main.cpp 87 KB

  1. /*************************************************************************/
  2. /* main.cpp */
  3. /*************************************************************************/
  4. /* This file is part of: */
  5. /* GODOT ENGINE */
  6. /* */
  7. /*************************************************************************/
  8. /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
  9. /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
  10. /* */
  11. /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
  12. /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
  13. /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
  14. /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
  15. /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
  16. /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
  17. /* the following conditions: */
  18. /* */
  19. /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
  20. /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
  21. /* */
  29. /*************************************************************************/
  30. #include "main.h"
  31. #include "core/crypto/crypto.h"
  32. #include "core/input_map.h"
  33. #include "core/io/file_access_network.h"
  34. #include "core/io/file_access_pack.h"
  35. #include "core/io/file_access_zip.h"
  36. #include "core/io/image_loader.h"
  37. #include "core/io/ip.h"
  38. #include "core/io/resource_loader.h"
  39. #include "core/message_queue.h"
  40. #include "core/os/dir_access.h"
  41. #include "core/os/os.h"
  42. #include "core/project_settings.h"
  43. #include "core/register_core_types.h"
  44. #include "core/script_debugger_local.h"
  45. #include "core/script_language.h"
  46. #include "core/translation.h"
  47. #include "core/version.h"
  48. #include "core/version_hash.gen.h"
  49. #include "drivers/register_driver_types.h"
  50. #include "main/app_icon.gen.h"
  51. #include "main/input_default.h"
  52. #include "main/main_timer_sync.h"
  53. #include "main/performance.h"
  54. #include "main/splash.gen.h"
  55. #include "main/tests/test_main.h"
  56. #include "modules/register_module_types.h"
  57. #include "platform/register_platform_apis.h"
  58. #include "scene/debugger/script_debugger_remote.h"
  59. #include "scene/main/scene_tree.h"
  60. #include "scene/main/viewport.h"
  61. #include "scene/register_scene_types.h"
  62. #include "scene/resources/packed_scene.h"
  63. #include "servers/arvr_server.h"
  64. #include "servers/audio_server.h"
  65. #include "servers/camera_server.h"
  66. #include "servers/physics_2d_server.h"
  67. #include "servers/physics_server.h"
  68. #include "servers/register_server_types.h"
  69. #include "servers/visual_server_callbacks.h"
  70. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  71. #include "editor/doc/doc_data.h"
  72. #include "editor/doc/doc_data_class_path.gen.h"
  73. #include "editor/editor_node.h"
  74. #include "editor/editor_settings.h"
  75. #include "editor/editor_translation.h"
  76. #include "editor/progress_dialog.h"
  77. #include "editor/project_manager.h"
  78. #ifndef NO_EDITOR_SPLASH
  79. #include "main/splash_editor.gen.h"
  80. #endif
  81. #endif
  82. /* Static members */
  83. // Singletons
  84. // Initialized in setup()
  85. static Engine *engine = nullptr;
  86. static ProjectSettings *globals = nullptr;
  87. static InputMap *input_map = nullptr;
  88. static TranslationServer *translation_server = nullptr;
  89. static Performance *performance = nullptr;
  90. static PackedData *packed_data = nullptr;
  91. #ifdef MINIZIP_ENABLED
  92. static ZipArchive *zip_packed_data = nullptr;
  93. #endif
  94. static FileAccessNetworkClient *file_access_network_client = nullptr;
  95. static ScriptDebugger *script_debugger = nullptr;
  96. static MessageQueue *message_queue = nullptr;
  97. // Initialized in setup2()
  98. static AudioServer *audio_server = nullptr;
  99. static CameraServer *camera_server = nullptr;
  100. static ARVRServer *arvr_server = nullptr;
  101. static PhysicsServer *physics_server = nullptr;
  102. static Physics2DServer *physics_2d_server = nullptr;
  103. static VisualServerCallbacks *visual_server_callbacks = nullptr;
  104. // We error out if setup2() doesn't turn this true
  105. static bool _start_success = false;
  106. // Drivers
  107. static int video_driver_idx = -1;
  108. static int audio_driver_idx = -1;
  109. // Engine config/tools
  110. static bool editor = false;
  111. static bool project_manager = false;
  112. static String locale;
  113. static bool show_help = false;
  114. static bool auto_quit = false;
  115. static OS::ProcessID allow_focus_steal_pid = 0;
  116. static bool delta_sync_after_draw = false;
  117. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  118. static bool auto_build_solutions = false;
  119. #endif
  120. // Display
  121. static OS::VideoMode video_mode;
  122. static int init_screen = -1;
  123. static bool init_fullscreen = false;
  124. static bool init_maximized = false;
  125. static bool init_windowed = false;
  126. static bool init_always_on_top = false;
  127. static bool init_use_custom_pos = false;
  128. static Vector2 init_custom_pos;
  129. static bool force_lowdpi = false;
  130. // Debug
  131. static bool use_debug_profiler = false;
  132. #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED
  133. static bool debug_collisions = false;
  134. static bool debug_navigation = false;
  135. #endif
  136. static int frame_delay = 0;
  137. static bool disable_render_loop = false;
  138. static int fixed_fps = -1;
  139. static bool print_fps = false;
  140. /* Helper methods */
  141. // Used by Mono module, should likely be registered in Engine singleton instead
  142. // FIXME: This is also not 100% accurate, `project_manager` is only true when it was requested,
  143. // but not if e.g. we fail to load and project and fallback to the manager.
  144. bool Main::is_project_manager() {
  145. return project_manager;
  146. }
  147. static String unescape_cmdline(const String &p_str) {
  148. return p_str.replace("%20", " ");
  149. }
  150. static String get_full_version_string() {
  151. String hash = String(VERSION_HASH);
  152. if (hash.length() != 0) {
  153. hash = "." + hash.left(9);
  154. }
  155. return String(VERSION_FULL_BUILD) + hash;
  156. }
  157. // FIXME: Could maybe be moved to PhysicsServerManager and Physics2DServerManager directly
  158. // to have less code in main.cpp.
  159. void initialize_physics() {
  160. // This must be defined BEFORE the 3d physics server is created,
  161. // otherwise it won't always show up in the project settings page.
  162. GLOBAL_DEF("physics/3d/godot_physics/use_bvh", true);
  163. GLOBAL_DEF("physics/3d/godot_physics/bvh_collision_margin", 0.1);
  164. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("physics/3d/godot_physics/bvh_collision_margin", PropertyInfo(Variant::REAL, "physics/3d/godot_physics/bvh_collision_margin", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.0,2.0,0.01"));
  165. /// 3D Physics Server
  166. physics_server = PhysicsServerManager::new_server(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get(PhysicsServerManager::setting_property_name));
  167. if (!physics_server) {
  168. // Physics server not found, Use the default physics
  169. physics_server = PhysicsServerManager::new_default_server();
  170. }
  171. ERR_FAIL_COND(!physics_server);
  172. physics_server->init();
  173. /// 2D Physics server
  174. physics_2d_server = Physics2DServerManager::new_server(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get(Physics2DServerManager::setting_property_name));
  175. if (!physics_2d_server) {
  176. // Physics server not found, Use the default physics
  177. physics_2d_server = Physics2DServerManager::new_default_server();
  178. }
  179. ERR_FAIL_COND(!physics_2d_server);
  180. physics_2d_server->init();
  181. }
  182. void finalize_physics() {
  183. physics_server->finish();
  184. memdelete(physics_server);
  185. physics_2d_server->finish();
  186. memdelete(physics_2d_server);
  187. }
  188. //#define DEBUG_INIT
  189. #ifdef DEBUG_INIT
  190. #define MAIN_PRINT(m_txt) print_line(m_txt)
  191. #else
  192. #define MAIN_PRINT(m_txt)
  193. #endif
  194. void Main::print_help(const char *p_binary) {
  195. print_line(String(VERSION_NAME) + " v" + get_full_version_string() + " - " + String(VERSION_WEBSITE));
  196. OS::get_singleton()->print("Free and open source software under the terms of the MIT license.\n");
  197. OS::get_singleton()->print("(c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur.\n");
  198. OS::get_singleton()->print("(c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors.\n");
  199. OS::get_singleton()->print("\n");
  200. OS::get_singleton()->print("Usage: %s [options] [path to scene or 'project.godot' file]\n", p_binary);
  201. OS::get_singleton()->print("\n");
  202. OS::get_singleton()->print("General options:\n");
  203. OS::get_singleton()->print(" -h, --help Display this help message.\n");
  204. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --version Display the version string.\n");
  205. OS::get_singleton()->print(" -v, --verbose Use verbose stdout mode.\n");
  206. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --quiet Quiet mode, silences stdout messages. Errors are still displayed.\n");
  207. OS::get_singleton()->print("\n");
  208. OS::get_singleton()->print("Run options:\n");
  209. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  210. OS::get_singleton()->print(" -e, --editor Start the editor instead of running the scene.\n");
  211. OS::get_singleton()->print(" -p, --project-manager Start the project manager, even if a project is auto-detected.\n");
  212. #endif
  213. OS::get_singleton()->print(" -q, --quit Quit after the first iteration.\n");
  214. OS::get_singleton()->print(" -l, --language <locale> Use a specific locale (<locale> being a two-letter code).\n");
  215. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --path <directory> Path to a project (<directory> must contain a 'project.godot' file).\n");
  216. OS::get_singleton()->print(" -u, --upwards Scan folders upwards for project.godot file.\n");
  217. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --main-pack <file> Path to a pack (.pck) file to load.\n");
  218. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --render-thread <mode> Render thread mode ('unsafe', 'safe', 'separate').\n");
  219. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --remote-fs <address> Remote filesystem (<host/IP>[:<port>] address).\n");
  220. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --remote-fs-password <password> Password for remote filesystem.\n");
  221. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --audio-driver <driver> Audio driver (");
  222. for (int i = 0; i < OS::get_singleton()->get_audio_driver_count(); i++) {
  223. if (i != 0) {
  224. OS::get_singleton()->print(", ");
  225. }
  226. OS::get_singleton()->print("'%s'", OS::get_singleton()->get_audio_driver_name(i));
  227. }
  228. OS::get_singleton()->print(").\n");
  229. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --video-driver <driver> Video driver (");
  230. for (int i = 0; i < OS::get_singleton()->get_video_driver_count(); i++) {
  231. if (i != 0) {
  232. OS::get_singleton()->print(", ");
  233. }
  234. OS::get_singleton()->print("'%s'", OS::get_singleton()->get_video_driver_name(i));
  235. }
  236. OS::get_singleton()->print(").\n");
  237. OS::get_singleton()->print("\n");
  238. #ifndef SERVER_ENABLED
  239. OS::get_singleton()->print("Display options:\n");
  240. OS::get_singleton()->print(" -f, --fullscreen Request fullscreen mode.\n");
  241. OS::get_singleton()->print(" -m, --maximized Request a maximized window.\n");
  242. OS::get_singleton()->print(" -w, --windowed Request windowed mode.\n");
  243. OS::get_singleton()->print(" -t, --always-on-top Request an always-on-top window.\n");
  244. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --resolution <W>x<H> Request window resolution.\n");
  245. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --position <X>,<Y> Request window position.\n");
  246. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --low-dpi Force low-DPI mode (macOS and Windows only).\n");
  247. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --no-window Run with invisible window. Useful together with --script.\n");
  248. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --enable-vsync-via-compositor When vsync is enabled, vsync via the OS' window compositor (Windows only).\n");
  249. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --disable-vsync-via-compositor Disable vsync via the OS' window compositor (Windows only).\n");
  250. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --enable-delta-smoothing When vsync is enabled, enabled frame delta smoothing.\n");
  251. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --disable-delta-smoothing Disable frame delta smoothing.\n");
  252. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --tablet-driver Tablet input driver (");
  253. for (int i = 0; i < OS::get_singleton()->get_tablet_driver_count(); i++) {
  254. if (i != 0) {
  255. OS::get_singleton()->print(", ");
  256. }
  257. OS::get_singleton()->print("'%s'", OS::get_singleton()->get_tablet_driver_name(i).utf8().get_data());
  258. }
  259. OS::get_singleton()->print(") (Windows only).\n");
  260. OS::get_singleton()->print("\n");
  261. #endif
  262. OS::get_singleton()->print("Debug options:\n");
  263. OS::get_singleton()->print(" -d, --debug Debug (local stdout debugger).\n");
  264. OS::get_singleton()->print(" -b, --breakpoints Breakpoint list as source::line comma-separated pairs, no spaces (use %%20 instead).\n");
  265. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --profiling Enable profiling in the script debugger.\n");
  266. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --remote-debug <address> Remote debug (<host/IP>:<port> address).\n");
  267. #if defined(DEBUG_ENABLED) && !defined(SERVER_ENABLED)
  268. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --debug-collisions Show collision shapes when running the scene.\n");
  269. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --debug-navigation Show navigation polygons when running the scene.\n");
  270. #endif
  271. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --frame-delay <ms> Simulate high CPU load (delay each frame by <ms> milliseconds).\n");
  272. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --time-scale <scale> Force time scale (higher values are faster, 1.0 is normal speed).\n");
  273. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --disable-render-loop Disable render loop so rendering only occurs when called explicitly from script.\n");
  274. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --disable-crash-handler Disable crash handler when supported by the platform code.\n");
  275. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --fixed-fps <fps> Force a fixed number of frames per second. This setting disables real-time synchronization.\n");
  276. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --print-fps Print the frames per second to the stdout.\n");
  277. OS::get_singleton()->print("\n");
  278. OS::get_singleton()->print("Standalone tools:\n");
  279. OS::get_singleton()->print(" -s, --script <script> Run a script.\n");
  280. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --check-only Only parse for errors and quit (use with --script).\n");
  281. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  282. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --export <preset> <path> Export the project using the given preset and matching release template. The preset name should match one defined in export_presets.cfg.\n");
  283. OS::get_singleton()->print(" <path> should be absolute or relative to the project directory, and include the filename for the binary (e.g. 'builds/game.exe'). The target directory should exist.\n");
  284. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --export-debug <preset> <path> Same as --export, but using the debug template.\n");
  285. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --export-pack <preset> <path> Same as --export, but only export the game pack for the given preset. The <path> extension determines whether it will be in PCK or ZIP format.\n");
  286. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --doctool [<path>] Dump the engine API reference to the given <path> (defaults to current dir) in XML format, merging if existing files are found.\n");
  287. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --no-docbase Disallow dumping the base types (used with --doctool).\n");
  288. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --build-solutions Build the scripting solutions (e.g. for C# projects). Implies --editor and requires a valid project to edit.\n");
  290. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --gdnative-generate-json-api Generate JSON dump of the Godot API for GDNative bindings.\n");
  291. #endif
  292. OS::get_singleton()->print(" --test <test> Run a unit test (");
  293. const char **test_names = tests_get_names();
  294. const char *comma = "";
  295. while (*test_names) {
  296. OS::get_singleton()->print("%s'%s'", comma, *test_names);
  297. test_names++;
  298. comma = ", ";
  299. }
  300. OS::get_singleton()->print(").\n");
  301. #endif
  302. }
  303. /* Engine initialization
  304. *
  305. * Consists of several methods that are called by each platform's specific main(argc, argv).
