123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435 |
- # List of test cases for which we create screenshots and other documents.
- # Each value in the top level dictionary is either a string or a dict
- # which may contain the following keys:
- # - tex: the KaTeX input string
- # - pre: some HTML to insert before the KaTeX content
- # - post: some HTML to insert after the KaTeX content
- # - display: set this to 1 in order to use display style
- # - styles: an optional value for the HTML style="" attribute
- # of the <span> element that contains the KaTeX output
- #
- # Note that YAML will treat a value starting in { as a flow mapping.
- # To avoid that, either enclose the value in '…' or use a block scalar style,
- # writing | (or >) as the first symbol of the value and then continuing
- # on the next line. See http://www.yaml.org/ for syntax details.
- Accents: \vec{A}\vec{x}\vec x^2\vec{x}_2^2\vec{A}^2\vec{xA}^2
- AccentsText: |
- \begin{array}{l}
- \text{\'\i} & \text{\.\i} & \text{\`\i} & \text{\"\i} & \text{\H\i} & \text{\r\i} \\
- \text{\'\j} & \text{\.\j} & \text{\`\j} & \text{\"\j} & \text{\H\j} & \text{\r\j} \\
- \text{\'a} & \text{\.a} & \text{\`a} & \text{\"a} & \text{\H{a}} & \text{\r{a}} \\
- \text{\'A} & \text{\.A} & \text{\`A} & \text{\"A} & \text{\H{A}} & \text{\r{A}} \\
- \text{\.I İ} & \text{\H e e̋} & \text{\i ı}
- \end{array}
- Aligned: |
- \begin{aligned}
- a &= 1 & b &= 2 \\
- 3a &= 3 & 17b &= 34
- \end{aligned}
- Alignedat: |
- \begin{alignedat}{3}
- a &= 1 & b &= 2 &\quad c &= 3\\
- 3a &= 3 & 17b &= 34 &\quad 400c &= 1200
- \end{alignedat}
- Arrays: |
- \left(\begin{array}{|rl:c||}
- 1&2&3\\ \hline
- 1+1&2+1&3+1\cr1\over2&\scriptstyle 1/2&\frac12\\[1ex] \hline \hdashline
- \begin{pmatrix}x\\y\end{pmatrix}&0&\begin{vmatrix}a&b\\c&d\end{vmatrix}
- \end{array}\right]
- ArrayMode:
- tex: |
- \begin{matrix}
- \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x_1^2} & \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x_1\,\partial x_2} & \cdots & \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x_1\,\partial x_n} \\
- \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x_2\,\partial x_1} & \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x_2^2} & \cdots & \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x_2\,\partial x_n} \\
- \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
- \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x_n\,\partial x_1} & \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x_n\,\partial x_2} & \cdots & \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x_n^2}
- \end{matrix}
- display: 1
- ArrayType: 1\begin{array}{c}2\\3\end{array}4
- ArrayRemoveEmptyLine: |
- \begin{pmatrix}
- 1 \\
- 2 \\
- \end{pmatrix}
- Baseline: a+b-c\cdot d/e
- BasicTest: a
- BinCancellation: |
- \begin{array}{cccc}
- +1 & 1+ & 1+1 & (,) \\
- 1++1 & 3\times) & 1+, & \left(,\right)
- \end{array}
- BinomTest: \dbinom{a}{b}\tbinom{a}{b}^{\binom{a}{b}+17}
- BoldSpacing: \mathbf{A}^2+\mathbf{B}_3*\mathscr{C}'
- BoldSymbol: |
- \sum_{\boldsymbol{\alpha}}^{\boldsymbol{\beta}} \boldsymbol{\omega}+ \int_{\boldsymbol{\alpha}}^{\boldsymbol{\beta}} \boldsymbol{\Omega}+\boldsymbol{Ax2k\omega\Omega\imath+} \\
- x \boldsymbol{+} y \boldsymbol{=} z
- Boxed: \boxed{F=ma} \quad \boxed{ac}\color{magenta}{\boxed{F}}\boxed{F=mg}
- Cases: |
- f(a,b)=\begin{cases}
- a+1&\text{if }b\text{ is odd} \\
- a&\text{if }b=0 \\
