multiple_resolutions.rst 22 KB

  1. .. _doc_multiple_resolutions:
  2. Multiple resolutions
  3. ====================
  4. The problem of multiple resolutions
  5. -----------------------------------
  6. Developers often have trouble understanding how to best support multiple
  7. resolutions in their games. For desktop and console games, this is more or less
  8. straightforward, as most screen aspect ratios are 16:9 and resolutions
  9. are standard (720p, 1080p, 1440p, 4K, …).
  10. For mobile games, at first, it was easy. For many years, the iPhone and iPad
  11. used the same resolution. When *Retina* was implemented, they just doubled
  12. the pixel density; most developers had to supply assets in default and double
  13. resolutions.
  14. Nowadays, this is no longer the case, as there are plenty of different screen
  15. sizes, densities, and aspect ratios. Non-conventional sizes are also becoming
  16. increasingly popular, such as ultrawide displays.
  17. For 3D games, there is not much of a need to support multiple resolutions (from
  18. the aesthetic point of view). The 3D geometry will just fill the screen based on
  19. the field of view, disregarding the aspect ratio. The main reason one may want
  20. to support this, in this case, is for *performance* reasons (running in lower
  21. resolution to increase frames per second).
  22. For 2D and game UIs, this is a different matter, as art needs to be created
  23. using specific pixel sizes in software such as Photoshop, GIMP or Krita.
  24. Since layouts, aspect ratios, resolutions, and pixel densities can change so
  25. much, it is no longer possible to design UIs for every specific screen.
  26. Another method must be used.
  27. One size fits all
  28. -----------------
  29. The most common approach is to use a single *base* resolution and
  30. then fit it to everything else. This resolution is how most players are expected
  31. to play the game (given their hardware). For mobile, Google has useful `stats
  32. <>`_ online, and for desktop,
  33. Steam `also does <>`_.
  34. As an example, Steam shows that the most common *primary display resolution* is
  35. 1920×1080, so a sensible approach is to develop a game for this resolution, then
  36. handle scaling for different sizes and aspect ratios.
  37. Godot provides several useful tools to do this easily.
  38. .. seealso::
  39. You can see how Godot's support for multiple resolutions works in action using the
  40. `Multiple Resolutions and Aspect Ratios demo project <>`__.
  41. Base size
  42. ---------
  43. A base size for the window can be specified in the Project Settings under
  44. **Display → Window**.
  45. .. image:: img/screenres.png
  46. However, what it does is not completely obvious; the engine will *not*
  47. attempt to switch the monitor to this resolution. Rather, think of this
  48. setting as the "design size", i.e. the size of the area that you work
  49. with in the editor. This setting corresponds directly to the size of the
  50. blue rectangle in the 2D editor.
  51. There is often a need to support devices with screen and window sizes
  52. that are different from this base size. Godot offers many ways to
  53. control how the viewport will be resized and stretched to different
  54. screen sizes.
  55. To configure the stretch base size at runtime from a script, use the
  56. ``get_tree().root.content_scale_size`` property (see
  57. :ref:`Window.content_scale_size <class_Window_property_content_scale_size>`).
  58. Changing this value can indirectly change the size of 2D elements. However, to
  59. provide an user-accessible scaling option, using
  60. :ref:`doc_multiple_resolutions_stretch_scale` is recommended as it's easier to
  61. adjust.
  62. .. note::
  63. Godot follows a modern approach to multiple resolutions. The engine will
  64. never change the monitor's resolution on its own. While changing the
  65. monitor's resolution is the most efficient approach, it's also the least
  66. reliable approach as it can leave the monitor stuck on a low resolution if
  67. the game crashes. This is especially common on macOS or Linux which don't
  68. handle resolution changes as well as Windows.
  69. Changing the monitor's resolution also removes any control from the game
  70. developer over filtering and aspect ratio stretching, which can be important
  71. to ensure correct display for pixel art games.
  72. On top of that, changing the monitor's resolution makes alt-tabbing in and
  73. out of a game much slower since the monitor has to change resolutions every
  74. time this is done.
