  1968. }
  1969. }
  1970. while (suite) {
  1971. for (int i = 0; i < suite->statements.size(); i++) {
  1972. if (suite->statements[i]->end_line >= p_context.current_line) {
  1973. break;
  1974. }
  1975. switch (suite->statements[i]->type) {
  1976. case GDScriptParser::Node::ASSIGNMENT: {
  1977. const GDScriptParser::AssignmentNode *assign = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::AssignmentNode *>(suite->statements[i]);
  1978. if (assign->end_line > last_assign_line && assign->assignee && assign->assigned_value && assign->assignee->type == GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER) {
  1979. const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(assign->assignee);
  1980. if (id->name == p_identifier->name && id->source == p_identifier->source) {
  1981. last_assign_line = assign->assigned_value->end_line;
  1982. last_assigned_expression = assign->assigned_value;
  1983. }
  1984. }
  1985. } break;
  1986. default:
  1987. // TODO: Check sub blocks (control flow statements) as they might also reassign stuff.
  1988. break;
  1989. }
  1990. }
  1991. if (suite->parent_if && suite->parent_if->condition && suite->parent_if->condition->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_TEST) {
  1992. // Operator `is` used, check if identifier is in there! this helps resolve in blocks that are (if (identifier is value)): which are very common..
  1993. // Super dirty hack, but very useful.
  1994. // Credit: Zylann.
  1995. // TODO: this could be hacked to detect ANDed conditions too...
  1996. const GDScriptParser::TypeTestNode *type_test = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::TypeTestNode *>(suite->parent_if->condition);
  1997. if (type_test->operand && type_test->test_type && type_test->operand->type == GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER && static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(type_test->operand)->name == p_identifier->name && static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(type_test->operand)->source == p_identifier->source) {
  1998. // Bingo.
  1999. GDScriptParser::CompletionContext c = p_context;
  2000. c.current_line = type_test->operand->start_line;
  2001. c.current_suite = suite;
  2002. if (type_test->test_datatype.is_hard_type()) {
  2003. id_type.type = type_test->test_datatype;
  2004. if (last_assign_line < c.current_line) {
  2005. // Override last assignment.
  2006. last_assign_line = c.current_line;
  2007. last_assigned_expression = nullptr;
  2008. }
  2009. }
  2010. }
  2011. }
  2012. suite = suite->parent_block;
  2013. }
  2014. if (last_assigned_expression && last_assign_line < p_context.current_line) {
  2015. GDScriptParser::CompletionContext c = p_context;
  2016. c.current_line = last_assign_line;
  2017. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier assigned_type;
  2018. if (_guess_expression_type(c, last_assigned_expression, assigned_type)) {
  2019. if (id_type.type.is_set() && assigned_type.type.is_set() && !GDScriptAnalyzer::check_type_compatibility(id_type.type, assigned_type.type)) {
  2020. // The assigned type is incompatible. The annotated type takes priority.
  2021. r_type = id_type;
  2022. r_type.assigned_expression = last_assigned_expression;
  2023. } else {
  2024. r_type = assigned_type;
  2025. }
  2026. return true;
  2027. }
  2028. }
  2029. if (is_function_parameter && p_context.current_function && p_context.current_function->source_lambda == nullptr && p_context.current_class) {
  2030. // Check if it's override of native function, then we can assume the type from the signature.
  2031. GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = p_context.current_class->base_type;
  2032. while (base_type.is_set()) {
  2033. switch (base_type.kind) {
  2034. case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS:
  2035. if (base_type.class_type->has_function(p_context.current_function->identifier->name)) {
  2036. GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *parent_function = base_type.class_type->get_member(p_context.current_function->identifier->name).function;
  2037. if (parent_function->parameters_indices.has(p_identifier->name)) {
  2038. const GDScriptParser::ParameterNode *parameter = parent_function->parameters[parent_function->parameters_indices[p_identifier->name]];
  2039. if ((!id_type.type.is_set() || id_type.type.is_variant()) && parameter->get_datatype().is_hard_type()) {
  2040. id_type.type = parameter->get_datatype();
  2041. }
  2042. if (parameter->initializer) {
  2043. GDScriptParser::CompletionContext c = p_context;
  2044. c.current_function = parent_function;
  2045. c.current_class = base_type.class_type;
  2046. c.base = nullptr;
  2047. if (_guess_expression_type(c, parameter->initializer, r_type)) {
  2048. return true;
  2049. }
  2050. }
  2051. }
  2052. }
  2053. base_type = base_type.class_type->base_type;
  2054. break;
  2055. case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: {
  2056. if (id_type.type.is_set() && !id_type.type.is_variant()) {
  2057. base_type = GDScriptParser::DataType();
  2058. break;
  2059. }
  2060. MethodInfo info;
  2061. if (ClassDB::get_method_info(base_type.native_type, p_context.current_function->identifier->name, &info)) {
  2062. for (const PropertyInfo &E : info.arguments) {
  2063. if ( == p_identifier->name) {
  2064. r_type = _type_from_property(E);
  2065. return true;
  2066. }
  2067. }
  2068. }
  2069. base_type = GDScriptParser::DataType();
  2070. } break;
  2071. default:
  2072. break;
  2073. }
  2074. }
  2075. }
  2076. if (id_type.type.is_set() && !id_type.type.is_variant()) {
  2077. r_type = id_type;
  2078. return true;
  2079. }
  2080. // Check global scripts.
  2081. if (ScriptServer::is_global_class(p_identifier->name)) {
  2082. String script = ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(p_identifier->name);
  2083. if (script.to_lower().ends_with(".gd")) {
  2084. Ref<GDScriptParserRef> parser = p_context.parser->get_depended_parser_for(script);
  2085. if (parser.is_valid() && parser->raise_status(GDScriptParserRef::INTERFACE_SOLVED) == OK) {
  2086. r_type.type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
  2087. r_type.type.script_path = script;
  2088. r_type.type.class_type = parser->get_parser()->get_tree();
  2089. r_type.type.is_meta_type = true;
  2090. r_type.type.is_constant = false;
  2091. r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS;
  2092. r_type.value = Variant();
  2093. return true;
  2094. }
  2095. } else {
  2096. Ref<Script> scr = ResourceLoader::load(ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(p_identifier->name));
  2097. if (scr.is_valid()) {
  2098. r_type = _type_from_variant(scr, p_context);
  2099. r_type.type.is_meta_type = true;
  2100. return true;
  2101. }
  2102. }
  2103. return false;
  2104. }
  2105. // Check global variables (including autoloads).
  2106. if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_named_globals_map().has(p_identifier->name)) {
  2107. r_type = _type_from_variant(GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_named_globals_map()[p_identifier->name], p_context);
  2108. return true;
  2109. }
  2110. // Check ClassDB.
  2111. if (ClassDB::class_exists(p_identifier->name) && ClassDB::is_class_exposed(p_identifier->name)) {
  2112. r_type.type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
  2113. r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
  2114. r_type.type.builtin_type = Variant::OBJECT;
  2115. r_type.type.native_type = p_identifier->name;
  2116. r_type.type.is_constant = true;
  2117. if (Engine::get_singleton()->has_singleton(p_identifier->name)) {
  2118. r_type.type.is_meta_type = false;
  2119. r_type.value = Engine::get_singleton()->get_singleton_object(p_identifier->name);
  2120. } else {
  2121. r_type.type.is_meta_type = true;
  2122. r_type.value = Variant();
  2123. }
  2124. }
  2125. return false;
  2126. }
  2127. static bool _guess_identifier_type_from_base(GDScriptParser::CompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &p_base, const StringName &p_identifier, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type) {
  2128. static int recursion_depth = 0;
  2129. RecursionCheck recursion(&recursion_depth);
  2130. if (unlikely(recursion.check())) {
  2131. ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, "Reached recursion limit while trying to guess type.");
  2132. }
  2133. GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = p_base.type;
  2134. bool is_static = base_type.is_meta_type;
  2135. while (base_type.is_set()) {
  2136. switch (base_type.kind) {
  2137. case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS:
  2138. if (base_type.class_type->has_member(p_identifier)) {
  2139. const GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member &member = base_type.class_type->get_member(p_identifier);
  2140. switch (member.type) {
  2141. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CONSTANT:
  2142. r_type.type = member.constant->get_datatype();
  2143. if (member.constant->initializer && member.constant->initializer->is_constant) {
  2144. r_type.value = member.constant->initializer->reduced_value;
  2145. }
  2146. return true;
  2147. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::VARIABLE:
  2148. if (!is_static || member.variable->is_static) {
  2149. if (member.variable->get_datatype().is_set() && !member.variable->get_datatype().is_variant()) {
  2150. r_type.type = member.variable->get_datatype();
  2151. return true;
  2152. } else if (member.variable->initializer) {
  2153. const GDScriptParser::ExpressionNode *init = member.variable->initializer;
  2154. if (init->is_constant) {
  2155. r_type.value = init->reduced_value;
  2156. r_type = _type_from_variant(init->reduced_value, p_context);
  2157. return true;
  2158. } else if (init->start_line == p_context.current_line) {
  2159. return false;
  2160. // Detects if variable is assigned to itself
  2161. } else if (_is_expression_named_identifier(init, member.variable->identifier->name)) {
  2162. if (member.variable->initializer->get_datatype().is_set()) {
  2163. r_type.type = member.variable->initializer->get_datatype();
  2164. } else if (member.variable->get_datatype().is_set() && !member.variable->get_datatype().is_variant()) {
  2165. r_type.type = member.variable->get_datatype();
  2166. }
  2167. return true;
  2168. } else if (_guess_expression_type(p_context, init, r_type)) {
  2169. return true;
  2170. } else if (init->get_datatype().is_set() && !init->get_datatype().is_variant()) {
  2171. r_type.type = init->get_datatype();
  2172. return true;
  2173. }
  2174. }
  2175. }
  2176. // TODO: Check assignments in constructor.
