class_sliderjoint.rst 7.6 KB

  1. .. Generated automatically by doc/tools/ in Godot's source tree.
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  4. .. _class_SliderJoint:
  5. SliderJoint
  6. ===========
  7. **Inherits:** :ref:`Joint<class_joint>` **<** :ref:`Spatial<class_spatial>` **<** :ref:`Node<class_node>` **<** :ref:`Object<class_object>`
  8. **Category:** Core
  9. Brief Description
  10. -----------------
  11. Piston kind of slider between two bodies in 3D.
  12. Member Variables
  13. ----------------
  14. .. _class_SliderJoint_angular_limit/damping:
  15. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **angular_limit/damping** - The amount of damping of the rotation when the limit is surpassed.
  16. A lower damping value allows a rotation initiated by body A to travel to body B slower.
  17. .. _class_SliderJoint_angular_limit/lower_angle:
  18. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **angular_limit/lower_angle** - The lower limit of rotation in the slider.
  19. .. _class_SliderJoint_angular_limit/restitution:
  20. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **angular_limit/restitution** - The amount of restitution of the rotation when the limit is surpassed.
  21. Does not affect damping.
  22. .. _class_SliderJoint_angular_limit/softness:
  23. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **angular_limit/softness** - A factor applied to the all rotation once the limit is surpassed.
  24. Makes all rotation slower when between 0 and 1.
  25. .. _class_SliderJoint_angular_limit/upper_angle:
  26. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **angular_limit/upper_angle** - The upper limit of rotation in the slider.
  27. .. _class_SliderJoint_angular_motion/damping:
  28. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **angular_motion/damping** - The amount of damping of the rotation in the limits.
  29. .. _class_SliderJoint_angular_motion/restitution:
  30. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **angular_motion/restitution** - The amount of restitution of the rotation in the limits.
  31. .. _class_SliderJoint_angular_motion/softness:
  32. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **angular_motion/softness** - A factor applied to the all rotation in the limits.
  33. .. _class_SliderJoint_angular_ortho/damping:
  34. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **angular_ortho/damping** - The amount of damping of the rotation across axes orthogonal to the slider.
  35. .. _class_SliderJoint_angular_ortho/restitution:
  36. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **angular_ortho/restitution** - The amount of restitution of the rotation across axes orthogonal to the slider.
  37. .. _class_SliderJoint_angular_ortho/softness:
  38. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **angular_ortho/softness** - A factor applied to the all rotation across axes orthogonal to the slider.
  39. .. _class_SliderJoint_linear_limit/damping:
  40. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **linear_limit/damping** - The amount of damping that happens once the limit defined by :ref:`linear_limit/lower_distance<class_SliderJoint_linear_limit/lower_distance>` and :ref:`linear_limit/upper_distance<class_SliderJoint_linear_limit/upper_distance>` is surpassed.
  41. .. _class_SliderJoint_linear_limit/lower_distance:
  42. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **linear_limit/lower_distance** - The minimum difference between the pivot points on their x-axis before damping happens.
  43. .. _class_SliderJoint_linear_limit/restitution:
  44. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **linear_limit/restitution** - The amount of restitution once the limits are surpassed. The lower, the more velocity-energy gets lost.
  45. .. _class_SliderJoint_linear_limit/softness:
  46. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **linear_limit/softness** - A factor applied to the movement across the slider axis once the limits get surpassed. The lower, the slower the movement.
  47. .. _class_SliderJoint_linear_limit/upper_distance:
  48. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **linear_limit/upper_distance** - The maximum difference between the pivot points on their x-axis before damping happens.
  49. .. _class_SliderJoint_linear_motion/damping:
  50. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **linear_motion/damping** - The amount of damping inside the slider limits.
  51. .. _class_SliderJoint_linear_motion/restitution:
  52. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **linear_motion/restitution** - The amount of restitution inside the slider limits.
  53. .. _class_SliderJoint_linear_motion/softness:
  54. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **linear_motion/softness** - A factor applied to the movement across the slider axis as long as the slider is in the limits. The lower, the slower the movement.