  306. * To fully understand engine init, one should therefore start from the platform's main and
  307. * see how it calls into the Main class' methods.
  308. *
  309. * The initialization is typically done in 3 steps (with the setup2 step triggered either
  310. * automatically by setup, or manually in the platform's main).
  311. *
  312. * - setup(execpath, argc, argv, p_second_phase) is the main entry point for all platforms,
  313. * responsible for the initialization of all low level singletons and core types, and parsing
  314. * command line arguments to configure things accordingly.
  315. * If p_second_phase is true, it will chain into setup2() (default behaviour). This is
  316. * disabled on some platforms (Android, iOS, UWP) which trigger the second step in their
  317. * own time.
  318. *
  319. * - setup2(p_main_tid_override) registers high level servers and singletons, displays the
  320. * boot splash, then registers higher level types (scene, editor, etc.).
  321. *
  322. * - start() is the last step and that's where command line tools can run, or the main loop
  323. * can be created eventually and the project settings put into action. That's also where
  324. * the editor node is created, if relevant.
  325. * start() does it own argument parsing for a subset of the command line arguments described
  326. * in help, it's a bit messy and should be globalized with the setup() parsing somehow.
  327. */
  328. Error Main::setup(const char *execpath, int argc, char *argv[], bool p_second_phase) {
  329. #if defined(DEBUG_ENABLED) && !defined(NO_THREADS)
  330. check_lockless_atomics();
  331. #endif
  332. RID_OwnerBase::init_rid();
  333. OS::get_singleton()->initialize_core();
  334. engine = memnew(Engine);
  335. MAIN_PRINT("Main: Initialize CORE");
  336. register_core_types();
  337. register_core_driver_types();
  338. MAIN_PRINT("Main: Initialize Globals");
  339. globals = memnew(ProjectSettings);
  340. input_map = memnew(InputMap);
  341. register_core_settings(); //here globals is present
  342. translation_server = memnew(TranslationServer);
  343. performance = memnew(Performance);
  344. ClassDB::register_class<Performance>();
  345. engine->add_singleton(Engine::Singleton("Performance", performance));
  346. GLOBAL_DEF("debug/settings/crash_handler/message", String("Please include this when reporting the bug on"));
  347. MAIN_PRINT("Main: Parse CMDLine");
  348. /* argument parsing and main creation */
  349. List<String> args;
  350. List<String> main_args;
  351. for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
  352. args.push_back(String::utf8(argv[i]));
  353. }
  354. List<String>::Element *I = args.front();
  355. I = args.front();
  356. while (I) {
  357. I->get() = unescape_cmdline(I->get().strip_edges());
  358. I = I->next();
  359. }
  360. I = args.front();
  361. String video_driver = "";
  362. String audio_driver = "";
  363. String tablet_driver = "";
  364. String project_path = ".";
  365. bool upwards = false;
  366. String debug_mode;
  367. String debug_host;
  368. bool skip_breakpoints = false;
  369. String main_pack;
  370. bool quiet_stdout = false;
  371. int rtm = -1;
  372. String remotefs;
  373. String remotefs_pass;
  374. Vector<String> breakpoints;
  375. bool use_custom_res = true;
  376. bool force_res = false;
  377. bool saw_vsync_via_compositor_override = false;
  378. bool delta_smoothing_override = false;
  379. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  380. bool found_project = false;
  381. #endif
  382. packed_data = PackedData::get_singleton();
  383. if (!packed_data) {
  384. packed_data = memnew(PackedData);
  385. }
  386. #ifdef MINIZIP_ENABLED
  387. //XXX: always get_singleton() == 0x0
  388. zip_packed_data = ZipArchive::get_singleton();
  389. //TODO: remove this temporary fix
  390. if (!zip_packed_data) {
  391. zip_packed_data = memnew(ZipArchive);
  392. }
  393. packed_data->add_pack_source(zip_packed_data);
  394. #endif
  395. I = args.front();
  396. while (I) {
  397. #ifdef OSX_ENABLED
  398. // Ignore the process serial number argument passed by macOS Gatekeeper.
  399. // Otherwise, Godot would try to open a non-existent project on the first start and abort.
  400. if (I->get().begins_with("-psn_")) {
  401. I = I->next();
  402. continue;
  403. }
  404. #endif
  405. List<String>::Element *N = I->next();
  406. if (I->get() == "-h" || I->get() == "--help" || I->get() == "/?") { // display help
  407. show_help = true;
  408. goto error;
  409. } else if (I->get() == "--version") {
  410. print_line(get_full_version_string());
  411. goto error;
  412. } else if (I->get() == "-v" || I->get() == "--verbose") { // verbose output
  413. OS::get_singleton()->_verbose_stdout = true;
  414. } else if (I->get() == "--quiet") { // quieter output
  415. quiet_stdout = true;
  416. } else if (I->get() == "--audio-driver") { // audio driver
  417. if (I->next()) {
  418. audio_driver = I->next()->get();
  419. bool found = false;
  420. for (int i = 0; i < OS::get_singleton()->get_audio_driver_count(); i++) {
  421. if (audio_driver == OS::get_singleton()->get_audio_driver_name(i)) {
  422. found = true;
  423. }
  424. }
  425. if (!found) {
  426. OS::get_singleton()->print("Unknown audio driver '%s', aborting.\nValid options are ", audio_driver.utf8().get_data());
  427. for (int i = 0; i < OS::get_singleton()->get_audio_driver_count(); i++) {
  428. if (i == OS::get_singleton()->get_audio_driver_count() - 1) {
  429. OS::get_singleton()->print(" and ");
  430. } else if (i != 0) {
  431. OS::get_singleton()->print(", ");
  432. }
  433. OS::get_singleton()->print("'%s'", OS::get_singleton()->get_audio_driver_name(i));
  434. }
  435. OS::get_singleton()->print(".\n");
  436. goto error;
  437. }
  438. N = I->next()->next();
  439. } else {
  440. OS::get_singleton()->print("Missing audio driver argument, aborting.\n");
  441. goto error;
  442. }
  443. } else if (I->get() == "--video-driver") { // force video driver
  444. if (I->next()) {
  445. video_driver = I->next()->get();
  446. bool found = false;
  447. for (int i = 0; i < OS::get_singleton()->get_video_driver_count(); i++) {
  448. if (video_driver == OS::get_singleton()->get_video_driver_name(i)) {
  449. found = true;
  450. }
  451. }
  452. if (!found) {
  453. OS::get_singleton()->print("Unknown video driver '%s', aborting.\nValid options are ", video_driver.utf8().get_data());
  454. for (int i = 0; i < OS::get_singleton()->get_video_driver_count(); i++) {
  455. if (i == OS::get_singleton()->get_video_driver_count() - 1) {
  456. OS::get_singleton()->print(" and ");
  457. } else if (i != 0) {
  458. OS::get_singleton()->print(", ");
  459. }
  460. OS::get_singleton()->print("'%s'", OS::get_singleton()->get_video_driver_name(i));
  461. }
  462. OS::get_singleton()->print(".\n");
  463. goto error;
  464. }
  465. N = I->next()->next();
  466. } else {
  467. OS::get_singleton()->print("Missing video driver argument, aborting.\n");
  468. goto error;
  469. }
  470. #ifndef SERVER_ENABLED
  471. } else if (I->get() == "-f" || I->get() == "--fullscreen") { // force fullscreen
  472. init_fullscreen = true;
  473. } else if (I->get() == "-m" || I->get() == "--maximized") { // force maximized window
  474. init_maximized = true;
  475. video_mode.maximized = true;
  476. } else if (I->get() == "-w" || I->get() == "--windowed") { // force windowed window
  477. init_windowed = true;
  478. } else if (I->get() == "-t" || I->get() == "--always-on-top") { // force always-on-top window
  479. init_always_on_top = true;
  480. } else if (I->get() == "--resolution") { // force resolution
  481. if (I->next()) {
  482. String vm = I->next()->get();
  483. if (vm.find("x") == -1) { // invalid parameter format
  484. OS::get_singleton()->print("Invalid resolution '%s', it should be e.g. '1280x720'.\n", vm.utf8().get_data());
  485. goto error;
  486. }
  487. int w = vm.get_slice("x", 0).to_int();
  488. int h = vm.get_slice("x", 1).to_int();
  489. if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) {
  490. OS::get_singleton()->print("Invalid resolution '%s', width and height must be above 0.\n", vm.utf8().get_data());
  491. goto error;
  492. }
  493. video_mode.width = w;
  494. video_mode.height = h;
  495. force_res = true;
  496. N = I->next()->next();
  497. } else {
  498. OS::get_singleton()->print("Missing resolution argument, aborting.\n");
  499. goto error;
  500. }
  501. } else if (I->get() == "--position") { // set window position
  502. if (I->next()) {
  503. String vm = I->next()->get();
  504. if (vm.find(",") == -1) { // invalid parameter format
  505. OS::get_singleton()->print("Invalid position '%s', it should be e.g. '80,128'.\n", vm.utf8().get_data());
  506. goto error;
  507. }
  508. int x = vm.get_slice(",", 0).to_int();
  509. int y = vm.get_slice(",", 1).to_int();
  510. init_custom_pos = Point2(x, y);
  511. init_use_custom_pos = true;
  512. N = I->next()->next();
  513. } else {
  514. OS::get_singleton()->print("Missing position argument, aborting.\n");
  515. goto error;
  516. }
  517. } else if (I->get() == "--low-dpi") { // force low DPI (macOS only)
  518. force_lowdpi = true;
  519. } else if (I->get() == "--no-window") { // run with an invisible window
  520. OS::get_singleton()->set_no_window_mode(true);
  521. } else if (I->get() == "--tablet-driver") {
  522. if (I->next()) {
  523. tablet_driver = I->next()->get();
  524. bool found = false;
  525. for (int i = 0; i < OS::get_singleton()->get_tablet_driver_count(); i++) {
  526. if (tablet_driver == OS::get_singleton()->get_tablet_driver_name(i)) {
  527. found = true;
  528. }
