making_plugins.rst 14 KB

  1. .. _doc_making_plugins:
  2. Making plugins
  3. ==============
  4. About plugins
  5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  6. A plugin is a great way to extend the editor with useful tools. It can be made
  7. entirely with GDScript and standard scenes, without even reloading the editor.
  8. Unlike modules, you don't need to create C++ code nor recompile the engine.
  9. While this makes plugins less powerful, there are still many things you can
  10. do with them. Note that a plugin is similar to any scene you can already
  11. make, except it is created using a script to add editor functionality.
  12. This tutorial will guide you through the creation of two plugins so
  13. you can understand how they work and be able to develop your own. The first
  14. is a custom node that you can add to any scene in the project, and the
  15. other is a custom dock added to the editor.
  16. Creating a plugin
  17. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  18. Before starting, create a new empty project wherever you want. This will serve
  19. as a base to develop and test the plugins.
  20. The first thing you need for the editor to identify a new plugin is to
  21. create two files: a ``plugin.cfg`` for configuration and a tool script with the
  22. functionality. Plugins have a standard path like ``addons/plugin_name`` inside
  23. the project folder. Godot provides a dialog for generating those files and
  24. placing them where they need to be.
  25. In the main toolbar, click the ``Project`` dropdown. Then click
  26. ``Project Settings...``. Go to the ``Plugins`` tab and then click
  27. on the ``Create New Plugin`` button in the top-right.
  28. You will see the dialog appear, like so:
  29. .. image:: img/making_plugins-create_plugin_dialog.webp
  30. The placeholder text in each field describes how it affects the plugin's
  31. creation of the files and the config file's values.
  32. To continue with the example, use the following values:
  33. .. tabs::
  34. .. code-tab:: ini GDScript
  35. Plugin Name: My Custom Node
  36. Subfolder: my_custom_node
  37. Description: A custom node made to extend the Godot Engine.
  38. Author: Your Name Here
  39. Version: 1.0.0
  40. Language: GDScript
  41. Script Name:
  42. Activate now: No
  43. .. code-tab:: ini C#
  44. Plugin Name: My Custom Node
  45. Subfolder: my_custom_node
  46. Description: A custom node made to extend the Godot Engine.
  47. Author: Your Name Here
  48. Version: 1.0.0
  49. Language: C#
  50. Script Name: CustomNode.cs
  51. Activate now: No
  52. .. warning::
  53. Unchecking the ``Activate now?`` option in C# is always required because,
  54. like every other C# script, the EditorPlugin script needs to be compiled which
  55. requires building the project. After building the project the plugin can be
  56. enabled in the ``Plugins`` tab of ``Project Settings``.
  57. You should end up with a directory structure like this:
  58. .. image:: img/making_plugins-my_custom_mode_folder.webp
  59. ``plugin.cfg`` is an INI file with metadata about your plugin.
  60. The name and description help people understand what it does.
  61. Your name helps you get properly credited for your work.
  62. The version number helps others know if they have an outdated version;
  63. if you are unsure on how to come up with the version number, check out `Semantic Versioning <>`_.
  64. The main script file will instruct Godot what your plugin does in the editor
  65. once it is active.
  66. The script file
  67. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  68. Upon creation of the plugin, the dialog will automatically open the
  69. EditorPlugin script for you. The script has two requirements that you cannot
  70. change: it must be a ``@tool`` script, or else it will not load properly in the
  71. editor, and it must inherit from :ref:`class_EditorPlugin`.
  72. .. warning::
  73. In addition to the EditorPlugin script, any other GDScript that your plugin uses
  74. must *also* be a tool. Any GDScript without ``@tool`` imported into the editor
  75. will act like an empty file!
  76. It's important to deal with initialization and clean-up of resources.
  77. A good practice is to use the virtual function
  78. :ref:`_enter_tree() <class_Node_method__enter_tree>` to initialize your plugin and
  79. :ref:`_exit_tree() <class_Node_method__exit_tree>` to clean it up. Thankfully,
  80. the dialog generates these callbacks for you. Your script should look something
  81. like this:
  82. .. _doc_making_plugins_template_code:
  83. .. tabs::
  84. .. code-tab:: gdscript GDScript
  85. @tool
  86. extends EditorPlugin
  87. func _enter_tree():
  88. # Initialization of the plugin goes here.
  89. pass
  90. func _exit_tree():
  91. # Clean-up of the plugin goes here.
  92. pass
  93. .. code-tab:: csharp
  94. #if TOOLS
  95. using Godot;
  96. [Tool]
  97. public partial class CustomNode : EditorPlugin
  98. {
  99. public override void _EnterTree()
  100. {
  101. // Initialization of the plugin goes here.
  102. }
  103. public override void _ExitTree()
  104. {
  105. // Clean-up of the plugin goes here.