  2177. return false;
  2178. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::ENUM:
  2179. r_type.type = member.m_enum->get_datatype();
  2180. r_type.enumeration = member.m_enum->identifier->name;
  2181. return true;
  2182. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::ENUM_VALUE:
  2183. r_type = _type_from_variant(member.enum_value.value, p_context);
  2184. return true;
  2185. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::SIGNAL:
  2186. r_type.type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
  2187. r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
  2188. r_type.type.builtin_type = Variant::SIGNAL;
  2189. return true;
  2190. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::FUNCTION:
  2191. if (is_static && !member.function->is_static) {
  2192. return false;
  2193. }
  2194. r_type.type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
  2195. r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
  2196. r_type.type.builtin_type = Variant::CALLABLE;
  2197. return true;
  2198. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CLASS:
  2199. r_type.type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
  2200. r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS;
  2201. r_type.type.class_type = member.m_class;
  2202. r_type.type.is_meta_type = true;
  2203. return true;
  2204. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::GROUP:
  2205. return false; // No-op, but silences warnings.
  2206. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::UNDEFINED:
  2207. return false; // Unreachable.
  2208. }
  2209. return false;
  2210. }
  2211. base_type = base_type.class_type->base_type;
  2212. break;
  2213. case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT: {
  2214. Ref<Script> scr = base_type.script_type;
  2215. if (scr.is_valid()) {
  2216. HashMap<StringName, Variant> constants;
  2217. scr->get_constants(&constants);
  2218. if (constants.has(p_identifier)) {
  2219. r_type = _type_from_variant(constants[p_identifier], p_context);
  2220. return true;
  2221. }
  2222. List<PropertyInfo> members;
  2223. if (is_static) {
  2224. scr->get_property_list(&members);
  2225. } else {
  2226. scr->get_script_property_list(&members);
  2227. }
  2228. for (const PropertyInfo &prop : members) {
  2229. if ( == p_identifier) {
  2230. r_type = _type_from_property(prop);
  2231. return true;
  2232. }
  2233. }
  2234. Ref<Script> parent = scr->get_base_script();
  2235. if (parent.is_valid()) {
  2236. base_type.script_type = parent;
  2237. } else {
  2238. base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
  2239. base_type.builtin_type = Variant::OBJECT;
  2240. base_type.native_type = scr->get_instance_base_type();
  2241. }
  2242. } else {
  2243. return false;
  2244. }
  2245. } break;
  2246. case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: {
  2247. StringName class_name = base_type.native_type;
  2248. if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) {
  2249. return false;
  2250. }
  2251. // Skip constants since they're all integers. Type does not matter because int has no members.
  2252. PropertyInfo prop;
  2253. if (ClassDB::get_property_info(class_name, p_identifier, &prop)) {
  2254. StringName getter = ClassDB::get_property_getter(class_name, p_identifier);
  2255. if (getter != StringName()) {
  2256. MethodBind *g = ClassDB::get_method(class_name, getter);
  2257. if (g) {
  2258. r_type = _type_from_property(g->get_return_info());
  2259. return true;
  2260. }
  2261. } else {
  2262. r_type = _type_from_property(prop);
  2263. return true;
  2264. }
  2265. }
  2266. return false;
  2267. } break;
  2268. case GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN: {
  2269. Callable::CallError err;
  2270. Variant tmp;
  2271. Variant::construct(base_type.builtin_type, tmp, nullptr, 0, err);
  2272. if (err.error != Callable::CallError::CALL_OK) {
  2273. return false;
  2274. }
  2275. bool valid = false;
  2276. Variant res = tmp.get(p_identifier, &valid);
  2277. if (valid) {
  2278. r_type = _type_from_variant(res, p_context);
  2279. r_type.value = Variant();
  2280. r_type.type.is_constant = false;
  2281. return true;
  2282. }
  2283. return false;
  2284. } break;
  2285. default: {
  2286. return false;
  2287. } break;
  2288. }
  2289. }
  2290. return false;
  2291. }
  2292. static void _find_last_return_in_block(GDScriptParser::CompletionContext &p_context, int &r_last_return_line, const GDScriptParser::ExpressionNode **r_last_returned_value) {
  2293. if (!p_context.current_suite) {
  2294. return;
  2295. }
  2296. for (int i = 0; i < p_context.current_suite->statements.size(); i++) {
  2297. if (p_context.current_suite->statements[i]->start_line < r_last_return_line) {
  2298. break;
  2299. }
  2300. GDScriptParser::CompletionContext c = p_context;
  2301. switch (p_context.current_suite->statements[i]->type) {
  2302. case GDScriptParser::Node::FOR:
  2303. c.current_suite = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ForNode *>(p_context.current_suite->statements[i])->loop;
  2304. _find_last_return_in_block(c, r_last_return_line, r_last_returned_value);
  2305. break;
  2306. case GDScriptParser::Node::WHILE:
  2307. c.current_suite = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::WhileNode *>(p_context.current_suite->statements[i])->loop;
  2308. _find_last_return_in_block(c, r_last_return_line, r_last_returned_value);
  2309. break;
  2310. case GDScriptParser::Node::IF: {
  2311. const GDScriptParser::IfNode *_if = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IfNode *>(p_context.current_suite->statements[i]);
  2312. c.current_suite = _if->true_block;
  2313. _find_last_return_in_block(c, r_last_return_line, r_last_returned_value);
  2314. if (_if->false_block) {
  2315. c.current_suite = _if->false_block;
  2316. _find_last_return_in_block(c, r_last_return_line, r_last_returned_value);
  2317. }
  2318. } break;
  2319. case GDScriptParser::Node::MATCH: {
  2320. const GDScriptParser::MatchNode *match = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::MatchNode *>(p_context.current_suite->statements[i]);
  2321. for (int j = 0; j < match->branches.size(); j++) {
  2322. c.current_suite = match->branches[j]->block;
  2323. _find_last_return_in_block(c, r_last_return_line, r_last_returned_value);
  2324. }
  2325. } break;
  2326. case GDScriptParser::Node::RETURN: {
  2327. const GDScriptParser::ReturnNode *ret = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ReturnNode *>(p_context.current_suite->statements[i]);
  2328. if (ret->return_value) {
  2329. if (ret->start_line > r_last_return_line) {
  2330. r_last_return_line = ret->start_line;
  2331. *r_last_returned_value = ret->return_value;
  2332. }
  2333. }
  2334. } break;
  2335. default:
  2336. break;
  2337. }
  2338. }
  2339. }
  2340. static bool _guess_method_return_type_from_base(GDScriptParser::CompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &p_base, const StringName &p_method, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type) {
  2341. static int recursion_depth = 0;
  2342. RecursionCheck recursion(&recursion_depth);
  2343. if (unlikely(recursion.check())) {
  2344. ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, "Reached recursion limit while trying to guess type.");
  2345. }
  2346. GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = p_base.type;
  2347. bool is_static = base_type.is_meta_type;
  2348. if (is_static && p_method == SNAME("new")) {
  2349. r_type.type = base_type;
  2350. r_type.type.is_meta_type = false;
  2351. r_type.type.is_constant = false;
  2352. return true;
  2353. }
  2354. while (base_type.is_set() && !base_type.is_variant()) {
  2355. switch (base_type.kind) {
  2356. case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS:
  2357. if (base_type.class_type->has_function(p_method)) {
  2358. GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *method = base_type.class_type->get_member(p_method).function;
  2359. if (!is_static || method->is_static) {
  2360. if (method->get_datatype().is_set() && !method->get_datatype().is_variant()) {
  2361. r_type.type = method->get_datatype();
  2362. return true;
  2363. }
  2364. int last_return_line = -1;
  2365. const GDScriptParser::ExpressionNode *last_returned_value = nullptr;
  2366. GDScriptParser::CompletionContext c = p_context;
  2367. c.current_class = base_type.class_type;
  2368. c.current_function = method;
  2369. c.current_suite = method->body;
  2370. _find_last_return_in_block(c, last_return_line, &last_returned_value);
  2371. if (last_returned_value) {
  2372. c.current_line = c.current_suite->end_line;
  2373. if (_guess_expression_type(c, last_returned_value, r_type)) {
  2374. return true;
  2375. }
  2376. }
  2377. }
  2378. }
  2379. base_type = base_type.class_type->base_type;
  2380. break;
  2381. case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT: {
  2382. Ref<Script> scr = base_type.script_type;
  2383. if (scr.is_valid()) {
  2384. List<MethodInfo> methods;
  2385. scr->get_script_method_list(&methods);
  2386. for (const MethodInfo &mi : methods) {
  2387. if ( == p_method) {
  2388. r_type = _type_from_property(mi.return_val);
  2389. return true;
  2390. }
  2391. }
  2392. Ref<Script> base_script = scr->get_base_script();
  2393. if (base_script.is_valid()) {
  2394. base_type.script_type = base_script;
  2395. } else {
  2396. base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
  2397. base_type.builtin_type = Variant::OBJECT;
  2398. base_type.native_type = scr->get_instance_base_type();
  2399. }
  2400. } else {
  2401. return false;
  2402. }
  2403. } break;
  2404. case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: {
  2405. if (!ClassDB::class_exists(base_type.native_type)) {
  2406. return false;
  2407. }
  2408. MethodBind *mb = ClassDB::get_method(base_type.native_type, p_method);
  2409. if (mb) {
  2410. r_type = _type_from_property(mb->get_return_info());
  2411. return true;
  2412. }
  2413. return false;
  2414. } break;
  2415. case GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN: {
  2416. Callable::CallError err;
  2417. Variant tmp;
  2418. Variant::construct(base_type.builtin_type, tmp, nullptr, 0, err);
  2419. if (err.error != Callable::CallError::CALL_OK) {
  2420. return false;
  2421. }
  2422. List<MethodInfo> methods;
  2423. tmp.get_method_list(&methods);
  2424. for (const MethodInfo &mi : methods) {
  2425. if ( == p_method) {
  2426. r_type = _type_from_property(mi.return_val);
  2427. return true;
  2428. }
  2429. }
  2430. return false;
  2431. } break;
  2432. default: {
  2433. return false;
  2434. }
  2435. }
  2436. }
  2437. return false;
  2438. }
  2439. static void _find_enumeration_candidates(GDScriptParser::CompletionContext &p_context, const String &p_enum_hint, HashMap<String, ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> &r_result) {
  2440. if (!p_enum_hint.contains_char('.')) {
  2441. // Global constant or in the current class.