  529. }
  530. if (!found) {
  531. OS::get_singleton()->print("Unknown tablet driver '%s', aborting.\n", tablet_driver.utf8().get_data());
  532. goto error;
  533. }
  534. N = I->next()->next();
  535. } else {
  536. OS::get_singleton()->print("Missing tablet driver argument, aborting.\n");
  537. goto error;
  538. }
  539. } else if (I->get() == "--enable-vsync-via-compositor") {
  540. video_mode.vsync_via_compositor = true;
  541. saw_vsync_via_compositor_override = true;
  542. } else if (I->get() == "--disable-vsync-via-compositor") {
  543. video_mode.vsync_via_compositor = false;
  544. saw_vsync_via_compositor_override = true;
  545. } else if (I->get() == "--enable-delta-smoothing") {
  546. OS::get_singleton()->set_delta_smoothing(true);
  547. delta_smoothing_override = true;
  548. } else if (I->get() == "--disable-delta-smoothing") {
  549. OS::get_singleton()->set_delta_smoothing(false);
  550. delta_smoothing_override = true;
  551. #endif
  552. } else if (I->get() == "--profiling") { // enable profiling
  553. use_debug_profiler = true;
  554. } else if (I->get() == "-l" || I->get() == "--language") { // language
  555. if (I->next()) {
  556. locale = I->next()->get();
  557. N = I->next()->next();
  558. } else {
  559. OS::get_singleton()->print("Missing language argument, aborting.\n");
  560. goto error;
  561. }
  562. } else if (I->get() == "--remote-fs") { // remote filesystem
  563. if (I->next()) {
  564. remotefs = I->next()->get();
  565. N = I->next()->next();
  566. } else {
  567. OS::get_singleton()->print("Missing remote filesystem address, aborting.\n");
  568. goto error;
  569. }
  570. } else if (I->get() == "--remote-fs-password") { // remote filesystem password
  571. if (I->next()) {
  572. remotefs_pass = I->next()->get();
  573. N = I->next()->next();
  574. } else {
  575. OS::get_singleton()->print("Missing remote filesystem password, aborting.\n");
  576. goto error;
  577. }
  578. } else if (I->get() == "--render-thread") { // render thread mode
  579. if (I->next()) {
  580. if (I->next()->get() == "safe") {
  581. rtm = OS::RENDER_THREAD_SAFE;
  582. } else if (I->next()->get() == "unsafe") {
  584. } else if (I->next()->get() == "separate") {
  586. }
  587. N = I->next()->next();
  588. } else {
  589. OS::get_singleton()->print("Missing render thread mode argument, aborting.\n");
  590. goto error;
  591. }
  592. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  593. } else if (I->get() == "-e" || I->get() == "--editor") { // starts editor
  594. editor = true;
  595. } else if (I->get() == "-p" || I->get() == "--project-manager") { // starts project manager
  596. project_manager = true;
  597. } else if (I->get() == "--build-solutions") { // Build the scripting solution such C#
  598. auto_build_solutions = true;
  599. editor = true;
  601. } else if (I->get() == "--gdnative-generate-json-api") {
  602. // Register as an editor instance to use the GLES2 fallback automatically on hardware that doesn't support the GLES3 backend
  603. editor = true;
  604. // We still pass it to the main arguments since the argument handling itself is not done in this function
  605. main_args.push_back(I->get());
  606. #endif
  607. } else if (I->get() == "--export" || I->get() == "--export-debug" || I->get() == "--export-pack") { // Export project
  608. editor = true;
  609. main_args.push_back(I->get());
  610. #endif
  611. } else if (I->get() == "--path") { // set path of project to start or edit
  612. if (I->next()) {
  613. String p = I->next()->get();
  614. if (OS::get_singleton()->set_cwd(p) == OK) {
  615. //nothing
  616. } else {
  617. project_path = I->next()->get(); //use project_path instead
  618. }
  619. N = I->next()->next();
  620. } else {
  621. OS::get_singleton()->print("Missing relative or absolute path, aborting.\n");
  622. goto error;
  623. }
  624. } else if (I->get() == "-u" || I->get() == "--upwards") { // scan folders upwards
  625. upwards = true;
  626. } else if (I->get() == "-q" || I->get() == "--quit") { // Auto quit at the end of the first main loop iteration
  627. auto_quit = true;
  628. } else if (I->get().ends_with("project.godot")) {
  629. String path;
  630. String file = I->get();
  631. int sep = MAX(file.find_last("/"), file.find_last("\\"));
  632. if (sep == -1) {
  633. path = ".";
  634. } else {
  635. path = file.substr(0, sep);
  636. }
  637. if (OS::get_singleton()->set_cwd(path) == OK) {
  638. // path already specified, don't override
  639. } else {
  640. project_path = path;
  641. }
  642. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  643. editor = true;
  644. #endif
  645. } else if (I->get() == "-b" || I->get() == "--breakpoints") { // add breakpoints
  646. if (I->next()) {
  647. String bplist = I->next()->get();
  648. breakpoints = bplist.split(",");
  649. N = I->next()->next();
  650. } else {
  651. OS::get_singleton()->print("Missing list of breakpoints, aborting.\n");
  652. goto error;
  653. }
  654. } else if (I->get() == "--frame-delay") { // force frame delay
  655. if (I->next()) {
  656. frame_delay = I->next()->get().to_int();
  657. N = I->next()->next();
  658. } else {
  659. OS::get_singleton()->print("Missing frame delay argument, aborting.\n");
  660. goto error;
  661. }
  662. } else if (I->get() == "--time-scale") { // force time scale
  663. if (I->next()) {
  664. Engine::get_singleton()->set_time_scale(I->next()->get().to_double());
  665. N = I->next()->next();
  666. } else {
  667. OS::get_singleton()->print("Missing time scale argument, aborting.\n");
  668. goto error;
  669. }
  670. } else if (I->get() == "--main-pack") {
  671. if (I->next()) {
  672. main_pack = I->next()->get();
  673. N = I->next()->next();
  674. } else {
  675. OS::get_singleton()->print("Missing path to main pack file, aborting.\n");
  676. goto error;
  677. };
  678. } else if (I->get() == "-d" || I->get() == "--debug") {
  679. debug_mode = "local";
  680. OS::get_singleton()->_debug_stdout = true;
  681. #if defined(DEBUG_ENABLED) && !defined(SERVER_ENABLED)
  682. } else if (I->get() == "--debug-collisions") {
  683. debug_collisions = true;
  684. } else if (I->get() == "--debug-navigation") {
  685. debug_navigation = true;
  686. #endif
  687. } else if (I->get() == "--remote-debug") {
  688. if (I->next()) {
  689. debug_mode = "remote";
  690. debug_host = I->next()->get();
  691. if (debug_host.find(":") == -1) { // wrong address
  692. OS::get_singleton()->print("Invalid debug host address, it should be of the form <host/IP>:<port>.\n");
  693. goto error;
  694. }
  695. N = I->next()->next();
  696. } else {
  697. OS::get_singleton()->print("Missing remote debug host address, aborting.\n");
  698. goto error;
  699. }
  700. } else if (I->get() == "--allow_focus_steal_pid") { // not exposed to user
  701. if (I->next()) {
  702. allow_focus_steal_pid = I->next()->get().to_int64();
  703. N = I->next()->next();
  704. } else {
  705. OS::get_singleton()->print("Missing editor PID argument, aborting.\n");
  706. goto error;
  707. }
  708. } else if (I->get() == "--disable-render-loop") {
  709. disable_render_loop = true;
  710. } else if (I->get() == "--fixed-fps") {
  711. if (I->next()) {
  712. fixed_fps = I->next()->get().to_int();
  713. N = I->next()->next();
  714. } else {
  715. OS::get_singleton()->print("Missing fixed-fps argument, aborting.\n");
  716. goto error;
  717. }
  718. } else if (I->get() == "--print-fps") {
  719. print_fps = true;
  720. } else if (I->get() == "--disable-crash-handler") {
  721. OS::get_singleton()->disable_crash_handler();
  722. } else if (I->get() == "--skip-breakpoints") {
  723. skip_breakpoints = true;
  724. } else {
  725. main_args.push_back(I->get());
  726. }
  727. I = N;
  728. }
  729. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  730. if (editor && project_manager) {
  731. OS::get_singleton()->print("Error: Command line arguments implied opening both editor and project manager, which is not possible. Aborting.\n");
  732. goto error;
  733. }
  734. #endif
  735. // Network file system needs to be configured before globals, since globals are based on the
  736. // 'project.godot' file which will only be available through the network if this is enabled
  737. FileAccessNetwork::configure();
  738. if (remotefs != "") {
  739. file_access_network_client = memnew(FileAccessNetworkClient);
  740. int port;
  741. if (remotefs.find(":") != -1) {
  742. port = remotefs.get_slicec(':', 1).to_int();
  743. remotefs = remotefs.get_slicec(':', 0);
  744. } else {
  745. port = 6010;
  746. }
  747. Error err = file_access_network_client->connect(remotefs, port, remotefs_pass);
  748. if (err) {
  749. OS::get_singleton()->printerr("Could not connect to remotefs: %s:%i.\n", remotefs.utf8().get_data(), port);
  750. goto error;
  751. }
  752. FileAccess::make_default<FileAccessNetwork>(FileAccess::ACCESS_RESOURCES);
  753. }
  754. if (globals->setup(project_path, main_pack, upwards) == OK) {
  755. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  756. found_project = true;
  757. #endif
  758. } else {
  759. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  760. editor = false;
  761. #else
  762. const String error_msg = "Error: Couldn't load project data at path \"" + project_path + "\". Is the .pck file missing?\nIf you've renamed the executable, the associated .pck file should also be renamed to match the executable's name (without the extension).\n";
  763. OS::get_singleton()->print("%s", error_msg.utf8().get_data());
  764. OS::get_singleton()->alert(error_msg);
  765. goto error;
  766. #endif
  767. }
  768. // Initialize user data dir.
