12 KB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. #
  3. # Godot Engine documentation build configuration file
  4. import sphinx
  5. import sphinx_rtd_theme
  6. import sys
  7. import os
  8. # -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------
  9. needs_sphinx = "1.3"
  10. # Sphinx extension module names and templates location
  11. sys.path.append(os.path.abspath("_extensions"))
  12. extensions = [
  13. "sphinx_tabs.tabs",
  14. "notfound.extension",
  15. "sphinxext.opengraph",
  16. "sphinx_copybutton",
  17. ]
  18. # Warning when the Sphinx Tabs extension is used with unknown
  19. # builders (like the dummy builder) - as it doesn't cause errors,
  20. # we can ignore this so we still can treat other warnings as errors.
  21. sphinx_tabs_nowarn = True
  22. # Disable collapsing tabs for codeblocks.
  23. sphinx_tabs_disable_tab_closing = True
  24. # Custom 4O4 page HTML template.
  25. #
  26. notfound_context = {
  27. "title": "Page not found",
  28. "body": """
  29. <h1>Page not found</h1>
  30. <p>
  31. Sorry, we couldn't find that page. It may have been renamed or removed
  32. in the version of the documentation you're currently browsing.
  33. </p>
  34. <p>
  35. If you're currently browsing the
  36. <em>latest</em> version of the documentation, try browsing the
  37. <a href="/en/stable/"><em>stable</em> version of the documentation</a>.
  38. </p>
  39. <p>
  40. Alternatively, use the
  41. <a href="#" onclick="$('#rtd-search-form [name=\\'q\\']').focus()">Search docs</a>
  42. box on the left or <a href="/">go to the homepage</a>.
  43. </p>
  44. """,
  45. }
  46. # on_rtd is whether we are on, this line of code grabbed from
  47. on_rtd = os.environ.get("READTHEDOCS", None) == "True"
  48. # Don't add `/en/latest` prefix during local development.
  49. # This makes it easier to test the custom 404 page by loading `/404.html`
  50. # on a local web server.
  51. if not on_rtd:
  52. notfound_urls_prefix = ''
  53. # Specify the site name for the Open Graph extension.
  54. ogp_site_name = "Godot Engine documentation"
  55. if not os.getenv("SPHINX_NO_GDSCRIPT"):
  56. extensions.append("gdscript")
  57. if not os.getenv("SPHINX_NO_DESCRIPTIONS"):
  58. extensions.append("godot_descriptions")
  59. templates_path = ["_templates"]
  60. # You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string: ['.rst', '.md']
  61. source_suffix = ".rst"
  62. source_encoding = "utf-8-sig"
  63. # The master toctree document
  64. master_doc = "index"
  65. # General information about the project
  66. project = "Godot Engine"
  67. copyright = (
  68. "2014-present Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur and the Godot community (CC BY 3.0)"
  69. )
  70. author = "Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur and the Godot community"
  71. # Version info for the project, acts as replacement for |version| and |release|
  72. # The short X.Y version
  73. version = os.getenv("READTHEDOCS_VERSION", "4.2")
  74. # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags
  75. release = version
  76. # Parse Sphinx tags passed from RTD via environment
  77. env_tags = os.getenv("SPHINX_TAGS")
  78. if env_tags is not None:
  79. for tag in env_tags.split(","):
  80. print("Adding Sphinx tag: %s" % tag.strip())
  81. tags.add(tag.strip()) # noqa: F821
  82. # Language / i18n
  83. supported_languages = {
  84. "en": "Godot Engine %s documentation in English",
  85. "de": "Godot Engine %s Dokumentation auf Deutsch",
  86. "es": "Documentación de Godot Engine %s en español",
  87. "fr": "Documentation de Godot Engine %s en français",
  88. "fi": "Godot Engine %s dokumentaatio suomeksi",
  89. "it": "Godot Engine %s documentazione in italiano",
  90. "ja": "Godot Engine %sの日本語のドキュメント",
  91. "ko": "Godot Engine %s 문서 (한국어)",
  92. "pl": "Dokumentacja Godot Engine %s w języku polskim",
  93. "pt_BR": "Documentação da Godot Engine %s em Português Brasileiro",
  94. "ru": "Документация Godot Engine %s на русском языке",
  95. "uk": "Документація до Godot Engine %s українською мовою",
  96. "zh_CN": "Godot Engine %s 简体中文文档",
  97. "zh_TW": "Godot Engine %s 正體中文 (台灣) 文件",
  98. }
  99. # RTD normalized their language codes to ll-cc (e.g. zh-cn),
  100. # but Sphinx did not and still uses ll_CC (e.g. zh_CN).