  2442. StringName current_enum = p_enum_hint;
  2443. if (p_context.current_class && p_context.current_class->has_member(current_enum) && p_context.current_class->get_member(current_enum).type == GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::ENUM) {
  2444. const GDScriptParser::EnumNode *_enum = p_context.current_class->get_member(current_enum).m_enum;
  2445. for (int i = 0; i < _enum->values.size(); i++) {
  2446. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(_enum->values[i].identifier->name, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_ENUM);
  2447. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  2448. }
  2449. } else {
  2450. for (int i = 0; i < CoreConstants::get_global_constant_count(); i++) {
  2451. if (CoreConstants::get_global_constant_enum(i) == current_enum) {
  2452. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(CoreConstants::get_global_constant_name(i), ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_ENUM);
  2453. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  2454. }
  2455. }
  2456. }
  2457. } else {
  2458. String class_name = p_enum_hint.get_slice(".", 0);
  2459. String enum_name = p_enum_hint.get_slice(".", 1);
  2460. if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) {
  2461. return;
  2462. }
  2463. List<StringName> enum_constants;
  2464. ClassDB::get_enum_constants(class_name, enum_name, &enum_constants);
  2465. for (const StringName &E : enum_constants) {
  2466. String candidate = class_name + "." + E;
  2467. int location = _get_enum_constant_location(class_name, E);
  2468. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(candidate, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_ENUM, location);
  2469. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  2470. }
  2471. }
  2472. }
  2473. static void _find_call_arguments(GDScriptParser::CompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &p_base, const StringName &p_method, int p_argidx, bool p_static, HashMap<String, ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> &r_result, String &r_arghint) {
  2474. Variant base = p_base.value;
  2475. GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = p_base.type;
  2476. const String quote_style = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/completion/use_single_quotes") ? "'" : "\"";
  2477. const bool use_string_names = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/completion/add_string_name_literals");
  2478. const bool use_node_paths = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/completion/add_node_path_literals");
  2479. while (base_type.is_set() && !base_type.is_variant()) {
  2480. switch (base_type.kind) {
  2481. case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: {
  2482. if (base_type.is_meta_type && p_method == SNAME("new")) {
  2483. const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *current = base_type.class_type;
  2484. do {
  2485. if (current->has_member("_init")) {
  2486. const GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member &member = current->get_member("_init");
  2487. if (member.type == GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::FUNCTION) {
  2488. r_arghint = base_type.class_type->get_datatype().to_string() + " new" + _make_arguments_hint(member.function, p_argidx, true);
  2489. return;
  2490. }
  2491. }
  2492. current = current->base_type.class_type;
  2493. } while (current != nullptr);
  2494. r_arghint = base_type.class_type->get_datatype().to_string() + " new()";
  2495. return;
  2496. }
  2497. if (base_type.class_type->has_member(p_method)) {
  2498. const GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member &member = base_type.class_type->get_member(p_method);
  2499. if (member.type == GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::FUNCTION) {
  2500. r_arghint = _make_arguments_hint(member.function, p_argidx);
  2501. return;
  2502. }
  2503. }
  2504. base_type = base_type.class_type->base_type;
  2505. } break;
  2506. case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT: {
  2507. if (base_type.script_type->is_valid() && base_type.script_type->has_method(p_method)) {
  2508. r_arghint = _make_arguments_hint(base_type.script_type->get_method_info(p_method), p_argidx);
  2509. return;
  2510. }
  2511. Ref<Script> base_script = base_type.script_type->get_base_script();
  2512. if (base_script.is_valid()) {
  2513. base_type.script_type = base_script;
  2514. } else {
  2515. base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
  2516. base_type.builtin_type = Variant::OBJECT;
  2517. base_type.native_type = base_type.script_type->get_instance_base_type();
  2518. }
  2519. } break;
  2520. case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: {
  2521. StringName class_name = base_type.native_type;
  2522. if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) {
  2523. base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::UNRESOLVED;
  2524. break;
  2525. }
  2526. MethodInfo info;
  2527. int method_args = 0;
  2528. if (ClassDB::get_method_info(class_name, p_method, &info)) {
  2529. method_args = info.arguments.size();
  2530. if (base.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) {
  2531. Object *obj = base.operator Object *();
  2532. if (obj) {
  2533. List<String> options;
  2534. obj->get_argument_options(p_method, p_argidx, &options);
  2535. for (String &opt : options) {
  2536. // Handle user preference.
  2537. if (opt.is_quoted()) {
  2538. opt = opt.unquote().quote(quote_style);
  2539. if (use_string_names && info.arguments.get(p_argidx).type == Variant::STRING_NAME) {
  2540. opt = "&" + opt;
  2541. } else if (use_node_paths && info.arguments.get(p_argidx).type == Variant::NODE_PATH) {
  2542. opt = "^" + opt;
  2543. }
  2544. }
  2545. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(opt, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_FUNCTION);
  2546. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  2547. }
  2548. }
  2549. }
  2550. if (p_argidx < method_args) {
  2551. const PropertyInfo &arg_info = info.arguments.get(p_argidx);
  2553. _find_enumeration_candidates(p_context, arg_info.class_name, r_result);
  2554. }
  2555. }
  2556. r_arghint = _make_arguments_hint(info, p_argidx);
  2557. }
  2558. if (p_argidx == 1 && p_context.node && p_context.node->type == GDScriptParser::Node::CALL && ClassDB::is_parent_class(class_name, SNAME("Tween")) && p_method == SNAME("tween_property")) {
  2559. // Get tweened objects properties.
  2560. GDScriptParser::ExpressionNode *tweened_object = static_cast<GDScriptParser::CallNode *>(p_context.node)->arguments[0];
  2561. StringName native_type = tweened_object->datatype.native_type;
  2562. switch (tweened_object->datatype.kind) {
  2563. case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT: {
  2564. Ref<Script> script = tweened_object->datatype.script_type;
  2565. native_type = script->get_instance_base_type();
  2566. int n = 0;
  2567. while (script.is_valid()) {
  2568. List<PropertyInfo> properties;
  2569. script->get_script_property_list(&properties);
  2570. for (const PropertyInfo &E : properties) {
  2572. continue;
  2573. }
  2574. String name =;
  2575. if (use_node_paths) {
  2576. name = "^" + name;
  2577. }
  2578. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(name, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_MEMBER, ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionLocation::LOCATION_LOCAL + n);
  2579. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  2580. }
  2581. script = script->get_base_script();
  2582. n++;
  2583. }
  2584. } break;
  2585. case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: {
  2586. GDScriptParser::ClassNode *clss = tweened_object->datatype.class_type;
  2587. native_type = clss->base_type.native_type;
  2588. int n = 0;
  2589. while (clss) {
  2590. for (GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member member : clss->members) {
  2591. if (member.type == GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::VARIABLE) {
  2592. String name = member.get_name().quote(quote_style);
  2593. if (use_node_paths) {
  2594. name = "^" + name;
  2595. }
  2596. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(name, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_MEMBER, ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionLocation::LOCATION_LOCAL + n);
  2597. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  2598. }
  2599. }
  2600. if (clss->base_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::Kind::CLASS) {
  2601. clss = clss->base_type.class_type;
  2602. n++;
  2603. } else {
  2604. native_type = clss->base_type.native_type;
  2605. clss = nullptr;
  2606. }
  2607. }
  2608. } break;
  2609. default:
  2610. break;
  2611. }
  2612. List<PropertyInfo> properties;
  2613. ClassDB::get_property_list(native_type, &properties);
  2614. for (const PropertyInfo &E : properties) {
  2616. continue;
  2617. }
  2618. String name =;
  2619. if (use_node_paths) {
  2620. name = "^" + name;
  2621. }
  2622. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(name, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_MEMBER);
  2623. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  2624. }
  2625. }
  2626. if (p_argidx == 0 && ClassDB::is_parent_class(class_name, SNAME("Node")) && (p_method == SNAME("get_node") || p_method == SNAME("has_node"))) {
  2627. // Get autoloads
  2628. List<PropertyInfo> props;
  2629. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_property_list(&props);
  2630. for (const PropertyInfo &E : props) {
  2631. String s =;
  2632. if (!s.begins_with("autoload/")) {
  2633. continue;
  2634. }
  2635. String name = s.get_slice("/", 1);
  2636. String path = ("/root/" + name).quote(quote_style);
  2637. if (use_node_paths) {
  2638. path = "^" + path;
  2639. }
  2640. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(path, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_NODE_PATH);
  2641. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  2642. }
  2643. }
  2644. if (p_argidx == 0 && method_args > 0 && ClassDB::is_parent_class(class_name, SNAME("InputEvent")) && p_method.operator String().contains("action")) {
  2645. // Get input actions
  2646. List<PropertyInfo> props;
  2647. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_property_list(&props);
  2648. for (const PropertyInfo &E : props) {
  2649. String s =;
  2650. if (!s.begins_with("input/")) {
  2651. continue;
  2652. }
  2653. String name = s.get_slice("/", 1).quote(quote_style);
  2654. if (use_string_names) {
  2655. name = "&" + name;
  2656. }
  2657. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(name, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CONSTANT);
  2658. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  2659. }
  2660. }
  2661. if (EDITOR_GET("text_editor/completion/complete_file_paths")) {
  2662. if (p_argidx == 0 && p_method == SNAME("change_scene_to_file") && ClassDB::is_parent_class(class_name, SNAME("SceneTree"))) {
  2663. HashMap<String, ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> list;
  2664. _get_directory_contents(EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->get_filesystem(), list, SNAME("PackedScene"));
