123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362 |
- .. _doc_first_3d_game_spawning_monsters:
- Spawning monsters
- =================
- In this part, we're going to spawn monsters along a path randomly. By the end,
- you will have monsters roaming the game board.
- |image0|
- Double-click on ``Main.tscn`` in the *FileSystem* dock to open the *Main* scene.
- Before drawing the path, we're going to change the game resolution. Our game has
- a default window size of ``1024x600``. We're going to set it to ``720x540``, a
- nice little box.
- Go to *Project -> Project Settings*.
- |image1|
- In the left menu, navigate down to *Display -> Window*. On the right, set the
- *Width* to ``720`` and the *Height* to ``540``.
- |image2|
- Creating the spawn path
- -----------------------
- Like you did in the 2D game tutorial, you're going to design a path and use a
- *PathFollow* node to sample random locations on it.
- In 3D though, it's a bit more complicated to draw the path. We want it to be
- around the game view so monsters appear right outside the screen. But if we draw
- a path, we won't see it from the camera preview.
- To find the view's limits, we can use some placeholder meshes. Your viewport
- should still be split into two parts, with the camera preview at the bottom. If
- that isn't the case, press :kbd:`Ctrl + 2` (:kbd:`Cmd + 2` on macOS) to split the view into two.
- Select the *Camera* node and click the *Preview* checkbox in the bottom
- viewport.
- |image3|
- Adding placeholder cylinders
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Let's add the placeholder meshes. Add a new *Spatial* node as a child of the
- *Main* node and name it *Cylinders*. We'll use it to group the cylinders. As a
- child of it, add a *MeshInstance* node.
- |image4|
- In the *Inspector*, assign a *CylinderMesh* to the *Mesh* property.
- |image5|
- Set the top viewport to the top orthogonal view using the menu in the viewport's
- top-left corner. Alternatively, you can press the keypad's 7 key.
- |image6|
- The grid is a bit distracting for me. You can toggle it by going to the *View*
- menu in the toolbar and clicking *View Grid*.
- |image7|
- You now want to move the cylinder along the ground plane, looking at the camera
- preview in the bottom viewport. I recommend using grid snap to do so. You can
- toggle it by clicking the magnet icon in the toolbar or pressing Y.
- |image8|
- Place the cylinder so it's right outside the camera's view in the top-left
- corner.
- |image9|
- We're going to create copies of the mesh and place them around the game area.
- Press :kbd:`Ctrl + D` (:kbd:`Cmd + D` on macOS) to duplicate the node. You can also right-click
- the node in the *Scene* dock and select *Duplicate*. Move the copy down along
- the blue Z axis until it's right outside the camera's preview.
- Select both cylinders by pressing the :kbd:`Shift` key and clicking on the unselected
- one and duplicate them.
- |image10|
- Move them to the right by dragging the red X axis.
- |image11|
- They're a bit hard to see in white, aren't they? Let's make them stand out by
- giving them a new material.
- In 3D, materials define a surface's visual properties like its color, how it
- reflects light, and more. We can use them to change the color of a mesh.
- We can update all four cylinders at once. Select all the mesh instances in the
- *Scene* dock. To do so, you can click on the first one and Shift click on the
- last one.
- |image12|
- In the *Inspector*, expand the *Material* section and assign a *SpatialMaterial*
- to slot *0*.
- |image13|
- Click the sphere icon to open the material resource. You get a preview of the
- material and a long list of sections filled with properties. You can use these
- to create all sorts of surfaces, from metal to rock or water.
- Expand the *Albedo* section and set the color to something that contrasts with
- the background, like a bright orange.
- |image14|
- We can now use the cylinders as guides. Fold them in the *Scene* dock by
- clicking the grey arrow next to them. Moving forward, you can also toggle their
- visibility by clicking the eye icon next to *Cylinders*.
- |image15|
- Add a *Path* node as a child of *Main*. In the toolbar, four icons appear. Click
- the *Add Point* tool, the icon with the green "+" sign.
- |image16|
- .. note:: You can hover any icon to see a tooltip describing the tool.
- Click in the center of each cylinder to create a point. Then, click the *Close
- Curve* icon in the toolbar to close the path. If any point is a bit off, you can
- click and drag on it to reposition it.
- |image17|
- Your path should look like this.
- |image18|
- To sample random positions on it, we need a *PathFollow* node. Add a
- *PathFollow* as a child of the *Path*. Rename the two nodes to *SpawnPath* and
- *SpawnLocation*, respectively. It's more descriptive of what we'll use them for.
- |image19|
- With that, we're ready to code the spawn mechanism.
- Spawning monsters randomly
- --------------------------
- Right-click on the *Main* node and attach a new script to it.
- We first export a variable to the *Inspector* so that we can assign ``Mob.tscn``
- or any other monster to it.
- Then, as we're going to spawn the monsters procedurally, we want to randomize
- numbers every time we play the game. If we don't do that, the monsters will
- always spawn following the same sequence.
- .. tabs::
- .. code-tab:: gdscript GDScript
- extends Node
- export (PackedScene) var mob_scene
- func _ready():
- randomize()
- .. code-tab:: csharp
- public class Main : Node
- {
- // Don't forget to rebuild the project so the editor knows about the new export variable.
- #pragma warning disable 649
- // We assign this in the editor, so we don't need the warning about not being assigned.
- [Export]
- public PackedScene MobScene;
- #pragma warning restore 649
- public override void _Ready()
- {
- GD.Randomize();
- }
- }
- We want to spawn mobs at regular time intervals. To do this, we need to go back
- to the scene and add a timer. Before that, though, we need to assign the
- ``Mob.tscn`` file to the ``mob_scene`` property.