  101. # `language` is the Sphinx configuration so it needs to be converted back.
  102. language = os.getenv("READTHEDOCS_LANGUAGE", "en")
  103. if "-" in language:
  104. (lang_name, lang_country) = language.split("-")
  105. language = lang_name + "_" + lang_country.upper()
  106. if not language in supported_languages.keys():
  107. print("Unknown language: " + language)
  108. print("Supported languages: " + ", ".join(supported_languages.keys()))
  109. print(
  110. "The configured language is either wrong, or it should be added to supported_languages in Falling back to 'en'."
  111. )
  112. language = "en"
  113. is_i18n = tags.has("i18n") # noqa: F821
  114. print("Build language: {}, i18n tag: {}".format(language, is_i18n))
  115. exclude_patterns = ["_build"]
  116. # fmt: off
  117. # These imports should *not* be moved to the start of the file,
  118. # they depend on the sys.path.append call registering "_extensions".
  119. # GDScript syntax highlighting
  120. from gdscript import GDScriptLexer
  121. from sphinx.highlighting import lexers
  122. lexers["gdscript"] = GDScriptLexer()
  123. # fmt: on
  124. smartquotes = False
  125. # Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use
  126. pygments_style = "sphinx"
  127. highlight_language = "gdscript"
  128. # -- Options for HTML output ----------------------------------------------
  129. html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme"
  130. html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()]
  131. if on_rtd:
  132. using_rtd_theme = True
  133. # Theme options
  134. html_theme_options = {
  135. # if we have a html_logo below, this shows /only/ the logo with no title text
  136. "logo_only": True,
  137. # Collapse navigation (False makes it tree-like)
  138. "collapse_navigation": False,
  139. # Hide the documentation version name/number under the logo
  140. "display_version": False,
  141. }
  142. html_title = supported_languages[language] % ( "(" + version + ")" )
  143. # VCS options:
  144. html_context = {
  145. "display_github": not is_i18n, # Integrate GitHub
  146. "github_user": "godotengine", # Username
  147. "github_repo": "godot-docs", # Repo name
  148. "github_version": "4.2", # Version
  149. "conf_py_path": "/", # Path in the checkout to the docs root
  150. "godot_inject_language_links": True,
  151. "godot_docs_supported_languages": list(supported_languages.keys()),
  152. "godot_docs_title": supported_languages[language],
  153. "godot_docs_basepath": "",
  154. "godot_docs_suffix": ".html",
  155. "godot_default_lang": "en",
  156. "godot_canonical_version": "stable",
  157. # Distinguish local development website from production website.
  158. # This prevents people from looking for changes on the production website after making local changes :)
  159. "godot_title_prefix": "" if on_rtd else "(DEV) ",
  160. # Set this to `True` when in the `latest` branch to clearly indicate to the reader
  161. # that they are not reading the `stable` documentation.
  162. "godot_is_latest": False,
  163. "godot_version": "4.2",
  164. # Enables a banner that displays the up-to-date status of each article.
  165. "godot_show_article_status": True,
  166. }
  167. html_logo = "img/docs_logo.svg"
  168. # These folders are copied to the documentation's HTML output
  169. html_static_path = ["_static"]
  170. html_extra_path = ["robots.txt"]
  171. # These paths are either relative to html_static_path
  172. # or fully qualified paths (e.g. https://...)
  173. html_css_files = [
  174. 'css/algolia.css',
  175. '',
  176. "css/custom.css?10", # Increment the number at the end when the file changes to bust the cache.
