123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253 |
- extends Control
- # A constant for whether or not we're needing to undo a shape.
- const UNDO_MODE_SHAPE = -2
- # A constant for whether or not we can undo.
- const UNDO_NONE = -1
- # How large is the image (it's actually the size of DrawingAreaBG, because that's our background canvas).
- const IMAGE_SIZE = Vector2(930, 720)
- # Enums for the various modes and brush shapes that can be applied.
- enum BrushModes {
- }
- enum BrushShapes {
- }
- # The top-left position of the canvas.
- var TL_node
- # A list to hold all of the dictionaries that make up each brush.
- var brush_data_list = []
- # A boolean to hold whether or not the mouse is inside the drawing area, the mouse position last _process call
- # and the position of the mouse when the left mouse button was pressed.
- var is_mouse_in_drawing_area = false
- var last_mouse_pos = Vector2()
- var mouse_click_start_pos = null
- # A boolean to tell whether we've set undo_elements_list_num, which holds the size of draw_elements_list
- # before a new stroke is added (unless the current brush mode is 'rectangle shape' or 'circle shape', in
- # which case we do things a litte differently. See the undo_stroke function for more details).
- var undo_set = false
- var undo_element_list_num = -1
- # The current brush settings: The mode, size, color, and shape we have currently selected.
- var brush_mode = BrushModes.PENCIL
- var brush_size = 32
- var brush_color = Color.black
- var brush_shape = BrushShapes.CIRCLE;
- # The color of the background. We need this for the eraser (see the how we handle the eraser
- # in the _draw function for more details).
- var bg_color = Color.white
- func _ready():
- # Get the top left position node. We need this to find out whether or not the mouse is inside the canvas.
- TL_node = get_node("TLPos")
- set_process(true)
- func _process(_delta):
- var mouse_pos = get_viewport().get_mouse_position()
- # Check if the mouse is currently inside the canvas/drawing-area.
- is_mouse_in_drawing_area = false
- if mouse_pos.x > TL_node.global_position.x:
- if mouse_pos.y > TL_node.global_position.y:
- is_mouse_in_drawing_area = true
- if Input.is_mouse_button_pressed(BUTTON_LEFT):
- # If we do not have a position for when the mouse was first clicked, then this must
- # be the first time is_mouse_button_pressed has been called since the mouse button was
- # released, so we need to store the position.
- if mouse_click_start_pos == null:
- mouse_click_start_pos = mouse_pos
- # If the mouse is inside the canvas and the mouse is 1px away from the position of the mouse last _process call.
- if check_if_mouse_is_inside_canvas():
- if mouse_pos.distance_to(last_mouse_pos) >= 1:
- # If we are in pencil or eraser mode, then we need to draw.
- if brush_mode == BrushModes.PENCIL or brush_mode == BrushModes.ERASER:
- # If undo has not been set, meaning we've started a new stroke, then store the size of the
- # draw_elements_list so we can undo from this point in time.
- if undo_set == false:
- undo_set = true
- undo_element_list_num = brush_data_list.size()
- # Add the brush object to draw_elements_array.
- add_brush(mouse_pos, brush_mode)
- else:
- # We've finished our stroke, so we can set a new undo (if a new storke is made).
- undo_set = false
- # If the mouse is inside the canvas.
- if check_if_mouse_is_inside_canvas():
- # If we're using either the circle shape mode, or the rectangle shape mode, then
- # add the brush object to draw_elements_array.
- if brush_mode == BrushModes.CIRCLE_SHAPE or brush_mode == BrushModes.RECTANGLE_SHAPE:
- add_brush(mouse_pos, brush_mode)
- # We handle undo's differently than either pencil or eraser mode, so we need to set undo
- # element_list_num to -2 so we can tell if we need to undo a shape. See undo_stroke for details.
- undo_element_list_num = UNDO_MODE_SHAPE
- # Since we've released the left mouse, we need to get a new mouse_click_start_pos next time
- #is_mouse_button_pressed is true.
- mouse_click_start_pos = null
- # Store mouse_pos as last_mouse_pos now that we're done with _process.
- last_mouse_pos = mouse_pos
- func check_if_mouse_is_inside_canvas():
- # Make sure we have a mouse click starting position.
- if mouse_click_start_pos != null:
- # Make sure the mouse click starting position is inside the canvas.
- # This is so if we start out click outside the canvas (say chosing a color from the color picker)
- # and then move our mouse back into the canvas, it won't start painting.
- if mouse_click_start_pos.x > TL_node.global_position.x:
- if mouse_click_start_pos.y > TL_node.global_position.y:
- # Make sure the current mouse position is inside the canvas.
- if is_mouse_in_drawing_area:
- return true
- return false
- func undo_stroke():
- # Only undo a stroke if we have one.
- if undo_element_list_num == UNDO_NONE:
- return
- # If we are undoing a shape, then we can just remove the latest brush.
- if undo_element_list_num == UNDO_MODE_SHAPE:
- if brush_data_list.size() > 0:
- brush_data_list.remove(brush_data_list.size() - 1)
- # Now that we've undone a shape, we cannot undo again until another stoke is added.
- undo_element_list_num = UNDO_NONE
- # NOTE: if we only had shape brushes, then we could remove the above line and could let the user
- # undo until we have a empty element list.
- # Otherwise we're removing a either a pencil stroke or a eraser stroke.
- else:
- # Figure out how many elements/brushes we've added in the last stroke.
