about.txt 2.7 KB

  1. = What is Freedoom?
  2. // See COPYING.adoc for license terms of this file.
  3. == A free FPS action game
  4. image::img/screenshots/tn_p2_1.jpg[alt="Freedoom Screenshot",link="screenshots.html",float="right"]
  5. In 1999 https://www.idsoftware.com/[id Software] released the source code to their
  6. classic game https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doom_(1993_video_game)[_Doom_]
  7. (under the https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html[GNU General
  8. Public License]). The game as a whole did not get this treatment, however, which
  9. means that while the _program code_ that powers _Doom_ is free, the actual
  10. _content_ of _Doom_ - graphics, audio, levels, setting and characters - remains
  11. proprietary. The Freedoom project aims to fill this gap and create a complete
  12. https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html[free and libre] first person shooter game.
  13. By itself, _Freedoom_ is just the content of a game and must be paired with a
  14. https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Category:Source_ports[_Doom_-compatible] game engine
  15. to be played: the link:download.html[download] page lists some
  16. recommended programs.
  17. _Freedoom_ is actually three entire games, with two single-player
  18. campaigns and one collection of multiplayer deathmatch arenas (_FreeDM_).
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  22. == A compatible free replacement
  23. youtube::Rc4zIP1S6-I[width=320,height=180,style="float:right;"]
  24. There is a massive decades-long
  25. https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Idgames_archive[back catalog] containing
  26. thousands of _Doom_ levels and other mods made by fans of the
  27. original game. _Freedoom_ aims to be compatible with these and allows
  28. most to be played without the need to use non-free software. The
  29. video to the right shows a _Doom_ mod running under _Freedoom_.
  30. Just as https://www.gnu.org/[the GNU project] was started to develop a
  31. free operating system to replace Unix, we aim to provide a free
  32. replacement for _Doom_. If you have artistic skills (visual, musical,
  33. or maybe you just like making levels!) then you can
  34. link:help.html[help us] achieve that aim by contributing to the
  35. project!
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  39. == A collection of reusable artwork
  40. image::img/flats-thumb.png[alt="Screenshot showing textures",float="right"]
  41. _Freedoom_ contains hundreds of original textures, sound effects and
  42. music tracks that can be reused royalty-free by _Doom_ level authors
  43. and other independent game developers.
  44. _Freedoom_ is liberally licensed under the
  45. https://github.com/freedoom/freedoom/blob/master/COPYING.adoc[BSD license]
  46. - all you need is to include that same copyright statement and credit
  47. the _Freedoom_ project.
  48. For some examples of projects that have used _Freedoom_'s assets, take a
  49. look at the link:using.html[projects] page.
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