  106. }
  107. }
  108. #endif
  109. This is a good template to use when creating new plugins.
  110. A custom node
  111. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  112. Sometimes you want a certain behavior in many nodes, such as a custom scene
  113. or control that can be reused. Instancing is helpful in a lot of cases, but
  114. sometimes it can be cumbersome, especially if you're using it in many
  115. projects. A good solution to this is to make a plugin that adds a node with a
  116. custom behavior.
  117. .. warning::
  118. Nodes added via an EditorPlugin are "CustomType" nodes. While they work
  119. with any scripting language, they have fewer features than
  120. :ref:`the Script Class system <doc_gdscript_basics_class_name>`. If you
  121. are writing GDScript or NativeScript, we recommend using Script Classes instead.
  122. To create a new node type, you can use the function
  123. :ref:`add_custom_type() <class_EditorPlugin_method_add_custom_type>` from the
  124. :ref:`class_EditorPlugin` class. This function can add new types to the editor
  125. (nodes or resources). However, before you can create the type, you need a script
  126. that will act as the logic for the type. While that script doesn't have to use
  127. the ``@tool`` annotation, it can be added so the script runs in the editor.
  128. For this tutorial, we'll create a button that prints a message when
  129. clicked. For that, we'll need a script that extends from
  130. :ref:`class_Button`. It could also extend
  131. :ref:`class_BaseButton` if you prefer:
  132. .. tabs::
  133. .. code-tab:: gdscript GDScript
  134. @tool
  135. extends Button
  136. func _enter_tree():
  137. pressed.connect(clicked)
  138. func clicked():
  139. print("You clicked me!")
  140. .. code-tab:: csharp
  141. using Godot;
  142. [Tool]
  143. public partial class MyButton : Button
  144. {
  145. public override void _EnterTree()
  146. {
  147. Pressed += Clicked;
  148. }
  149. public void Clicked()
  150. {
  151. GD.Print("You clicked me!");
  152. }
  153. }
  154. That's it for our basic button. You can save this as ```` inside the
  155. plugin folder. You'll also need a 16×16 icon to show in the scene tree. If you
  156. don't have one, you can grab the default one from the engine and save it in your
  157. `addons/my_custom_node` folder as `icon.png`, or use the default Godot logo
  158. (`preload("res://icon.svg")`).
  159. .. image:: img/making_plugins-custom_node_icon.png
  160. Now, we need to add it as a custom type so it shows on the **Create New Node**
  161. dialog. For that, change the ```` script to the following:
  162. .. tabs::
  163. .. code-tab:: gdscript GDScript
  164. @tool
  165. extends EditorPlugin
  166. func _enter_tree():
  167. # Initialization of the plugin goes here.
  168. # Add the new type with a name, a parent type, a script and an icon.
  169. add_custom_type("MyButton", "Button", preload(""), preload("icon.png"))
  170. func _exit_tree():
  171. # Clean-up of the plugin goes here.
  172. # Always remember to remove it from the engine when deactivated.
  173. remove_custom_type("MyButton")
  174. .. code-tab:: csharp
  175. #if TOOLS
  176. using Godot;
  177. [Tool]
  178. public partial class CustomNode : EditorPlugin
  179. {
  180. public override void _EnterTree()
  181. {
  182. // Initialization of the plugin goes here.
  183. // Add the new type with a name, a parent type, a script and an icon.
  184. var script = GD.Load<Script>("res://addons/my_custom_node/MyButton.cs");
  185. var texture = GD.Load<Texture2D>("res://addons/my_custom_node/icon.png");
  186. AddCustomType("MyButton", "Button", script, texture);
  187. }
  188. public override void _ExitTree()
  189. {
  190. // Clean-up of the plugin goes here.
  191. // Always remember to remove it from the engine when deactivated.
  192. RemoveCustomType("MyButton");
  193. }
  194. }
  195. #endif
  196. With that done, the plugin should already be available in the plugin list in the
  197. **Project Settings**, so activate it as explained in `Checking the results`_.
  198. Then try it out by adding your new node:
  199. .. image:: img/making_plugins-custom_node_create.webp
  200. When you add the node, you can see that it already has the script you created
  201. attached to it. Set a text to the button, save and run the scene. When you
  202. click the button, you can see some text in the console:
  203. .. image:: img/making_plugins-custom_node_console.webp
  204. A custom dock
  205. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  206. Sometimes, you need to extend the editor and add tools that are always available.
  207. An easy way to do it is to add a new dock with a plugin. Docks are just scenes
  208. based on Control, so they are created in a way similar to usual GUI scenes.
  209. Creating a custom dock is done just like a custom node. Create a new
  210. ``plugin.cfg`` file in the ``addons/my_custom_dock`` folder, then
  211. add the following content to it:
  212. .. tabs::
  213. .. code-tab:: gdscript GDScript
  214. [plugin]
  215. name="My Custom Dock"
  216. description="A custom dock made so I can learn how to make plugins."
  217. author="Your Name Here"
  218. version="1.0"
  219. script=""
  220. .. code-tab:: csharp
  221. [plugin]
  222. name="My Custom Dock"
  223. description="A custom dock made so I can learn how to make plugins."
