123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225 |
- ; Copyright (c) 1993-2007 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING.
- ; This produces the auto-generated part of the Windows installer
- ; source code.
- ; WINDOWS-FILE_NAME-SHORT-NAME implements the algorithm described on:
- ; http://support.microsoft.com/kb/142982/EN-US/
- ; (Except we use _ instead of ~.)
- ; We need this to generate an installer, among other things.
- ; The silliness of this crap makes Mike's head spin.
- ; ,open srfi-13 srfi-14
- (define *ms-dos-invalid-characters*
- (char-set-union char-set:whitespace
- ;; the spec also sez #\., which is ... silly
- (char-set #\" #\/ #\\ #\[ #\] #\: #\; #\= #\,)))
- ; OTHERS is a list of the file names generated previously
- ; This may return #f if everything is taken---Mike has no idea what
- ; Windows does in that case.
- (define (windows-file-name-short-name file-name others)
- (call-with-values
- (lambda ()
- ;; find the dot relevant for separating base from extension
- (let loop ((f (string-upcase
- (string-delete *ms-dos-invalid-characters* file-name))))
- (let ((last-dot-index (string-index-right f #\.)))
- (cond
- ((not last-dot-index) (values f ""))
- ((= (- (string-length f) 1)
- last-dot-index)
- (loop (substring f 0 (- (string-length f) 1))))
- (else
- (values (substring f 0 last-dot-index)
- (substring f (+ 1 last-dot-index) (string-length f))))))))
- (lambda (base extension)
- (let* ((extension (if (> (string-length extension) 3)
- (substring extension 0 3)
- extension))
- (attach-extension
- (if (string=? "" extension)
- values
- (lambda (base) (string-append base "." extension)))))
- ;; try the ~1, ~2, ... short versions
- (if (or (> (string-length base) 8)
- (string-index file-name char-set:whitespace))
- (let ((prefix (string-append (substring base 0
- (min 6 (string-length base)))
- "_")))
- (let loop ((digit 1))
- (if (> digit 9)
- #f
- (let ((attempt
- (attach-extension (string-append prefix
- (number->string digit)))))
- (if (not (member attempt others))
- attempt
- (loop (+ 1 digit)))))))
- (attach-extension base))))))
- (define *non-slashes* (char-set-complement (char-set #\/)))
- ; returns a pair of directory (itself a list) and base file name
- (define (split-file-name f)
- (let ((rev-components (reverse (string-tokenize f *non-slashes*))))
- (cons (reverse (cdr rev-components))
- (car rev-components))))
- (define (write-file-elements-include-file file-names uuids output-file-name)
- (call-with-output-file output-file-name
- (lambda (port)
- (display "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>" port)
- (newline port)
- (display "<Include>" port)
- (newline port)
- (write-file-elements file-names uuids port)
- (display "</Include>" port)
- (newline port))))
- ; organize the directories into a tree
- ; returns a tree = list of (union string (cons subdir tree))
- (define (tree-ize-directory-alist alist)
- (call-with-values
- (lambda ()
- (partition (lambda (pair) (null? (car pair))) alist))
- (lambda (file-pairs directory-pairs)
- (let* ((prefixes (delete-duplicates (map caar directory-pairs)))
- (subdirectories
- (map (lambda (prefix)
- (let* ((with-prefix-pairs
- (filter (lambda (pair)
- (string=? prefix (caar pair)))
- directory-pairs))
- (omit-prefix
- (map (lambda (pair)
- (cons (cdar pair) (cdr pair)))
- with-prefix-pairs)))
- (cons prefix (tree-ize-directory-alist omit-prefix))))
- prefixes)))
- (append subdirectories (concatenate (map cdr file-pairs)))))))
- ; write the WiX file elements for a given list of file names
- (define (write-file-elements file-names uuids port)
- (let* ((split-names (map split-file-name file-names))
- (directories (delete-duplicates (map car split-names)))
- (alist
- (map (lambda (directory)
- (cons directory
- (filter-map (lambda (split-name)
- (if (equal? directory (car split-name))
- (cdr split-name)
- #f))
- split-names)))
- directories))
- (tree (tree-ize-directory-alist alist)))
- (write-directory-tree '() tree (make-uuid-source uuids) port)))
- (define (make-uuid-source uuids)
- (lambda ()
- (let ((uuid (car uuids)))
- (set! uuids (cdr uuids))
- uuid)))
- (define (write-directory-tree directory alist uuid-source port)
- (if (not (null? directory))
- (begin
- (display "<Directory Id=\"" port)
- (display (directory-id directory) port)
- (display "\" Name=\"" port)
- (display (windows-file-name-short-name (car (reverse directory))
- '()) ; not completely kosher
- port)
- (display "\" LongName=\"" port)
- (display (car (reverse directory)) port)
- (display "\" >" port)
- (newline port)))
- (call-with-values
- (lambda () (partition string? alist))
- (lambda (file-names directory-entries)
- (if (not (null? file-names))
- (begin
- (display "<Component Id=\"" port)
- (display (component-id directory) port)
- (display "\" Guid=\"" port)
- (display (uuid-source) port)
- (display "\">" port)
- (newline port)
- (let ((used-file-names (list '()))) ; poor man's cell
- (for-each (lambda (file-name)
- (write-file-element port directory file-name used-file-names))
- file-names))
- (display "</Component>" port)
- (newline port)))
- (for-each (lambda (entry)
- (write-directory-tree (append directory (list (car entry)))
- (cdr entry)
- uuid-source
- port))
- directory-entries)))
- (if (not (null? directory))
- (begin
- (display "</Directory>" port)
- (newline port))))
- (define (quote-component comp)
- (list->string
- (map (lambda (ch)
- (if (char=? ch #\-)
- #\.
- ch))
- (string->list comp))))
- ; insert separators between the components
- (define (components->string directory separator)
- (let ((id #f))
- (for-each (lambda (component)
- (if id
- (set! id (string-append id separator component))
- (set! id component)))
- directory)
- id))
- (define (components->quoted-string dir sep)
- (components->string (map quote-component dir) sep))
- (define (directory-id directory)
- (components->quoted-string directory "_"))
- (define (file-id directory base)
- (components->quoted-string (append directory (list base)) "_"))
- (define (file-src directory base)
- (components->string (append directory (list base)) "/"))
- (define (component-id directory)
- (components->quoted-string (append directory (list "component")) "_"))
- (define (write-file-element port directory base-name used-file-names)
- (display "<File Id=\"" port)
- (display (file-id directory base-name) port)
- (display "\" Name=\"" port)
- (let ((short-name (windows-file-name-short-name base-name (car used-file-names))))
- (set-car! used-file-names (cons short-name (car used-file-names)))
- (display short-name port))
- (display "\" LongName=\"" port)
- (display base-name port)
- (display "\" src=\"" port)
- (display (file-src directory base-name) port)
- (display "\" DiskId=\"1\" Vital=\"yes\" />" port)
- (newline port))