pspec.xml 3.4 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" ?>
  3. <PISI>
  4. <Source>
  5. <Name>lsof</Name>
  6. <Homepage></Homepage>
  7. <Packager>
  8. <Name>PisiLinux Community</Name>
  9. <Email></Email>
  10. </Packager>
  11. <License>GPLv2</License>
  12. <IsA>app:console</IsA>
  13. <Summary>Lists open files for running Unix processes</Summary>
  14. <Description>lsof is a Unix-specific diagnostic tool. Its name stands for LiSt Open Files, and it does just that. It lists information about any files that are open by processes currently running on the system. It can also list communications open by each process.</Description>
  15. <Archive sha1sum="930a976a929a9adad218574631ea9ad5bc8e385e" type="targz"></Archive>
  16. <BuildDependencies>
  17. <Dependency>libtirpc-devel</Dependency>
  18. </BuildDependencies>
  19. <!-- This got in
  20. <Patches>
  21. <Patch level="1">lsof_4.81-threads.patch</Patch>
  22. </Patches>
  23. -->
  24. </Source>
  25. <Package>
  26. <Name>lsof</Name>
  27. <RuntimeDependencies>
  28. <Dependency>libtirpc</Dependency>
  29. </RuntimeDependencies>
  30. <Files>
  31. <Path fileType="executable">/usr/sbin</Path>
  32. <Path fileType="doc">/usr/share/doc</Path>
  33. <Path fileType="data">/usr/share/lsof</Path>
  34. <Path fileType="man">/usr/share/man</Path>
  35. </Files>
  36. </Package>
  37. <History>
  38. <Update release="7">
  39. <Date>2023-01-27</Date>
  40. <Version>4.98.0</Version>
  41. <Comment>Version bump.</Comment>
  42. <Name>Mustafa Cinasal</Name>
  43. <Email></Email>
  44. </Update>
  45. <Update release="6">
  46. <Date>2022-09-20</Date>
  47. <Version>4.96.3</Version>
  48. <Comment>Version bump.</Comment>
  49. <Name>Mustafa Cinasal</Name>
  50. <Email></Email>
  51. </Update>
  52. <Update release="5">
  53. <Date>2020-01-14</Date>
  54. <Version>4.91</Version>
  55. <Comment>Version bump.</Comment>
  56. <Name>Pisi Linux Community</Name>
  57. <Email></Email>
  58. </Update>
  59. <Update release="4">
  60. <Date>2018-07-25</Date>
  61. <Version>4.84</Version>
  62. <Comment>Rebuild with new toolchain</Comment>
  63. <Name>Pisi Linux Community</Name>
  64. <Email></Email>
  65. </Update>
  66. <Update release="3">
  67. <Date>2017-04-29</Date>
  68. <Version>4.84</Version>
  69. <Comment>Rebuild with new toolchain</Comment>
  70. <Name>Pisi Linux Community</Name>
  71. <Email></Email>
  72. </Update>
  73. <Update release="2">
  74. <Date>2016-06-08</Date>
  75. <Version>4.84</Version>
  76. <Comment>Release Bump</Comment>
  77. <Name>Pisi Linux Community</Name>
  78. <Email></Email>
  79. </Update>
  80. <Update release="1">
  81. <Date>2014-03-09</Date>
  82. <Version>4.84</Version>
  83. <Comment>First release</Comment>
  84. <Name>Kamil Atlı</Name>
  85. <Email></Email>
  86. </Update>
  87. </History>
  88. </PISI>