123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148 |
- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, TypeFamilies, TemplateHaskell, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
- import Yesod.Core
- import Yesod.Form
- import Yesod.Form.Nic
- import Yesod.Form.MassInput
- import Control.Applicative
- import Data.Text (Text, pack)
- import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
- import Data.Time (utctDay, getCurrentTime)
- import qualified Data.Text as T
- import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
- import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.String (renderHtml)
- data Fruit = Apple | Banana | Pear
- deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq)
- fruits :: [(Text, Fruit)]
- fruits = map (\x -> (pack $ show x, x)) [minBound..maxBound]
- mkYesod "HelloForms" [parseRoutes|
- / RootR GET
- /mass MassR GET
- /valid ValidR GET
- /file FileR GET POST
- |]
- myForm = fixType $ runFormGet $ renderDivs $ pure (,,,,,,,,,,,,)
- <*> pure "pure works!"
- <*> areq boolField "Bool field" Nothing
- <*> aopt boolField "Opt bool field" Nothing
- <*> areq textField "Text field" Nothing
- <*> areq (selectFieldList fruits) "Select field" Nothing
- <*> aopt (selectFieldList fruits) "Opt select field" Nothing
- <*> areq (multiSelectFieldList fruits) "Multi select field" Nothing
- <*> aopt (multiSelectFieldList fruits) "Opt multi select field" Nothing
- <*> aopt intField "Opt int field" Nothing
- <*> aopt (radioFieldList fruits) "Opt radio" Nothing
- <*> aopt multiEmailField "Opt multi email" Nothing
- <*> areq nicHtmlField "NIC HTML" Nothing
- <*> aopt timeField "Opt Time" Nothing
- instance Show Html where
- show = renderHtml
- data HelloForms = HelloForms
- instance RenderMessage HelloForms FormMessage where
- renderMessage _ _ = defaultFormMessage
- instance Yesod HelloForms
- instance YesodNic HelloForms
- fixType :: Handler a -> Handler a
- fixType = id
- getRootR = do
- ((res, form), enctype) <- myForm
- defaultLayout [whamlet|
- <p>Result: #{show res}
- <form enctype=#{enctype}>
- ^{form}
- <div>
- <input type=submit>
- <p>
- <a href=@{MassR}>See the mass form
- <p>
- <a href=@{ValidR}>Validation form
- <p>
- <a href=@{FileR}>File form
- |]
- myMassForm = fixType $ runFormGet $ renderTable $ inputList "People" massTable
- (\x -> (,)
- <$> areq textField "Name" (fmap fst x)
- <*> areq intField "Age" (fmap snd x)) (Just [("Michael", 26)])
- getMassR = do
- ((res, form), enctype) <- myMassForm
- defaultLayout [whamlet|
- <p>Result: #{show res}
- <form enctype=#{enctype}>
- <table>
- ^{form}
- <div>
- <input type=submit>
- <p>
- <a href=@{RootR}>See the regular form
- |]
- myValidForm = fixType $ runFormGet $ renderTable $ pure (,,)
- <*> areq (check (\x ->
- if T.length x < 3
- then Left ("Need at least 3 letters" :: Text)
- else Right x
- ) textField)
- "Name" Nothing
- <*> areq (checkBool (>= 18) ("Must be 18 or older" :: Text) intField)
- "Age" Nothing
- <*> areq (checkM inPast dayField) "Anniversary" Nothing
- where
- inPast x = do
- now <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
- return $ if utctDay now < x
- then Left ("Need a date in the past" :: Text)
- else Right x
- getValidR = do
- ((res, form), enctype) <- myValidForm
- defaultLayout [whamlet|
- <p>Result: #{show res}
- <form enctype=#{enctype}>
- <table>
- ^{form}
- <div>
- <input type=submit>
- <p>
- <a href=@{RootR}>See the regular form
- |]
- main = toWaiApp HelloForms >>= run 3000
- fileForm = renderTable $ pure (,)
- <*> (FileInfo' <$> areq fileField "Required file" Nothing)
- <*> (fmap FileInfo' <$> aopt fileField "Optional file" Nothing)
- newtype FileInfo' = FileInfo' FileInfo
- instance Show FileInfo' where
- show (FileInfo' f) = show (fileName f, fileContentType f)
- getFileR = do
- ((res, form), enctype) <- runFormPost fileForm
- defaultLayout [whamlet|
- <p>Result: #{show res}
- <form method=post enctype=#{enctype}>
- <table>
- ^{form}
- <tr>
- <td>
- <input type=submit>
- <p>
- <a href=@{RootR}>See the regular form
- |]
- postFileR = getFileR