nchebpoly.scm 9.4 KB

  1. #| -*-Scheme-*-
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  19. |#
  20. ;;;; Chebyshev polynomial routines
  21. (declare (usual-integrations))
  22. ;;; Must be loaded into an environment where polynomial manipulations exist.
  23. ;;; Edited by GJS 10Jan09
  24. ;;; 1/24/90 (gjs) converted to flush dependencies on dense list representation.
  25. ;;; 9/22/89 (gjs) reduce->a-reduce
  26. ;;; 12/23/87 (mh) modified CHEB-ECON to return original poly if not trimmed
  27. (define (add-lists l1 l2)
  28. (cond ((null? l1) l2)
  29. ((null? l2) l1)
  30. (else
  31. (cons (+ (car l1) (car l2))
  32. (add-lists (cdr l1) (cdr l2))))))
  33. (define (scale-list s l)
  34. (map (lambda (x) (* s x)) l))
  35. ;;; We define the stream of Chebyshev polynomials,
  36. ;;; using the recurrence relation
  37. ;;; T[0] = 1, T[1] = x, T[n] = 2xT[n-1] - T[n-2]
  38. (define chebyshev-polynomials
  39. (let ((x poly:identity)
  40. (2x (poly:scale poly:identity 2)))
  41. (cons-stream 1
  42. (cons-stream x
  43. (map-streams (lambda (p1 p2)
  44. (poly:- (poly:* 2x p1) p2))
  45. (tail chebyshev-polynomials)
  46. chebyshev-polynomials)))))
  47. ;;; The following procedure returns the Nth Chebyshev polynomial
  48. (define (chebyshev-polynomial n)
  49. (stream-ref chebyshev-polynomials n))
  50. ;;; In the following, we define a CHEB-EXP to be an expansion in
  51. ;;; Chebyshev polynomials. The expansion is
  52. ;;; written as a list of coefficients (a0 a1 ... aN), and represents
  53. ;;; the formal series a0*T[0](x) + ... + aN*T[N](x).
  54. ;;; The stream of scaled Chebyshev expansions corresponding
  55. ;;; to the sequence 1, x, 2x^2, 4x^3, ..., 2^(n-1)x^n ... Note that the
  56. ;;; general form doesn't cover the first term. What is generally wanted
  57. ;;; is the expansion corresponding to x^n; the power of 2 is thrown in
  58. ;;; so that the resulting expansion is exact in integer arithmetic.
  59. (define (2x cheb-exp)
  60. (let ((t1 (cdr cheb-exp))
  61. (t2 (append (list 0) cheb-exp))
  62. (t3 (list 0 (car cheb-exp))))
  63. (add-lists t1 (add-lists t2 t3))))
  64. (define scaled-chebyshev-expansions
  65. (cons-stream '(1)
  66. (cons-stream '(0 1)
  67. (map-stream 2x
  68. (tail scaled-chebyshev-expansions)))))
  69. ;;; For convenience, we also provide the non-scaled Chebyshev expansions
  70. (define chebyshev-expansions
  71. (letrec (;; s = {1 1 2 4 8 16 ...}
  72. (s (cons-stream 1
  73. (cons-stream 1
  74. (map-stream (lambda (x) (+ x x)) (tail s)))))
  75. (c scaled-chebyshev-expansions))
  76. (map-streams (lambda (factor expansion)
  77. (scale-list (/ 1 factor) expansion))
  78. s
  79. c)))
  80. ;;; Convert from polynomial form to Chebyshev expansion
  81. (define (poly->cheb-exp poly)
  82. (let* ((maxcoeff (apply max (map abs (poly/coefficients poly))))
  83. (zero-tolerance (* 10 maxcoeff *machine-epsilon*))
  84. (=0?
  85. (lambda (p)
  86. (and (number? p)
  87. (< (abs p) zero-tolerance)))))
  88. (let lp ((p poly) (c chebyshev-expansions) (s '(0)))
  89. (if (=0? p) ;(equal? p poly:zero) NO!
  90. s
  91. (let ((v (poly:value p 0)))
  92. (poly:divide (poly:- p v) poly:identity
  93. (lambda (q r)
  94. (if (not (equal? r poly:zero))
  95. (error "POLY->CHEB-EXP"))
  96. (lp q
  97. (tail c)
  98. (add-lists (scale-list v (head c)) s)))))))))
  99. ;;; Convert from Chebyshev expansion to polynomial form
  100. (define (cheb-exp->poly e)
  101. (let ((n (length e)))
  102. (let ((cheb (stream-head chebyshev-polynomials n)))
  103. (a-reduce poly:+ (map poly:scale cheb e)))))
  104. ;;; Given a Cheb-expansion and an error criterion EPS, trim the tail of
  105. ;;; those coefficients whose absolute sum is <= EPS.
  106. (define (trim-cheb-exp cheb eps)
  107. (let ((r (reverse cheb)))
  108. (let loop ((sum (abs (car r))) (r r))
  109. (if (fix:= (length r) 1)
  110. (if (<= sum eps) '(0) r)
  111. (if (> sum eps)
  112. (reverse r)
  113. (loop (+ sum (abs (cadr r))) (cdr r)))))))
  114. ;;; The next procedure performs Chebyshev economization on a polynomial p
  115. ;;; over a specified interval [a,b]: the returned polynomial is guaranteed
  116. ;;; to differ from the original by no more than eps over [a, b].
