pspec.xml 3.4 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" ?>
  3. <PISI>
  4. <Source>
  5. <Name>musicbrainz5</Name>
  6. <Homepage></Homepage>
  7. <Packager>
  8. <Name>PisiLinux Community</Name>
  9. <Email></Email>
  10. </Packager>
  11. <License>LGPLv2.1</License>
  12. <IsA>library</IsA>
  13. <Summary>Client library to access metadata of mp3/vorbis/CD media</Summary>
  14. <Description>MusicBrainz is a project that aims to create an open content music encyclopedia. It is an online database of information about recorded music. MusicBrainz client library captures information about artists, the album title, track titles,the length of each track and many more.</Description>
  15. <Archive sha1sum="1576b474c777bb9c4ff906853ef1d3bb14915f50" type="targz"></Archive>
  16. <BuildDependencies>
  17. <Dependency>neon-devel</Dependency>
  18. <Dependency>libxml2-devel</Dependency>
  19. <Dependency>cmake</Dependency>
  20. </BuildDependencies>
  21. <!--Patches>
  22. <Patch level="1">libmusicbrainz-5.0.1-build_system-1.patch</Patch>
  23. </Patches-->
  24. </Source>
  25. <Package>
  26. <Name>musicbrainz5</Name>
  27. <RuntimeDependencies>
  28. <Dependency>libgcc</Dependency>
  29. <Dependency>libxml2</Dependency>
  30. <Dependency>neon</Dependency>
  31. </RuntimeDependencies>
  32. <Files>
  33. <Path fileType="library">/usr/lib</Path>
  34. <Path fileType="doc">/usr/share/doc</Path>
  35. </Files>
  36. </Package>
  37. <Package>
  38. <Name>musicbrainz5-devel</Name>
  39. <Summary>Development files for musicbrainz5</Summary>
  40. <RuntimeDependencies>
  41. <Dependency release="current">musicbrainz5</Dependency>
  42. <Dependency>neon-devel</Dependency>
  43. <Dependency>libxml2-devel</Dependency>
  44. </RuntimeDependencies>
  45. <Files>
  46. <Path fileType="header">/usr/include</Path>
  47. <Path fileType="data">/usr/lib/pkgconfig</Path>
  48. </Files>
  49. </Package>
  50. <History>
  51. <Update release="5">
  52. <Date>2020-03-07</Date>
  53. <Version>5.1.0</Version>
  54. <Comment>Rebuild New T.</Comment>
  55. <Name>Mustafa Cinasal</Name>
  56. <Email></Email>
  57. </Update>
  58. <Update release="4">
  59. <Date>2018-09-01</Date>
  60. <Version>5.1.0</Version>
  61. <Comment>Rebuild New T.</Comment>
  62. <Name>Mustafa Cinasal</Name>
  63. <Email></Email>
  64. </Update>
  65. <Update release="3">
  66. <Date>2017-04-09</Date>
  67. <Version>5.1.0</Version>
  68. <Comment>Release Bump</Comment>
  69. <Name>Kamil Atlı</Name>
  70. <Email></Email>
  71. </Update>
  72. <Update release="2">
  73. <Date>2016-06-09</Date>
  74. <Version>5.1.0</Version>
  75. <Comment>Release Bump</Comment>
  76. <Name>Pisi Linux Community</Name>
  77. <Email></Email>
  78. </Update>
  79. <Update release="1">
  80. <Date>2015-08-20</Date>
  81. <Version>5.1.0</Version>
  82. <Comment>First release</Comment>
  83. <Name>Ertuğrul Erata</Name>
  84. <Email></Email>
  85. </Update>
  86. </History>
  87. </PISI>