  2665. for (const KeyValue<String, ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> &key_value_pair : list) {
  2666. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option = key_value_pair.value;
  2667. r_result.insert(option.display, option);
  2668. }
  2669. }
  2670. }
  2671. base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::UNRESOLVED;
  2672. } break;
  2673. case GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN: {
  2674. if (base.get_type() == Variant::NIL) {
  2675. Callable::CallError err;
  2676. Variant::construct(base_type.builtin_type, base, nullptr, 0, err);
  2677. if (err.error != Callable::CallError::CALL_OK) {
  2678. return;
  2679. }
  2680. }
  2681. List<MethodInfo> methods;
  2682. base.get_method_list(&methods);
  2683. for (const MethodInfo &E : methods) {
  2684. if ( == p_method) {
  2685. r_arghint = _make_arguments_hint(E, p_argidx);
  2686. return;
  2687. }
  2688. }
  2689. base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::UNRESOLVED;
  2690. } break;
  2691. default: {
  2692. base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::UNRESOLVED;
  2693. } break;
  2694. }
  2695. }
  2696. }
  2697. static bool _get_subscript_type(GDScriptParser::CompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptParser::SubscriptNode *p_subscript, GDScriptParser::DataType &r_base_type, Variant *r_base = nullptr) {
  2698. if (p_context.base == nullptr) {
  2699. return false;
  2700. }
  2701. const GDScriptParser::GetNodeNode *get_node = nullptr;
  2702. switch (p_subscript->base->type) {
  2703. case GDScriptParser::Node::GET_NODE: {
  2704. get_node = static_cast<GDScriptParser::GetNodeNode *>(p_subscript->base);
  2705. } break;
  2706. case GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER: {
  2707. const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *identifier_node = static_cast<GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(p_subscript->base);
  2708. switch (identifier_node->source) {
  2709. case GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::Source::MEMBER_VARIABLE: {
  2710. if (p_context.current_class != nullptr) {
  2711. const StringName &member_name = identifier_node->name;
  2712. const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *current_class = p_context.current_class;
  2713. if (current_class->has_member(member_name)) {
  2714. const GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member &member = current_class->get_member(member_name);
  2715. if (member.type == GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::VARIABLE) {
  2716. const GDScriptParser::VariableNode *variable = static_cast<GDScriptParser::VariableNode *>(member.variable);
  2717. if (variable->initializer && variable->initializer->type == GDScriptParser::Node::GET_NODE) {
  2718. get_node = static_cast<GDScriptParser::GetNodeNode *>(variable->initializer);
  2719. }
  2720. }
  2721. }
  2722. }
  2723. } break;
  2724. case GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::Source::LOCAL_VARIABLE: {
  2725. if (identifier_node->next != nullptr && identifier_node->next->type == GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Node::GET_NODE) {
  2726. get_node = static_cast<GDScriptParser::GetNodeNode *>(identifier_node->next);
  2727. }
  2728. } break;
  2729. default: {
  2730. } break;
  2731. }
  2732. } break;
  2733. default: {
  2734. } break;
  2735. }
  2736. if (get_node != nullptr) {
  2737. const Object *node = p_context.base->call("get_node_or_null", NodePath(get_node->full_path));
  2738. if (node != nullptr) {
  2739. GDScriptParser::DataType assigned_type = _type_from_variant(node, p_context).type;
  2740. GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = p_subscript->base->datatype;
  2741. if (p_subscript->base->type == GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER && base_type.type_source == GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT && (assigned_type.kind != base_type.kind || assigned_type.script_path != base_type.script_path || assigned_type.native_type != base_type.native_type)) {
  2742. // Annotated type takes precedence.
  2743. return false;
  2744. }
  2745. if (r_base != nullptr) {
  2746. *r_base = node;
  2747. }
  2748. r_base_type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::INFERRED;
  2749. r_base_type.builtin_type = Variant::OBJECT;
  2750. r_base_type.native_type = node->get_class_name();
  2751. Ref<Script> scr = node->get_script();
  2752. if (scr.is_null()) {
  2753. r_base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
  2754. } else {
  2755. r_base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT;
  2756. r_base_type.script_type = scr;
  2757. }
  2758. return true;
  2759. }
  2760. }
  2761. return false;
  2762. }
  2763. static void _find_call_arguments(GDScriptParser::CompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptParser::Node *p_call, int p_argidx, HashMap<String, ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> &r_result, bool &r_forced, String &r_arghint) {
  2764. if (p_call->type == GDScriptParser::Node::PRELOAD) {
  2765. if (p_argidx == 0 && bool(EDITOR_GET("text_editor/completion/complete_file_paths"))) {
  2766. _get_directory_contents(EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->get_filesystem(), r_result);
  2767. }
  2768. MethodInfo mi(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "resource", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Resource"), "preload", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "path"));
  2769. r_arghint = _make_arguments_hint(mi, p_argidx);
  2770. return;
  2771. } else if (p_call->type != GDScriptParser::Node::CALL) {
  2772. return;
  2773. }
  2774. Variant base;
  2775. GDScriptParser::DataType base_type;
  2776. bool _static = false;
  2777. const GDScriptParser::CallNode *call = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::CallNode *>(p_call);
  2778. GDScriptParser::Node::Type callee_type = call->get_callee_type();
  2779. if (callee_type == GDScriptParser::Node::SUBSCRIPT) {
  2780. const GDScriptParser::SubscriptNode *subscript = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::SubscriptNode *>(call->callee);
  2781. if (subscript->base != nullptr && subscript->base->type == GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER) {
  2782. const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *base_identifier = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(subscript->base);
  2783. Variant::Type method_type = GDScriptParser::get_builtin_type(base_identifier->name);
  2784. if (method_type < Variant::VARIANT_MAX) {
  2785. Variant v;
  2786. Callable::CallError err;
  2787. Variant::construct(method_type, v, nullptr, 0, err);
  2788. if (err.error != Callable::CallError::CALL_OK) {
  2789. return;
  2790. }
  2791. List<MethodInfo> methods;
  2792. v.get_method_list(&methods);
  2793. for (MethodInfo &E : methods) {
  2794. if (p_argidx >= E.arguments.size()) {
  2795. continue;
  2796. }
  2797. if ( == call->function_name) {
  2798. r_arghint += _make_arguments_hint(E, p_argidx);
  2799. return;
  2800. }
  2801. }
  2802. }
  2803. }
  2804. if (subscript->is_attribute) {
  2805. bool found_type = _get_subscript_type(p_context, subscript, base_type, &base);
  2806. if (!found_type) {
  2807. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier ci;
  2808. if (_guess_expression_type(p_context, subscript->base, ci)) {
  2809. base_type = ci.type;
  2810. base = ci.value;
  2811. } else {
  2812. return;
  2813. }
  2814. }
  2815. _static = base_type.is_meta_type;
  2816. }
  2817. } else if (Variant::has_utility_function(call->function_name)) {
  2818. MethodInfo info = Variant::get_utility_function_info(call->function_name);
  2819. r_arghint = _make_arguments_hint(info, p_argidx);
  2820. return;
  2821. } else if (GDScriptUtilityFunctions::function_exists(call->function_name)) {
  2822. MethodInfo info = GDScriptUtilityFunctions::get_function_info(call->function_name);
  2823. r_arghint = _make_arguments_hint(info, p_argidx);
  2824. return;
  2825. } else if (GDScriptParser::get_builtin_type(call->function_name) < Variant::VARIANT_MAX) {
  2826. // Complete constructor.
  2827. List<MethodInfo> constructors;
  2828. Variant::get_constructor_list(GDScriptParser::get_builtin_type(call->function_name), &constructors);
  2829. int i = 0;
  2830. for (const MethodInfo &E : constructors) {
  2831. if (p_argidx >= E.arguments.size()) {
  2832. continue;
  2833. }
  2834. if (i > 0) {
  2835. r_arghint += "\n";
  2836. }
  2837. r_arghint += _make_arguments_hint(E, p_argidx);
  2838. i++;
  2839. }
  2840. return;
  2841. } else if (call->is_super || callee_type == GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER) {
  2842. base = p_context.base;
  2843. if (p_context.current_class) {
  2844. base_type = p_context.current_class->get_datatype();
  2845. _static = !p_context.current_function || p_context.current_function->is_static;
  2846. }
  2847. } else {
  2848. return;
  2849. }
  2850. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier ci;
  2851. ci.type = base_type;
  2852. ci.value = base;
  2853. _find_call_arguments(p_context, ci, call->function_name, p_argidx, _static, r_result, r_arghint);
  2854. r_forced = r_result.size() > 0;
  2855. }
  2856. ::Error GDScriptLanguage::complete_code(const String &p_code, const String &p_path, Object *p_owner, List<ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> *r_options, bool &r_forced, String &r_call_hint) {
  2857. const String quote_style = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/completion/use_single_quotes") ? "'" : "\"";
  2858. GDScriptParser parser;
  2859. GDScriptAnalyzer analyzer(&parser);
  2860. parser.parse(p_code, p_path, true);
  2861. analyzer.analyze();
  2862. r_forced = false;
  2863. HashMap<String, ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> options;
  2864. GDScriptParser::CompletionContext completion_context = parser.get_completion_context();
  2865. if (completion_context.current_class != nullptr && completion_context.current_class->outer == nullptr) {
  2866. completion_context.base = p_owner;
  2867. }
  2868. bool is_function = false;
  2869. switch (completion_context.type) {
  2870. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_NONE:
  2871. break;
  2872. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_ANNOTATION: {
  2873. List<MethodInfo> annotations;
  2874. parser.get_annotation_list(&annotations);
  2875. for (const MethodInfo &E : annotations) {
  2876. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_PLAIN_TEXT);
  2877. if (E.arguments.size() > 0) {
  2878. option.insert_text += "(";
  2879. }
  2880. options.insert(option.display, option);
  2881. }
  2882. r_forced = true;
  2883. } break;
  2885. if (completion_context.node == nullptr || completion_context.node->type != GDScriptParser::Node::ANNOTATION) {
  2886. break;
  2887. }
  2888. const GDScriptParser::AnnotationNode *annotation = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::AnnotationNode *>(completion_context.node);
  2889. _find_annotation_arguments(annotation, completion_context.current_argument, quote_style, options, r_call_hint);
  2890. r_forced = true;
  2891. } break;
  2893. // Constants.
