docs_changelog.rst 6.9 KB

  1. .. _doc_docs_changelog:
  2. Documentation changelog
  3. =======================
  4. The documentation is continually being improved. New releases
  5. include new pages, fixes and updates to existing pages, and many updates
  6. to the :ref:`class reference <doc_class_reference>`. Below is a list of new pages
  7. added since version 3.0.
  8. .. note:: This document only contains new pages so not all changes are reflected,
  9. many pages have been substantially updated but are not reflected in this document.
  10. New pages since version 4.0
  11. ---------------------------
  12. Development
  13. ^^^^^^^^^^^
  14. - :ref:`doc_internal_rendering_architecture`
  15. - :ref:`doc_using_sanitizers`
  16. Migrating
  17. ^^^^^^^^^
  18. - :ref:`doc_upgrading_to_godot_4.1`
  19. Physics
  20. ^^^^^^^
  21. - :ref:`doc_troubleshooting_physics_issues`
  22. New pages since version 3.6
  23. ---------------------------
  24. 2D
  25. ^^
  26. - :ref:`doc_2d_antialiasing`
  27. 3D
  28. ^^
  29. - :ref:`doc_3d_antialiasing`
  30. - :ref:`doc_faking_global_illumination`
  31. - :ref:`doc_introduction_to_global_illumination`
  32. - :ref:`doc_mesh_lod`
  33. - :ref:`doc_occlusion_culling`
  34. - :ref:`doc_using_sdfgi`
  35. - :ref:`doc_using_decals`
  36. - :ref:`doc_visibility_ranges`
  37. - :ref:`doc_volumetric_fog`
  38. - :ref:`doc_variable_rate_shading`
  39. - :ref:`doc_physical_light_and_camera_units`
  40. Animation
  41. ^^^^^^^^^
  42. - :ref:`doc_creating_movies`
  43. Assets pipeline
  44. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  45. - :ref:`doc_retargeting_3d_skeletons`
  46. Development
  47. ^^^^^^^^^^^
  48. - :ref:`doc_custom_platform_ports`
  49. Migrating
  50. ^^^^^^^^^
  51. - :ref:`doc_upgrading_to_godot_4`
  52. Physics
  53. ^^^^^^^
  54. - :ref:`doc_large_world_coordinates`
  55. Scripting
  56. ^^^^^^^^^
  57. - :ref:`doc_custom_performance_monitors`
  58. - :ref:`doc_c_sharp_collections`
  59. - :ref:`doc_c_sharp_global_classes`
  60. - :ref:`doc_c_sharp_variant`
  61. Shaders
  62. ^^^^^^^
  63. - :ref:`doc_compute_shaders`
  64. Workflow
  65. ^^^^^^^^
  66. - :ref:`doc_pr_review_guidelines`
  67. XR
  68. ^^
  69. - :ref:`doc_introducing_xr_tools`
  70. - :ref:`doc_xr_action_map`
  71. - :ref:`doc_deploying_to_android`
  72. New pages since version 3.5
  73. ---------------------------
  74. None.
  75. New pages since version 3.4
  76. ---------------------------
  77. 3D
  78. ^^
  79. - :ref:`doc_3d_text`
  80. Animation
  81. ^^^^^^^^^
  82. - :ref:`doc_playing_videos`
  83. Editor
  84. ^^^^^^
  85. - :ref:`doc_managing_editor_features`
  86. New pages since version 3.3
  87. ---------------------------
  88. C++
  89. ^^^
  90. - :ref:`doc_cpp_usage_guidelines`
  91. GDScript
  92. ^^^^^^^^
  93. - :ref:`doc_gdscript_documentation_comments`
  94. New pages since version 3.2
  95. ---------------------------
  96. 3D
  97. ^^
  98. - :ref:`doc_3d_rendering_limitations`
  99. About
  100. ^^^^^
  101. - :ref:`doc_troubleshooting`
  102. - :ref:`doc_list_of_features`
  103. - :ref:`doc_release_policy`
  104. Best practices
  105. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  106. - :ref:`doc_version_control_systems`
  107. Community
  108. ^^^^^^^^^
  109. - :ref:`doc_best_practices_for_engine_contributors`
  110. - :ref:`doc_bisecting_regressions`
  111. - :ref:`doc_editor_and_docs_localization`
  112. Development
  113. ^^^^^^^^^^^
  114. - :ref:`doc_introduction_to_editor_development`
  115. - :ref:`doc_editor_style_guide`
  116. - :ref:`doc_common_engine_methods_and_macros`
  117. - :ref:`doc_vulkan_validation_layers`
  118. - :ref:`doc_gdscript_grammar`
  119. - Configuring an IDE: :ref:`doc_configuring_an_ide_code_blocks`
  120. Editor
  121. ^^^^^^
  122. - :ref:`doc_default_key_mapping`
  123. - :ref:`doc_using_the_web_editor`
  124. Export
  125. ^^^^^^
  126. - :ref:`doc_exporting_for_dedicated_servers`
  127. Input
  128. ^^^^^
  129. - :ref:`doc_controllers_gamepads_joysticks`
  130. Math
  131. ^^^^
  132. - :ref:`doc_random_number_generation`
  133. Platform-specific
  134. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  135. - :ref:`doc_plugins_for_ios`
  136. - :ref:`doc_ios_plugin`
  137. - :ref:`doc_html5_shell_classref`
  138. Physics
  139. ^^^^^^^
  140. - :ref:`doc_collision_shapes_2d`
  141. - :ref:`doc_collision_shapes_3d`
  142. Shaders
  143. ^^^^^^^
  144. - :ref:`doc_shaders_style_guide`
  145. Scripting
  146. ^^^^^^^^^
  147. - :ref:`doc_debugger_panel`
  148. - :ref:`doc_creating_script_templates`
  149. - :ref:`doc_evaluating_expressions`
  150. - :ref:`doc_what_is_gdextension`
