class_visualshadernodevectorfunc.rst 6.8 KB

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  5. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc:
  6. VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc
  7. ==========================
  8. **Inherits:** :ref:`VisualShaderNode<class_VisualShaderNode>` **<** :ref:`Resource<class_Resource>` **<** :ref:`Reference<class_Reference>` **<** :ref:`Object<class_Object>`
  9. A vector function to be used within the visual shader graph.
  10. Description
  11. -----------
  12. A visual shader node able to perform different functions using vectors.
  13. Properties
  14. ----------
  15. +-----------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+-------+
  16. | :ref:`Function<enum_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_Function>` | :ref:`function<class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_property_function>` | ``0`` |
  17. +-----------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+-------+
  18. Enumerations
  19. ------------
  20. .. _enum_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_Function:
  21. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_NORMALIZE:
  22. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_SATURATE:
  23. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_NEGATE:
  24. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_RECIPROCAL:
  25. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_RGB2HSV:
  26. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_HSV2RGB:
  27. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_ABS:
  28. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_ACOS:
  29. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_ACOSH:
  30. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_ASIN:
  31. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_ASINH:
  32. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_ATAN:
  33. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_ATANH:
  34. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_CEIL:
  35. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_COS:
  36. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_COSH:
  37. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_DEGREES:
  38. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_EXP:
  39. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_EXP2:
  40. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_FLOOR:
  41. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_FRAC:
  42. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_INVERSE_SQRT:
  43. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_LOG:
  44. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_LOG2:
  45. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_RADIANS:
  46. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_ROUND:
  47. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_ROUNDEVEN:
  48. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_SIGN:
  49. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_SIN:
  50. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_SINH:
  51. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_SQRT:
  52. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_TAN:
  53. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_TANH:
  54. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_TRUNC:
  55. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_constant_FUNC_ONEMINUS:
  56. enum **Function**:
  57. - **FUNC_NORMALIZE** = **0** --- Normalizes the vector so that it has a length of ``1`` but points in the same direction.
  58. - **FUNC_SATURATE** = **1** --- Clamps the value between ``0.0`` and ``1.0``.
  59. - **FUNC_NEGATE** = **2** --- Returns the opposite value of the parameter.
  60. - **FUNC_RECIPROCAL** = **3** --- Returns ``1/vector``.
  61. - **FUNC_RGB2HSV** = **4** --- Converts RGB vector to HSV equivalent.
  62. - **FUNC_HSV2RGB** = **5** --- Converts HSV vector to RGB equivalent.
  63. - **FUNC_ABS** = **6** --- Returns the absolute value of the parameter.
  64. - **FUNC_ACOS** = **7** --- Returns the arc-cosine of the parameter.
  65. - **FUNC_ACOSH** = **8** --- Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the parameter.
  66. - **FUNC_ASIN** = **9** --- Returns the arc-sine of the parameter.
  67. - **FUNC_ASINH** = **10** --- Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of the parameter.
  68. - **FUNC_ATAN** = **11** --- Returns the arc-tangent of the parameter.
  69. - **FUNC_ATANH** = **12** --- Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the parameter.
  70. - **FUNC_CEIL** = **13** --- Finds the nearest integer that is greater than or equal to the parameter.
  71. - **FUNC_COS** = **14** --- Returns the cosine of the parameter.
  72. - **FUNC_COSH** = **15** --- Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the parameter.
  73. - **FUNC_DEGREES** = **16** --- Converts a quantity in radians to degrees.
  74. - **FUNC_EXP** = **17** --- Base-e Exponential.
  75. - **FUNC_EXP2** = **18** --- Base-2 Exponential.
  76. - **FUNC_FLOOR** = **19** --- Finds the nearest integer less than or equal to the parameter.
  77. - **FUNC_FRAC** = **20** --- Computes the fractional part of the argument.
  78. - **FUNC_INVERSE_SQRT** = **21** --- Returns the inverse of the square root of the parameter.
  79. - **FUNC_LOG** = **22** --- Natural logarithm.
  80. - **FUNC_LOG2** = **23** --- Base-2 logarithm.
  81. - **FUNC_RADIANS** = **24** --- Converts a quantity in degrees to radians.
  82. - **FUNC_ROUND** = **25** --- Finds the nearest integer to the parameter.
  83. - **FUNC_ROUNDEVEN** = **26** --- Finds the nearest even integer to the parameter.
  84. - **FUNC_SIGN** = **27** --- Extracts the sign of the parameter, i.e. returns ``-1`` if the parameter is negative, ``1`` if it's positive and ``0`` otherwise.
  85. - **FUNC_SIN** = **28** --- Returns the sine of the parameter.
  86. - **FUNC_SINH** = **29** --- Returns the hyperbolic sine of the parameter.
  87. - **FUNC_SQRT** = **30** --- Returns the square root of the parameter.
  88. - **FUNC_TAN** = **31** --- Returns the tangent of the parameter.
  89. - **FUNC_TANH** = **32** --- Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the parameter.
  90. - **FUNC_TRUNC** = **33** --- Returns a value equal to the nearest integer to the parameter whose absolute value is not larger than the absolute value of the parameter.
  91. - **FUNC_ONEMINUS** = **34** --- Returns ``1.0 - vector``.
  92. Property Descriptions
  93. ---------------------
  94. .. _class_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_property_function:
  95. - :ref:`Function<enum_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_Function>` **function**
  96. +-----------+---------------------+
  97. | *Default* | ``0`` |
  98. +-----------+---------------------+
  99. | *Setter* | set_function(value) |
  100. +-----------+---------------------+
  101. | *Getter* | get_function() |
  102. +-----------+---------------------+
  103. The function to be performed. See :ref:`Function<enum_VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_Function>` for options.
  104. .. |virtual| replace:: :abbr:`virtual (This method should typically be overridden by the user to have any effect.)`
  105. .. |const| replace:: :abbr:`const (This method has no side effects. It doesn't modify any of the instance's member variables.)`
  106. .. |vararg| replace:: :abbr:`vararg (This method accepts any number of arguments after the ones described here.)`