  224. author="Your Name Here"
  225. version="1.0"
  226. script="CustomDock.cs"
  227. Then create the script ```` in the same folder. Fill it with the
  228. :ref:`template we've seen before <doc_making_plugins_template_code>` to get a
  229. good start.
  230. Since we're trying to add a new custom dock, we need to create the contents of
  231. the dock. This is nothing more than a standard Godot scene: just create
  232. a new scene in the editor then edit it.
  233. For an editor dock, the root node **must** be a :ref:`Control <class_Control>`
  234. or one of its child classes. For this tutorial, you can create a single button.
  235. The name of the root node will also be the name that appears on the dock tab,
  236. so be sure to give it a short and descriptive name.
  237. Also, don't forget to add some text to your button.
  238. .. image:: img/making_plugins-my_custom_dock_scene.webp
  239. Save this scene as ``my_dock.tscn``. Now, we need to grab the scene we created
  240. then add it as a dock in the editor. For this, you can rely on the function
  241. :ref:`add_control_to_dock() <class_EditorPlugin_method_add_control_to_dock>` from the
  242. :ref:`EditorPlugin <class_EditorPlugin>` class.
  243. You need to select a dock position and define the control to add
  244. (which is the scene you just created). Don't forget to
  245. **remove the dock** when the plugin is deactivated.
  246. The script could look like this:
  247. .. tabs::
  248. .. code-tab:: gdscript GDScript
  249. @tool
  250. extends EditorPlugin
  251. # A class member to hold the dock during the plugin life cycle.
  252. var dock
  253. func _enter_tree():
  254. # Initialization of the plugin goes here.
  255. # Load the dock scene and instantiate it.
  256. dock = preload("res://addons/my_custom_dock/my_dock.tscn").instantiate()
  257. # Add the loaded scene to the docks.
  258. add_control_to_dock(DOCK_SLOT_LEFT_UL, dock)
  259. # Note that LEFT_UL means the left of the editor, upper-left dock.
  260. func _exit_tree():
  261. # Clean-up of the plugin goes here.
  262. # Remove the dock.
  263. remove_control_from_docks(dock)
  264. # Erase the control from the memory.
  266. .. code-tab:: csharp
  267. #if TOOLS
  268. using Godot;
  269. [Tool]
  270. public partial class CustomDock : EditorPlugin
  271. {
  272. Control dock;
  273. public override void _EnterTree()
  274. {
  275. dock = (Control)GD.Load<PackedScene>("addons/my_custom_dock/my_dock.tscn").Instantiate();
  276. AddControlToDock(DockSlot.LeftUl, dock);
  277. }
  278. public override void _ExitTree()
  279. {
  280. // Clean-up of the plugin goes here.
  281. // Remove the dock.
  282. RemoveControlFromDocks(dock);
  283. // Erase the control from the memory.
  284. dock.Free();
  285. }
  286. }
  287. #endif
  288. Note that, while the dock will initially appear at its specified position,
  289. the user can freely change its position and save the resulting layout.
  290. Checking the results
  291. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  292. It's now time to check the results of your work. Open the **Project
  293. Settings** and click on the **Plugins** tab. Your plugin should be the only one
  294. on the list.
  295. .. image:: img/making_plugins-project_settings.webp
  296. You can see the plugin is not enabled.
  297. Click the **Enable** checkbox to activate the plugin.
  298. The dock should become visible before you even close
  299. the settings window. You should now have a custom dock:
  300. .. image:: img/making_plugins-custom_dock.webp
  301. Going beyond
  302. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  303. Now that you've learned how to make basic plugins, you can extend the editor in
  304. several ways. Lots of functionality can be added to the editor with GDScript;
  305. it is a powerful way to create specialized editors without having to delve into
  306. C++ modules.
  307. You can make your own plugins to help yourself and share them in the
  308. `Asset Library <>`_ so that people
  309. can benefit from your work.
  310. .. _doc_making_plugins_autoload:
  311. Registering autoloads/singletons in plugins
  312. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  313. It is possible for editor plugins to automatically register
  314. :ref:`autoloads <doc_singletons_autoload>` when the plugin is enabled.
  315. This also includes unregistering the autoload when the plugin is disabled.
  316. This makes setting up plugins faster for users, as they no longer have to manually
  317. add autoloads to their project settings if your editor plugin requires the use of
  318. an autoload.
  319. Use the following code to register a singleton from an editor plugin:
  320. ::
  321. @tool
  322. extends EditorPlugin
  323. # Replace this value with a PascalCase autoload name, as per the GDScript style guide.
  324. const AUTOLOAD_NAME = "SomeAutoload"
  325. func _enter_tree():
  326. # The autoload can be a scene or script file.
  327. add_autoload_singleton(AUTOLOAD_NAME, "res://addons/my_addon/some_autoload.tscn")
  328. func _exit_tree():
  329. remove_autoload_singleton(AUTOLOAD_NAME)