pspec.xml 3.5 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" ?>
  3. <PISI>
  4. <Source>
  5. <Name>onetbb</Name>
  6. <Homepage></Homepage>
  7. <Packager>
  8. <Name>Kamil Atlı</Name>
  9. <Email></Email>
  10. </Packager>
  11. <License>Apache</License>
  12. <IsA>library</IsA>
  13. <Icon>onetbb</Icon>
  14. <Summary>oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB)</Summary>
  15. <Description>oneTBB is a flexible C++ library that simplifies the work of adding parallelism to complex applications, even if you are not a threading expert. The library lets you easily write parallel programs that take full advantage of the multi-core performance. Such programs are portable, composable and have a future-proof scalability. oneTBB provides you with functions, interfaces, and classes to parallelize and scale the code. All you have to do is to use the templates.</Description>
  16. <Archive sha1sum="be220f9120bcd425e479a151438a20e678d9655f" type="targz"></Archive>
  17. <BuildDependencies>
  18. <Dependency>swig</Dependency>
  19. <Dependency>ninja</Dependency>
  20. <Dependency>cmake</Dependency>
  21. <!-- <Dependency>inetutils</Dependency> -->
  22. <Dependency>hwloc-devel</Dependency>
  23. <Dependency>python3-devel</Dependency>
  24. </BuildDependencies>
  25. <Patches>
  26. <!-- <Patch>patch</Patch> -->
  27. </Patches>
  28. </Source>
  29. <Package>
  30. <Name>onetbb</Name>
  31. <RuntimeDependencies>
  32. <Dependency>hwloc</Dependency>
  33. <Dependency>libgcc</Dependency>
  34. <!-- <Dependency>inetutils</Dependency> -->
  35. </RuntimeDependencies>
  36. <Files>
  37. <Path fileType="doc">/usr/share/doc</Path>
  38. <Path fileType="library">/usr/lib/libtbbbind*</Path>
  39. <Path fileType="library">/usr/lib/*</Path>
  40. <Path fileType="library">/usr/lib/libtbbmalloc*</Path>
  41. <Path fileType="library">/usr/lib/*</Path>
  42. <Path fileType="library">/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages</Path>
  43. </Files>
  44. <Replaces>
  45. <Package>intel-tbb</Package>
  46. </Replaces>
  47. <Conflicts>
  48. <Package>intel-tbb</Package>
  49. </Conflicts>
  50. </Package>
  51. <Package>
  52. <Name>onetbb-devel</Name>
  53. <Summary>Development files for onetbb</Summary>
  54. <RuntimeDependencies>
  55. <Dependency release="current">onetbb</Dependency>
  56. </RuntimeDependencies>
  57. <Files>
  58. <Path fileType="header">/usr/include</Path>
  59. <Path fileType="library">/usr/lib/pkgconfig</Path>
  60. <Path fileType="library">/usr/lib/cmake/TBB</Path>
  61. </Files>
  62. <Replaces>
  63. <Package>intel-tbb-devel</Package>
  64. </Replaces>
  65. <Conflicts>
  66. <Package>intel-tbb-devel</Package>
  67. </Conflicts>
  68. </Package>
  69. <History>
  70. <Update release="2">
  71. <Date>2024-11-14</Date>
  72. <Version>2022.0.0</Version>
  73. <Comment>Version bump.</Comment>
  74. <Name>Pisi Linux Community</Name>
  75. <Email></Email>
  76. </Update>
  77. <Update release="1">
  78. <Date>2023-10-22</Date>
  79. <Version>2021.10.0</Version>
  80. <Comment>First release</Comment>
  81. <Name>Kamil Atlı</Name>
  82. <Email></Email>
  83. </Update>
  84. </History>
  85. </PISI>