- var elements_to_remove = brush_data_list.size() - undo_element_list_num
- # Remove all of the elements we've added this in the last stroke.
- #warning-ignore:unused_variable
- for elment_num in range(0, elements_to_remove):
- brush_data_list.pop_back()
- # Now that we've undone a stoke, we cannot undo again until another stoke is added.
- undo_element_list_num = UNDO_NONE
- # Redraw the brushes
- update()
- func add_brush(mouse_pos, type):
- # Make new brush dictionary that will hold all of the data we need for the brush.
- var new_brush = {}
- # Populate the dictionary with values based on the global brush variables.
- # We will override these as needed if the brush is a rectange or circle.
- new_brush.brush_type = type
- new_brush.brush_pos = mouse_pos
- new_brush.brush_shape = brush_shape
- new_brush.brush_size = brush_size
- new_brush.brush_color = brush_color
- # If the new bursh is a rectangle shape, we need to calculate the top left corner of the rectangle and the
- # bottom right corner of the rectangle.
- if type == BrushModes.RECTANGLE_SHAPE:
- var TL_pos = Vector2()
- var BR_pos = Vector2()
- # Figure out the left and right positions of the corners and assign them to the proper variable.
- if mouse_pos.x < mouse_click_start_pos.x:
- TL_pos.x = mouse_pos.x
- BR_pos.x = mouse_click_start_pos.x
- else:
- TL_pos.x = mouse_click_start_pos.x
- BR_pos.x = mouse_pos.x
- # Figure out the top and bottom positions of the corners and assign them to the proper variable.
- if mouse_pos.y < mouse_click_start_pos.y:
- TL_pos.y = mouse_pos.y
- BR_pos.y = mouse_click_start_pos.y
- else:
- TL_pos.y = mouse_click_start_pos.y
- BR_pos.y = mouse_pos.y
- # Assign the positions to the brush.
- new_brush.brush_pos = TL_pos
- new_brush.brush_shape_rect_pos_BR = BR_pos
- # If the brush isa circle shape, then we need to calculate the radius of the circle.
- if type == BrushModes.CIRCLE_SHAPE:
- # Get the center point inbetween the mouse position and the position of the mouse when we clicked.
- var center_pos = Vector2((mouse_pos.x + mouse_click_start_pos.x) / 2, (mouse_pos.y + mouse_click_start_pos.y) / 2)
- # Assign the brush position to the center point, and calculate the radius of the circle using the distance from
- # the center to the top/bottom positon of the mouse.
- new_brush.brush_pos = center_pos
- new_brush.brush_shape_circle_radius = center_pos.distance_to(Vector2(center_pos.x, mouse_pos.y))
- # Add the brush and update/draw all of the brushes.
- brush_data_list.append(new_brush)
- update()
- func _draw():
- # Go through all of the brushes in brush_data_list.
- for brush in brush_data_list:
- match brush.brush_type:
- BrushModes.PENCIL:
- # If the brush shape is a rectangle, then we need to make a Rect2 so we can use draw_rect.
- # Draw_rect draws a rectagle at the top left corner, using the scale for the size.
- # So we offset the position by half of the brush size so the rectangle's center is at mouse position.
- if brush.brush_shape == BrushShapes.RECTANGLE:
- var rect = Rect2(brush.brush_pos - Vector2(brush.brush_size / 2, brush.brush_size / 2), Vector2(brush.brush_size, brush.brush_size))
- draw_rect(rect, brush.brush_color)
- # If the brush shape is a circle, then we draw a circle at the mouse position,
- # making the radius half of brush size (so the circle is brush size pixels in diameter).
- elif brush.brush_shape == BrushShapes.CIRCLE:
- draw_circle(brush.brush_pos, brush.brush_size / 2, brush.brush_color)
- BrushModes.ERASER:
- # NOTE: this is a really cheap way of erasing that isn't really erasing!
- # However, this gives similar results in a fairy simple way!
- # Erasing works exactly the same was as pencil does for both the rectangle shape and the circle shape,
- # but instead of using brush.brush_color, we instead use bg_color instead.
- if brush.brush_shape == BrushShapes.RECTANGLE:
- var rect = Rect2(brush.brush_pos - Vector2(brush.brush_size / 2, brush.brush_size / 2), Vector2(brush.brush_size, brush.brush_size))
- draw_rect(rect, bg_color)
- elif brush.brush_shape == BrushShapes.CIRCLE:
- draw_circle(brush.brush_pos, brush.brush_size / 2, bg_color)
- # We make a Rect2 with the postion at the top left. To get the size we take the bottom right position
- # and subtract the top left corner's position.
- var rect = Rect2(brush.brush_pos, brush.brush_shape_rect_pos_BR - brush.brush_pos)
- draw_rect(rect, brush.brush_color)
- BrushModes.CIRCLE_SHAPE:
- # We simply draw a circle using stored in brush.
- draw_circle(brush.brush_pos, brush.brush_shape_circle_radius, brush.brush_color)
- func save_picture(path):
- # Wait until the frame has finished before getting the texture.
- yield(VisualServer, "frame_post_draw")
- # Get the viewport image.
- var img = get_viewport().get_texture().get_data()
- # Crop the image so we only have canvas area.
- var cropped_image = img.get_rect(Rect2(TL_node.global_position, IMAGE_SIZE))
- # Flip the image on the Y-axis (it's flipped upside down by default).
- cropped_image.flip_y()
- # Save the image with the passed in path we got from the save dialog.
- cropped_image.save_png(path)