123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179 |
- .. _doc_advanced_physics_interpolation:
- Advanced physics interpolation
- ==============================
- Although the previous instructions will give satisfactory results in a lot of games,
- in some cases you will want to go a stage further to get the best possible results
- and the smoothest possible experience.
- Exceptions to automatic physics interpolation
- ---------------------------------------------
- Even with physics interpolation active, there may be some local situations where
- you would benefit from disabling automatic interpolation for a
- :ref:`Node<class_Node>` (or branch of the :ref:`SceneTree<class_SceneTree>`), and
- have the finer control of performing interpolation manually.
- This is possible using the :ref:`Node.physics_interpolation_mode<class_Node_property_physics_interpolation_mode>`
- property which is present in all Nodes. If you for example, turn off interpolation
- for a Node, the children will recursively also be affected (as they default to
- inheriting the parent setting). This means you can easily disable interpolation for
- an entire subscene.
- The most common situation where you may want to perform your own interpolation is
- Cameras.
- Cameras
- ~~~~~~~
- In many cases, a :ref:`Camera3D<class_Camera3D>` can use automatic interpolation
- just like any other node. However, for best results, especially at low physics tick
- rates, it is recommended that you take a manual approach to camera interpolation.
- This is because viewers are very sensitive to camera movement. For instance, a
- Camera3D that realigns slightly every 1/10th of a second (at 10tps tick rate) will
- often be noticeable. You can get a much smoother result by moving the camera each
- frame in ``_process``, and following an interpolated target manually.
- Manual camera interpolation
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Ensure the camera is using global coordinate space
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- The very first step when performing manual camera interpolation is to make sure the
- Camera3D transform is specified in *global space* rather than inheriting the
- transform of a moving parent. This is because feedback can occur between the
- movement of a parent node of a Camera3D and the movement of the camera Node itself,
- which can mess up the interpolation.
- There are two ways of doing this:
- 1) Move the Camera3D so it is independent on its own branch, rather than being a child of a moving object.
- .. image:: img/fti_camera_worldspace.webp
- 2) Call :ref:`Node3D.top_level<class_Node3D_property_top_level>` and set this to ``true``, which will make the Camera ignore the transform of its parent.
- Typical example
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- A typical example of a custom approach is to use the ``look_at`` function in the
- Camera3D every frame in ``_process()`` to look at a target node (such as the player).
- But there is a problem. If we use the traditional ``get_global_transform()`` on a
- Camera3D "target" node, this transform will only focus the Camera3D on the target *at
- the current physics tick*. This is *not* what we want, as the camera will jump
- about on each physics tick as the target moves. Even though the camera may be
- updated each frame, this does not help give smooth motion if the *target* is only
- changing each physics tick.
- get_global_transform_interpolated()
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- What we really want to focus the camera on, is not the position of the target on
- the physics tick, but the *interpolated* position, i.e. the position at which the
- target will be rendered.
- We can do this using the :ref:`Node3D.get_global_transform_interpolated<class_Node3D_method_get_global_transform_interpolated>`
- function. This acts exactly like getting :ref:`Node3D.global_transform<class_Node3D_property_global_transform>`
- but it gives you the *interpolated* transform (during a ``_process()`` call).
- .. important:: ``get_global_transform_interpolated()`` should only be used once or
- twice for special cases such as cameras. It should **not** be used
- all over the place in your code (both for performance reasons, and
- to give correct gameplay).
- .. note:: Aside from exceptions like the camera, in most cases, your game logic
- should be in ``_physics_process()``. In game logic you should be calling
- ``get_global_transform()`` or ``get_transform()``, which will give the
- current physics transform (in global or local space respectively), which
- is usually what you will want for gameplay code.
- Example manual camera script
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Here is an example of a simple fixed camera which follows an interpolated target:
- .. code-block:: gdscript
- extends Camera3D
- # Node that the camera will follow
- var _target
- # We will smoothly lerp to follow the target
- # rather than follow exactly
- var _target_pos : Vector3 = Vector3()
- func _ready() -> void:
- # Find the target node
- _target = get_node("../Player")
- # Turn off automatic physics interpolation for the Camera3D,
- # we will be doing this manually
- set_physics_interpolation_mode(Node.PHYSICS_INTERPOLATION_MODE_OFF)
- func _process(delta: float) -> void:
- # Find the current interpolated transform of the target
- var tr : Transform = _target.get_global_transform_interpolated()
- # Provide some delayed smoothed lerping towards the target position
- _target_pos = lerp(_target_pos, tr.origin, min(delta, 1.0))
- # Fixed camera position, but it will follow the target
- look_at(_target_pos, Vector3(0, 1, 0))
- Mouse look
- ^^^^^^^^^^
- Mouse look is a very common way of controlling cameras. But there is a problem.
- Unlike keyboard input which can be sampled periodically on the physics tick, mouse
- move events can come in continuously. The camera will be expected to react and
- follow these mouse movements on the next frame, rather than waiting until the next
- physics tick.
- In this situation, it can be better to disable physics interpolation for the camera
- node (using :ref:`Node.physics_interpolation_mode<class_Node_property_physics_interpolation_mode>`)
- and directly apply the mouse input to the camera rotation, rather than apply it in
- ``_physics_process``.
- Sometimes, especially with cameras, you will want to use a combination of
- interpolation and non-interpolation:
- - A first person camera may position the camera at a player location (perhaps using
- :ref:`Node3D.get_global_transform_interpolated<class_Node3D_method_get_global_transform_interpolated>`),
- but control the Camera rotation from mouse look *without* interpolation.
- - A third person camera may similarly determine the look at (target location) of the camera using
- :ref:`Node3D.get_global_transform_interpolated<class_Node3D_method_get_global_transform_interpolated>`,
- but position the camera using mouse look *without* interpolation.
- There are many permutations and variations of camera types, but it should be clear
- that in many cases, disabling automatic physics interpolation and handling this
- yourself can give a better result.
- Disabling interpolation on other nodes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Although cameras are the most common example, there are a number of cases when you
- may wish other nodes to control their own interpolation, or be non-interpolated.
- Consider for example, a player in a top view game whose rotation is controlled by
- mouse look. Disabling physics rotation allows the player rotation to match the
- mouse in real-time.
- MultiMeshes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- Although most visual Nodes follow the single Node single visual instance paradigm,
- MultiMeshes can control several instances from the same Node. Therefore, they have
- some extra functions for controlling interpolation functionality on a
- *per-instance* basis. You should explore these functions if you are using
- interpolated MultiMeshes.
- - :ref:`MultiMesh.reset_instance_physics_interpolation<class_MultiMesh_method_reset_instance_physics_interpolation>`
- - :ref:`MultiMesh.set_buffer_interpolated<class_MultiMesh_method_set_buffer_interpolated>`
- Full details are in the :ref:`MultiMesh<class_MultiMesh>` documentation.