  2894. {
  2895. List<StringName> constants;
  2896. Variant::get_constants_for_type(completion_context.builtin_type, &constants);
  2897. for (const StringName &E : constants) {
  2898. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(E, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_CONSTANT);
  2899. bool valid = false;
  2900. Variant default_value = Variant::get_constant_value(completion_context.builtin_type, E, &valid);
  2901. if (valid) {
  2902. option.default_value = default_value;
  2903. }
  2904. options.insert(option.display, option);
  2905. }
  2906. }
  2907. // Methods.
  2908. {
  2909. List<StringName> methods;
  2910. Variant::get_builtin_method_list(completion_context.builtin_type, &methods);
  2911. for (const StringName &E : methods) {
  2912. if (Variant::is_builtin_method_static(completion_context.builtin_type, E)) {
  2913. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(E, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_FUNCTION);
  2914. if (Variant::get_builtin_method_argument_count(completion_context.builtin_type, E) > 0 || Variant::is_builtin_method_vararg(completion_context.builtin_type, E)) {
  2915. option.insert_text += "(";
  2916. } else {
  2917. option.insert_text += "()";
  2918. }
  2919. options.insert(option.display, option);
  2920. }
  2921. }
  2922. }
  2923. } break;
  2924. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_INHERIT_TYPE: {
  2925. _list_available_types(true, completion_context, options);
  2926. r_forced = true;
  2927. } break;
  2928. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_TYPE_NAME_OR_VOID: {
  2929. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option("void", ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_PLAIN_TEXT);
  2930. options.insert(option.display, option);
  2931. }
  2932. [[fallthrough]];
  2933. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_TYPE_NAME: {
  2934. _list_available_types(false, completion_context, options);
  2935. r_forced = true;
  2936. } break;
  2938. _list_available_types(false, completion_context, options);
  2939. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption get("get", ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_PLAIN_TEXT);
  2940. options.insert(get.display, get);
  2941. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption set("set", ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_PLAIN_TEXT);
  2942. options.insert(set.display, set);
  2943. r_forced = true;
  2944. } break;
  2946. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption get("get", ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_PLAIN_TEXT);
  2947. options.insert(get.display, get);
  2948. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption set("set", ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_PLAIN_TEXT);
  2949. options.insert(set.display, set);
  2950. r_forced = true;
  2951. } break;
  2952. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_PROPERTY_METHOD: {
  2953. if (!completion_context.current_class) {
  2954. break;
  2955. }
  2956. for (int i = 0; i < completion_context.current_class->members.size(); i++) {
  2957. const GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member &member = completion_context.current_class->members[i];
  2958. if (member.type != GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::FUNCTION) {
  2959. continue;
  2960. }
  2961. if (member.function->is_static) {
  2962. continue;
  2963. }
  2964. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(member.function->identifier->name, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_FUNCTION);
  2965. options.insert(option.display, option);
  2966. }
  2967. r_forced = true;
  2968. } break;
  2969. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_ASSIGN: {
  2970. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier type;
  2971. if (!completion_context.node || completion_context.node->type != GDScriptParser::Node::ASSIGNMENT) {
  2972. break;
  2973. }
  2974. if (!_guess_expression_type(completion_context, static_cast<const GDScriptParser::AssignmentNode *>(completion_context.node)->assignee, type)) {
  2975. _find_identifiers(completion_context, false, options, 0);
  2976. r_forced = true;
  2977. break;
  2978. }
  2979. if (!type.enumeration.is_empty()) {
  2980. _find_enumeration_candidates(completion_context, type.enumeration, options);
  2981. r_forced = options.size() > 0;
  2982. } else {
  2983. _find_identifiers(completion_context, false, options, 0);
  2984. r_forced = true;
  2985. }
  2986. } break;
  2987. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_METHOD:
  2988. is_function = true;
  2989. [[fallthrough]];
  2990. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_IDENTIFIER: {
  2991. _find_identifiers(completion_context, is_function, options, 0);
  2992. } break;
  2994. is_function = true;
  2995. [[fallthrough]];
  2996. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_ATTRIBUTE: {
  2997. r_forced = true;
  2998. const GDScriptParser::SubscriptNode *attr = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::SubscriptNode *>(completion_context.node);
  2999. if (attr->base) {
  3000. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base;
  3001. bool found_type = _get_subscript_type(completion_context, attr, base.type);
  3002. if (!found_type && !_guess_expression_type(completion_context, attr->base, base)) {
  3003. break;
  3004. }
  3005. _find_identifiers_in_base(base, is_function, false, options, 0);
  3006. }
  3007. } break;
  3008. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_SUBSCRIPT: {
  3009. const GDScriptParser::SubscriptNode *subscript = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::SubscriptNode *>(completion_context.node);
  3010. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base;
  3011. const bool res = _guess_expression_type(completion_context, subscript->base, base);
  3012. // If the type is not known, we assume it is BUILTIN, since indices on arrays is the most common use case.
  3013. if (!subscript->is_attribute && (!res || base.type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN || base.type.is_variant())) {
  3014. if (base.value.get_type() == Variant::DICTIONARY) {
  3015. List<PropertyInfo> members;
  3016. base.value.get_property_list(&members);
  3017. for (const PropertyInfo &E : members) {
  3018. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_MEMBER, ScriptLanguage::LOCATION_LOCAL);
  3019. options.insert(option.display, option);
  3020. }
  3021. }
  3022. if (!subscript->index || subscript->index->type != GDScriptParser::Node::LITERAL) {
  3023. _find_identifiers(completion_context, false, options, 0);
  3024. }
  3025. } else if (res) {
  3026. if (!subscript->is_attribute) {
  3027. // Quote the options if they are not accessed as attribute.
  3028. HashMap<String, ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> opt;
  3029. _find_identifiers_in_base(base, false, false, opt, 0);
  3030. for (const KeyValue<String, CodeCompletionOption> &E : opt) {
  3031. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(E.value.insert_text.quote(quote_style), E.value.kind, E.value.location);
  3032. options.insert(option.display, option);
  3033. }
  3034. } else {
  3035. _find_identifiers_in_base(base, false, false, options, 0);
  3036. }
  3037. }
  3038. } break;
  3039. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE: {
  3040. if (!completion_context.current_class) {
  3041. break;
  3042. }
  3043. const GDScriptParser::TypeNode *type = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::TypeNode *>(completion_context.node);
  3044. bool found = true;
  3045. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base;
  3046. base.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS;
  3047. base.type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::INFERRED;
  3048. base.type.is_constant = true;
  3049. if (completion_context.current_argument == 1) {
  3050. StringName type_name = type->type_chain[0]->name;
  3051. if (ClassDB::class_exists(type_name)) {
  3052. base.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
  3053. base.type.native_type = type_name;
  3054. } else if (ScriptServer::is_global_class(type_name)) {
  3055. base.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT;
  3056. String scr_path = ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(type_name);
  3057. base.type.script_type = ResourceLoader::load(scr_path);
  3058. }
  3059. }
  3060. if (base.type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS) {
  3061. base.type.class_type = completion_context.current_class;
  3062. base.value = completion_context.base;
  3063. for (int i = 0; i < completion_context.current_argument; i++) {
  3064. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier ci;
  3065. if (!_guess_identifier_type_from_base(completion_context, base, type->type_chain[i]->name, ci)) {
  3066. found = false;
  3067. break;
  3068. }
  3069. base = ci;
  3070. }
  3071. }
  3072. if (found) {
  3073. _find_identifiers_in_base(base, false, true, options, 0);
  3074. }
  3075. r_forced = true;
  3076. } break;
  3077. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_RESOURCE_PATH: {
  3078. if (EDITOR_GET("text_editor/completion/complete_file_paths")) {
  3079. _get_directory_contents(EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->get_filesystem(), options);
  3080. r_forced = true;
  3081. }
  3082. } break;
  3083. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_CALL_ARGUMENTS: {
  3084. if (!completion_context.node) {
  3085. break;
  3086. }
  3087. _find_call_arguments(completion_context, completion_context.node, completion_context.current_argument, options, r_forced, r_call_hint);
  3088. } break;
  3089. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_OVERRIDE_METHOD: {
  3090. GDScriptParser::DataType native_type = completion_context.current_class->base_type;
  3091. while (native_type.is_set() && native_type.kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE) {
  3092. switch (native_type.kind) {
  3093. case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: {
  3094. native_type = native_type.class_type->base_type;
  3095. } break;
  3096. default: {
  3097. native_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::UNRESOLVED;
  3098. } break;
  3099. }
  3100. }
  3101. if (!native_type.is_set()) {
  3102. break;
  3103. }
  3104. StringName class_name = native_type.native_type;
  3105. if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) {
  3106. break;
  3107. }
  3108. bool use_type_hint = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_setting("text_editor/completion/add_type_hints").operator bool();
  3109. List<MethodInfo> virtual_methods;
  3110. ClassDB::get_virtual_methods(class_name, &virtual_methods);
  3111. {
  3112. // Not truly a virtual method, but can also be "overridden".
