123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373 |
- .. _doc_compositor:
- The Compositor
- ==============
- The compositor is a new feature in Godot 4 that allows control over
- the rendering pipeline when rendering the contents of a :ref:`Viewport <class_Viewport>`.
- It can be configured on a :ref:`WorldEnvironment <class_WorldEnvironment>`
- node where it applies to all Viewports, or it can be configured on
- a :ref:`Camera3D <class_Camera3D>` and apply only to
- the Viewport using that camera.
- The :ref:`Compositor <class_Compositor>` resource is used to configure
- the compositor. To get started, create a new compositor on the appropriate node:
- .. image:: img/new_compositor.webp
- .. note::
- The compositor is currently a feature that is only supported by
- the Mobile and Forward+ renderers.
- Compositor effects
- ------------------
- Compositor effects allow you to insert additional logic into the rendering
- pipeline at various stages. This is an advanced feature that requires
- a high level of understanding of the rendering pipeline to use to
- its best advantage.
- As the core logic of the compositor effect is called from the rendering
- pipeline it is important to note that this logic will thus run within
- the thread on which rendering takes place.
- Care needs to be taken to ensure we don't run into threading issues.
- To illustrate how to use compositor effects we'll create a simple
- post processing effect that allows you to write your own shader code
- and apply this full screen through a compute shader.
- You can find the finished demo project `here <https://github.com/godotengine/godot-demo-projects/tree/master/compute/post_shader>`_.
- We start by creating a new script called ``post_process_shader.gd``.
- We'll make this a tool script so we can see the compositor effect work in the editor.
- We need to extend our node from :ref:`CompositorEffect <class_CompositorEffect>`.
- We must also give our script a class name.
- .. code-block:: gdscript
- :caption: post_process_shader.gd
- @tool
- extends CompositorEffect
- class_name PostProcessShader
- Next we're going to define a constant for our shader template code.
- This is the boilerplate code that makes our compute shader work.
- .. code-block:: gdscript
- const template_shader : String = "#version 450
- // Invocations in the (x, y, z) dimension
- layout(local_size_x = 8, local_size_y = 8, local_size_z = 1) in;
- layout(rgba16f, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform image2D color_image;
- // Our push constant
- layout(push_constant, std430) uniform Params {
- vec2 raster_size;
- vec2 reserved;
- } params;
- // The code we want to execute in each invocation
- void main() {
- ivec2 uv = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);
- ivec2 size = ivec2(params.raster_size);
- if (uv.x >= size.x || uv.y >= size.y) {
- return;
- }
- vec4 color = imageLoad(color_image, uv);
- imageStore(color_image, uv, color);
- }"
- For more information on how compute shaders work,
- please check :ref:`Using compute shaders <doc_compute_shaders>`.
- The important bit here is that for every pixel on our screen,
- our ``main`` function is executed and inside of this we load
- the current color value of our pixel, execute our user code,
- and write our modified color back to our color image.
- ``#COMPUTE_CODE`` gets replaced by our user code.
- In order to set our user code, we need an export variable.
- We'll also define a few script variables we'll be using:
- .. code-block:: gdscript
- @export_multiline var shader_code : String = "":
- set(value):
- mutex.lock()
- shader_code = value
- shader_is_dirty = true
- mutex.unlock()
- var rd : RenderingDevice
- var shader : RID
- var pipeline : RID
- var mutex : Mutex = Mutex.new()
- var shader_is_dirty : bool = true
- Note the use of a :ref:`Mutex <class_Mutex>` in our code.
- Most of our implementation gets called from the rendering engine
- and thus runs within our rendering thread.
- We need to ensure that we set our new shader code, and mark our
- shader code as dirty, without our render thread accessing this
- data at the same time.
- Next we initialize our effect.
- .. code-block:: gdscript
- # Called when this resource is constructed.
- func _init():
- rd = RenderingServer.get_rendering_device()
- The main thing here is setting our ``effect_callback_type`` which tells
- the rendering engine at what stage of the render pipeline to call our code.
- .. note::
- Currently we only have access to the stages of the 3D rendering pipeline!