  769. OS::get_singleton()->ensure_user_data_dir();
  770. GLOBAL_DEF("memory/limits/multithreaded_server/rid_pool_prealloc", 60);
  771. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("memory/limits/multithreaded_server/rid_pool_prealloc", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "memory/limits/multithreaded_server/rid_pool_prealloc", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,500,1")); // No negative and limit to 500 due to crashes
  772. GLOBAL_DEF("network/limits/debugger_stdout/max_chars_per_second", 2048);
  773. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("network/limits/debugger_stdout/max_chars_per_second", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "network/limits/debugger_stdout/max_chars_per_second", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0, 4096, 1, or_greater"));
  774. GLOBAL_DEF("network/limits/debugger_stdout/max_messages_per_frame", 10);
  775. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("network/limits/debugger_stdout/max_messages_per_frame", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "network/limits/debugger_stdout/max_messages_per_frame", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0, 20, 1, or_greater"));
  776. GLOBAL_DEF("network/limits/debugger_stdout/max_errors_per_second", 100);
  777. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("network/limits/debugger_stdout/max_errors_per_second", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "network/limits/debugger_stdout/max_errors_per_second", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0, 200, 1, or_greater"));
  778. GLOBAL_DEF("network/limits/debugger_stdout/max_warnings_per_second", 100);
  779. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("network/limits/debugger_stdout/max_warnings_per_second", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "network/limits/debugger_stdout/max_warnings_per_second", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0, 200, 1, or_greater"));
  780. if (debug_mode == "remote") {
  781. ScriptDebuggerRemote *sdr = memnew(ScriptDebuggerRemote);
  782. uint16_t debug_port = 6007;
  783. if (debug_host.find(":") != -1) {
  784. int sep_pos = debug_host.find_last(":");
  785. debug_port = debug_host.substr(sep_pos + 1, debug_host.length()).to_int();
  786. debug_host = debug_host.substr(0, sep_pos);
  787. }
  788. Error derr = sdr->connect_to_host(debug_host, debug_port);
  789. sdr->set_skip_breakpoints(skip_breakpoints);
  790. if (derr != OK) {
  791. memdelete(sdr);
  792. } else {
  793. script_debugger = sdr;
  794. sdr->set_allow_focus_steal_pid(allow_focus_steal_pid);
  795. }
  796. } else if (debug_mode == "local") {
  797. script_debugger = memnew(ScriptDebuggerLocal);
  798. OS::get_singleton()->initialize_debugging();
  799. }
  800. if (script_debugger) {
  801. //there is a debugger, parse breakpoints
  802. for (int i = 0; i < breakpoints.size(); i++) {
  803. String bp = breakpoints[i];
  804. int sp = bp.find_last(":");
  805. ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(sp == -1, "Invalid breakpoint: '" + bp + "', expected file:line format.");
  806. script_debugger->insert_breakpoint(bp.substr(sp + 1, bp.length()).to_int(), bp.substr(0, sp));
  807. }
  808. }
  809. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  810. if (editor) {
  811. packed_data->set_disabled(true);
  812. globals->set_disable_feature_overrides(true);
  813. }
  814. #endif
  815. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  816. if (editor) {
  817. Engine::get_singleton()->set_editor_hint(true);
  818. main_args.push_back("--editor");
  819. if (!init_windowed) {
  820. init_maximized = true;
  821. video_mode.maximized = true;
  822. }
  823. }
  824. if (!project_manager && !editor) {
  825. // Determine if the project manager should be requested
  826. project_manager = main_args.size() == 0 && !found_project;
  827. }
  828. #endif
  829. // Only flush stdout in debug builds by default, as spamming `print()` will
  830. // decrease performance if this is enabled.
  831. GLOBAL_DEF_RST("application/run/flush_stdout_on_print", false);
  832. GLOBAL_DEF_RST("application/run/flush_stdout_on_print.debug", true);
  833. GLOBAL_DEF("logging/file_logging/enable_file_logging", false);
  834. // Only file logging by default on desktop platforms as logs can't be
  835. // accessed easily on mobile/Web platforms (if at all).
  836. // This also prevents logs from being created for the editor instance, as feature tags
  837. // are disabled while in the editor (even if they should logically apply).
  838. GLOBAL_DEF("logging/file_logging/enable_file_logging.pc", true);
  839. GLOBAL_DEF("logging/file_logging/log_path", "user://logs/godot.log");
  840. GLOBAL_DEF("logging/file_logging/max_log_files", 5);
  841. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("logging/file_logging/max_log_files", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "logging/file_logging/max_log_files", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,20,1,or_greater")); //no negative numbers
  842. if (!project_manager && !editor && FileAccess::get_create_func(FileAccess::ACCESS_USERDATA) && GLOBAL_GET("logging/file_logging/enable_file_logging")) {
  843. // Don't create logs for the project manager as they would be written to
  844. // the current working directory, which is inconvenient.
  845. String base_path = GLOBAL_GET("logging/file_logging/log_path");
  846. int max_files = GLOBAL_GET("logging/file_logging/max_log_files");
  847. OS::get_singleton()->add_logger(memnew(RotatedFileLogger(base_path, max_files)));
  848. }
  849. if (main_args.size() == 0 && String(GLOBAL_DEF("application/run/main_scene", "")) == "") {
  850. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  851. if (!editor && !project_manager) {
  852. #endif
  853. const String error_msg = "Error: Can't run project: no main scene defined in the project.\n";
  854. OS::get_singleton()->print("%s", error_msg.utf8().get_data());
  855. OS::get_singleton()->alert(error_msg);
  856. goto error;
  857. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  858. }
  859. #endif
  860. }
  861. if (editor || project_manager) {
  862. Engine::get_singleton()->set_editor_hint(true);
  863. use_custom_res = false;
  864. input_map->load_default(); //keys for editor
  865. } else {
  866. input_map->load_from_globals(); //keys for game
  867. }
  868. if (bool(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("application/run/disable_stdout"))) {
  869. quiet_stdout = true;
  870. }
  871. if (bool(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("application/run/disable_stderr"))) {
  872. _print_error_enabled = false;
  873. };
  874. if (quiet_stdout) {
  875. _print_line_enabled = false;
  876. }
  877. Logger::set_flush_stdout_on_print(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("application/run/flush_stdout_on_print"));
  878. OS::get_singleton()->set_cmdline(execpath, main_args);
  879. GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/driver/driver_name", "GLES3");
  880. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/driver/driver_name", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "rendering/quality/driver/driver_name", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "GLES2,GLES3"));
  881. if (video_driver == "") {
  882. video_driver = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/driver/driver_name");
  883. }
  884. GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/driver/fallback_to_gles2", false);
  885. // Assigning here, to be sure that it appears in docs
  886. GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/2d/options/use_nvidia_rect_flicker_workaround", false);
  887. GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/size/width", 1024);
  888. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("display/window/size/width", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "display/window/size/width", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,7680,1,or_greater")); // 8K resolution
  889. GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/size/height", 600);
  890. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("display/window/size/height", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "display/window/size/height", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,4320,1,or_greater")); // 8K resolution
  891. GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/size/resizable", true);
  892. GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/size/borderless", false);
  893. GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/size/fullscreen", false);
  894. GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/size/always_on_top", false);
  895. GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/size/test_width", 0);
  896. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("display/window/size/test_width", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "display/window/size/test_width", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,7680,1,or_greater")); // 8K resolution
  897. GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/size/test_height", 0);
  898. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("display/window/size/test_height", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "display/window/size/test_height", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,4320,1,or_greater")); // 8K resolution
  899. if (use_custom_res) {
  900. if (!force_res) {
  901. video_mode.width = GLOBAL_GET("display/window/size/width");
  902. video_mode.height = GLOBAL_GET("display/window/size/height");
  903. if (globals->has_setting("display/window/size/test_width") && globals->has_setting("display/window/size/test_height")) {
  904. int tw = globals->get("display/window/size/test_width");
  905. if (tw > 0) {
  906. video_mode.width = tw;
  907. }
  908. int th = globals->get("display/window/size/test_height");
  909. if (th > 0) {
  910. video_mode.height = th;
  911. }
  912. }
  913. }
  914. video_mode.resizable = GLOBAL_GET("display/window/size/resizable");
  915. video_mode.borderless_window = GLOBAL_GET("display/window/size/borderless");
  916. video_mode.fullscreen = GLOBAL_GET("display/window/size/fullscreen");
  917. video_mode.always_on_top = GLOBAL_GET("display/window/size/always_on_top");
  918. }
  919. if (!force_lowdpi) {
  920. OS::get_singleton()->_allow_hidpi = GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/dpi/allow_hidpi", false);
  921. }
  922. video_mode.use_vsync = GLOBAL_DEF_RST("display/window/vsync/use_vsync", true);
  923. OS::get_singleton()->_use_vsync = video_mode.use_vsync;
  924. if (!saw_vsync_via_compositor_override) {
  925. // If one of the command line options to enable/disable vsync via the
  926. // window compositor ("--enable-vsync-via-compositor" or
  927. // "--disable-vsync-via-compositor") was present then it overrides the
  928. // project setting.
  929. video_mode.vsync_via_compositor = GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/vsync/vsync_via_compositor", false);
  930. }
  931. OS::get_singleton()->_vsync_via_compositor = video_mode.vsync_via_compositor;
  932. if (tablet_driver == "") { // specified in project.godot
  933. tablet_driver = GLOBAL_DEF_RST_NOVAL("display/window/tablet_driver", OS::get_singleton()->get_tablet_driver_name(0));
  934. }
  935. for (int i = 0; i < OS::get_singleton()->get_tablet_driver_count(); i++) {
  936. if (tablet_driver == OS::get_singleton()->get_tablet_driver_name(i)) {
  937. OS::get_singleton()->set_current_tablet_driver(OS::get_singleton()->get_tablet_driver_name(i));
  938. break;
  939. }
  940. }
  941. if (tablet_driver == "") {
  942. OS::get_singleton()->set_current_tablet_driver(OS::get_singleton()->get_tablet_driver_name(0));
  943. }
  944. OS::get_singleton()->_allow_layered = GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/per_pixel_transparency/allowed", false);
  945. video_mode.layered = GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/per_pixel_transparency/enabled", false);
  946. GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/intended_usage/framebuffer_allocation", 2);
  947. GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/intended_usage/", 3);
  948. if (editor || project_manager) {
  949. // The editor and project manager always detect and use hiDPI if needed
  950. OS::get_singleton()->_allow_hidpi = true;
  951. OS::get_singleton()->_allow_layered = false;
  952. }
  953. Engine::get_singleton()->_gpu_pixel_snap = GLOBAL_DEF_ALIAS("rendering/2d/snapping/use_gpu_pixel_snap", "rendering/quality/2d/use_pixel_snap", false);
  954. OS::get_singleton()->_keep_screen_on = GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/energy_saving/keep_screen_on", true);
  955. if (rtm == -1) {
  956. rtm = GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/threads/thread_model", OS::RENDER_THREAD_SAFE);
  957. }
  958. GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/threads/thread_safe_bvh", false);
  959. if (rtm >= 0 && rtm < 3) {
  960. #ifdef NO_THREADS
  961. rtm = OS::RENDER_THREAD_UNSAFE; // No threads available on this platform.
  962. #else
  963. if (editor) {
  964. rtm = OS::RENDER_THREAD_SAFE;
  965. }
  966. #endif
  967. OS::get_singleton()->_render_thread_mode = OS::RenderThreadMode(rtm);
  968. }
  969. /* Determine audio and video drivers */
  970. for (int i = 0; i < OS::get_singleton()->get_video_driver_count(); i++) {
  971. if (video_driver == OS::get_singleton()->get_video_driver_name(i)) {
  972. video_driver_idx = i;
  973. break;
  974. }
  975. }
  976. if (video_driver_idx < 0) {
  977. video_driver_idx = 0;
  978. }
  979. if (audio_driver == "") { // specified in project.godot
  980. audio_driver = GLOBAL_DEF_RST_NOVAL("audio/driver", OS::get_singleton()->get_audio_driver_name(0));
  981. }
  982. for (int i = 0; i < OS::get_singleton()->get_audio_driver_count(); i++) {
  983. if (audio_driver == OS::get_singleton()->get_audio_driver_name(i)) {
  984. audio_driver_idx = i;
  985. break;
  986. }
  987. }
  988. if (audio_driver_idx < 0) {
  989. audio_driver_idx = 0;
  990. }
  991. {
  992. String orientation = GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/handheld/orientation", "landscape");
  993. if (orientation == "portrait") {
  994. OS::get_singleton()->set_screen_orientation(OS::SCREEN_PORTRAIT);
  995. } else if (orientation == "reverse_landscape") {
  996. OS::get_singleton()->set_screen_orientation(OS::SCREEN_REVERSE_LANDSCAPE);
  997. } else if (orientation == "reverse_portrait") {
  998. OS::get_singleton()->set_screen_orientation(OS::SCREEN_REVERSE_PORTRAIT);
  999. } else if (orientation == "sensor_landscape") {
  1000. OS::get_singleton()->set_screen_orientation(OS::SCREEN_SENSOR_LANDSCAPE);
  1001. } else if (orientation == "sensor_portrait") {
  1002. OS::get_singleton()->set_screen_orientation(OS::SCREEN_SENSOR_PORTRAIT);
  1003. } else if (orientation == "sensor") {
  1004. OS::get_singleton()->set_screen_orientation(OS::SCREEN_SENSOR);
  1005. } else {
  1006. OS::get_singleton()->set_screen_orientation(OS::SCREEN_LANDSCAPE);
  1007. }
  1008. }
  1009. Engine::get_singleton()->set_iterations_per_second(GLOBAL_DEF("physics/common/physics_fps", 60));
  1010. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("physics/common/physics_fps", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "physics/common/physics_fps", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1,1000,1"));
  1011. Engine::get_singleton()->set_physics_jitter_fix(GLOBAL_DEF("physics/common/physics_jitter_fix", 0.5));
  1012. Engine::get_singleton()->set_target_fps(GLOBAL_DEF("debug/settings/fps/force_fps", 0));
  1013. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("debug/settings/fps/force_fps", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "debug/settings/fps/force_fps", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,1000,1"));
  1014. GLOBAL_DEF("physics/common/enable_pause_aware_picking", false);
  1015. GLOBAL_DEF("debug/settings/stdout/print_fps", false);
  1016. GLOBAL_DEF("debug/settings/stdout/verbose_stdout", false);
  1017. if (!OS::get_singleton()->_verbose_stdout) { // Not manually overridden.