  75. Resizing
  76. --------
  77. There are several types of devices, with several types of screens, which
  78. in turn have different pixel density and resolutions. Handling all of
  79. them can be a lot of work, so Godot tries to make the developer's life a
  80. little easier. The :ref:`Viewport <class_Viewport>`
  81. node has several functions to handle resizing, and the root node of the
  82. scene tree is always a viewport (scenes loaded are instanced as a child
  83. of it, and it can always be accessed by calling
  84. ``get_tree().root`` or ``get_node("/root")``).
  85. In any case, while changing the root Viewport params is probably the
  86. most flexible way to deal with the problem, it can be a lot of work,
  87. code and guessing, so Godot provides a set of parameters in the
  88. project settings to handle multiple resolutions.
  89. Stretch settings
  90. ----------------
  91. Stretch settings are located in the project settings and provide several options:
  92. .. image:: img/stretchsettings.png
  93. Stretch Mode
  94. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  95. The **Stretch Mode** setting defines how the base size is stretched to fit
  96. the resolution of the window or screen.
  97. .. image:: img/stretch.png
  98. The animations below use a "base size" of just 16×9 pixels to
  99. demonstrate the effect of different stretch modes. A single sprite, also
  100. 16×9 pixels in size, covers the entire viewport, and a diagonal
  101. :ref:`Line2D <class_Line2D>` is added on top of it:
  102. .. image:: img/stretch_demo_scene.png
  103. .. Animated GIFs are generated from:
  104. ..
  105. - **Stretch Mode = Disabled** (default): No stretching happens. One
  106. unit in the scene corresponds to one pixel on the screen. In this
  107. mode, the **Stretch Aspect** setting has no effect.
  108. .. image:: img/stretch_disabled_expand.gif
  109. - **Stretch Mode = Canvas Items**: In this mode, the base size specified in
  110. width and height in the project settings is
  111. stretched to cover the whole screen (taking the **Stretch Aspect**
  112. setting into account). This means that everything is rendered
  113. directly at the target resolution. 3D is unaffected,
  114. while in 2D, there is no longer a 1:1 correspondence between sprite
  115. pixels and screen pixels, which may result in scaling artifacts.
  116. .. image:: img/stretch_2d_expand.gif
  117. - **Stretch Mode = Viewport**: Viewport scaling means that the size of
  118. the root :ref:`Viewport <class_Viewport>` is set precisely to the
  119. base size specified in the Project Settings' **Display** section.
  120. The scene is rendered to this viewport first. Finally, this viewport
  121. is scaled to fit the screen (taking the **Stretch Aspect** setting into
  122. account).
  123. .. image:: img/stretch_viewport_expand.gif
  124. To configure the stretch mode at runtime from a script, use the
  125. ``get_tree().root.content_scale_mode`` property (see
  126. :ref:`Window.content_scale_mode <class_Window_property_content_scale_mode>`
  127. and the :ref:`ContentScaleMode <enum_Window_ContentScaleMode>` enum).
  128. Stretch Aspect
  129. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  130. The second setting is the stretch aspect. Note that this only takes effect if
  131. **Stretch Mode** is set to something other than **Disabled**.
  132. In the animations below, you will notice gray and black areas. The black
  133. areas are added by the engine and cannot be drawn into. The gray areas
  134. are part of your scene, and can be drawn to. The gray areas correspond
  135. to the region outside the blue frame you see in the 2D editor.
  136. - **Stretch Aspect = Ignore**: Ignore the aspect ratio when stretching
  137. the screen. This means that the original resolution will be stretched
  138. to exactly fill the screen, even if it's wider or narrower. This may
  139. result in nonuniform stretching: things looking wider or taller than
  140. designed.
  141. .. image:: img/stretch_viewport_ignore.gif
  142. - **Stretch Aspect = Keep**: Keep aspect ratio when stretching the
  143. screen. This means that the viewport retains its original size
  144. regardless of the screen resolution, and black bars will be added to
  145. the top/bottom of the screen ("letterboxing") or the sides
  146. ("pillarboxing").
  147. This is a good option if you know the aspect ratio of your target
  148. devices in advance, or if you don't want to handle different aspect
  149. ratios.
  150. .. image:: img/stretch_viewport_keep.gif
  151. - **Stretch Aspect = Keep Width**: Keep aspect ratio when stretching the
  152. screen. If the screen is wider than the base size, black bars are
  153. added at the left and right (pillarboxing). But if the screen is
  154. taller than the base resolution, the viewport will be grown in the
  155. vertical direction (and more content will be visible to the bottom).
