123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380 |
- .. _doc_compute_shaders:
- Using compute shaders
- =====================
- This tutorial will walk you through the process of creating a minimal compute
- shader. But first, a bit of background on compute shaders and how they work with
- Godot.
- .. note::
- This tutorial assumes you are familiar with shaders generally. If you are new
- to shaders please read :ref:`doc_introduction_to_shaders` and :ref:`your
- first shader <toc-your-first-shader>` before proceeding with this tutorial.
- A compute shader is a special type of shader program that is orientated towards
- general purpose programming. In other words, they are more flexible than vertex
- shaders and fragment shaders as they don't have a fixed purpose (i.e.
- transforming vertices or writing colors to an image). Unlike fragment shaders
- and vertex shaders, compute shaders have very little going on behind the scenes.
- The code you write is what the GPU runs and very little else. This can make them
- a very useful tool to offload heavy calculations to the GPU.
- Now let's get started by creating a short compute shader.
- First, in the **external** text editor of your choice, create a new file called
- ``compute_example.glsl`` in your project folder. When you write compute shaders
- in Godot, you write them in GLSL directly. The Godot shader language is based on
- GLSL. If you are familiar with normal shaders in Godot, the syntax below will
- look somewhat familiar.
- .. note::
- Compute shaders can only be used from RenderingDevice-based renderers (the
- Forward+ or Mobile renderer). To follow along with this tutorial, ensure that
- you are using the Forward+ or Mobile renderer. The setting for which is
- located in the top right-hand corner of the editor.
- Note that compute shader support is generally poor on mobile devices (due to
- driver bugs), even if they are technically supported.
- Let's take a look at this compute shader code:
- .. code-block:: glsl
- #[compute]
- #version 450
- // Invocations in the (x, y, z) dimension
- layout(local_size_x = 2, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;
- // A binding to the buffer we create in our script
- layout(set = 0, binding = 0, std430) restrict buffer MyDataBuffer {
- float data[];
- }
- my_data_buffer;
- // The code we want to execute in each invocation
- void main() {
- // gl_GlobalInvocationID.x uniquely identifies this invocation across all work groups
- my_data_buffer.data[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x] *= 2.0;
- }
- This code takes an array of floats, multiplies each element by 2 and store the
- results back in the buffer array. Now let's look at it line-by-line.
- .. code-block:: glsl
- #[compute]
- #version 450
- These two lines communicate two things:
- 1. The following code is a compute shader. This is a Godot-specific hint that is needed for the editor to properly import the shader file.
- 2. The code is using GLSL version 450.
- You should never have to change these two lines for your custom compute shaders.
- .. code-block:: glsl
- // Invocations in the (x, y, z) dimension
- layout(local_size_x = 2, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;
- Next, we communicate the number of invocations to be used in each workgroup.
- Invocations are instances of the shader that are running within the same
- workgroup. When we launch a compute shader from the CPU, we tell it how many
- workgroups to run. Workgroups run in parallel to each other. While running one
- workgroup, you cannot access information in another workgroup. However,
- invocations in the same workgroup can have some limited access to other invocations.
- Think about workgroups and invocations as a giant nested ``for`` loop.
- .. code-block:: glsl
- for (int x = 0; x < workgroup_size_x; x++) {
- for (int y = 0; y < workgroup_size_y; y++) {
- for (int z = 0; z < workgroup_size_z; z++) {
- // Each workgroup runs independently and in parallel.
- for (int local_x = 0; local_x < invocation_size_x; local_x++) {
- for (int local_y = 0; local_y < invocation_size_y; local_y++) {
- for (int local_z = 0; local_z < invocation_size_z; local_z++) {
- // Compute shader runs here.
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Workgroups and invocations are an advanced topic. For now, remember that we will
- be running two invocations per workgroup.
- .. code-block:: glsl
- // A binding to the buffer we create in our script
- layout(set = 0, binding = 0, std430) restrict buffer MyDataBuffer {
- float data[];
- }
- my_data_buffer;
- Here we provide information about the memory that the compute shader will have
- access to. The ``layout`` property allows us to tell the shader where to look
- for the buffer, we will need to match these ``set`` and ``binding`` positions
- from the CPU side later.
- The ``restrict`` keyword tells the shader that this buffer is only going to be
- accessed from one place in this shader. In other words, we won't bind this
- buffer in another ``set`` or ``binding`` index. This is important as it allows
- the shader compiler to optimize the shader code. Always use ``restrict`` when
- you can.
