class_button.rst 8.0 KB

  1. :github_url: hide
  2. .. Generated automatically by doc/tools/ in Godot's source tree.
  3. .. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, but the Button.xml source instead.
  4. .. The source is found in doc/classes or modules/<name>/doc_classes.
  5. .. _class_Button:
  6. Button
  7. ======
  8. **Inherits:** :ref:`BaseButton<class_BaseButton>` **<** :ref:`Control<class_Control>` **<** :ref:`CanvasItem<class_CanvasItem>` **<** :ref:`Node<class_Node>` **<** :ref:`Object<class_Object>`
  9. **Inherited By:** :ref:`CheckBox<class_CheckBox>`, :ref:`CheckButton<class_CheckButton>`, :ref:`ColorPickerButton<class_ColorPickerButton>`, :ref:`MenuButton<class_MenuButton>`, :ref:`OptionButton<class_OptionButton>`, :ref:`ToolButton<class_ToolButton>`
  10. Standard themed Button.
  11. Description
  12. -----------
  13. Button is the standard themed button. It can contain text and an icon, and will display them according to the current :ref:`Theme<class_Theme>`.
  14. **Example of creating a button and assigning an action when pressed by code:**
  15. ::
  16. func _ready():
  17. var button =
  18. button.text = "Click me"
  19. button.connect("pressed", self, "_button_pressed")
  20. add_child(button)
  21. func _button_pressed():
  22. print("Hello world!")
  23. Buttons (like all Control nodes) can also be created in the editor, but some situations may require creating them from code.
  24. Properties
  25. ----------
  26. +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+-----------+
  27. | :ref:`TextAlign<enum_Button_TextAlign>` | :ref:`align<class_Button_property_align>` | ``1`` |
  28. +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+-----------+
  29. | :ref:`bool<class_bool>` | :ref:`clip_text<class_Button_property_clip_text>` | ``false`` |
  30. +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+-----------+
  31. | :ref:`bool<class_bool>` | :ref:`expand_icon<class_Button_property_expand_icon>` | ``false`` |
  32. +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+-----------+
  33. | :ref:`bool<class_bool>` | :ref:`flat<class_Button_property_flat>` | ``false`` |
  34. +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+-----------+
  35. | :ref:`Texture<class_Texture>` | :ref:`icon<class_Button_property_icon>` | |
  36. +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+-----------+
  37. | :ref:`String<class_String>` | :ref:`text<class_Button_property_text>` | ``""`` |
  38. +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+-----------+
  39. Theme Properties
  40. ----------------
  41. +---------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+
  42. | :ref:`StyleBox<class_StyleBox>` | disabled | |
  43. +---------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+
  44. | :ref:`StyleBox<class_StyleBox>` | focus | |
  45. +---------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+
  46. | :ref:`Font<class_Font>` | font | |
  47. +---------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+
  48. | :ref:`Color<class_Color>` | font_color | Color( 0.88, 0.88, 0.88, 1 ) |
  49. +---------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+
  50. | :ref:`Color<class_Color>` | font_color_disabled | Color( 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.2 ) |
  51. +---------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+
  52. | :ref:`Color<class_Color>` | font_color_hover | Color( 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 1 ) |
  53. +---------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+
  54. | :ref:`Color<class_Color>` | font_color_pressed | Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) |
  55. +---------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+
  56. | :ref:`StyleBox<class_StyleBox>` | hover | |
  57. +---------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+
  58. | :ref:`int<class_int>` | hseparation | 2 |
  59. +---------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+
  60. | :ref:`StyleBox<class_StyleBox>` | normal | |
  61. +---------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+
  62. | :ref:`StyleBox<class_StyleBox>` | pressed | |
  63. +---------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+
  64. Enumerations
  65. ------------
  66. .. _enum_Button_TextAlign:
  67. .. _class_Button_constant_ALIGN_LEFT:
  68. .. _class_Button_constant_ALIGN_CENTER:
  69. .. _class_Button_constant_ALIGN_RIGHT:
  70. enum **TextAlign**:
  71. - **ALIGN_LEFT** = **0** --- Align the text to the left.
  72. - **ALIGN_CENTER** = **1** --- Align the text to the center.
  73. - **ALIGN_RIGHT** = **2** --- Align the text to the right.
  74. Property Descriptions
  75. ---------------------
  76. .. _class_Button_property_align:
  77. - :ref:`TextAlign<enum_Button_TextAlign>` **align**
  78. +-----------+-----------------------+
  79. | *Default* | ``1`` |
  80. +-----------+-----------------------+
  81. | *Setter* | set_text_align(value) |
  82. +-----------+-----------------------+
  83. | *Getter* | get_text_align() |
  84. +-----------+-----------------------+
  85. Text alignment policy for the button's text, use one of the :ref:`TextAlign<enum_Button_TextAlign>` constants.
  86. ----
  87. .. _class_Button_property_clip_text:
  88. - :ref:`bool<class_bool>` **clip_text**
  89. +-----------+----------------------+
  90. | *Default* | ``false`` |
  91. +-----------+----------------------+
  92. | *Setter* | set_clip_text(value) |
  93. +-----------+----------------------+
  94. | *Getter* | get_clip_text() |
  95. +-----------+----------------------+
  96. When this property is enabled, text that is too large to fit the button is clipped, when disabled the Button will always be wide enough to hold the text.
  97. ----
  98. .. _class_Button_property_expand_icon:
  99. - :ref:`bool<class_bool>` **expand_icon**
  100. +-----------+------------------------+
  101. | *Default* | ``false`` |
  102. +-----------+------------------------+
  103. | *Setter* | set_expand_icon(value) |
  104. +-----------+------------------------+
  105. | *Getter* | is_expand_icon() |
  106. +-----------+------------------------+
  107. When enabled, the button's icon will expand/shrink to fit the button's size while keeping its aspect.
  108. ----
  109. .. _class_Button_property_flat:
  110. - :ref:`bool<class_bool>` **flat**
  111. +-----------+-----------------+
  112. | *Default* | ``false`` |
  113. +-----------+-----------------+
  114. | *Setter* | set_flat(value) |
  115. +-----------+-----------------+
  116. | *Getter* | is_flat() |
  117. +-----------+-----------------+
  118. Flat buttons don't display decoration.
  119. ----
  120. .. _class_Button_property_icon:
  121. - :ref:`Texture<class_Texture>` **icon**
  122. +----------+------------------------+
  123. | *Setter* | set_button_icon(value) |
  124. +----------+------------------------+
  125. | *Getter* | get_button_icon() |
  126. +----------+------------------------+
  127. Button's icon, if text is present the icon will be placed before the text.
  128. ----
  129. .. _class_Button_property_text:
  130. - :ref:`String<class_String>` **text**
  131. +-----------+-----------------+
  132. | *Default* | ``""`` |
  133. +-----------+-----------------+
  134. | *Setter* | set_text(value) |
  135. +-----------+-----------------+
  136. | *Getter* | get_text() |
  137. +-----------+-----------------+
  138. The button's text that will be displayed inside the button's area.
  139. .. |virtual| replace:: :abbr:`virtual (This method should typically be overridden by the user to have any effect.)`
  140. .. |const| replace:: :abbr:`const (This method has no side effects. It doesn't modify any of the instance's member variables.)`
  141. .. |vararg| replace:: :abbr:`vararg (This method accepts any number of arguments after the ones described here.)`