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- SDDM 0.16.0 fails to start with consolekit2 because it assumes consolekit2
- has the same interface names as logind.
- This patch forces sddm to use legacy behaviour when consolekit2 is detected.
- Bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/633920
- Bug: https://github.com/sddm/sddm/issues/903
- Bug: https://github.com/ConsoleKit2/ConsoleKit2/issues/99
- --- a/src/daemon/LogindDBusTypes.cpp
- +++ b/src/daemon/LogindDBusTypes.cpp
- @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
- if (QDBusConnection::systemBus().interface()->isServiceRegistered(QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit"))) {
- qDebug() << "Console kit interface found";
- - available = true;
- + available = false;
- serviceName = QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit");
- managerPath = QStringLiteral("/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager");
- managerIfaceName = QStringLiteral("/org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager"); //note this doesn't match logind