- This is an *unsized* buffer, which means it can be any size. So we need to be
- careful not to read from an index larger than the size of the buffer.
- .. code-block:: glsl
- // The code we want to execute in each invocation
- void main() {
- // gl_GlobalInvocationID.x uniquely identifies this invocation across all work groups
- my_data_buffer.data[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x] *= 2.0;
- }
- Finally, we write the ``main`` function which is where all the logic happens. We
- access a position in the storage buffer using the ``gl_GlobalInvocationID``
- built-in variables. ``gl_GlobalInvocationID`` gives you the global unique ID for
- the current invocation.
- To continue, write the code above into your newly created ``compute_example.glsl``
- file.
- Create a local RenderingDevice
- ------------------------------
- To interact with and execute a compute shader, we need a script.
- Create a new script in the language of your choice and attach it to any Node
- in your scene.
- Now to execute our shader we need a local :ref:`class_RenderingDevice`
- which can be created using the :ref:`class_RenderingServer`:
- .. tabs::
- .. code-tab:: gdscript GDScript
- # Create a local rendering device.
- var rd := RenderingServer.create_local_rendering_device()
- .. code-tab:: csharp
- // Create a local rendering device.
- var rd = RenderingServer.CreateLocalRenderingDevice();
- After that, we can load the newly created shader file ``compute_example.glsl``
- and create a precompiled version of it using this:
- .. tabs::
- .. code-tab:: gdscript GDScript
- # Load GLSL shader
- var shader_file := load("res://compute_example.glsl")
- var shader_spirv: RDShaderSPIRV = shader_file.get_spirv()
- var shader := rd.shader_create_from_spirv(shader_spirv)
- .. code-tab:: csharp
- // Load GLSL shader
- var shaderFile = GD.Load<RDShaderFile>("res://compute_example.glsl");
- var shaderBytecode = shaderFile.GetSpirV();
- var shader = rd.ShaderCreateFromSpirV(shaderBytecode);
- .. warning::
- Local RenderingDevices cannot be debugged using tools such as
- `RenderDoc <https://renderdoc.org/>`__.
- Provide input data
- ------------------
- As you might remember, we want to pass an input array to our shader, multiply
- each element by 2 and get the results.
- We need to create a buffer to pass values to a compute shader. We are dealing
- with an array of floats, so we will use a storage buffer for this example. A
- storage buffer takes an array of bytes and allows the CPU to transfer data to
- and from the GPU.
- So let's initialize an array of floats and create a storage buffer:
- .. tabs::
- .. code-tab:: gdscript GDScript
- # Prepare our data. We use floats in the shader, so we need 32 bit.
- var input := PackedFloat32Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
- var input_bytes := input.to_byte_array()
- # Create a storage buffer that can hold our float values.
- # Each float has 4 bytes (32 bit) so 10 x 4 = 40 bytes
- var buffer := rd.storage_buffer_create(input_bytes.size(), input_bytes)
- .. code-tab:: csharp
- // Prepare our data. We use floats in the shader, so we need 32 bit.
- float[] input = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
- var inputBytes = new byte[input.Length * sizeof(float)];
- Buffer.BlockCopy(input, 0, inputBytes, 0, inputBytes.Length);
- // Create a storage buffer that can hold our float values.
- // Each float has 4 bytes (32 bit) so 10 x 4 = 40 bytes
- var buffer = rd.StorageBufferCreate((uint)inputBytes.Length, inputBytes);
- With the buffer in place we need to tell the rendering device to use this
- buffer. To do that we will need to create a uniform (like in normal shaders) and
- assign it to a uniform set which we can pass to our shader later.
- .. tabs::
- .. code-tab:: gdscript GDScript
- # Create a uniform to assign the buffer to the rendering device
- var uniform := RDUniform.new()
- uniform.uniform_type = RenderingDevice.UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER
- uniform.binding = 0 # this needs to match the "binding" in our shader file
- uniform.add_id(buffer)
- var uniform_set := rd.uniform_set_create([uniform], shader, 0) # the last parameter (the 0) needs to match the "set" in our shader file
- .. code-tab:: csharp
- // Create a uniform to assign the buffer to the rendering device
- var uniform = new RDUniform
- {
- UniformType = RenderingDevice.UniformType.StorageBuffer,
- Binding = 0
- };
- uniform.AddId(buffer);
- var uniformSet = rd.UniformSetCreate([uniform], shader, 0);
- Defining a compute pipeline
- ---------------------------
- The next step is to create a set of instructions our GPU can execute.