  1018. OS::get_singleton()->_verbose_stdout = GLOBAL_GET("debug/settings/stdout/verbose_stdout");
  1019. }
  1020. if (frame_delay == 0) {
  1021. frame_delay = GLOBAL_DEF("application/run/frame_delay_msec", 0);
  1022. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("application/run/frame_delay_msec", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "application/run/frame_delay_msec", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,100,1,or_greater")); // No negative numbers
  1023. }
  1024. OS::get_singleton()->set_low_processor_usage_mode(GLOBAL_DEF("application/run/low_processor_mode", false));
  1025. OS::get_singleton()->set_low_processor_usage_mode_sleep_usec(GLOBAL_DEF("application/run/low_processor_mode_sleep_usec", 6900)); // Roughly 144 FPS
  1026. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("application/run/low_processor_mode_sleep_usec", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "application/run/low_processor_mode_sleep_usec", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,33200,1,or_greater")); // No negative numbers
  1027. delta_sync_after_draw = GLOBAL_DEF("application/run/delta_sync_after_draw", false);
  1028. GLOBAL_DEF("application/run/delta_smoothing", true);
  1029. if (!delta_smoothing_override) {
  1030. OS::get_singleton()->set_delta_smoothing(GLOBAL_GET("application/run/delta_smoothing"));
  1031. }
  1032. GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/ios/hide_home_indicator", true);
  1033. GLOBAL_DEF("input_devices/pointing/ios/touch_delay", 0.150);
  1034. Engine::get_singleton()->set_frame_delay(frame_delay);
  1035. message_queue = memnew(MessageQueue);
  1036. if (p_second_phase) {
  1037. return setup2();
  1038. }
  1039. return OK;
  1040. error:
  1041. video_driver = "";
  1042. audio_driver = "";
  1043. tablet_driver = "";
  1044. project_path = "";
  1045. args.clear();
  1046. main_args.clear();
  1047. if (show_help) {
  1048. print_help(execpath);
  1049. }
  1050. if (performance) {
  1051. memdelete(performance);
  1052. }
  1053. if (input_map) {
  1054. memdelete(input_map);
  1055. }
  1056. if (translation_server) {
  1057. memdelete(translation_server);
  1058. }
  1059. if (globals) {
  1060. memdelete(globals);
  1061. }
  1062. if (engine) {
  1063. memdelete(engine);
  1064. }
  1065. if (script_debugger) {
  1066. memdelete(script_debugger);
  1067. }
  1068. if (packed_data) {
  1069. memdelete(packed_data);
  1070. }
  1071. if (file_access_network_client) {
  1072. memdelete(file_access_network_client);
  1073. }
  1074. unregister_core_driver_types();
  1075. unregister_core_types();
  1076. OS::get_singleton()->_cmdline.clear();
  1077. if (message_queue) {
  1078. memdelete(message_queue);
  1079. }
  1080. OS::get_singleton()->finalize_core();
  1081. locale = String();
  1083. }
  1084. Error Main::setup2(Thread::ID p_main_tid_override) {
  1085. // Print engine name and version
  1086. print_line(String(VERSION_NAME) + " v" + get_full_version_string() + " - " + String(VERSION_WEBSITE));
  1087. #if !defined(NO_THREADS)
  1088. if (p_main_tid_override) {
  1089. Thread::main_thread_id = p_main_tid_override;
  1090. }
  1091. #endif
  1092. #ifdef UNIX_ENABLED
  1093. // Print warning before initializing audio.
  1094. if (OS::get_singleton()->get_environment("USER") == "root" && !OS::get_singleton()->has_environment("GODOT_SILENCE_ROOT_WARNING")) {
  1095. WARN_PRINT("Started the engine as `root`/superuser. This is a security risk, and subsystems like audio may not work correctly.\nSet the environment variable `GODOT_SILENCE_ROOT_WARNING` to 1 to silence this warning.");
  1096. }
  1097. #endif
  1098. Error err = OS::get_singleton()->initialize(video_mode, video_driver_idx, audio_driver_idx);
  1099. if (err != OK) {
  1100. return err;
  1101. }
  1102. print_line(" "); //add a blank line for readability
  1103. if (init_use_custom_pos) {
  1104. OS::get_singleton()->set_window_position(init_custom_pos);
  1105. }
  1106. // right moment to create and initialize the audio server
  1107. audio_server = memnew(AudioServer);
  1108. audio_server->init();
  1109. // also init our arvr_server from here
  1110. arvr_server = memnew(ARVRServer);
  1111. // and finally setup this property under visual_server
  1112. VisualServer::get_singleton()->set_render_loop_enabled(!disable_render_loop);
  1113. register_core_singletons();
  1114. MAIN_PRINT("Main: Setup Logo");
  1115. #if defined(JAVASCRIPT_ENABLED) || defined(ANDROID_ENABLED)
  1116. bool show_logo = false;
  1117. #else
  1118. bool show_logo = true;
  1119. #endif
  1120. if (init_screen != -1) {
  1121. OS::get_singleton()->set_current_screen(init_screen);
  1122. }
  1123. if (init_windowed) {
  1124. //do none..
  1125. } else if (init_maximized) {
  1126. OS::get_singleton()->set_window_maximized(true);
  1127. } else if (init_fullscreen) {
  1128. OS::get_singleton()->set_window_fullscreen(true);
  1129. }
  1130. if (init_always_on_top) {
  1131. OS::get_singleton()->set_window_always_on_top(true);
  1132. }
  1133. register_server_types();
  1134. MAIN_PRINT("Main: Load Boot Image");
  1135. Color clear = GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/environment/default_clear_color", Color(0.3, 0.3, 0.3));
  1136. VisualServer::get_singleton()->set_default_clear_color(clear);
  1137. if (show_logo) { //boot logo!
  1138. String boot_logo_path = GLOBAL_DEF("application/boot_splash/image", String());
  1139. bool boot_logo_scale = GLOBAL_DEF("application/boot_splash/fullsize", true);
  1140. bool boot_logo_filter = GLOBAL_DEF("application/boot_splash/use_filter", true);
  1141. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("application/boot_splash/image", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "application/boot_splash/image", PROPERTY_HINT_FILE, "*.png"));
  1142. Ref<Image> boot_logo;
  1143. boot_logo_path = boot_logo_path.strip_edges();
  1144. if (boot_logo_path != String()) {
  1145. boot_logo.instance();
  1146. Error load_err = ImageLoader::load_image(boot_logo_path, boot_logo);
  1147. if (load_err)
  1148. ERR_PRINT("Non-existing or invalid boot splash at '" + boot_logo_path + "'. Loading default splash.");
  1149. }
  1150. #if defined(TOOLS_ENABLED) && !defined(NO_EDITOR_SPLASH)
  1151. const Color boot_bg_color =
  1152. GLOBAL_DEF("application/boot_splash/bg_color",
  1153. (editor || project_manager) ? boot_splash_editor_bg_color : boot_splash_bg_color);
  1154. #else
  1155. const Color boot_bg_color = GLOBAL_DEF("application/boot_splash/bg_color", boot_splash_bg_color);
  1156. #endif
  1157. if (boot_logo.is_valid()) {
  1158. OS::get_singleton()->_msec_splash = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec();
  1159. VisualServer::get_singleton()->set_boot_image(boot_logo, boot_bg_color, boot_logo_scale, boot_logo_filter);
  1160. } else {
  1161. #ifndef NO_DEFAULT_BOOT_LOGO
  1162. MAIN_PRINT("Main: Create bootsplash");
  1163. #if defined(TOOLS_ENABLED) && !defined(NO_EDITOR_SPLASH)
  1164. Ref<Image> splash = (editor || project_manager) ? memnew(Image(boot_splash_editor_png)) : memnew(Image(boot_splash_png));
  1165. #else
  1166. Ref<Image> splash = memnew(Image(boot_splash_png));
  1167. #endif
  1168. MAIN_PRINT("Main: ClearColor");
  1169. VisualServer::get_singleton()->set_default_clear_color(boot_bg_color);
  1170. MAIN_PRINT("Main: Image");
  1171. VisualServer::get_singleton()->set_boot_image(splash, boot_bg_color, false);
  1172. #endif
  1173. }
  1174. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  1175. if (OS::get_singleton()->get_bundle_icon_path().empty()) {
  1176. Ref<Image> icon = memnew(Image(app_icon_png));
  1177. OS::get_singleton()->set_icon(icon);
  1178. }
  1179. #endif
  1180. }
  1181. MAIN_PRINT("Main: DCC");
  1182. VisualServer::get_singleton()->set_default_clear_color(GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/environment/default_clear_color", Color(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)));
  1183. GLOBAL_DEF("application/config/icon", String());
  1184. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("application/config/icon",
  1185. PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "application/config/icon",
  1186. PROPERTY_HINT_FILE, "*.png,*.webp,*.svg"));
  1187. GLOBAL_DEF("application/config/macos_native_icon", String());
  1188. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("application/config/macos_native_icon", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "application/config/macos_native_icon", PROPERTY_HINT_FILE, "*.icns"));
  1189. GLOBAL_DEF("application/config/windows_native_icon", String());
  1190. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("application/config/windows_native_icon", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "application/config/windows_native_icon", PROPERTY_HINT_FILE, "*.ico"));
  1191. InputDefault *id = Object::cast_to<InputDefault>(Input::get_singleton());
  1192. if (id) {
  1193. agile_input_event_flushing = GLOBAL_DEF("input_devices/buffering/agile_event_flushing", false);
  1194. if (bool(GLOBAL_DEF("input_devices/pointing/emulate_touch_from_mouse", false)) && !(editor || project_manager)) {
  1195. if (!OS::get_singleton()->has_touchscreen_ui_hint()) {
  1196. //only if no touchscreen ui hint, set emulation
  1197. id->set_emulate_touch_from_mouse(true);
  1198. }
  1199. }
  1200. id->set_emulate_mouse_from_touch(bool(GLOBAL_DEF("input_devices/pointing/emulate_mouse_from_touch", true)));
  1201. }
  1202. MAIN_PRINT("Main: Load Translations and Remaps");
  1203. translation_server->setup(); //register translations, load them, etc.
  1204. if (locale != "") {
  1205. translation_server->set_locale(locale);
  1206. }
  1207. translation_server->load_translations();
  1208. ResourceLoader::load_translation_remaps(); //load remaps for resources
  1209. ResourceLoader::load_path_remaps();
  1210. MAIN_PRINT("Main: Load Scene Types");
  1211. register_scene_types();
  1212. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  1213. ClassDB::set_current_api(ClassDB::API_EDITOR);
  1214. EditorNode::register_editor_types();
  1215. ClassDB::set_current_api(ClassDB::API_CORE);
  1216. #endif
  1217. MAIN_PRINT("Main: Load Modules, Physics, Drivers, Scripts");
  1218. register_platform_apis();
  1219. register_module_types();
  1220. // Theme needs modules to be initialized so that sub-resources can be loaded.
