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- bbcode_text = "This example shows how to apply the State programming pattern in GDscript, including Hierarchical States, and a pushdown automaton.
- States are common in games. You can use the pattern to:
- 1. Separate each behavior and transitions between behaviors, thus make scripts shorter and easier to manage
- 2. Respect the Single Responsibility Principle. Each State object represents [b]one[/b] action
- 3. Improve your code's structure. Look at the scene tree and FileSystem tab: without looking at the code, you'll know what the Player can or cannot do.
- You can read more about States in the excellent [url=http://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/state.html]Game Programming Patterns ebook[/url]."
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- text = "This example shows how to apply the State programming pattern in GDscript, including Hierarchical States, and a pushdown automaton.
- States are common in games. You can use the pattern to:
- 1. Separate each behavior and transitions between behaviors, thus make scripts shorter and easier to manage
- 2. Respect the Single Responsibility Principle. Each State object represents one action
- 3. Improve your code's structure. Look at the scene tree and FileSystem tab: without looking at the code, you'll know what the Player can or cannot do.
- You can read more about States in the excellent Game Programming Patterns ebook."
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