942 B

  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  3. #
  4. # Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3.
  5. # See the file
  6. from pisi.actionsapi import autotools, pisitools, get, shelltools
  7. j = ''.join([
  8. ' --enable-locking',
  9. ' --with-pam',
  10. ' --with-shadow',
  11. ' --with-elogind',
  12. ' --with-dpms-ext',
  13. ' --with-xshm-ext',
  14. ' --with-xdbe-ext',
  15. ' --with-gl',
  16. ' --with-xft',
  17. ' --with-jpeg',
  18. ' --with-login-manager ',
  19. ' --enable-pam-check-account-type',
  20. ' --without-systemd '
  21. ])
  22. def setup():
  23. pisitools.dosed("driver/", "UPDATE_ICON_CACHE", deleteLine = True)
  24. # shelltools.system("sed -i 's/-lsystemd/-lelogind/' driver/")
  25. autotools.configure(j)
  26. def build():
  27. autotools.make()
  28. def install():
  29. autotools.rawInstall("install_prefix=%s" % get.installDIR())
  30. pisitools.insinto("/etc/pam.d", "driver/xscreensaver.pam", "xscreensaver")