  1221. initialize_theme();
  1222. GLOBAL_DEF("display/mouse_cursor/custom_image", String());
  1223. GLOBAL_DEF("display/mouse_cursor/custom_image_hotspot", Vector2());
  1224. GLOBAL_DEF("display/mouse_cursor/tooltip_position_offset", Point2(10, 10));
  1225. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("display/mouse_cursor/custom_image", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "display/mouse_cursor/custom_image", PROPERTY_HINT_FILE, "*.png,*.webp"));
  1226. if (String(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("display/mouse_cursor/custom_image")) != String()) {
  1227. Ref<Texture> cursor = ResourceLoader::load(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("display/mouse_cursor/custom_image"));
  1228. if (cursor.is_valid()) {
  1229. Vector2 hotspot = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("display/mouse_cursor/custom_image_hotspot");
  1230. Input::get_singleton()->set_custom_mouse_cursor(cursor, Input::CURSOR_ARROW, hotspot);
  1231. }
  1232. }
  1233. camera_server = CameraServer::create();
  1234. initialize_physics();
  1235. register_server_singletons();
  1236. register_driver_types();
  1237. // This loads global classes, so it must happen before custom loaders and savers are registered
  1238. ScriptServer::init_languages();
  1239. audio_server->load_default_bus_layout();
  1240. if (use_debug_profiler && script_debugger) {
  1241. script_debugger->profiling_start();
  1242. }
  1243. visual_server_callbacks = memnew(VisualServerCallbacks);
  1244. VisualServer::get_singleton()->callbacks_register(visual_server_callbacks);
  1245. _start_success = true;
  1246. ClassDB::set_current_api(ClassDB::API_NONE); //no more api is registered at this point
  1247. print_verbose("CORE API HASH: " + uitos(ClassDB::get_api_hash(ClassDB::API_CORE)));
  1248. print_verbose("EDITOR API HASH: " + uitos(ClassDB::get_api_hash(ClassDB::API_EDITOR)));
  1249. MAIN_PRINT("Main: Done");
  1250. return OK;
  1251. }
  1252. // everything the main loop needs to know about frame timings
  1253. static MainTimerSync main_timer_sync;
  1254. bool Main::start() {
  1255. ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_start_success, false);
  1256. bool hasicon = false;
  1257. String doc_tool_path;
  1258. String positional_arg;
  1259. String game_path;
  1260. String script;
  1261. String test;
  1262. bool check_only = false;
  1263. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  1264. bool doc_base = true;
  1265. String _export_preset;
  1266. bool export_debug = false;
  1267. bool export_pack_only = false;
  1268. #endif
  1269. main_timer_sync.init(OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec());
  1270. List<String> args = OS::get_singleton()->get_cmdline_args();
  1271. for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
  1272. //parameters that do not have an argument to the right
  1273. if (args[i] == "--check-only") {
  1274. check_only = true;
  1275. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  1276. } else if (args[i] == "--no-docbase") {
  1277. doc_base = false;
  1278. } else if (args[i] == "-e" || args[i] == "--editor") {
  1279. editor = true;
  1280. } else if (args[i] == "-p" || args[i] == "--project-manager") {
  1281. project_manager = true;
  1282. #endif
  1283. } else if (args[i].length() && args[i][0] != '-' && positional_arg == "") {
  1284. positional_arg = args[i];
  1285. if (args[i].ends_with(".scn") ||
  1286. args[i].ends_with(".tscn") ||
  1287. args[i].ends_with(".escn") ||
  1288. args[i].ends_with(".res") ||
  1289. args[i].ends_with(".tres")) {
  1290. // Only consider the positional argument to be a scene path if it ends with
  1291. // a file extension associated with Godot scenes. This makes it possible
  1292. // for projects to parse command-line arguments for custom CLI arguments
  1293. // or other file extensions without trouble. This can be used to implement
  1294. // "drag-and-drop onto executable" logic, which can prove helpful
  1295. // for non-game applications.
  1296. game_path = args[i];
  1297. }
  1298. }
  1299. //parameters that have an argument to the right
  1300. else if (i < (args.size() - 1)) {
  1301. bool parsed_pair = true;
  1302. if (args[i] == "-s" || args[i] == "--script") {
  1303. script = args[i + 1];
  1304. } else if (args[i] == "--test") {
  1305. test = args[i + 1];
  1306. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  1307. } else if (args[i] == "--doctool") {
  1308. doc_tool_path = args[i + 1];
  1309. if (doc_tool_path.begins_with("-")) {
  1310. // Assuming other command line arg, so default to cwd.
  1311. doc_tool_path = ".";
  1312. parsed_pair = false;
  1313. }
  1314. } else if (args[i] == "--export") {
  1315. editor = true; //needs editor
  1316. _export_preset = args[i + 1];
  1317. } else if (args[i] == "--export-debug") {
  1318. editor = true; //needs editor
  1319. _export_preset = args[i + 1];
  1320. export_debug = true;
  1321. } else if (args[i] == "--export-pack") {
  1322. editor = true;
  1323. _export_preset = args[i + 1];
  1324. export_pack_only = true;
  1325. #endif
  1326. } else {
  1327. // The parameter does not match anything known, don't skip the next argument
  1328. parsed_pair = false;
  1329. }
  1330. if (parsed_pair) {
  1331. i++;
  1332. }
  1333. } else if (args[i] == "--doctool") {
  1334. // Handle case where no path is given to --doctool.
  1335. doc_tool_path = ".";
  1336. }
  1337. }
  1338. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  1339. if (doc_tool_path != "") {
  1340. Engine::get_singleton()->set_editor_hint(true); // Needed to instance editor-only classes for their default values
  1341. // Translate the class reference only when `-l LOCALE` parameter is given.
  1342. if (!locale.empty() && locale != "en") {
  1343. load_doc_translations(locale);
  1344. }
  1345. {
  1346. DirAccessRef da = DirAccess::open(doc_tool_path);
  1347. ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!da, false, "Argument supplied to --doctool must be a valid directory path.");
  1348. }
  1349. DocData doc;
  1350. doc.generate(doc_base);
  1351. DocData docsrc;
  1352. Map<String, String> doc_data_classes;
  1353. Set<String> checked_paths;
  1354. print_line("Loading docs...");
  1355. for (int i = 0; i < _doc_data_class_path_count; i++) {
  1356. // Custom modules are always located by absolute path.
  1357. String path = _doc_data_class_paths[i].path;
  1358. if (path.is_rel_path()) {
  1359. path = doc_tool_path.plus_file(path);
  1360. }
  1361. String name = _doc_data_class_paths[i].name;
  1362. doc_data_classes[name] = path;
  1363. if (!checked_paths.has(path)) {
  1364. checked_paths.insert(path);
  1365. // Create the module documentation directory if it doesn't exist
  1366. DirAccess *da = DirAccess::create_for_path(path);
  1367. da->make_dir_recursive(path);
  1368. memdelete(da);
  1369. docsrc.load_classes(path);
  1370. print_line("Loading docs from: " + path);
  1371. }
  1372. }
  1373. String index_path = doc_tool_path.plus_file("doc/classes");
  1374. // Create the main documentation directory if it doesn't exist
  1375. DirAccess *da = DirAccess::create_for_path(index_path);
  1376. da->make_dir_recursive(index_path);
  1377. memdelete(da);
  1378. docsrc.load_classes(index_path);
  1379. checked_paths.insert(index_path);
  1380. print_line("Loading docs from: " + index_path);
  1381. print_line("Merging docs...");
  1382. doc.merge_from(docsrc);
  1383. for (Set<String>::Element *E = checked_paths.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
  1384. print_line("Erasing old docs at: " + E->get());
  1385. DocData::erase_classes(E->get());
  1386. }
  1387. print_line("Generating new docs...");
  1388. doc.save_classes(index_path, doc_data_classes);
  1389. return false;
  1390. }
  1391. #endif
  1392. if (script == "" && game_path == "" && String(GLOBAL_DEF("application/run/main_scene", "")) != "") {
  1393. game_path = GLOBAL_DEF("application/run/main_scene", "");
  1394. }
  1395. MainLoop *main_loop = nullptr;
  1396. if (editor) {
  1397. main_loop = memnew(SceneTree);
  1398. };
  1399. String main_loop_type = GLOBAL_DEF("application/run/main_loop_type", "SceneTree");
  1400. if (test != "") {
  1401. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  1402. main_loop = test_main(test, args);
  1403. if (!main_loop) {
  1404. return false;
  1405. }
  1406. #endif
  1407. } else if (script != "") {
  1408. Ref<Script> script_res = ResourceLoader::load(script);
  1409. ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(script_res.is_null(), false, "Can't load script: " + script);
  1410. if (check_only) {
  1411. if (!script_res->is_valid()) {
  1412. OS::get_singleton()->set_exit_code(EXIT_FAILURE);
  1413. } else {
  1414. OS::get_singleton()->set_exit_code(EXIT_SUCCESS);
  1415. }
  1416. return false;
  1417. }
  1418. if (script_res->can_instance()) {
  1419. StringName instance_type = script_res->get_instance_base_type();
  1420. Object *obj = ClassDB::instance(instance_type);
  1421. MainLoop *script_loop = Object::cast_to<MainLoop>(obj);
  1422. if (!script_loop) {
  1423. if (obj) {
  1424. memdelete(obj);
  1425. }
  1426. ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, vformat("Can't load the script \"%s\" as it doesn't inherit from SceneTree or MainLoop.", script));
  1427. }
  1428. script_loop->set_init_script(script_res);
  1429. main_loop = script_loop;
  1430. } else {
  1431. return false;
  1432. }
  1433. } else { // Not based on script path.
  1434. if (!editor && !ClassDB::class_exists(main_loop_type) && ScriptServer::is_global_class(main_loop_type)) {
  1435. String script_path = ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(main_loop_type);
  1436. Ref<Script> script_res = ResourceLoader::load(script_path, "Script", true);
  1437. StringName script_base = ScriptServer::get_global_class_native_base(main_loop_type);
  1438. Object *obj = ClassDB::instance(script_base);
  1439. MainLoop *script_loop = Object::cast_to<MainLoop>(obj);
  1440. if (!script_loop) {
  1441. if (obj) {
  1442. memdelete(obj);
  1443. }
  1444. OS::get_singleton()->alert("Error: Invalid MainLoop script base type: " + script_base);
  1445. ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, vformat("The global class %s does not inherit from SceneTree or MainLoop.", main_loop_type));
  1446. }
  1447. script_loop->set_init_script(script_res);
  1448. main_loop = script_loop;
  1449. }
  1450. }
  1451. if (!main_loop && main_loop_type == "") {
  1452. main_loop_type = "SceneTree";
  1453. }
  1454. if (!main_loop) {
  1455. if (!ClassDB::class_exists(main_loop_type)) {
  1456. OS::get_singleton()->alert("Error: MainLoop type doesn't exist: " + main_loop_type);
  1457. return false;
  1458. } else {
  1459. Object *ml = ClassDB::instance(main_loop_type);
  1460. ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!ml, false, "Can't instance MainLoop type.");
  1461. main_loop = Object::cast_to<MainLoop>(ml);
  1462. if (!main_loop) {
  1463. memdelete(ml);
  1464. ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, "Invalid MainLoop type.");
  1465. }
  1466. }
  1467. }
  1468. if (main_loop->is_class("SceneTree")) {
  1469. SceneTree *sml = Object::cast_to<SceneTree>(main_loop);
  1470. #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED
  1471. if (debug_collisions) {
  1472. sml->set_debug_collisions_hint(true);
  1473. }
  1474. if (debug_navigation) {
  1475. sml->set_debug_navigation_hint(true);
  1476. }
  1477. #endif
  1478. ResourceLoader::add_custom_loaders();
  1479. ResourceSaver::add_custom_savers();
  1480. if (!project_manager && !editor) { // game
  1481. if (game_path != "" || script != "") {
  1482. if (script_debugger && script_debugger->is_remote()) {
  1483. ScriptDebuggerRemote *remote_debugger = static_cast<ScriptDebuggerRemote *>(script_debugger);
  1484. remote_debugger->set_scene_tree(sml);
  1485. }
  1486. //autoload
  1487. List<PropertyInfo> props;
  1488. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_property_list(&props);
  1489. //first pass, add the constants so they exist before any script is loaded
  1490. for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
  1491. String s = E->get().name;
  1492. if (!s.begins_with("autoload/")) {
  1493. continue;
  1494. }
  1495. String name = s.get_slicec('/', 1);
  1496. String path = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get(s);
  1497. bool global_var = false;
  1498. if (path.begins_with("*")) {
  1499. global_var = true;
  1500. }
  1501. if (global_var) {
  1502. for (int i = 0; i < ScriptServer::get_language_count(); i++) {
  1503. ScriptServer::get_language(i)->add_global_constant(name, Variant());
  1504. }
  1505. }
  1506. }
  1507. //second pass, load into global constants
  1508. List<Node *> to_add;
  1509. for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
  1510. String s = E->get().name;
  1511. if (!s.begins_with("autoload/")) {
  1512. continue;
  1513. }
  1514. String name = s.get_slicec('/', 1);
  1515. String path = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get(s);
  1516. bool global_var = false;
  1517. if (path.begins_with("*")) {
  1518. global_var = true;
  1519. path = path.substr(1, path.length() - 1);
  1520. }
  1521. RES res = ResourceLoader::load(path);
  1522. ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(res.is_null(), "Can't autoload: " + path);
  1523. Node *n = nullptr;
  1524. if (res->is_class("PackedScene")) {
  1525. Ref<PackedScene> ps = res;
  1526. n = ps->instance();
  1527. } else if (res->is_class("Script")) {
  1528. Ref<Script> script_res = res;
  1529. StringName ibt = script_res->get_instance_base_type();
  1530. bool valid_type = ClassDB::is_parent_class(ibt, "Node");
  1531. ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!valid_type, "Script does not inherit a Node: " + path);
  1532. Object *obj = ClassDB::instance(ibt);
  1533. ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(obj == nullptr, "Cannot instance script for autoload, expected 'Node' inheritance, got: " + String(ibt));
  1534. n = Object::cast_to<Node>(obj);
  1535. n->set_script(script_res.get_ref_ptr());
  1536. }
  1537. ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!n, "Path in autoload not a node or script: " + path);
  1538. n->set_name(name);
  1539. //defer so references are all valid on _ready()
  1540. to_add.push_back(n);
  1541. if (global_var) {
  1542. for (int i = 0; i < ScriptServer::get_language_count(); i++) {
  1543. ScriptServer::get_language(i)->add_global_constant(name, n);
  1544. }
  1545. }
  1546. }
  1547. for (List<Node *>::Element *E = to_add.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
  1548. sml->get_root()->add_child(E->get());
  1549. }
  1550. }
  1551. }
  1552. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  1553. EditorNode *editor_node = nullptr;
  1554. if (editor) {
  1555. editor_node = memnew(EditorNode);
  1556. sml->get_root()->add_child(editor_node);
  1557. if (_export_preset != "") {
  1558. editor_node->export_preset(_export_preset, positional_arg, export_debug, export_pack_only);
  1559. game_path = ""; // Do not load anything.