  117. (define (cheb-econ p a b eps)
  118. (let ((q (poly-domain->canonical p a b)))
  119. (let ((r (poly->cheb-exp q)))
  120. (let ((s (trim-cheb-exp r eps)))
  121. (if (fix:= (length s) (length r)) ;nothing got trimmed
  122. p
  123. (let ((t (cheb-exp->poly s)))
  124. (poly-domain->general t a b)))))))
  125. ;;; Return the root-list of the Nth Chebyshev polynomial
  126. (define (cheb-root-list n)
  127. (define (root i)
  128. (if (and (odd? n)
  129. (fix:= (fix:* 2 i) (fix:- n 1)))
  130. 0
  131. (- (cos (/ (* (+ i 1/2) pi) n)))))
  132. (let loop ((i 0))
  133. (if (fix:= i n)
  134. '()
  135. (cons (root i)
  136. (loop (fix:+ i 1))))))
  137. ;;; This procedure accepts an integer n > 0 and a real x, and returns
  138. ;;; a list of the values T[0](x) ... T[n-1](x). If an optional third
  139. ;;; argument is given as the symbol 'HALF, then the first value in the
  140. ;;; list will have the value 0.5; otherwise it has the value 1.
  141. (define (first-n-cheb-values n x . optionals)
  142. (let ((first (if (and (not (null? optionals))
  143. (eq? (car optionals) 'HALF))
  144. 1/2
  145. 1)))
  146. (cond ((fix:< n 1) '())
  147. ((fix:= n 1) (list first))
  148. ((fix:= n 2) (list first x))
  149. (else (let loop ((ans (list x first)) (a 1) (b x) (count 2))
  150. (if (fix:= count n)
  151. (reverse ans)
  152. (let ((next (- (* 2 x b) a)))
  153. (loop (cons next ans) b next (fix:+ count 1)))))))))
  154. ;;; The following procedure evaluates a cheb-expansion directly, in a
  155. ;;; manner analogous to Horner's method for evaluating polynomials --
  156. ;;; actually, it isn't as analogous as it should be, and should
  157. ;;; probably be replaced by Clenshaw's method which truly is like
  158. ;;; Horner's.
  159. (define (cheb-exp-value cheb x)
  160. (let ((n (length cheb)))
  161. (let ((vals (first-n-cheb-values n x)))
  162. (a-reduce + (map * cheb vals)))))
  163. ;;; This procedure generates a Chebyshev expansion to a given order N,
  164. ;;; for a function f specified on an interval [a,b]. The interval is
  165. ;;; mapped onto [-1,1] and the function approximated is g, defined on
  166. ;;; [-1,1] to behave the same as f on [a,b].
  167. ;;; Note: the returned list of coefficients is N long, and is associated
  168. ;;; with Chebyshev polynomials from T[0] to T[N-1].
  169. (define (generate-cheb-exp f a b n)
  170. (if (<= b a)
  171. (error "Bad interval in GENERATE-CHEB-EXP"))
  172. (let ((interval-map ;map [-1,1] onto [a,b]
  173. (let ((c (/ (+ a b) 2))
  174. (d (/ (- b a) 2)))
  175. (lambda (x) (+ c (* d x))))))
  176. (let ((roots (cheb-root-list n))
  177. (polys (stream-head chebyshev-polynomials n)))
  178. (let ((vals (map f (map interval-map roots))))
  179. (let loop ((coeffs '()) (i 0))
  180. (if (fix:= i n)
  181. (reverse coeffs)
  182. (let ((chebf (lambda (x)
  183. (poly:value (list-ref polys i) x))))
  184. (let ((chebvals (map chebf roots)))
  185. (let ((sum (a-reduce + (map * vals chebvals))))
  186. (let ((term (if (zero? i) (/ sum n) (/ (* 2 sum) n))))
  187. (loop (cons term coeffs) (fix:+ i 1))))))))))))
  188. ;;; This procedure accepts a function f, an interval [a,b], a number
  189. ;;; N of points at which to base a Chebyshev interpolation, and an
  190. ;;; optional precision EPS. The method is to map f onto the canonical
  191. ;;; interval [-1,1], generate the Chebyshev expansion based on the
  192. ;;; first N Chebyshev polynomials interpolating at the roots of the
  193. ;;; N+1st Chebyshev polynomial T[N]. If EPS has been specified, an
  194. ;;; economization is performed at this point; otherwise not. Finally,
  195. ;;; the Chebyshev expansion is reconverted to a polynomial and mapped
  196. ;;; back onto the original interval [a,b].
  197. (define (generate-approx-poly f a b n . optionals)
  198. (let ((eps (if (null? optionals) false (car optionals))))
  199. (let ((p (generate-cheb-exp f a b n)))
  200. (let ((pp (if eps (trim-cheb-exp p eps) p)))
  201. (poly-domain->general (cheb-exp->poly pp) a b)))))
  202. #|
  203. (define win (frame 0 pi/2 0 1))
  204. (define s
  205. (let ((p (generate-approx-poly sin 0 pi/2 3)))
  206. (lambda (x) (poly:value p x))))
  207. (plot-function win sin 0 pi/2 .01)
  208. (plot-function win s 0 pi/2 .01)
  209. (graphics-close win)
  210. (define win (frame 0 pi/2 -0.1 +0.1))
  211. (plot-function win (- s sin) 0 pi/2 .01)
  212. (graphics-close win)
  213. (define win (frame 0 pi/2 -0.002 +0.002))
  214. (define s1
  215. (let ((p (generate-approx-poly sin 0 pi/2 5)))
  216. (lambda (x) (poly:value p x))))
  217. (plot-function win (- s1 sin) 0 pi/2 .01)
  218. (define s2
  219. (let ((p (generate-approx-poly sin 0 pi/2 5 .01)))
  220. (lambda (x) (poly:value p x))))
  221. (plot-function win (- s2 sin) 0 pi/2 .01)
  222. (graphics-close win)
  223. |#