  3113. MethodInfo static_init("_static_init");
  3114. static_init.return_val.type = Variant::NIL;
  3115. static_init.flags |= METHOD_FLAG_STATIC | METHOD_FLAG_VIRTUAL;
  3116. virtual_methods.push_back(static_init);
  3117. }
  3118. for (const MethodInfo &mi : virtual_methods) {
  3119. String method_hint =;
  3120. if (method_hint.contains_char(':')) {
  3121. method_hint = method_hint.get_slice(":", 0);
  3122. }
  3123. method_hint += "(";
  3124. for (List<PropertyInfo>::ConstIterator arg_itr = mi.arguments.begin(); arg_itr != mi.arguments.end(); ++arg_itr) {
  3125. if (arg_itr != mi.arguments.begin()) {
  3126. method_hint += ", ";
  3127. }
  3128. String arg = arg_itr->name;
  3129. if (arg.contains_char(':')) {
  3130. arg = arg.substr(0, arg.find_char(':'));
  3131. }
  3132. method_hint += arg;
  3133. if (use_type_hint) {
  3134. method_hint += ": " + _get_visual_datatype(*arg_itr, true, class_name);
  3135. }
  3136. }
  3137. method_hint += ")";
  3138. if (use_type_hint) {
  3139. method_hint += " -> " + _get_visual_datatype(mi.return_val, false, class_name);
  3140. }
  3141. method_hint += ":";
  3142. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(method_hint, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_FUNCTION);
  3143. options.insert(option.display, option);
  3144. }
  3145. } break;
  3146. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_GET_NODE: {
  3147. // Handles the `$Node/Path` or `$"Some NodePath"` syntax specifically.
  3148. if (p_owner) {
  3149. List<String> opts;
  3150. p_owner->get_argument_options("get_node", 0, &opts);
  3151. bool for_unique_name = false;
  3152. if (completion_context.node != nullptr && completion_context.node->type == GDScriptParser::Node::GET_NODE && !static_cast<GDScriptParser::GetNodeNode *>(completion_context.node)->use_dollar) {
  3153. for_unique_name = true;
  3154. }
  3155. for (const String &E : opts) {
  3156. r_forced = true;
  3157. String opt = E.strip_edges();
  3158. if (opt.is_quoted()) {
  3159. // Remove quotes so that we can handle user preferred quote style,
  3160. // or handle NodePaths which are valid identifiers and don't need quotes.
  3161. opt = opt.unquote();
  3162. }
  3163. if (for_unique_name) {
  3164. if (!opt.begins_with("%")) {
  3165. continue;
  3166. }
  3167. opt = opt.substr(1);
  3168. }
  3169. // The path needs quotes if at least one of its components (excluding `%` prefix and `/` separations)
  3170. // is not a valid identifier.
  3171. bool path_needs_quote = false;
  3172. for (const String &part : opt.trim_prefix("%").split("/")) {
  3173. if (!part.is_valid_ascii_identifier()) {
  3174. path_needs_quote = true;
  3175. break;
  3176. }
  3177. }
  3178. if (path_needs_quote) {
  3179. // Ignore quote_style and just use double quotes for paths with apostrophes.
  3180. // Double quotes don't need to be checked because they're not valid in node and property names.
  3181. opt = opt.quote(opt.contains_char('\'') ? "\"" : quote_style); // Handle user preference.
  3182. }
  3183. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(opt, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_NODE_PATH);
  3184. options.insert(option.display, option);
  3185. }
  3186. if (!for_unique_name) {
  3187. // Get autoloads.
  3188. for (const KeyValue<StringName, ProjectSettings::AutoloadInfo> &E : ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_autoload_list()) {
  3189. String path = "/root/" + E.key;
  3190. ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(path.quote(quote_style), ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_NODE_PATH);
  3191. options.insert(option.display, option);
  3192. }
  3193. }
  3194. }
  3195. } break;
  3196. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_SUPER_METHOD: {
  3197. if (!completion_context.current_class) {
  3198. break;
  3199. }
  3200. _find_identifiers_in_class(completion_context.current_class, true, false, false, true, options, 0);
  3201. } break;
  3202. }
  3203. for (const KeyValue<String, ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> &E : options) {
  3204. r_options->push_back(E.value);
  3205. }
  3206. return OK;
  3207. }
  3208. #else // !TOOLS_ENABLED
  3209. Error GDScriptLanguage::complete_code(const String &p_code, const String &p_path, Object *p_owner, List<ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> *r_options, bool &r_forced, String &r_call_hint) {
  3210. return OK;
  3211. }
  3212. #endif // TOOLS_ENABLED
  3213. //////// END COMPLETION //////////
  3214. String GDScriptLanguage::_get_indentation() const {
  3215. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  3216. if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) {
  3217. bool use_space_indentation = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/behavior/indent/type");
  3218. if (use_space_indentation) {
  3219. int indent_size = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/behavior/indent/size");
  3220. return String(" ").repeat(indent_size);
  3221. }
  3222. }
  3223. #endif
  3224. return "\t";
  3225. }
  3226. void GDScriptLanguage::auto_indent_code(String &p_code, int p_from_line, int p_to_line) const {
  3227. String indent = _get_indentation();
  3228. Vector<String> lines = p_code.split("\n");
  3229. List<int> indent_stack;
  3230. for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
  3231. String l = lines[i];
  3232. int tc = 0;
  3233. for (int j = 0; j < l.length(); j++) {
  3234. if (l[j] == ' ' || l[j] == '\t') {
  3235. tc++;
  3236. } else {
  3237. break;
  3238. }
  3239. }
  3240. String st = l.substr(tc, l.length()).strip_edges();
  3241. if (st.is_empty() || st.begins_with("#")) {
  3242. continue; //ignore!
  3243. }
  3244. int ilevel = 0;
  3245. if (indent_stack.size()) {
  3246. ilevel = indent_stack.back()->get();
  3247. }
  3248. if (tc > ilevel) {
  3249. indent_stack.push_back(tc);
  3250. } else if (tc < ilevel) {
  3251. while (indent_stack.size() && indent_stack.back()->get() > tc) {
  3252. indent_stack.pop_back();
  3253. }
  3254. if (indent_stack.size() && indent_stack.back()->get() != tc) {
  3255. indent_stack.push_back(tc); // this is not right but gets the job done
  3256. }
  3257. }
  3258. if (i >= p_from_line) {
  3259. l = indent.repeat(indent_stack.size()) + st;
  3260. } else if (i > p_to_line) {
  3261. break;
  3262. }
  3263. lines.write[i] = l;
  3264. }
  3265. p_code = "";
  3266. for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
  3267. if (i > 0) {
  3268. p_code += "\n";
  3269. }
  3270. p_code += lines[i];
  3271. }
  3272. }
  3273. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  3274. static Error _lookup_symbol_from_base(const GDScriptParser::DataType &p_base, const String &p_symbol, GDScriptLanguage::LookupResult &r_result) {
  3275. GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = p_base;
  3276. while (true) {
  3277. switch (base_type.kind) {
  3278. case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: {
  3279. ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(base_type.class_type, ERR_BUG);
  3280. String name = p_symbol;
  3281. if (name == "new") {
  3282. name = "_init";
  3283. }
  3284. if (!base_type.class_type->has_member(name)) {
  3285. base_type = base_type.class_type->base_type;
  3286. break;
  3287. }
  3288. const GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member &member = base_type.class_type->get_member(name);
  3289. switch (member.type) {
  3290. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::UNDEFINED:
  3291. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::GROUP:
  3292. return ERR_BUG;
  3293. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CLASS: {
  3294. String type_name;
  3295. String enum_name;
  3296. GDScriptDocGen::doctype_from_gdtype(GDScriptAnalyzer::type_from_metatype(member.get_datatype()), type_name, enum_name);
  3297. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS;
  3298. r_result.class_name = type_name;
  3299. } break;
  3300. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CONSTANT:
  3301. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
  3302. break;
  3303. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::FUNCTION:
  3304. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
  3305. break;
  3306. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::SIGNAL:
  3307. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_SIGNAL;
  3308. break;
  3309. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::VARIABLE:
  3310. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_PROPERTY;
  3311. break;
  3312. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::ENUM:
  3313. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_ENUM;
  3314. break;
  3315. case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::ENUM_VALUE:
  3316. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
  3317. break;
  3318. }
  3319. if (member.type != GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CLASS) {
  3320. String type_name;
  3321. String enum_name;
  3322. GDScriptDocGen::doctype_from_gdtype(GDScriptAnalyzer::type_from_metatype(base_type), type_name, enum_name);
  3323. r_result.class_name = type_name;
  3324. r_result.class_member = name;
  3325. }
  3326. Error err = OK;
  3327. r_result.script = GDScriptCache::get_shallow_script(base_type.script_path, err);
  3328. r_result.script_path = base_type.script_path;
  3329. r_result.location = member.get_line();
  3330. return err;
  3331. } break;
  3332. case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT: {
  3333. const Ref<Script> scr = base_type.script_type;
  3334. if (scr.is_null()) {
  3335. return ERR_CANT_RESOLVE;
  3336. }
  3337. String name = p_symbol;
  3338. if (name == "new") {
  3339. name = "_init";
  3340. }
  3341. const int line = scr->get_member_line(name);
  3342. if (line >= 0) {
  3343. bool found_type = false;
  3344. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
  3345. {
  3346. List<PropertyInfo> properties;
  3347. scr->get_script_property_list(&properties);
  3348. for (const PropertyInfo &property : properties) {
  3349. if ( == name && (property.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_SCRIPT_VARIABLE)) {
  3350. found_type = true;
  3351. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_PROPERTY;
  3352. r_result.class_name = scr->get_doc_class_name();
  3353. r_result.class_member = name;
  3354. break;
  3355. }
  3356. }
  3357. }
  3358. if (!found_type) {
  3359. List<MethodInfo> methods;
  3360. scr->get_script_method_list(&methods);
  3361. for (const MethodInfo &method : methods) {
  3362. if ( == name) {
  3363. found_type = true;
  3364. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
  3365. r_result.class_name = scr->get_doc_class_name();
  3366. r_result.class_member = name;
  3367. break;
  3368. }
  3369. }
  3370. }
  3371. if (!found_type) {
  3372. List<MethodInfo> signals;
  3373. scr->get_script_method_list(&signals);
  3374. for (const MethodInfo &signal : signals) {
  3375. if ( == name) {
  3376. found_type = true;
  3377. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_SIGNAL;
  3378. r_result.class_name = scr->get_doc_class_name();
  3379. r_result.class_member = name;
  3380. break;
  3381. }
  3382. }
  3383. }
  3384. if (!found_type) {
  3385. const Ref<GDScript> gds = scr;
  3386. if (gds.is_valid()) {
  3387. const Ref<GDScript> *subclass = gds->get_subclasses().getptr(name);
  3388. if (subclass != nullptr) {
  3389. found_type = true;
  3390. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS;
  3391. r_result.class_name = subclass->ptr()->get_doc_class_name();
  3392. }
  3393. // TODO: enums.
