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- extends Node
- @export var mob_scene: PackedScene
- func _ready():
- $UserInterface/Retry.hide()
- func _unhandled_input(event):
- if event.is_action_pressed("ui_accept") and $UserInterface/Retry.visible:
- get_tree().reload_current_scene()
- func _on_mob_timer_timeout():
- # Create a new instance of the Mob scene.
- var mob = mob_scene.instantiate()
- # Choose a random location on the SpawnPath.
- var mob_spawn_location = get_node("SpawnPath/SpawnLocation")
- mob_spawn_location.progress_ratio = randf()
- # Communicate the spawn location and the player's location to the mob.
- var player_position = $Player.position
- mob.initialize(mob_spawn_location.position, player_position)
- # Spawn the mob by adding it to the Main scene.
- add_child(mob)
- # We connect the mob to the score label to update the score upon squashing a mob.
- mob.squashed.connect($UserInterface/ScoreLabel._on_Mob_squashed)
- func _on_player_hit():
- $MobTimer.stop()
- $UserInterface/Retry.show()