- We need a pipeline and a compute list for that.
- The steps we need to do to compute our result are:
- 1. Create a new pipeline.
- 2. Begin a list of instructions for our GPU to execute.
- 3. Bind our compute list to our pipeline
- 4. Bind our buffer uniform to our pipeline
- 5. Specify how many workgroups to use
- 6. End the list of instructions
- .. tabs::
- .. code-tab:: gdscript GDScript
- # Create a compute pipeline
- var pipeline := rd.compute_pipeline_create(shader)
- var compute_list := rd.compute_list_begin()
- rd.compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, pipeline)
- rd.compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, uniform_set, 0)
- rd.compute_list_dispatch(compute_list, 5, 1, 1)
- rd.compute_list_end()
- .. code-tab:: csharp
- // Create a compute pipeline
- var pipeline = rd.ComputePipelineCreate(shader);
- var computeList = rd.ComputeListBegin();
- rd.ComputeListBindComputePipeline(computeList, pipeline);
- rd.ComputeListBindUniformSet(computeList, uniformSet, 0);
- rd.ComputeListDispatch(computeList, xGroups: 5, yGroups: 1, zGroups: 1);
- rd.ComputeListEnd();
- Note that we are dispatching the compute shader with 5 work groups in the
- X axis, and one in the others. Since we have 2 local invocations in the X axis
- (specified in our shader), 10 compute shader invocations will be launched in
- total. If you read or write to indices outside of the range of your buffer, you
- may access memory outside of your shaders control or parts of other variables
- which may cause issues on some hardware.
- Execute a compute shader
- ------------------------
- After all of this we are almost done, but we still need to execute our pipeline.
- So far we have only recorded what we would like the GPU to do; we have not
- actually run the shader program.
- To execute our compute shader we need to submit the pipeline to the GPU and
- wait for the execution to finish:
- .. tabs::
- .. code-tab:: gdscript GDScript
- # Submit to GPU and wait for sync
- rd.submit()
- rd.sync()
- .. code-tab:: csharp
- // Submit to GPU and wait for sync
- rd.Submit();
- rd.Sync();
- Ideally, you would not call ``sync()`` to synchronize the RenderingDevice right
- away as it will cause the CPU to wait for the GPU to finish working. In our
- example, we synchronize right away because we want our data available for reading
- right away. In general, you will want to wait *at least* 2 or 3 frames before
- synchronizing so that the GPU is able to run in parallel with the CPU.
- .. warning::
- Long computations can cause Windows graphics drivers to "crash" due to
- :abbr:`TDR (Timeout Detection and Recovery)` being triggered by Windows.
- This is a mechanism that reinitializes the graphics driver after a certain
- amount of time has passed without any activity from the graphics driver
- (usually 5 to 10 seconds).
- Depending on the duration your compute shader takes to execute, you may need
- to split it into multiple dispatches to reduce the time each dispatch takes
- and reduce the chances of triggering a TDR. Given TDR is time-dependent,
- slower GPUs may be more prone to TDRs when running a given compute shader
- compared to a faster GPU.
- Retrieving results
- ------------------
- You may have noticed that, in the example shader, we modified the contents of the
- storage buffer. In other words, the shader read from our array and stored the data
- in the same array again so our results are already there. Let's retrieve
- the data and print the results to our console.
- .. tabs::
- .. code-tab:: gdscript GDScript
- # Read back the data from the buffer
- var output_bytes := rd.buffer_get_data(buffer)
- var output := output_bytes.to_float32_array()
- print("Input: ", input)
- print("Output: ", output)
- .. code-tab:: csharp
- // Read back the data from the buffers
- var outputBytes = rd.BufferGetData(buffer);
- var output = new float[input.Length];
- Buffer.BlockCopy(outputBytes, 0, output, 0, outputBytes.Length);
- GD.Print("Input: ", string.Join(", ", input));
- GD.Print("Output: ", string.Join(", ", output));
- With that, you have everything you need to get started working with compute
- shaders.
- .. seealso::
- The demo projects repository contains a
- `Compute Shader Heightmap demo <https://github.com/godotengine/godot-demo-projects/tree/master/misc/compute_shader_heightmap>`__
- This project performs heightmap image generation on the CPU and
- GPU separately, which lets you compare how a similar algorithm can be
- implemented in two different ways (with the GPU implementation being faster
- in most cases).