phpstan.neon 1.4 KB

  1. parameters:
  2. level: 4
  3. bootstrapFiles:
  4. - config/bootstrap.php
  5. paths:
  6. - src
  7. - tests
  8. - components
  9. - plugins
  10. excludePaths:
  11. - plugins/ActivityPub
  12. - plugins/Poll
  13. - components/FreeNetwork
  14. - tests/CodeCeption/_support/
  15. earlyTerminatingMethodCalls:
  16. App\Core\Log:
  17. - unexpected_exception
  18. ignoreErrors:
  19. -
  20. message: '/Access to an undefined property App\\Util\\Bitmap::\$\w+/'
  21. paths:
  22. - *
  23. -
  24. message: '/^Property App\\PHPStan\\ClassFromTableNameDynamicStaticMethodReturnTypeExtension::\$provider is never read, only written\./'
  25. path: src/PHPStan/ClassFromTableNameDynamicStaticMethodReturnTypeExtension.php
  26. -
  27. message: '/Parameter \$I of method [a-zA-Z]+::[a-zA-Z_]+\(\) has invalid type AcceptanceTester\./'
  28. paths:
  29. - *
  30. -
  31. message: '/Call to method [a-zA-Z]+\(\) on an unknown class AcceptanceTester\./'
  32. paths:
  33. - *
  34. # -
  35. # message: '/has no return typehint specified/'
  36. # paths:
  37. # - tests/*
  38. services:
  39. -
  40. class: App\PHPStan\ClassFromTableNameDynamicStaticMethodReturnTypeExtension
  41. tags:
  42. -
  43. -
  44. class: App\PHPStan\GNUsocialProvider