  156. You can also think of this as "Expand Vertically".
  157. This is usually the best option for creating GUIs or HUDs that scale,
  158. so some controls can be anchored to the bottom
  159. (:ref:`doc_size_and_anchors`).
  160. .. image:: img/stretch_viewport_keep_width.gif
  161. - **Stretch Aspect = Keep Height**: Keep aspect ratio when stretching
  162. the screen. If the screen is taller than the base size, black
  163. bars are added at the top and bottom (letterboxing). But if the
  164. screen is wider than the base resolution, the viewport will be grown
  165. in the horizontal direction (and more content will be visible to the
  166. right). You can also think of this as "Expand Horizontally".
  167. This is usually the best option for 2D games that scroll horizontally
  168. (like runners or platformers).
  169. .. image:: img/stretch_viewport_keep_height.gif
  170. - **Stretch Aspect = Expand**: Keep aspect ratio when stretching the
  171. screen, but keep neither the base width nor height. Depending on the
  172. screen aspect ratio, the viewport will either be larger in the
  173. horizontal direction (if the screen is wider than the base size) or
  174. in the vertical direction (if the screen is taller than the original
  175. size).
  176. .. image:: img/stretch_viewport_expand.gif
  177. .. tip::
  178. To support both portrait and landscape mode with a similar automatically
  179. determined scale factor, set your project's base resolution to be a *square*
  180. (1:1 aspect ratio) instead of a rectangle. For instance, if you wish to design
  181. for 1280×720 as the base resolution but wish to support both portrait and
  182. landscape mode, use 720×720 as the project's base window size in the
  183. Project Settings.
  184. To allow the user to choose their preferred screen orientation at run-time,
  185. remember to set **Display > Window > Handheld > Orientation** to ``sensor``.
  186. To configure the stretch aspect at runtime from a script, use the
  187. ``get_tree().root.content_scale_aspect`` property (see
  188. :ref:`Window.content_scale_aspect <class_Window_property_content_scale_aspect>`
  189. and the :ref:`ContentScaleAspect <enum_Window_ContentScaleAspect>` enum).
  190. .. _doc_multiple_resolutions_stretch_scale:
  191. Stretch Scale
  192. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  193. The **Scale** setting allows you to add an extra scaling factor on top of
  194. what the **Stretch** options above already provide. The default value of ``1.0``
  195. means that no additional scaling occurs.
  196. For example, if you set **Scale** to ``2.0`` and leave **Stretch Mode** on
  197. **Disabled**, each unit in your scene will correspond to 2×2 pixels on the
  198. screen. This is a good way to provide scaling options for non-game applications.
  199. If **Stretch Mode** is set to **canvas_items**, 2D elements will be scaled
  200. relative to the base window size, then multiplied by the **Scale** setting. This
  201. can be exposed to players to allow them to adjust the automatically determined
  202. scale to their liking, for better accessibility.
  203. If **Stretch Mode** is set to **viewport**, the viewport's resolution is divided
  204. by **Scale**. This makes pixels look larger and reduces rendering resolution
  205. (with a given window size), which can improve performance.
  206. To configure the stretch scale at runtime from a script, use the
  207. ``get_tree().root.content_scale_factor`` property (see
  208. :ref:`Window.content_scale_factor <class_Window_property_content_scale_factor>`).
  209. Common use case scenarios
  210. -------------------------
  211. The following settings are recommended to support multiple resolutions and aspect
  212. ratios well.
  213. Desktop game
  214. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  215. **Non-pixel art:**
  216. - Set the base window width to ``1920`` and window height to ``1080``. If you have a
  217. display smaller than 1920×1080, set **Window Width Override** and **Window Height Override** to
  218. lower values to make the window smaller when the project starts.
  219. - Alternatively, if you're targeting high-end devices primarily, set the base
  220. window width to ``3840`` and window height to ``2160``.
  221. This allows you to provide higher resolution 2D assets, resulting in crisper
  222. visuals at the cost of higher memory usage and file sizes.
  223. Note that this will make non-mipmapped textures grainy on low resolution devices,
  224. so make sure to follow the instructions described in
  225. :ref:`doc_multiple_resolutions_reducing_aliasing_on_downsampling`.
  226. - Set the stretch mode to ``canvas_items``.