- a-1&\text{otherwise}
- \end{cases}
- Colors:
- tex: \blue{a}\textcolor{#0f0}{b}\textcolor{red}{c}
- nolatex: different syntax and different scope
- ColorImplicit: bl{ack\color{red}red\textcolor{green}{green}red\color{blue}blue}black
- ColorSpacing: \textcolor{red}{\displaystyle \int x} + 1
- Colorbox: a \colorbox{teal} B \fcolorbox{blue}{red}{C} e+\colorbox{teal}x
- DashesAndQuotes: |
- \begin{array}{l}
- \text{``a'' b---c -- d----`e'-{-}-f} -- \\
- \text{\it ``a'' b---c -- d----`e'-{-}-f} ``x'' \\
- \text{\tt ``a''---} \texttt{``a''---} \mathtt{--} \\
- \end{array}
- DeepFontSizing:
- tex: |
- a^{\big| x^{\big(}}_{\Big\uparrow} +
- i^{i^{\Huge x}_y}_{\Huge z} +
- \dfrac{\Huge x}{y}
- nolatex: \Huge inside \dfrac doesn't work, needs an extra {…}
- DelimiterSizing: |
- \bigl\uparrow\Bigl\downarrow\biggl\updownarrow
- \Biggl\Uparrow\Biggr\Downarrow\biggr\langle\Bigr\}\bigr\rfloor
- DisplayMode:
- tex: \sum_{i=0}^\infty \frac{1}{i}
- pre: pre
- post: post
- display: 1
- DisplayStyle: |
- {\displaystyle\sqrt{x}}{\sqrt{x}}
- {\displaystyle \frac12}{\frac12}{\displaystyle x^1_2}{x^1_2}
- Dots: |
- \begin{array}{l}
- \cdots;\dots+\dots\int\dots,\dots \\
- \cdots{};\ldots+\ldots\int\ldots,\ldots
- \end{array}
- Exponents: a^{a^a_a}_{a^a_a}
- ExtensibleArrows: |
- \begin{array}{l}
- \xrightarrow[ab]{ABC} + \xRightarrow{ABC} \\
- \xrightleftharpoons[ab]{ABC} + \xhookrightarrow[ab]{ABC} \\
- \xtwoheadrightarrow{ABC} + \frac{\xrightarrow[ab]{ABC}}{\xrightarrow[ab]{ABC}} + \left\lvert\xrightarrow[ab]{ABC}\right\rvert
- \end{array}
- FractionTest: |
- \begin{array}{l}
- \dfrac{a}{b}\frac{a}{b}\tfrac{a}{b}\;-\dfrac12\;1\tfrac12\;{1 \atop 2}\; \cfrac{1}{1+\cfrac{1}{x}} \\[2.5em]
- {a \brace b} \; {a \brack b} \; \genfrac \{ ]{0.8pt}{0}{a}{b}
- \; {a \above1.0pt b}
- \end{array}
- Functions: \sin\cos\tan\ln\log
- Gathered: |
- \begin{gathered}
- x = \frac{1}{2} \\
- y = \sum_{i=1}^n i
- \end{gathered} \approx
- \begin{array}{c}
- x = \frac{1}{2} \\
- y = \sum_{i=1}^n i
- \end{array}
- GreekLetters: \alpha\beta\gamma\omega
- GreekUnicode: \frac{αβγδεϵζηθϑικλμνξοπϖρϱςστυφϕχψω}{ΓΔΘΞΠΣΦΨΩ\mathbf{Ω}\mathbf{\Omega}}
- GroupMacros:
- macros:
- \startExp: e^\bgroup
- \endExp: \egroup
- tex: \startExp a+b\endExp
- HorizontalBraces: \overbrace{\displaystyle{\oint_S{\vec E\cdot\hat n\,\mathrm d a}}}^\text{emf} = \underbrace{\frac{q_{\text{enc}}}{\varepsilon_0}}_{\text{charge}}
- Includegraphics: |
- \def\logo{\includegraphics[height=0.8em, totalheight=0.9em, width=0.9em, alt=KA logo]{https://cdn.kastatic.org/images/apple-touch-icon-57x57-precomposed.new.png}}
- \def\logoB{\includegraphics[height=0.4em, totalheight=0.9em, width=0.9em, alt=KA logo]{https://cdn.kastatic.org/images/apple-touch-icon-57x57-precomposed.new.png}}
- \begin{array}{l}
- \underline{A\logo} + \sqrt{\logo} + \tfrac{A\logo}{\logo}\\[1em]
- \underline{A\logoB} + \sqrt{x\logoB} + \tfrac{A\logoB}{\logoB}
- \end{array}
- Integrands: |
- \begin{array}{l}
- \displaystyle \int + \oint + \iint + \oiint_i^n \\[0.6em]
- \displaystyle \iiint + \oiiint + \textstyle \int + \oint_i^n \\[0.6em]
- \iint + \oiint + \iiint + \oiiint
- \end{array}
- KaTeX:
- tex: \KaTeX
- nolatex: \KaTeX not supported by LaTeX
- Kern:
- tex: \frac{a\kern{1em}b}{c}a\kern{1em}b\kern{1ex}c\kern{-0.25em}d
- nolatex: LaTeX fails to typeset this, “Missing number, treated as zero.”
- # The following test, Lap, is commented out pending a successful screenshotter test.