  1560. }
  1561. }
  1562. #endif
  1563. if (!editor && !project_manager) {
  1564. //standard helpers that can be changed from main config
  1565. String stretch_mode = GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/stretch/mode", "disabled");
  1566. String stretch_aspect = GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/stretch/aspect", "ignore");
  1567. Size2i stretch_size = Size2(GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/size/width", 0), GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/size/height", 0));
  1568. // out of compatibility reasons stretch_scale is called shrink when exposed to the user.
  1569. real_t stretch_scale = GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/stretch/shrink", 1.0);
  1570. SceneTree::StretchMode sml_sm = SceneTree::STRETCH_MODE_DISABLED;
  1571. if (stretch_mode == "2d") {
  1572. sml_sm = SceneTree::STRETCH_MODE_2D;
  1573. } else if (stretch_mode == "viewport") {
  1574. sml_sm = SceneTree::STRETCH_MODE_VIEWPORT;
  1575. }
  1576. SceneTree::StretchAspect sml_aspect = SceneTree::STRETCH_ASPECT_IGNORE;
  1577. if (stretch_aspect == "keep") {
  1578. sml_aspect = SceneTree::STRETCH_ASPECT_KEEP;
  1579. } else if (stretch_aspect == "keep_width") {
  1580. sml_aspect = SceneTree::STRETCH_ASPECT_KEEP_WIDTH;
  1581. } else if (stretch_aspect == "keep_height") {
  1582. sml_aspect = SceneTree::STRETCH_ASPECT_KEEP_HEIGHT;
  1583. } else if (stretch_aspect == "expand") {
  1584. sml_aspect = SceneTree::STRETCH_ASPECT_EXPAND;
  1585. }
  1586. sml->set_screen_stretch(sml_sm, sml_aspect, stretch_size, stretch_scale);
  1587. sml->set_auto_accept_quit(GLOBAL_DEF("application/config/auto_accept_quit", true));
  1588. sml->set_quit_on_go_back(GLOBAL_DEF("application/config/quit_on_go_back", true));
  1589. String appname = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("application/config/name");
  1590. appname = TranslationServer::get_singleton()->translate(appname);
  1591. #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED
  1592. // Append a suffix to the window title to denote that the project is running
  1593. // from a debug build (including the editor). Since this results in lower performance,
  1594. // this should be clearly presented to the user.
  1595. OS::get_singleton()->set_window_title(vformat("%s (DEBUG)", appname));
  1596. #else
  1597. OS::get_singleton()->set_window_title(appname);
  1598. #endif
  1599. // Define a very small minimum window size to prevent bugs such as GH-37242.
  1600. // It can still be overridden by the user in a script.
  1601. OS::get_singleton()->set_min_window_size(Size2(64, 64));
  1602. int shadow_atlas_size = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size");
  1603. int shadow_atlas_q0_subdiv = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_0_subdiv");
  1604. int shadow_atlas_q1_subdiv = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_1_subdiv");
  1605. int shadow_atlas_q2_subdiv = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_2_subdiv");
  1606. int shadow_atlas_q3_subdiv = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_3_subdiv");
  1607. sml->get_root()->set_shadow_atlas_size(shadow_atlas_size);
  1608. sml->get_root()->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(0, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv(shadow_atlas_q0_subdiv));
  1609. sml->get_root()->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(1, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv(shadow_atlas_q1_subdiv));
  1610. sml->get_root()->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(2, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv(shadow_atlas_q2_subdiv));
  1611. sml->get_root()->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(3, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv(shadow_atlas_q3_subdiv));
  1612. Viewport::Usage usage = Viewport::Usage(int(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/intended_usage/framebuffer_allocation")));
  1613. sml->get_root()->set_usage(usage);
  1614. bool snap_controls = GLOBAL_DEF("gui/common/snap_controls_to_pixels", true);
  1615. sml->get_root()->set_snap_controls_to_pixels(snap_controls);
  1616. bool font_oversampling = GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/dynamic_fonts/use_oversampling", true);
  1617. sml->set_use_font_oversampling(font_oversampling);
  1618. } else {
  1619. GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/stretch/mode", "disabled");
  1620. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("display/window/stretch/mode", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "display/window/stretch/mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "disabled,2d,viewport"));
  1621. GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/stretch/aspect", "ignore");
  1622. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("display/window/stretch/aspect", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "display/window/stretch/aspect", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "ignore,keep,keep_width,keep_height,expand"));
  1623. GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/stretch/shrink", 1.0);
  1624. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("display/window/stretch/shrink", PropertyInfo(Variant::REAL, "display/window/stretch/shrink", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.1,8,0.01,or_greater"));
  1625. sml->set_auto_accept_quit(GLOBAL_DEF("application/config/auto_accept_quit", true));
  1626. sml->set_quit_on_go_back(GLOBAL_DEF("application/config/quit_on_go_back", true));
  1627. GLOBAL_DEF("gui/common/snap_controls_to_pixels", true);
  1628. GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/dynamic_fonts/use_oversampling", true);
  1629. }
  1630. String local_game_path;
  1631. if (game_path != "" && !project_manager) {
  1632. local_game_path = game_path.replace("\\", "/");
  1633. if (!local_game_path.begins_with("res://")) {
  1634. bool absolute = (local_game_path.size() > 1) && (local_game_path[0] == '/' || local_game_path[1] == ':');
  1635. if (!absolute) {
  1636. if (ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->is_using_datapack()) {
  1637. local_game_path = "res://" + local_game_path;
  1638. } else {
  1639. int sep = local_game_path.find_last("/");
  1640. if (sep == -1) {
  1641. DirAccess *da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM);
  1642. local_game_path = da->get_current_dir().plus_file(local_game_path);
  1643. memdelete(da);
  1644. } else {
  1645. DirAccess *da = DirAccess::open(local_game_path.substr(0, sep));
  1646. if (da) {
  1647. local_game_path = da->get_current_dir().plus_file(local_game_path.substr(sep + 1, local_game_path.length()));
  1648. memdelete(da);
  1649. }
  1650. }
  1651. }
  1652. }
  1653. }
  1654. local_game_path = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->localize_path(local_game_path);
  1655. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  1656. if (editor) {
  1657. if (game_path != GLOBAL_GET("application/run/main_scene") || !editor_node->has_scenes_in_session()) {
  1658. Error serr = editor_node->load_scene(local_game_path);
  1659. if (serr != OK)
  1660. ERR_PRINT("Failed to load scene");
  1661. }
  1662. OS::get_singleton()->set_context(OS::CONTEXT_EDITOR);
  1663. }
  1664. #endif
  1665. if (!editor) {
  1666. OS::get_singleton()->set_context(OS::CONTEXT_ENGINE);
  1667. }
  1668. }
  1669. if (!project_manager && !editor) { // game
  1670. // Load SSL Certificates from Project Settings (or builtin).
  1671. Crypto::load_default_certificates(GLOBAL_DEF("network/ssl/certificates", ""));
  1672. if (game_path != "") {
  1673. Node *scene = nullptr;
  1674. Ref<PackedScene> scenedata = ResourceLoader::load(local_game_path);
  1675. if (scenedata.is_valid()) {
  1676. scene = scenedata->instance();
  1677. }
  1678. ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!scene, false, "Failed loading scene: " + local_game_path);
  1679. sml->add_current_scene(scene);
  1680. #ifdef OSX_ENABLED
  1681. String mac_iconpath = GLOBAL_DEF("application/config/macos_native_icon", "Variant()");
  1682. if (mac_iconpath != "") {
  1683. OS::get_singleton()->set_native_icon(mac_iconpath);
  1684. hasicon = true;
  1685. }
  1686. #endif
  1687. #ifdef WINDOWS_ENABLED
  1688. String win_iconpath = GLOBAL_DEF("application/config/windows_native_icon", "Variant()");
  1689. if (win_iconpath != "") {
  1690. OS::get_singleton()->set_native_icon(win_iconpath);
  1691. hasicon = true;
  1692. }
  1693. #endif
  1694. String iconpath = GLOBAL_DEF("application/config/icon", "Variant()");
  1695. if ((iconpath != "") && (!hasicon)) {
  1696. Ref<Image> icon;
  1697. icon.instance();
  1698. if (ImageLoader::load_image(iconpath, icon) == OK) {
  1699. OS::get_singleton()->set_icon(icon);
  1700. hasicon = true;
  1701. }
  1702. }
  1703. }
  1704. }
  1705. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  1706. if (project_manager || (script == "" && test == "" && game_path == "" && !editor)) {
  1707. Engine::get_singleton()->set_editor_hint(true);
  1708. ProjectManager *pmanager = memnew(ProjectManager);
  1709. ProgressDialog *progress_dialog = memnew(ProgressDialog);
  1710. pmanager->add_child(progress_dialog);
  1711. sml->get_root()->add_child(pmanager);
  1712. OS::get_singleton()->set_context(OS::CONTEXT_PROJECTMAN);
  1713. project_manager = true;
  1714. }
  1715. if (project_manager || editor) {
  1716. // Hide console window if requested (Windows-only).
  1717. bool hide_console = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_setting("interface/editor/hide_console_window");
  1718. OS::get_singleton()->set_console_visible(!hide_console);
  1719. // Load SSL Certificates from Editor Settings (or builtin)
  1720. Crypto::load_default_certificates(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_setting("network/ssl/editor_ssl_certificates").operator String());
  1721. }
  1722. #endif
  1723. }
  1724. if (!hasicon && OS::get_singleton()->get_bundle_icon_path().empty()) {
  1725. Ref<Image> icon = memnew(Image(app_icon_png));
  1726. OS::get_singleton()->set_icon(icon);
  1727. }
  1728. OS::get_singleton()->set_main_loop(main_loop);
  1729. return true;
  1730. }
  1731. /* Main iteration
  1732. *
  1733. * This is the iteration of the engine's game loop, advancing the state of physics,
  1734. * rendering and audio.
  1735. * It's called directly by the platform's OS::run method, where the loop is created
  1736. * and monitored.