- Head back to the 3D screen and select the *Main* node. Drag ``Mob.tscn`` from
- the *FileSystem* dock to the *Mob Scene* slot in the *Inspector*.
- |image20|
- Add a new *Timer* node as a child of *Main*. Name it *MobTimer*.
- |image21|
- In the *Inspector*, set its *Wait Time* to ``0.5`` seconds and turn on
- *Autostart* so it automatically starts when we run the game.
- |image22|
- Timers emit a ``timeout`` signal every time they reach the end of their *Wait
- Time*. By default, they restart automatically, emitting the signal in a cycle.
- We can connect to this signal from the *Main* node to spawn monsters every
- ``0.5`` seconds.
- With the *MobTimer* still selected, head to the *Node* dock on the right and
- double-click the ``timeout`` signal.
- |image23|
- Connect it to the *Main* node.
- |image24|
- This will take you back to the script, with a new empty
- ``_on_MobTimer_timeout()`` function.
- Let's code the mob spawning logic. We're going to:
- 1. Instantiate the mob scene.
- 2. Sample a random position on the spawn path.
- 3. Get the player's position.
- 4. Call the mob's ``initialize()`` method, passing it the random position and
- the player's position.
- 5. Add the mob as a child of the *Main* node.
- .. tabs::
- .. code-tab:: gdscript GDScript
- func _on_MobTimer_timeout():
- # Create a new instance of the Mob scene.
- var mob = mob_scene.instance()
- # Choose a random location on the SpawnPath.
- # We store the reference to the SpawnLocation node.
- var mob_spawn_location = get_node("SpawnPath/SpawnLocation")
- # And give it a random offset.
- mob_spawn_location.unit_offset = randf()
- var player_position = $Player.transform.origin
- mob.initialize(mob_spawn_location.translation, player_position)
- add_child(mob)
- .. code-tab:: csharp
- // We also specified this function name in PascalCase in the editor's connection window
- public void OnMobTimerTimeout()
- {
- // Create a new instance of the Mob scene.
- Mob mob = (Mob)MobScene.Instance();
- // Choose a random location on the SpawnPath.
- // We store the reference to the SpawnLocation node.
- var mobSpawnLocation = GetNode<PathFollow>("SpawnPath/SpawnLocation");
- // And give it a random offset.
- mobSpawnLocation.UnitOffset = GD.Randf();
- Vector3 playerPosition = GetNode<Player>("Player").Transform.origin;
- mob.Initialize(mobSpawnLocation.Translation, playerPosition);
- AddChild(mob);
- }
- Above, ``randf()`` produces a random value between ``0`` and ``1``, which is
- what the *PathFollow* node's ``unit_offset`` expects.
- Here is the complete ``Main.gd`` script so far, for reference.
- .. tabs::
- .. code-tab:: gdscript GDScript
- extends Node
- export (PackedScene) var mob_scene
- func _ready():
- randomize()
- func _on_MobTimer_timeout():
- var mob = mob_scene.instance()
- var mob_spawn_location = get_node("SpawnPath/SpawnLocation")
- mob_spawn_location.unit_offset = randf()
- var player_position = $Player.transform.origin
- mob.initialize(mob_spawn_location.translation, player_position)
- add_child(mob)
- .. code-tab:: csharp
- public class Main : Node
- {
- #pragma warning disable 649
- [Export]
- public PackedScene MobScene;
- #pragma warning restore 649
- public override void _Ready()
- {
- GD.Randomize();
- }
- public void OnMobTimerTimeout()
- {
- Mob mob = (Mob)MobScene.Instance();
- var mobSpawnLocation = GetNode<PathFollow>("SpawnPath/SpawnLocation");
- mobSpawnLocation.UnitOffset = GD.Randf();
- Vector3 playerPosition = GetNode<Player>("Player").Transform.origin;
- mob.Initialize(mobSpawnLocation.Translation, playerPosition);
- AddChild(mob);
- }
- }
- You can test the scene by pressing :kbd:`F6`. You should see the monsters spawn and
- move in a straight line.
- |image25|
- For now, they bump and slide against one another when their paths cross. We'll
- address this in the next part.
- .. |image0| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/01.monsters_path_preview.png
- .. |image1| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/02.project_settings.png
- .. |image2| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/03.window_settings.png
- .. |image3| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/04.camera_preview.png
- .. |image4| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/05.cylinders_node.png
- .. |image5| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/06.cylinder_mesh.png
- .. |image6| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/07.top_view.png
- .. |image7| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/08.toggle_view_grid.png
- .. |image8| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/09.toggle_grid_snap.png
- .. |image9| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/10.place_first_cylinder.png
- .. |image10| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/11.both_cylinders_selected.png
- .. |image11| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/12.four_cylinders.png
- .. |image12| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/13.selecting_all_cylinders.png
- .. |image13| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/14.spatial_material.png
- .. |image14| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/15.bright-cylinders.png
- .. |image15| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/16.cylinders_fold.png
- .. |image16| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/17.points_options.png
- .. |image17| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/18.close_path.png
- .. |image18| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/19.path_result.png
- .. |image19| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/20.spawn_nodes.png
- .. |image20| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/20.mob_scene_property.png
- .. |image21| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/21.mob_timer.png
- .. |image22| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/22.mob_timer_properties.png
- .. |image23| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/23.timeout_signal.png
- .. |image24| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/24.connect_timer_to_main.png
- .. |image25| image:: img/05.spawning_mobs/25.spawn_result.png