  3394. }
  3395. }
  3396. if (!found_type) {
  3397. HashMap<StringName, Variant> constants;
  3398. scr->get_constants(&constants);
  3399. if (constants.has(name)) {
  3400. found_type = true;
  3401. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
  3402. r_result.class_name = scr->get_doc_class_name();
  3403. r_result.class_member = name;
  3404. }
  3405. }
  3406. r_result.script = scr;
  3407. r_result.script_path = base_type.script_path;
  3408. r_result.location = line;
  3409. return OK;
  3410. }
  3411. const Ref<Script> base_script = scr->get_base_script();
  3412. if (base_script.is_valid()) {
  3413. base_type.script_type = base_script;
  3414. } else {
  3415. base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
  3416. base_type.builtin_type = Variant::OBJECT;
  3417. base_type.native_type = scr->get_instance_base_type();
  3418. }
  3419. } break;
  3420. case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: {
  3421. const StringName &class_name = base_type.native_type;
  3422. ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name), ERR_BUG);
  3423. if (ClassDB::has_method(class_name, p_symbol, true)) {
  3424. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
  3425. r_result.class_name = class_name;
  3426. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3427. return OK;
  3428. }
  3429. List<MethodInfo> virtual_methods;
  3430. ClassDB::get_virtual_methods(class_name, &virtual_methods, true);
  3431. for (const MethodInfo &E : virtual_methods) {
  3432. if ( == p_symbol) {
  3433. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
  3434. r_result.class_name = class_name;
  3435. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3436. return OK;
  3437. }
  3438. }
  3439. if (ClassDB::has_signal(class_name, p_symbol, true)) {
  3440. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_SIGNAL;
  3441. r_result.class_name = class_name;
  3442. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3443. return OK;
  3444. }
  3445. List<StringName> enums;
  3446. ClassDB::get_enum_list(class_name, &enums);
  3447. for (const StringName &E : enums) {
  3448. if (E == p_symbol) {
  3449. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_ENUM;
  3450. r_result.class_name = class_name;
  3451. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3452. return OK;
  3453. }
  3454. }
  3455. if (!String(ClassDB::get_integer_constant_enum(class_name, p_symbol, true)).is_empty()) {
  3456. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
  3457. r_result.class_name = class_name;
  3458. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3459. return OK;
  3460. }
  3461. List<String> constants;
  3462. ClassDB::get_integer_constant_list(class_name, &constants, true);
  3463. for (const String &E : constants) {
  3464. if (E == p_symbol) {
  3465. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
  3466. r_result.class_name = class_name;
  3467. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3468. return OK;
  3469. }
  3470. }
  3471. if (ClassDB::has_property(class_name, p_symbol, true)) {
  3472. PropertyInfo prop_info;
  3473. ClassDB::get_property_info(class_name, p_symbol, &prop_info, true);
  3474. if (prop_info.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL) {
  3475. return ERR_CANT_RESOLVE;
  3476. }
  3477. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_PROPERTY;
  3478. r_result.class_name = class_name;
  3479. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3480. return OK;
  3481. }
  3482. const StringName parent_class = ClassDB::get_parent_class(class_name);
  3483. if (parent_class != StringName()) {
  3484. base_type.native_type = parent_class;
  3485. } else {
  3486. return ERR_CANT_RESOLVE;
  3487. }
  3488. } break;
  3489. case GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN: {
  3490. if (base_type.is_meta_type) {
  3491. if (Variant::has_enum(base_type.builtin_type, p_symbol)) {
  3492. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_ENUM;
  3493. r_result.class_name = Variant::get_type_name(base_type.builtin_type);
  3494. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3495. return OK;
  3496. }
  3497. if (Variant::has_constant(base_type.builtin_type, p_symbol)) {
  3498. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
  3499. r_result.class_name = Variant::get_type_name(base_type.builtin_type);
  3500. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3501. return OK;
  3502. }
  3503. } else {
  3504. if (Variant::has_member(base_type.builtin_type, p_symbol)) {
  3505. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_PROPERTY;
  3506. r_result.class_name = Variant::get_type_name(base_type.builtin_type);
  3507. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3508. return OK;
  3509. }
  3510. }
  3511. if (Variant::has_builtin_method(base_type.builtin_type, p_symbol)) {
  3512. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
  3513. r_result.class_name = Variant::get_type_name(base_type.builtin_type);
  3514. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3515. return OK;
  3516. }
  3517. return ERR_CANT_RESOLVE;
  3518. } break;
  3519. case GDScriptParser::DataType::ENUM: {
  3520. if (base_type.is_meta_type) {
  3521. if (base_type.enum_values.has(p_symbol)) {
  3522. String type_name;
  3523. String enum_name;
  3524. GDScriptDocGen::doctype_from_gdtype(GDScriptAnalyzer::type_from_metatype(base_type), type_name, enum_name);
  3525. if (CoreConstants::is_global_enum(enum_name)) {
  3526. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
  3527. r_result.class_name = "@GlobalScope";
  3528. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3529. return OK;
  3530. } else {
  3531. const int dot_pos = enum_name.rfind_char('.');
  3532. if (dot_pos >= 0) {
  3533. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
  3534. r_result.class_name = enum_name.left(dot_pos);
  3535. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3536. return OK;
  3537. }
  3538. }
  3539. } else if (Variant::has_builtin_method(Variant::DICTIONARY, p_symbol)) {
  3540. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
  3541. r_result.class_name = "Dictionary";
  3542. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3543. return OK;
  3544. }
  3545. }
  3546. return ERR_CANT_RESOLVE;
  3547. } break;
  3548. case GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT: {
  3549. if (base_type.is_meta_type) {
  3550. const String enum_name = "Variant." + p_symbol;
  3551. if (CoreConstants::is_global_enum(enum_name)) {
  3552. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_ENUM;
  3553. r_result.class_name = "@GlobalScope";
  3554. r_result.class_member = enum_name;
  3555. return OK;
  3556. }
  3557. }
  3558. return ERR_CANT_RESOLVE;
  3559. } break;
  3560. case GDScriptParser::DataType::RESOLVING:
  3561. case GDScriptParser::DataType::UNRESOLVED: {
  3562. return ERR_CANT_RESOLVE;
  3563. } break;
  3564. }
  3565. }
  3566. return ERR_CANT_RESOLVE;
  3567. }
  3568. ::Error GDScriptLanguage::lookup_code(const String &p_code, const String &p_symbol, const String &p_path, Object *p_owner, LookupResult &r_result) {
  3569. // Before parsing, try the usual stuff.
  3570. if (ClassDB::class_exists(p_symbol)) {
  3571. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS;
  3572. r_result.class_name = p_symbol;
  3573. return OK;
  3574. }
  3575. if (Variant::get_type_by_name(p_symbol) < Variant::VARIANT_MAX) {
  3576. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS;
  3577. r_result.class_name = p_symbol;
  3578. return OK;
  3579. }
  3580. if (p_symbol == "Variant") {
  3581. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS;
  3582. r_result.class_name = "Variant";
  3583. return OK;
  3584. }
  3585. if (p_symbol == "PI" || p_symbol == "TAU" || p_symbol == "INF" || p_symbol == "NAN") {
  3586. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
  3587. r_result.class_name = "@GDScript";
  3588. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3589. return OK;
  3590. }
  3591. GDScriptParser parser;
  3592. parser.parse(p_code, p_path, true);
  3593. GDScriptParser::CompletionContext context = parser.get_completion_context();
  3594. context.base = p_owner;
  3595. // Allows class functions with the names like built-ins to be handled properly.
  3596. if (context.type != GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_ATTRIBUTE) {
  3597. // Need special checks for `assert` and `preload` as they are technically
  3598. // keywords, so are not registered in `GDScriptUtilityFunctions`.