  55. .. _class_SliderJoint_linear_ortho/damping:
  56. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **linear_ortho/damping** - The amount of damping when movement is across axes orthogonal to the slider.
  57. .. _class_SliderJoint_linear_ortho/restitution:
  58. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **linear_ortho/restitution** - The amount of restitution when movement is across axes orthogonal to the slider.
  59. .. _class_SliderJoint_linear_ortho/softness:
  60. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **linear_ortho/softness** - A factor applied to the movement across axes orthogonal to the slider.
  61. Enums
  62. -----
  63. .. _enum_SliderJoint_Param:
  64. enum **Param**
  65. - **PARAM_LINEAR_LIMIT_UPPER** = **0** --- The maximum difference between the pivot points on their x-axis before damping happens.
  66. - **PARAM_LINEAR_LIMIT_LOWER** = **1** --- The minimum difference between the pivot points on their x-axis before damping happens.
  67. - **PARAM_LINEAR_LIMIT_SOFTNESS** = **2** --- A factor applied to the movement across the slider axis once the limits get surpassed. The lower, the slower the movement.
  68. - **PARAM_LINEAR_LIMIT_RESTITUTION** = **3** --- The amount of restitution once the limits are surpassed. The lower, the more velocityenergy gets lost.
  69. - **PARAM_LINEAR_LIMIT_DAMPING** = **4** --- The amount of damping once the slider limits are surpassed.
  70. - **PARAM_LINEAR_MOTION_SOFTNESS** = **5** --- A factor applied to the movement across the slider axis as long as the slider is in the limits. The lower, the slower the movement.
  71. - **PARAM_LINEAR_MOTION_RESTITUTION** = **6** --- The amount of restitution inside the slider limits.
  72. - **PARAM_LINEAR_MOTION_DAMPING** = **7** --- The amount of damping inside the slider limits.
  73. - **PARAM_LINEAR_ORTHOGONAL_SOFTNESS** = **8** --- A factor applied to the movement across axes orthogonal to the slider.
  74. - **PARAM_LINEAR_ORTHOGONAL_RESTITUTION** = **9** --- The amount of restitution when movement is across axes orthogonal to the slider.
  75. - **PARAM_LINEAR_ORTHOGONAL_DAMPING** = **10** --- The amount of damping when movement is across axes orthogonal to the slider.
  76. - **PARAM_ANGULAR_LIMIT_UPPER** = **11** --- The upper limit of rotation in the slider.
  77. - **PARAM_ANGULAR_LIMIT_LOWER** = **12** --- The lower limit of rotation in the slider.
  78. - **PARAM_ANGULAR_LIMIT_SOFTNESS** = **13** --- A factor applied to the all rotation once the limit is surpassed.
  79. - **PARAM_ANGULAR_LIMIT_RESTITUTION** = **14** --- The amount of restitution of the rotation when the limit is surpassed.
  80. - **PARAM_ANGULAR_LIMIT_DAMPING** = **15** --- The amount of damping of the rotation when the limit is surpassed.
  81. - **PARAM_ANGULAR_MOTION_SOFTNESS** = **16** --- A factor applied to the all rotation in the limits.
  82. - **PARAM_ANGULAR_MOTION_RESTITUTION** = **17** --- The amount of restitution of the rotation in the limits.
  83. - **PARAM_ANGULAR_MOTION_DAMPING** = **18** --- The amount of damping of the rotation in the limits.
  84. - **PARAM_ANGULAR_ORTHOGONAL_SOFTNESS** = **19** --- A factor applied to the all rotation across axes orthogonal to the slider.
  85. - **PARAM_ANGULAR_ORTHOGONAL_RESTITUTION** = **20** --- The amount of restitution of the rotation across axes orthogonal to the slider.
  86. - **PARAM_ANGULAR_ORTHOGONAL_DAMPING** = **21** --- The amount of damping of the rotation across axes orthogonal to the slider.
  87. - **PARAM_MAX** = **22** --- End flag of PARAM\_\* constants, used internally.
  88. Description
  89. -----------
  90. Slides across the x-axis of the Pivot object.