1. ; Copyright (c) 1993-2004 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING.
  2. Please report bugs to, and include
  3. the version number in your message.
  4. Installation instructions in file INSTALL.
  5. A user's guide is in file doc/user-guide.txt.
  6. Recent changes are listed in file doc/news.txt.
  7. Known bugs and things to do in the future are listed in doc/todo.txt.
  8. Send mail to to be put on a
  9. mailing list for announcements, discussion, bug reports, and bug
  10. fixes.
  11. -----
  12. The Scheme 48 root directory is organized as follows (not all files are
  13. listed here):
  14. README this file
  15. INSTALL installation instructions
  16. COPYING copyright notice
  17. configure configuration script
  18. input to configure
  19. doc/ some documentation
  20. a Unix-style manual page
  21. manual in Postscript
  22. html/ manual in html (the root is html/index.html)
  23. src/ manual sources
  24. todo.txt list of improvements we hope to make someday
  25. news.txt list of improvements we have already made
  26. io.txt how the I/O system works
  27. scheme/ scheme source files
  28. packages.scm meta-module definitions
  29. interfaces.scm system interface definitions
  30. more-interfaces.scm system interface definitions
  31. *-packages.scm module definitions
  32. bcomp/ the byte-code compiler
  33. vm/ virtual machine sources (written in Pre-Scheme)
  34. rts/ run-time system sources
  35. link/ static linker
  36. env/ development environment modules (debugger, etc.)
  37. big/ useful Scheme libraries and extensions ("Big Scheme")
  38. alt/ portable implementations of some Scheme 48 features
  39. opt/ optional code optimizer for the byte-code compiler
  40. prescheme/ code for running the VM using Scheme 48
  41. debug/ debugging utilities, tests, etc.
  42. misc/ very miscellaneous things (e.g. AMB operator)
  43. posix/ interface to POSIX system calls
  44. srfi/ SRFI implementations
  45. sort/ sorting libraries
  46. ps-compiler/ Pre-Scheme -> C compiler
  47. c/ c source files
  48. input to configure
  49. scheme48vm.c most of the VM (generated by Pre-Scheme compiler)
  50. scheme48vm.h extern declarations for scheme48vm.c
  51. scheme48vm-prelude.h internal declarations for scheme48vm.c
  52. scheme48heap.c storage management (generated by Pre-Scheme compiler)
  53. scheme48heap.h extern declarations for scheme48heap.c
  54. scheme48read-image.c reading a heap from a file
  55. scheme48write-image.c writing a heap to a file
  56. scheme48image.h extern declarations for scheme48...-image.c
  57. scheme48write-barrier.h WRITE_BARRIER(...) macro
  58. main.c entry point for the VM
  59. prescheme.h part of the VM
  60. bignum.c large integers
  61. bignum.h declarations for large integers
  62. bignumint.h internal declarations for large integers
  63. external.c support for calling C and being called from C
  64. extension.c default definition of vm_extension()
  65. scheme48.h C declarations and macros for Scheme 48 data structures
  66. template for scheme48.h
  67. old-scheme48.h old version, included for compatibility
  68. c-mods.h minor additions to the C language
  69. event.h header file for OS interface
  70. io.h ditto
  71. fd-io.h ditto
  72. srfi-27.c C-side support for SRFI 27 (random bits)
  73. asm-glue.c support code for (upcoming) native code
  74. unix/ Unix-specific source files
  75. unix.h header file for unix/* files
  76. posix/ C half of interface to POSIX system calls
  77. fake/ C files for insufficiently POSIX-compliant systems
  78. build/ code for building the system
  79. filenames.make included by Makefile, generated automatically
  80. filenames.scm code for generating filenames.make
  81. initial.image an image file containing a minimal Scheme system
  82. initial.debug debugging database for same
  83. initial.scm script for creating initial.image
  84. build-usual-image script for creating scheme48.image
  85. load-linker.exec script for loading the external linker
  86. build-external-modules script for creating external-module initializer
  87. minor-version-number current version number
  88. emacs/ gnu emacs support