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- # A simple (and silly) material resource plugin. Allows you to make a really simple material
- # from a custom dock, that you can save and load, and apply to selected MeshInstances.
- #
- # SPECIAL NOTE: This technically should be using EditorImportPlugin and EditorExportPlugin
- # to handle the input and output of the silly material. However, currently you cannot export
- # custom resources in Godot, so instead we're using JSON files instead.
- #
- # This example should be replaced when EditorImportPlugin and EditorExportPlugin are both
- # fully working and you can save custom resources.
- @tool
- extends EditorPlugin
- var io_material_dialog: Panel
- func _enter_tree() -> void:
- io_material_dialog = preload("res://addons/material_creator/material_dock.tscn").instantiate()
- io_material_dialog.editor_interface = get_editor_interface()
- add_control_to_dock(DOCK_SLOT_LEFT_UL, io_material_dialog)
- func _exit_tree() -> void:
- remove_control_from_docks(io_material_dialog)