1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738 |
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #
- # Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3.
- # See the file http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
- from pisi.actionsapi import shelltools
- from pisi.actionsapi import pisitools
- from pisi.actionsapi import autotools
- from pisi.actionsapi import libtools
- WorkDir = "MediaInfo"
- def setup():
- for it in ["Project/GNU/CLI", "../GUI"]:
- configure_args = " --with-wxwidgets --with-wx-gui" if it.endswith('GUI') else ""
- shelltools.cd(it)
- libtools.libtoolize("--automake")
- autotools.aclocal()
- autotools.automake("-afc")
- autotools.autoconf()
- autotools.configure("--disable-static%s" % configure_args)
- def build():
- for it in ["Project/GNU/CLI", "../GUI"]:
- shelltools.cd(it)
- autotools.make("-j1")
- def install():
- pisitools.dodoc("*.txt")
- pisitools.dohtml("*.html")
- pisitools.insinto("/usr/share/pixmaps", "Source/Resource/Image/MediaInfo.png", "mediainfo.png")
- pisitools.insinto("/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/", "Source/Resource/Image/MediaInfo.png", "mediainfo.png")
- for it in ["Project/GNU/CLI", "../GUI"]:
- shelltools.cd(it)
- autotools.install()
- if it.endswith('GUI'): pisitools.insinto("/usr/share/applications", "mediainfo-gui.kde4.desktop")