  151. - :ref:`doc_gdscript_warning_system` (split from :ref:`doc_gdscript_static_typing`)
  152. User Interface (UI)
  153. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  154. - :ref:`doc_control_node_gallery`
  155. New pages since version 3.1
  156. ---------------------------
  157. Project workflow
  158. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  159. - :ref:`doc_android_gradle_build`
  160. 2D
  161. ^^
  162. - :ref:`doc_2d_sprite_animation`
  163. Audio
  164. ^^^^^
  165. - :ref:`doc_recording_with_microphone`
  166. - :ref:`doc_sync_with_audio`
  167. Math
  168. ^^^^
  169. - :ref:`doc_beziers_and_curves`
  170. - :ref:`doc_interpolation`
  171. Inputs
  172. ^^^^^^
  173. - :ref:`doc_input_examples`
  174. Internationalization
  175. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  176. - :ref:`doc_localization_using_gettext`
  177. Shading
  178. ^^^^^^^
  179. - Your First Shader Series:
  180. - :ref:`doc_introduction_to_shaders`
  181. - :ref:`doc_your_first_canvasitem_shader`
  182. - :ref:`doc_your_first_spatial_shader`
  183. - :ref:`doc_your_second_spatial_shader`
  184. - :ref:`doc_visual_shaders`
  185. Networking
  186. ^^^^^^^^^^
  187. - :ref:`doc_webrtc`
  188. Plugins
  189. ^^^^^^^
  190. - :ref:`doc_android_plugin`
  191. - :ref:`doc_inspector_plugins`
  192. - :ref:`doc_visual_shader_plugins`
  193. Multi-threading
  194. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  195. - :ref:`doc_using_multiple_threads`
  196. Creating content
  197. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  198. Procedural geometry series:
  199. - :ref:`Procedural geometry <toc-procedural_geometry>`
  200. - :ref:`doc_arraymesh`
  201. - :ref:`doc_surfacetool`
  202. - :ref:`doc_meshdatatool`
  203. - :ref:`doc_immediatemesh`
  204. Optimization
  205. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  206. - :ref:`doc_using_multimesh`
  207. - :ref:`doc_using_servers`
  208. Legal
  209. ^^^^^
  210. - :ref:`doc_complying_with_licenses`
  211. New pages since version 3.0
  212. ---------------------------
  213. Step by step
  214. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  215. - :ref:`doc_signals`
  216. - Exporting
  217. Scripting
  218. ^^^^^^^^^
  219. - :ref:`doc_gdscript_static_typing`
  220. Project workflow
  221. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  222. Best Practices:
  223. - :ref:`doc_introduction_best_practices`
  224. - :ref:`doc_what_are_godot_classes`
  225. - :ref:`doc_scene_organization`
  226. - :ref:`doc_scenes_versus_scripts`
  227. - :ref:`doc_autoloads_versus_internal_nodes`
  228. - :ref:`doc_node_alternatives`
  229. - :ref:`doc_godot_interfaces`
  230. - :ref:`doc_godot_notifications`
  231. - :ref:`doc_data_preferences`
  232. - :ref:`doc_logic_preferences`
  233. 2D
  234. ^^
  235. - :ref:`doc_2d_lights_and_shadows`
  236. - :ref:`doc_2d_meshes`
  237. 3D
  238. ^^
  239. - :ref:`doc_csg_tools`
  240. - :ref:`doc_animating_thousands_of_fish`
  241. - :ref:`doc_controlling_thousands_of_fish`
  242. Physics
  243. ^^^^^^^
  244. - :ref:`doc_ragdoll_system`
  245. - :ref:`doc_soft_body`
  246. Animation
  247. ^^^^^^^^^
  248. - :ref:`doc_2d_skeletons`
  249. - :ref:`doc_animation_tree`
  250. GUI
  251. ^^^
  252. - :ref:`doc_gui_containers`
  253. Viewports
  254. ^^^^^^^^^
  255. - :ref:`doc_viewport_as_texture`
  256. - :ref:`doc_custom_postprocessing`
  257. Shading
  258. ^^^^^^^
  259. - :ref:`doc_converting_glsl_to_godot_shaders`
  260. - :ref:`doc_advanced_postprocessing`
  261. Shading Reference:
  262. - :ref:`doc_introduction_to_shaders`
  263. - :ref:`doc_shading_language`
  264. - :ref:`doc_spatial_shader`
  265. - :ref:`doc_canvas_item_shader`
  266. - :ref:`doc_particle_shader`
  267. Plugins
  268. ^^^^^^^
  269. - :ref:`doc_making_main_screen_plugins`
  270. - :ref:`doc_3d_gizmo_plugins`
  271. Platform-specific
  272. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  273. - :ref:`doc_customizing_html5_shell`
  274. Multi-threading
  275. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  276. - :ref:`doc_thread_safe_apis`
  277. Creating content
  278. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  279. - :ref:`doc_making_trees`
  280. Miscellaneous
  281. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  282. - :ref:`doc_jitter_stutter`
  283. - :ref:`doc_running_code_in_the_editor`
  284. - :ref:`doc_change_scenes_manually`
  285. Compiling
  286. ^^^^^^^^^
  287. - :ref:`doc_optimizing_for_size`
  288. - :ref:`doc_compiling_with_script_encryption_key`
  289. Engine development
  290. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  291. - :ref:`doc_binding_to_external_libraries`