  227. - Set the stretch aspect to ``expand``. This allows for supporting multiple aspect ratios
  228. and makes better use of tall smartphone displays (such as 18:9 or 19:9 aspect ratios).
  229. - Configure Control nodes' anchors to snap to the correct corners using the **Layout** menu.
  230. **Pixel art:**
  231. - Set the base window size to the viewport size you intend to use. Most pixel art games
  232. use viewport sizes between 256×224 and 640×480. Higher viewport sizes will
  233. require using higher resolution artwork, unless you intend to show more of the
  234. game world at a given time.
  235. - Set the stretch mode to ``viewport``.
  236. - Set the stretch aspect to ``keep`` to enforce a single aspect ratio (with
  237. black bars). As an alternative, you can set the stretch aspect to ``expand`` to
  238. support multiple aspect ratios.
  239. - If using the ``expand`` stretch aspect, Configure Control nodes' anchors to
  240. snap to the correct corners using the **Layout** menu.
  241. .. note::
  242. The ``viewport`` stretch mode provides low-resolution rendering that is then
  243. stretched to the final window size. If you are OK with sprites being able to
  244. move or rotate in "sub-pixel" positions or wish to have a high resolution 3D
  245. viewport, you should use the ``canvas_items`` stretch mode instead of the ``viewport``
  246. stretch mode.
  247. Godot currently doesn't have a way to enforce integer scaling when using the
  248. ``canvas_items`` or ``viewport`` stretch mode, which means pixel art may look bad if the
  249. final window size is not a multiple of the base window size.
  250. To fix this, use an add-on such as the `Integer Resolution Handler <>`__.
  251. Mobile game in landscape mode
  252. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  253. Godot is configured to use landscape mode by default. This means you don't need
  254. to change the display orientation project setting.
  255. - Set the base window width to ``1280`` and window height to ``720``.
  256. - Alternatively, if you're targeting high-end devices primarily, set the base
  257. window width to ``1920`` and window height to ``1080``.
  258. This allows you to provide higher resolution 2D assets, resulting in crisper
  259. visuals at the cost of higher memory usage and file sizes. Many devices have
  260. even higher resolution displays (1440p), but the difference with 1080p is
  261. barely visible given the small size of smartphone displays.
  262. Note that this will make non-mipmapped textures grainy on low resolution devices,
  263. so make sure to follow the instructions described in
  264. :ref:`doc_multiple_resolutions_reducing_aliasing_on_downsampling`.
  265. - Set the stretch mode to ``canvas_items``.
  266. - Set the stretch aspect to ``expand``. This allows for supporting multiple aspect ratios
  267. and makes better use of tall smartphone displays (such as 18:9 or 19:9 aspect ratios).
  268. - Configure Control nodes' anchors to snap to the correct corners using the **Layout** menu.
  269. .. tip::
  270. To better support tablets and foldable phones (which frequently feature
  271. displays with aspect ratios close to 4:3), consider using a base resolution
  272. that has a 4:3 aspect ratio while following the rest of the instructions
  273. here. For instance, you can set the base window width to ``1280`` and the
  274. base window height to ``960``.
  275. Mobile game in portrait mode
  276. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  277. - Set the base window width to ``720`` and window height to ``1280``.
  278. - Alternatively, if you're targeting high-end devices primarily, set the base
  279. window width to ``1080`` and window height to ``1920``.
  280. This allows you to provide higher resolution 2D assets, resulting in crisper
  281. visuals at the cost of higher memory usage and file sizes. Many devices have
  282. even higher resolution displays (1440p), but the difference with 1080p is
  283. barely visible given the small size of smartphone displays.
  284. Note that this will make non-mipmapped textures grainy on low resolution devices,
  285. so make sure to follow the instructions described in
  286. :ref:`doc_multiple_resolutions_reducing_aliasing_on_downsampling`.
  287. - Set **Display > Window > Handheld > Orientation** to ``portrait``.
  288. - Set the stretch mode to ``canvas_items``.
  289. - Set the stretch aspect to ``expand``. This allows for supporting multiple aspect ratios
  290. and makes better use of tall smartphone displays (such as 18:9 or 19:9 aspect ratios).
  291. - Configure Control nodes' anchors to snap to the correct corners using the **Layout** menu.
