123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111 |
- ;;; Copyright © 2016 Federico Beffa
- ;;;
- ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
- ;;; your option) any later version.
- ;;;
- ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;;;
- ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ;;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- ;;; Code
- (library (scmutils generic)
- (export
- Sigma
- ;;;./scmutils/kernel/genenv.scm ; OK
- type type-predicate arity inexact? zero-like
- one-like identity-like zero? one? identity? negate invert
- square cube sqrt exp log exp2 exp10 log2 log10 sin cos tan
- cot sec csc asin acos sinh cosh tanh sech csch asinh acosh
- atanh abs determinant trace transpose dimension solve-linear
- derivative = < <= > >= + - * / dot-product cross-product
- outer-product expt gcd make-rectangular make-polar real-part
- imag-part magnitude angle conjugate atan partial-derivative
- partial apply arg-scale arg-shift sigma ref size compose
- ;;;./scmutils/poly/interp-generic ; OK
- Lagrange-interpolation-function
- ;;;./scmutils/poly/lagrange ; OK
- lagrange
- triangle-iterate
- make-linear-interpolator
- vector->vector-constructor
- ;;;./scmutils/units/hms-dms-radians
- degrees->radians radians->degrees xms->x x->xms dms->d d->dms dms->radians
- radians->dms hours->radians radians->hours hms->h h->hms
- hms->radians radians->hms
- ;;;./scmutils/units/convert.scm
- unit-convert
- ;;;./scmutils/mechanics/universal.scm ; OK
- D I D-as-matrix Taylor-series-coefficients
- )
- (import (except (rnrs base) error assert
- inexact? zero? sqrt exp log sin cos tan
- asin acos abs = < <= > >= + - * / expt gcd make-rectangular
- make-polar real-part imag-part magnitude angle
- atan apply)
- (rename (only (rnrs base) string<?) (string<? string:<?))
- (rnrs eval)
- (rnrs mutable-pairs)
- (rnrs io simple)
- (rnrs io ports)
- (rnrs r5rs)
- (rnrs conditions)
- (rnrs control)
- (rnrs syntax-case)
- (rename (except (rnrs lists) filter) (remq delq) (remv delv))
- (except (mit core) assert) ; assert is defined in general/logic-utils.scm
- (except (mit arithmetic) conjugate)
- (mit list)
- (mit curry)
- (except (mit arity) procedure-arity) ; use version in apply-hook
- (mit apply-hook)
- (mit hash-tables)
- (mit environment)
- (mit streams)
- (only (srfi :1) reduce reduce-right delete any every lset-adjoin
- make-list append-map)
- (srfi :9)
- (srfi :14) ; char-set
- (rename (srfi :41) (stream-cons cons-stream)
- (stream-fold stream-accumulate))
- (only (chezscheme) include import compile module eval-when
- last-pair environment? scheme-environment
- copy-environment interaction-environment
- make-parameter parameterize
- iota reverse! list-head random
- waiter-write console-output-port with-output-to-string
- void vector-copy)
- (scmutils base))
- (include "./scmutils/kernel/fbe2-genenv.scm")
- (include "./scmutils/poly/interp-generic.scm")
- (include "./scmutils/poly/lagrange.scm")
- (include "./scmutils/units/hms-dms-radians.scm")
- (include "./scmutils/units/convert.scm")
- ;;; **************************************
- (include "./scmutils/mechanics/universal.scm")
- (define (Sigma a b proc)
- (g:sigma proc a b))
- )