  3599. if (GDScriptUtilityFunctions::function_exists(p_symbol) || p_symbol == "assert" || p_symbol == "preload") {
  3600. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
  3601. r_result.class_name = "@GDScript";
  3602. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3603. return OK;
  3604. }
  3605. }
  3606. GDScriptAnalyzer analyzer(&parser);
  3607. analyzer.analyze();
  3608. if (context.current_class && context.current_class->extends.size() > 0) {
  3609. StringName class_name = context.current_class->extends[0]->name;
  3610. bool success = false;
  3611. ClassDB::get_integer_constant(class_name, p_symbol, &success);
  3612. if (success) {
  3613. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
  3614. r_result.class_name = class_name;
  3615. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3616. return OK;
  3617. }
  3618. do {
  3619. List<StringName> enums;
  3620. ClassDB::get_enum_list(class_name, &enums, true);
  3621. for (const StringName &enum_name : enums) {
  3622. if (enum_name == p_symbol) {
  3623. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_ENUM;
  3624. r_result.class_name = class_name;
  3625. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3626. return OK;
  3627. }
  3628. }
  3629. class_name = ClassDB::get_parent_class_nocheck(class_name);
  3630. } while (class_name != StringName());
  3631. }
  3632. const GDScriptParser::TypeNode *type_node = dynamic_cast<const GDScriptParser::TypeNode *>(context.node);
  3633. if (type_node != nullptr && !type_node->type_chain.is_empty()) {
  3634. StringName class_name = type_node->type_chain[0]->name;
  3635. if (ScriptServer::is_global_class(class_name)) {
  3636. class_name = ScriptServer::get_global_class_native_base(class_name);
  3637. }
  3638. do {
  3639. List<StringName> enums;
  3640. ClassDB::get_enum_list(class_name, &enums, true);
  3641. for (const StringName &enum_name : enums) {
  3642. if (enum_name == p_symbol) {
  3643. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_ENUM;
  3644. r_result.class_name = class_name;
  3645. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3646. return OK;
  3647. }
  3648. }
  3649. class_name = ClassDB::get_parent_class_nocheck(class_name);
  3650. } while (class_name != StringName());
  3651. }
  3652. bool is_function = false;
  3653. switch (context.type) {
  3655. GDScriptParser::DataType base_type;
  3656. base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
  3657. base_type.builtin_type = context.builtin_type;
  3658. base_type.is_meta_type = true;
  3659. if (_lookup_symbol_from_base(base_type, p_symbol, r_result) == OK) {
  3660. return OK;
  3661. }
  3662. } break;
  3663. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_SUPER_METHOD:
  3664. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_METHOD:
  3665. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_ASSIGN:
  3666. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_CALL_ARGUMENTS:
  3667. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_IDENTIFIER:
  3668. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_PROPERTY_METHOD:
  3669. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_SUBSCRIPT: {
  3670. GDScriptParser::DataType base_type;
  3671. if (context.current_class) {
  3672. if (context.type != GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_SUPER_METHOD) {
  3673. base_type = context.current_class->get_datatype();
  3674. } else {
  3675. base_type = context.current_class->base_type;
  3676. }
  3677. } else {
  3678. break;
  3679. }
  3680. if (!is_function && context.current_suite) {
  3681. // Lookup local variables.
  3682. const GDScriptParser::SuiteNode *suite = context.current_suite;
  3683. while (suite) {
  3684. if (suite->has_local(p_symbol)) {
  3685. const GDScriptParser::SuiteNode::Local &local = suite->get_local(p_symbol);
  3686. switch (local.type) {
  3687. case GDScriptParser::SuiteNode::Local::UNDEFINED:
  3688. return ERR_BUG;
  3689. case GDScriptParser::SuiteNode::Local::CONSTANT:
  3690. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_LOCAL_CONSTANT;
  3691. r_result.description = local.constant->doc_data.description;
  3692. r_result.is_deprecated = local.constant->doc_data.is_deprecated;
  3693. r_result.deprecated_message = local.constant->doc_data.deprecated_message;
  3694. r_result.is_experimental = local.constant->doc_data.is_experimental;
  3695. r_result.experimental_message = local.constant->doc_data.experimental_message;
  3696. if (local.constant->initializer != nullptr) {
  3697. r_result.value = GDScriptDocGen::docvalue_from_expression(local.constant->initializer);
  3698. }
  3699. break;
  3700. case GDScriptParser::SuiteNode::Local::VARIABLE:
  3701. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_LOCAL_VARIABLE;
  3702. r_result.description = local.variable->doc_data.description;
  3703. r_result.is_deprecated = local.variable->doc_data.is_deprecated;
  3704. r_result.deprecated_message = local.variable->doc_data.deprecated_message;
  3705. r_result.is_experimental = local.variable->doc_data.is_experimental;
  3706. r_result.experimental_message = local.variable->doc_data.experimental_message;
  3707. if (local.variable->initializer != nullptr) {
  3708. r_result.value = GDScriptDocGen::docvalue_from_expression(local.variable->initializer);
  3709. }
  3710. break;
  3711. case GDScriptParser::SuiteNode::Local::PARAMETER:
  3712. case GDScriptParser::SuiteNode::Local::FOR_VARIABLE:
  3713. case GDScriptParser::SuiteNode::Local::PATTERN_BIND:
  3714. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_LOCAL_VARIABLE;
  3715. break;
  3716. }
  3717. GDScriptDocGen::doctype_from_gdtype(local.get_datatype(), r_result.doc_type, r_result.enumeration);
  3718. Error err = OK;
  3719. r_result.script = GDScriptCache::get_shallow_script(base_type.script_path, err);
  3720. r_result.script_path = base_type.script_path;
  3721. r_result.location = local.start_line;
  3722. return err;
  3723. }
  3724. suite = suite->parent_block;
  3725. }
  3726. }
  3727. if (_lookup_symbol_from_base(base_type, p_symbol, r_result) == OK) {
  3728. return OK;
  3729. }
  3730. if (!is_function) {
  3731. if (ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->has_autoload(p_symbol)) {
  3732. const ProjectSettings::AutoloadInfo &autoload = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_autoload(p_symbol);
  3733. if (autoload.is_singleton) {
  3734. String scr_path = autoload.path;
  3735. if (!scr_path.ends_with(".gd")) {
  3736. // Not a script, try find the script anyway, may have some success.
  3737. scr_path = scr_path.get_basename() + ".gd";
  3738. }
  3739. if (FileAccess::exists(scr_path)) {
  3740. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS;
  3741. r_result.class_name = p_symbol;
  3742. r_result.script = ResourceLoader::load(scr_path);
  3743. r_result.script_path = scr_path;
  3744. r_result.location = 0;
  3745. return OK;
  3746. }
  3747. }
  3748. }
  3749. if (ScriptServer::is_global_class(p_symbol)) {
  3750. const String scr_path = ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(p_symbol);
  3751. const Ref<Script> scr = ResourceLoader::load(scr_path);
  3752. if (scr.is_null()) {
  3753. return ERR_BUG;
  3754. }
  3755. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS;
  3756. r_result.class_name = scr->get_doc_class_name();
  3757. r_result.script = scr;
  3758. r_result.script_path = scr_path;
  3759. r_result.location = 0;
  3760. return OK;
  3761. }
  3762. const HashMap<StringName, int> &global_map = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map();
  3763. if (global_map.has(p_symbol)) {
  3764. Variant value = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_array()[global_map[p_symbol]];
  3765. if (value.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) {
  3766. const Object *obj = value;
  3767. if (obj) {
  3768. if (Object::cast_to<GDScriptNativeClass>(obj)) {
  3769. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS;
  3770. r_result.class_name = Object::cast_to<GDScriptNativeClass>(obj)->get_name();
  3771. } else {
  3772. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS;
  3773. r_result.class_name = obj->get_class();
  3774. }
  3775. return OK;
  3776. }
  3777. }
  3778. }
  3779. if (CoreConstants::is_global_enum(p_symbol)) {
  3780. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_ENUM;
  3781. r_result.class_name = "@GlobalScope";
  3782. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3783. return OK;
  3784. }
  3785. if (CoreConstants::is_global_constant(p_symbol)) {
  3786. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
  3787. r_result.class_name = "@GlobalScope";
  3788. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3789. return OK;
  3790. }
  3791. if (Variant::has_utility_function(p_symbol)) {
  3792. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
  3793. r_result.class_name = "@GlobalScope";
  3794. r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
  3795. return OK;
  3796. }
  3797. }
  3798. } break;
  3800. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_ATTRIBUTE: {
  3801. if (context.node->type != GDScriptParser::Node::SUBSCRIPT) {
  3802. break;
  3803. }
  3804. const GDScriptParser::SubscriptNode *subscript = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::SubscriptNode *>(context.node);
  3805. if (!subscript->is_attribute) {
  3806. break;
  3807. }
  3808. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base;
  3809. bool found_type = _get_subscript_type(context, subscript, base.type);
  3810. if (!found_type && !_guess_expression_type(context, subscript->base, base)) {
  3811. break;
  3812. }
  3813. if (_lookup_symbol_from_base(base.type, p_symbol, r_result) == OK) {
  3814. return OK;
  3815. }
  3816. } break;
  3817. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE: {
  3818. if (context.node == nullptr || context.node->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE) {
  3819. break;
  3820. }
  3821. const GDScriptParser::TypeNode *type = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::TypeNode *>(context.node);
  3822. GDScriptParser::DataType base_type;
  3823. const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *prev = nullptr;
  3824. for (const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *E : type->type_chain) {
  3825. if (E->name == p_symbol && prev != nullptr) {
  3826. base_type = prev->get_datatype();
  3827. break;
  3828. }
  3829. prev = E;
  3830. }
  3831. if (base_type.kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS) {
  3832. GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base;
  3833. if (!_guess_expression_type(context, prev, base)) {
  3834. break;
  3835. }
  3836. base_type = base.type;
  3837. }
  3838. if (_lookup_symbol_from_base(base_type, p_symbol, r_result) == OK) {
  3839. return OK;
  3840. }
  3841. } break;
  3842. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_OVERRIDE_METHOD: {
  3843. GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = context.current_class->base_type;
  3844. if (_lookup_symbol_from_base(base_type, p_symbol, r_result) == OK) {
  3845. return OK;
  3846. }
  3847. } break;
  3849. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_TYPE_NAME_OR_VOID:
  3850. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_TYPE_NAME: {
  3851. GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = context.current_class->get_datatype();
  3852. if (_lookup_symbol_from_base(base_type, p_symbol, r_result) == OK) {
  3853. return OK;
  3854. }
  3855. } break;
  3856. case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_ANNOTATION: {
  3857. const String annotation_symbol = "@" + p_symbol;
  3858. if (parser.annotation_exists(annotation_symbol)) {
  3859. r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LOOKUP_RESULT_CLASS_ANNOTATION;
  3860. r_result.class_name = "@GDScript";
  3861. r_result.class_member = annotation_symbol;
  3862. return OK;
  3863. }
  3864. } break;
  3865. default: {
  3866. }
  3867. }
  3868. return ERR_CANT_RESOLVE;
  3869. }
  3870. #endif // TOOLS_ENABLED