  177. ]
  178. if not on_rtd:
  179. html_css_files.append("css/dev.css")
  180. html_js_files = [
  181. "js/custom.js?7", # Increment the number at the end when the file changes to bust the cache.
  182. ]
  183. # Output file base name for HTML help builder
  184. htmlhelp_basename = "GodotEnginedoc"
  185. # -- Options for reStructuredText parser ----------------------------------
  186. # Enable directives that insert the contents of external files
  187. file_insertion_enabled = False
  188. # -- Options for LaTeX output ---------------------------------------------
  189. # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
  190. # (source start file, target name, title,
  191. # author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
  192. latex_documents = [
  193. (
  194. master_doc,
  195. "GodotEngine.tex",
  196. "Godot Engine Documentation",
  197. "Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur and the Godot community",
  198. "manual",
  199. ),
  200. ]
  201. # -- Options for linkcheck builder ----------------------------------------
  202. # disable checking urls with about.html#this_part_of_page anchors
  203. linkcheck_anchors = False
  204. linkcheck_timeout = 10
  205. # -- I18n settings --------------------------------------------------------
  206. # Godot localization is handled via
  207. # where the main docs repo is a submodule. Therefore the translated material is
  208. # actually in the parent folder of this, hence the "../".
  209. locale_dirs = ["../sphinx/po/"]
  210. gettext_compact = False
  211. # We want to host the localized images in godot-docs-l10n, but Sphinx does not provide
  212. # the necessary feature to do so. `figure_language_filename` has `{root}` and `{path}`,
  213. # but they resolve to (host) absolute paths, so we can't use them as is to access "../".
  214. # However, Python is glorious and lets us redefine Sphinx's internal method that handles
  215. # `figure_language_filename`, so we do our own post-processing to fix the absolute path
  216. # and point to the parallel folder structure in godot-docs-l10n.
  217. # Note: Sphinx's handling of `figure_language_filename` may change in the future, monitor
  218. # to see what would be relevant for us.
  219. figure_language_filename = "{root}.{language}{ext}"
  220. cwd = os.getcwd()
  221. sphinx_original_get_image_filename_for_language = sphinx.util.i18n.get_image_filename_for_language
  222. def godot_get_image_filename_for_language(filename, env):
  223. """
  224. Hack the absolute path returned by Sphinx based on `figure_language_filename`
  225. to insert our `../images` relative path to godot-docs-l10n's images folder,
  226. which mirrors the folder structure of the docs repository.
  227. The returned string should also be absolute so that `os.path.exists` can properly
  228. resolve it when trying to concatenate with the original doc folder.
  229. """
  230. path = sphinx_original_get_image_filename_for_language(filename, env)
  231. path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("../images/", os.path.relpath(path, cwd)))
  232. return path
  233. sphinx.util.i18n.get_image_filename_for_language = godot_get_image_filename_for_language
  234. # Similar story for the localized class reference, it's out of tree and there doesn't
  235. # seem to be an easy way for us to tweak the toctree to take this into account.
  236. # So we're deleting the existing class reference and adding a symlink instead...
  237. if is_i18n and os.path.exists("../classes/" + language):
  238. import shutil
  239. if os.path.islink("classes"): # Previously made symlink.
  240. os.unlink("classes")
  241. else:
  242. shutil.rmtree("classes")
  243. os.symlink("../classes/" + language, "classes")
  244. # Couldn't find a way to retrieve variables nor do advanced string
  245. # concat from reST, so had to hardcode this in the "epilog" added to
  246. # all pages. This is used in index.rst to display the Weblate badge.
  247. # On English pages, the badge points to the language-neutral engage page.
  248. rst_epilog = """
  249. .. |weblate_widget| image::{image_locale}/godot-docs/287x66-white.png
  250. :alt: Translation status
  251. :target:{target_locale}/?utm_source=widget
  252. :width: 287
  253. :height: 66
  254. """.format(
  255. image_locale="-" if language == "en" else language,
  256. target_locale="" if language == "en" else "/" + language,
  257. )
  258. # Needed so the table of contents is created for EPUB
  259. epub_tocscope = 'includehidden'