- We also get a reference to our rendering device, which will come in very handy.
- We also need to clean up after ourselves, for this we react to the
- ``NOTIFICATION_PREDELETE`` notification:
- .. code-block:: gdscript
- # System notifications, we want to react on the notification that
- # alerts us we are about to be destroyed.
- func _notification(what):
- if shader.is_valid():
- # Freeing our shader will also free any dependents such as the pipeline!
- rd.free_rid(shader)
- Note that we do not use our mutex here even though we create our shader inside
- of our render thread.
- The methods on our rendering server are thread safe and ``free_rid`` will
- be postponed cleaning up the shader until after any frames currently being
- rendered are finished.
- Also note that we are not freeing our pipeline. The rendering device does
- dependency tracking and as the pipeline is dependent on the shader, it will
- be automatically freed when the shader is destructed.
- From this point onwards our code will run on the rendering thread.
- Our next step is a helper function that will recompile the shader if the user
- code was changed.
- .. code-block:: gdscript
- # Check if our shader has changed and needs to be recompiled.
- func _check_shader() -> bool:
- if not rd:
- return false
- var new_shader_code : String = ""
- # Check if our shader is dirty.
- mutex.lock()
- if shader_is_dirty:
- new_shader_code = shader_code
- shader_is_dirty = false
- mutex.unlock()
- # We don't have a (new) shader?
- if new_shader_code.is_empty():
- return pipeline.is_valid()
- # Apply template.
- new_shader_code = template_shader.replace("#COMPUTE_CODE", new_shader_code);
- # Out with the old.
- if shader.is_valid():
- rd.free_rid(shader)
- shader = RID()
- pipeline = RID()
- # In with the new.
- var shader_source : RDShaderSource = RDShaderSource.new()
- shader_source.language = RenderingDevice.SHADER_LANGUAGE_GLSL
- shader_source.source_compute = new_shader_code
- var shader_spirv : RDShaderSPIRV = rd.shader_compile_spirv_from_source(shader_source)
- if shader_spirv.compile_error_compute != "":
- push_error(shader_spirv.compile_error_compute)
- push_error("In: " + new_shader_code)
- return false
- shader = rd.shader_create_from_spirv(shader_spirv)
- if not shader.is_valid():
- return false
- pipeline = rd.compute_pipeline_create(shader)
- return pipeline.is_valid()
- At the top of this method we again use our mutex to protect accessing our
- user shader code and our is dirty flag.
- We make a local copy of the user shader code if our user shader code is dirty.
- If we don't have a new code fragment, we return true if we already have a
- valid pipeline.
- If we do have a new code fragment we embed it in our template code and then
- compile it.
- .. warning::
- The code shown here compiles our new code in runtime.
- This is great for prototyping as we can immediately see the effect
- of the changed shader.
- This prevents precompiling and caching this shader which may be an issues
- on some platforms such as consoles.
- Note that the demo project comes with an alternative example where
- a ``glsl`` file contains the entire compute shader and this is used.
- Godot is able to precompile and cache the shader with this approach.
- Finally we need to implement our effect callback, the rendering engine will call
- this at the right stage of rendering.
- .. code-block:: gdscript
- # Called by the rendering thread every frame.
- func _render_callback(p_effect_callback_type, p_render_data):
- if rd and p_effect_callback_type == EFFECT_CALLBACK_TYPE_POST_TRANSPARENT and _check_shader():
- # Get our render scene buffers object, this gives us access to our render buffers.
- # Note that implementation differs per renderer hence the need for the cast.
- var render_scene_buffers : RenderSceneBuffersRD = p_render_data.get_render_scene_buffers()
- if render_scene_buffers:
- # Get our render size, this is the 3D render resolution!
- var size = render_scene_buffers.get_internal_size()
- if size.x == 0 and size.y == 0:
- return
- # We can use a compute shader here
- var x_groups = (size.x - 1) / 8 + 1
- var y_groups = (size.y - 1) / 8 + 1
- var z_groups = 1
- # Push constant
- var push_constant : PackedFloat32Array = PackedFloat32Array()
- push_constant.push_back(size.x)
- push_constant.push_back(size.y)
- push_constant.push_back(0.0)
- push_constant.push_back(0.0)
- # Loop through views just in case we're doing stereo rendering. No extra cost if this is mono.