  292. .. tip::
  293. To better support tablets and foldable phones (which frequently feature
  294. displays with aspect ratios close to 4:3), consider using a base resolution
  295. that has a 3:4 aspect ratio while following the rest of the instructions
  296. here. For instance, you can set the base window width to ``960`` and the
  297. base window height to ``1280``.
  298. Non-game application
  299. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  300. - Set the base window width and height to the smallest window size that you intend to target.
  301. This is not required, but this ensures that you design your UI with small window sizes in mind.
  302. - Keep the stretch mode to its default value, ``disabled``.
  303. - Keep the stretch aspect to its default value, ``ignore``
  304. (its value won't be used since the stretch mode is ``disabled``).
  305. - You can define a minimum window size by setting ``OS.min_window_size`` in a
  306. script's ``_ready()`` function. This prevents the user from resizing the application
  307. below a certain size, which could break the UI layout.
  308. .. note::
  309. Godot doesn't support manually overriding the 2D scale factor yet, so it is
  310. not possible to have hiDPI support in non-game applications. Due to this, it
  311. is recommended to leave **Allow Hidpi** disabled in non-game applications to
  312. allow for the OS to use its low-DPI fallback.
  313. hiDPI support
  314. -------------
  315. By default, Godot projects aren't considered DPI-aware by the operating system.
  316. This is done to improve performance on low-end systems, since the operating
  317. system's DPI fallback scaling will be faster than letting the application scale
  318. itself (even when using the ``viewport`` stretch mode).
  319. However, the OS-provided DPI fallback scaling doesn't play well with fullscreen
  320. mode. If you want crisp visuals on hiDPI displays or if project uses fullscreen,
  321. it's recommended to enable **Display > Window > Dpi > Allow Hidpi** in the
  322. Project Settings.
  323. **Allow Hidpi** is only effective on Windows and macOS. It's ignored on all
  324. other platforms.
  325. .. note::
  326. The Godot editor itself is always marked as DPI-aware. Running the project
  327. from the editor will only be DPI-aware if **Allow Hidpi** is enabled in the
  328. Project Settings.
  329. .. _doc_multiple_resolutions_reducing_aliasing_on_downsampling:
  330. Reducing aliasing on downsampling
  331. ---------------------------------
  332. If the game has a very high base resolution (e.g. 3840×2160), aliasing might
  333. appear when downsampling to something considerably lower like 1280×720.
  334. To resolve this, you can :ref:`enable mipmaps <doc_importing_images_mipmaps>` on
  335. all your 2D textures. However, enabling mipmaps will increase memory usage which
  336. can be an issue on low-end mobile devices.
  337. Handling aspect ratios
  338. ----------------------
  339. Once scaling for different resolutions is accounted for, make sure that
  340. your *user interface* also scales for different aspect ratios. This can be
  341. done using :ref:`anchors <doc_size_and_anchors>` and/or :ref:`containers
  342. <doc_gui_containers>`.
  343. Field of view scaling
  344. ---------------------
  345. The 3D Camera node's **Keep Aspect** property defaults to the **Keep Height**
  346. scaling mode (also called *Hor+*). This is usually the best value for desktop
  347. games and mobile games in landscape mode, as widescreen displays will
  348. automatically use a wider field of view.
  349. However, if your 3D game is intended to be played in portrait mode, it may make
  350. more sense to use **Keep Width** instead (also called *Vert-*). This way,
  351. smartphones with an aspect ratio taller than 16:9 (e.g. 19:9) will use a
  352. *taller* field of view, which is more logical here.
  353. Scaling 2D and 3D elements differently using Viewports
  354. ------------------------------------------------------
  355. Using multiple Viewport nodes, you can have different scales for various
  356. elements. For instance, you can use this to render the 3D world at a low
  357. resolution while keeping 2D elements at the native resolution. This can improve
  358. performance significantly while keeping the HUD and other 2D elements crisp.
  359. This is done by using the root Viewport node only for 2D elements, then creating
  360. a Viewport node to display the 3D world and displaying it using a
  361. SubViewportContainer or TextureRect node. There will effectively be two viewports
  362. in the final project. One upside of using TextureRect over SubViewportContainer is
  363. that it allows enable linear filtering. This makes scaled 3D viewports look
  364. better in many cases.
  365. See the
  366. `3D viewport scaling demo <>`__
  367. for examples.