  1737. *
  1738. * The OS implementation can impact its draw step with the Main::force_redraw() method.
  1739. */
  1740. uint64_t Main::last_ticks = 0;
  1741. uint32_t Main::frames = 0;
  1742. uint32_t Main::frame = 0;
  1743. bool Main::force_redraw_requested = false;
  1744. int Main::iterating = 0;
  1745. bool Main::agile_input_event_flushing = false;
  1746. bool Main::is_iterating() {
  1747. return iterating > 0;
  1748. }
  1749. // For performance metrics.
  1750. static uint64_t physics_process_max = 0;
  1751. static uint64_t idle_process_max = 0;
  1752. #ifndef TOOLS_ENABLED
  1753. static uint64_t frame_delta_sync_time = 0;
  1754. #endif
  1755. bool Main::iteration() {
  1756. //for now do not error on this
  1757. //ERR_FAIL_COND_V(iterating, false);
  1758. iterating++;
  1759. // ticks may become modified later on, and we want to store the raw measured
  1760. // value for profiling.
  1761. uint64_t raw_ticks_at_start = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec();
  1762. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  1763. uint64_t ticks = raw_ticks_at_start;
  1764. #else
  1765. // we can either sync the delta from here, or later in the iteration
  1766. uint64_t ticks_difference = raw_ticks_at_start - frame_delta_sync_time;
  1767. // if we are syncing at start or if frame_delta_sync_time is being initialized
  1768. // or a large gap has happened between the last delta_sync_time and now
  1769. if (!delta_sync_after_draw || (ticks_difference > 100000)) {
  1770. frame_delta_sync_time = raw_ticks_at_start;
  1771. }
  1772. uint64_t ticks = frame_delta_sync_time;
  1773. #endif
  1774. Engine::get_singleton()->_frame_ticks = ticks;
  1775. main_timer_sync.set_cpu_ticks_usec(ticks);
  1776. main_timer_sync.set_fixed_fps(fixed_fps);
  1777. uint64_t ticks_elapsed = ticks - last_ticks;
  1778. int physics_fps = Engine::get_singleton()->get_iterations_per_second();
  1779. float frame_slice = 1.0 / physics_fps;
  1780. float time_scale = Engine::get_singleton()->get_time_scale();
  1781. MainFrameTime advance = main_timer_sync.advance(frame_slice, physics_fps);
  1782. double step = advance.idle_step;
  1783. double scaled_step = step * time_scale;
  1784. Engine::get_singleton()->_frame_step = step;
  1785. Engine::get_singleton()->_physics_interpolation_fraction = advance.interpolation_fraction;
  1786. uint64_t physics_process_ticks = 0;
  1787. uint64_t idle_process_ticks = 0;
  1788. frame += ticks_elapsed;
  1789. last_ticks = ticks;
  1790. static const int max_physics_steps = 8;
  1791. if (fixed_fps == -1 && advance.physics_steps > max_physics_steps) {
  1792. step -= (advance.physics_steps - max_physics_steps) * frame_slice;
  1793. advance.physics_steps = max_physics_steps;
  1794. }
  1795. bool exit = false;
  1796. for (int iters = 0; iters < advance.physics_steps; ++iters) {
  1797. if (InputDefault::get_singleton()->is_using_input_buffering() && agile_input_event_flushing) {
  1798. InputDefault::get_singleton()->flush_buffered_events();
  1799. }
  1800. Engine::get_singleton()->_in_physics = true;
  1801. uint64_t physics_begin = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec();
  1802. PhysicsServer::get_singleton()->flush_queries();
  1803. Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->sync();
  1804. Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->flush_queries();
  1805. if (OS::get_singleton()->get_main_loop()->iteration(frame_slice * time_scale)) {
  1806. exit = true;
  1807. break;
  1808. }
  1809. message_queue->flush();
  1810. PhysicsServer::get_singleton()->step(frame_slice * time_scale);
  1811. Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->end_sync();
  1812. Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->step(frame_slice * time_scale);
  1813. message_queue->flush();
  1814. physics_process_ticks = MAX(physics_process_ticks, OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - physics_begin); // keep the largest one for reference
  1815. physics_process_max = MAX(OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - physics_begin, physics_process_max);
  1816. Engine::get_singleton()->_physics_frames++;
  1817. Engine::get_singleton()->_in_physics = false;
  1818. }
  1819. if (InputDefault::get_singleton()->is_using_input_buffering() && agile_input_event_flushing) {
  1820. InputDefault::get_singleton()->flush_buffered_events();
  1821. }
  1822. uint64_t idle_begin = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec();
  1823. if (OS::get_singleton()->get_main_loop()->idle(step * time_scale)) {
  1824. exit = true;
  1825. }
  1826. visual_server_callbacks->flush();
  1827. message_queue->flush();
  1828. VisualServer::get_singleton()->sync(); //sync if still drawing from previous frames.
  1829. if (OS::get_singleton()->can_draw() && VisualServer::get_singleton()->is_render_loop_enabled()) {
  1830. if ((!force_redraw_requested) && OS::get_singleton()->is_in_low_processor_usage_mode()) {
  1831. if (VisualServer::get_singleton()->has_changed()) {
  1832. VisualServer::get_singleton()->draw(true, scaled_step); // flush visual commands
  1833. Engine::get_singleton()->frames_drawn++;
  1834. }
  1835. } else {
  1836. VisualServer::get_singleton()->draw(true, scaled_step); // flush visual commands
  1837. Engine::get_singleton()->frames_drawn++;
  1838. force_redraw_requested = false;
  1839. }
  1840. }
  1841. #ifndef TOOLS_ENABLED
  1842. // we can choose to sync delta from here, just after the draw
  1843. if (delta_sync_after_draw) {
  1844. frame_delta_sync_time = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec();
  1845. }
  1846. #endif
  1847. // profiler timing information
  1848. idle_process_ticks = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - idle_begin;
  1849. idle_process_max = MAX(idle_process_ticks, idle_process_max);
  1850. uint64_t frame_time = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - raw_ticks_at_start;
  1851. for (int i = 0; i < ScriptServer::get_language_count(); i++) {
  1852. ScriptServer::get_language(i)->frame();
  1853. }
  1854. AudioServer::get_singleton()->update();
  1855. if (script_debugger) {
  1856. if (script_debugger->is_profiling()) {
  1857. script_debugger->profiling_set_frame_times(USEC_TO_SEC(frame_time), USEC_TO_SEC(idle_process_ticks), USEC_TO_SEC(physics_process_ticks), frame_slice);
  1858. }
  1859. script_debugger->idle_poll();
  1860. }
  1861. frames++;
  1862. Engine::get_singleton()->_idle_frames++;
  1863. if (frame > 1000000) {
  1864. if (editor || project_manager) {
  1865. if (print_fps) {
  1866. print_line(vformat("Editor FPS: %d (%s mspf)", frames, rtos(1000.0 / frames).pad_decimals(1)));
  1867. }
  1868. } else if (GLOBAL_GET("debug/settings/stdout/print_fps") || print_fps) {
  1869. print_line(vformat("Project FPS: %d (%s mspf)", frames, rtos(1000.0 / frames).pad_decimals(1)));
  1870. }
  1871. Engine::get_singleton()->_fps = frames;
  1872. performance->set_process_time(USEC_TO_SEC(idle_process_max));
  1873. performance->set_physics_process_time(USEC_TO_SEC(physics_process_max));
  1874. idle_process_max = 0;
  1875. physics_process_max = 0;
  1876. frame %= 1000000;
  1877. frames = 0;
  1878. }
  1879. iterating--;
  1880. // Needed for OSs using input buffering regardless accumulation (like Android)
  1881. if (InputDefault::get_singleton()->is_using_input_buffering() && !agile_input_event_flushing) {
  1882. InputDefault::get_singleton()->flush_buffered_events();
  1883. }
  1884. if (fixed_fps != -1) {
  1885. return exit;
  1886. }
  1887. OS::get_singleton()->add_frame_delay(OS::get_singleton()->can_draw());
  1888. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  1889. if (auto_build_solutions) {
  1890. auto_build_solutions = false;
  1891. // Only relevant when running the editor.
  1892. if (!editor) {
  1893. ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(true, "Command line option --build-solutions was passed, but no project is being edited. Aborting.");
  1894. }
  1895. if (!EditorNode::get_singleton()->call_build()) {
  1896. ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(true, "Command line option --build-solutions was passed, but the build callback failed. Aborting.");
  1897. }
  1898. }
  1899. #endif
  1900. return exit || auto_quit;
  1901. }
  1902. void Main::force_redraw() {
  1903. force_redraw_requested = true;
  1904. }
  1905. /* Engine deinitialization
  1906. *
  1907. * Responsible for freeing all the memory allocated by previous setup steps,
  1908. * so that the engine closes cleanly without leaking memory or crashing.
  1909. * The order matters as some of those steps are linked with each other.
  1910. */
  1911. void Main::cleanup(bool p_force) {
  1912. if (!p_force) {
  1913. ERR_FAIL_COND(!_start_success);
  1914. }
  1915. if (script_debugger) {
  1916. // Flush any remaining messages
  1917. script_debugger->idle_poll();
  1918. }
  1919. ResourceLoader::remove_custom_loaders();
  1920. ResourceSaver::remove_custom_savers();
  1921. // Flush before uninitializing the scene, but delete the MessageQueue as late as possible.
  1922. message_queue->flush();
  1923. if (script_debugger) {
  1924. if (use_debug_profiler) {
  1925. script_debugger->profiling_end();
  1926. }
  1927. memdelete(script_debugger);
  1928. }
  1929. OS::get_singleton()->delete_main_loop();
  1930. OS::get_singleton()->_cmdline.clear();
  1931. OS::get_singleton()->_execpath = "";
  1932. OS::get_singleton()->_local_clipboard = "";
  1933. ResourceLoader::clear_translation_remaps();
  1934. ResourceLoader::clear_path_remaps();
  1935. ScriptServer::finish_languages();
  1936. // Sync pending commands that may have been queued from a different thread during ScriptServer finalization
  1937. VisualServer::get_singleton()->sync();
  1938. #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED
  1939. EditorNode::unregister_editor_types();
  1940. #endif
  1941. if (arvr_server) {
  1942. // cleanup now before we pull the rug from underneath...
  1943. memdelete(arvr_server);
  1944. }
  1945. ImageLoader::cleanup();
  1946. unregister_driver_types();
  1947. unregister_module_types();
  1948. unregister_platform_apis();
  1949. unregister_scene_types();
  1950. unregister_server_types();
  1951. if (audio_server) {
  1952. audio_server->finish();
  1953. memdelete(audio_server);
  1954. }
  1955. if (camera_server) {
  1956. memdelete(camera_server);
  1957. }
  1958. OS::get_singleton()->finalize();
  1959. finalize_physics();
  1960. if (packed_data) {
  1961. memdelete(packed_data);
  1962. }
  1963. if (file_access_network_client) {
  1964. memdelete(file_access_network_client);
  1965. }
  1966. if (performance) {
  1967. memdelete(performance);
  1968. }
  1969. if (input_map) {
  1970. memdelete(input_map);
  1971. }
  1972. if (translation_server) {
  1973. memdelete(translation_server);
  1974. }
  1975. if (globals) {
  1976. memdelete(globals);
  1977. }
  1978. if (engine) {
  1979. memdelete(engine);
  1980. }
  1981. if (OS::get_singleton()->is_restart_on_exit_set()) {
  1982. //attempt to restart with arguments
  1983. String exec = OS::get_singleton()->get_executable_path();
  1984. List<String> args = OS::get_singleton()->get_restart_on_exit_arguments();
  1985. OS::ProcessID pid = 0;
  1986. OS::get_singleton()->execute(exec, args, false, &pid);
  1987. OS::get_singleton()->set_restart_on_exit(false, List<String>()); //clear list (uses memory)
  1988. }
  1989. // Now should be safe to delete MessageQueue (famous last words).
  1990. message_queue->flush();
  1991. memdelete(message_queue);
  1992. if (visual_server_callbacks) {
  1993. memdelete(visual_server_callbacks);
  1994. }
  1995. unregister_core_driver_types();
  1996. unregister_core_types();
  1997. OS::get_singleton()->finalize_core();
  1998. }