- var view_count = render_scene_buffers.get_view_count()
- for view in range(view_count):
- # Get the RID for our color image, we will be reading from and writing to it.
- var input_image = render_scene_buffers.get_color_layer(view)
- # Create a uniform set, this will be cached, the cache will be cleared if our viewports configuration is changed.
- var uniform : RDUniform = RDUniform.new()
- uniform.uniform_type = RenderingDevice.UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE
- uniform.binding = 0
- uniform.add_id(input_image)
- var uniform_set = UniformSetCacheRD.get_cache(shader, 0, [ uniform ])
- # Run our compute shader.
- var compute_list := rd.compute_list_begin()
- rd.compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, pipeline)
- rd.compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, uniform_set, 0)
- rd.compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, push_constant.to_byte_array(), push_constant.size() * 4)
- rd.compute_list_dispatch(compute_list, x_groups, y_groups, z_groups)
- rd.compute_list_end()
- At the start of this method we check if we have a rendering device,
- if our callback type is the correct one, and check if we have our shader.
- .. note::
- The check for the effect type is only a safety mechanism.
- We've set this in our ``_init`` function, however it is possible
- for the user to change this in the UI.
- Our ``p_render_data`` parameter gives us access to an object that holds
- data specific to the frame we're currently rendering. We're currently only
- interested in our render scene buffers, which provide us access to all the
- internal buffers used by the rendering engine.
- Note that we cast this to :ref:`RenderSceneBuffersRD <class_RenderSceneBuffersRD>`
- to expose the full API to this data.
- Next we obtain our ``internal size`` which is the resolution of our 3D render
- buffers before they are upscaled (if applicable), upscaling happens after our
- post processes have run.
- From our internal size we calculate our group size, see our local size in our
- template shader.
- .. UPDATE: Not supported yet. When structs are supported here, update this
- .. paragraph.
- We also populate our push constant so our shader knows our size.
- Godot does not support structs here **yet** so we use a
- ``PackedFloat32Array`` to store this data into. Note that we have
- to pad this array with a 16 byte alignment. In other words, the
- length of our array needs to be a multiple of 4.
- Now we loop through our views, this is in case we're using multiview rendering
- which is applicable for stereo rendering (XR). In most cases we will only have
- one view.
- .. note::
- There is no performance benefit to use multiview for post processing
- here, handling the views separately like this will still enable the GPU
- to use parallelism if beneficial.
- Next we obtain the color buffer for this view. This is the buffer into which
- our 3D scene has been rendered.
- We then prepare a uniform set so we can communicate the color buffer to our
- shader.
- Note the use of our :ref:`UniformSetCacheRD <class_UniformSetCacheRD>` cache
- which ensures we can check for our uniform set each frame.
- As our color buffer can change from frame to frame and our uniform cache
- will automatically clean up uniform sets when buffers are freed, this is
- the safe way to ensure we do not leak memory or use an outdated set.
- Finally we build our compute list by binding our pipeline,
- binding our uniform set, pushing our push constant data,
- and calling dispatch for our groups.
- With our compositor effect completed, we now need to add it to our compositor.
- On our compositor we expand the compositor effects property
- and press ``Add Element``.
- Now we can add our compositor effect:
- .. image:: img/add_compositor_effect.webp
- After selecting our ``PostProcessShader`` we need to set our user shader code:
- .. code-block:: glsl
- float gray = color.r * 0.2125 + color.g * 0.7154 + color.b * 0.0721;
- color.rgb = vec3(gray);
- With that all done, our output is in grayscale.
- .. image:: img/post_process_shader.webp
- .. note::
- For a more advanced example of post effects, check out the
- `Radial blur based sky rays <https://github.com/BastiaanOlij/RERadialSunRays>`_
- example project created by Bastiaan Olij.