- # Lap: |
- # \begin{array}{l}
- # ab\mathllap{f}cd\mathrlap{g}hij\mathclap{k}lm \; ab\llap{f}cd\rlap{g}hij\clap{k}lm \\
- # \mathrlap{\frac a b} \frac a b \\
- # \mathrlap{\overbrace{\phantom{a_0+a_1+a_2}}^m}a_0+a_1+a_2
- # \end{array}
- LargeRuleNumerator: \frac{\textcolor{blue}{\rule{1em}{2em}}}{x}
- LaTeX: \text{\LaTeX}, \text{\TeX}
- LeftRight: \left( x^2 \right) \left\{ x^{x^{x^{x^x}}} \right.
- LeftRightListStyling: a+\left(x+y\right)-x
- LeftRightMiddle: \left( x^2 \middle/ \right) \left\{ x^{x^{x^{x^x}}} \middle/ y \right.\left(x\middle|y\,\middle|\,z\right)
- LeftRightStyleSizing: |
- +\left\{\rule{0.1em}{1em}\right.
- x^{+\left\{\rule{0.1em}{1em}\right.
- x^{+\left\{\rule{0.1em}{1em}\right.}}
- LimitControls: |
- \displaystyle\int\limits_2^3 3x^2\,dx + \sum\nolimits^n_{i=1}i +
- \textstyle\int\limits_x^y z
- LineBreak: |
- \frac{x^2}{y^2} + z^2 =
- z^2 + \frac{x^2}{y^2} =
- \frac{x^2}{y^2} +\nobreak z^2 =
- z^2 + \frac{x^2}{y^2} =
- \frac{x^2}{y^2} + ~ z^2 =
- z^2 + \frac{x^2}{y^2} =
- \frac{x^2}{y^2} + \hspace{1em} z^2 =
- z^2 + \frac{x^2}{y^2} =
- \frac{x^2}{y^2} + z^2 = \hspace*{1em}
- z^2 + \frac{x^2}{y^2} =
- \frac{x^2}{y^2} + z^2 =
- hi \allowbreak there =
- hi \allowbreak there
- LowerAccent: |
- \begin{matrix}
- \underleftarrow{AB} \quad \underrightarrow{AB} \quad \underleftrightarrow{AB} \quad \undergroup{AB} \\
- \underlinesegment{AB} \quad \utilde{AB} \quad \color{green}{\underrightarrow{AB}} \\
- \underrightarrow{F} + \underrightarrow{AB} + \underrightarrow{AB}^2 + \underrightarrow{AB}_2 \\
- \frac{\underrightarrow{AB}}{\underrightarrow{AB}} + \sqrt{\underrightarrow{AB}} + \left\lvert\underrightarrow{AB}\right\rvert \\
- \text{\underline{text}}
- \end{matrix}
- MathAtom: a\mathrel{\mathop{=}\limits^{\blue ?}}b
- MathAtom2: \mathop{\overline{\mathrm{lim}}}\limits_{x\to\infty}f(x)
- MathChoice: |
- {\displaystyle\mathchoice{D}{T}{S}{SS}} {\textstyle\mathchoice{D}{T}{S}{SS}} {\scriptstyle \mathchoice{D}{T}{S}{SS}} {\scriptscriptstyle\mathchoice{D}{T}{S}{SS}} \displaystyle X_{\mathchoice{D}{T}{S}{SS}_{\mathchoice{D}{T}{S}{SS}}}
- MathDefaultFonts: Ax2k\breve{a}\omega\Omega\imath+\KaTeX
- MathBb: \mathbb{Ax2k\breve{a}\omega\Omega\imath+\KaTeX}
- MathBf: \mathbf{Ax2k\breve{a}\omega\Omega\imath+\KaTeX}
- MathCal: \mathcal{Ax2k\breve{a}\omega\Omega\imath+\KaTeX}
- MathFrak: \mathfrak{Ax2k\breve{a}\omega\Omega\imath+\KaTeX}
- MathIt: \mathit{Ax2k\breve{a}\omega\Omega\imath+\KaTeX}
- MathNormal: \mathnormal{Ax2k\breve{a}\omega\Omega\imath+\KaTeX}
- MathOp: a\mathop+b\mathop:c\mathop{\delta}e\mathop{\textrm{and}}f\mathrel{\mathop{:}}=g\sin h
- MathRm: \mathrm{Ax2k\breve{a}\omega\Omega\imath+\KaTeX}
- MathSf: \mathsf{Ax2k\breve{a}\omega\Omega\imath+\KaTeX}
- MathScr: \mathscr{Ax2k\breve{a}\omega\Omega\imath+\KaTeX}
- MathTt: \mathtt{Ax2k\breve{a}\omega\Omega\imath+\KaTeX}
- Mod: |
- \begin{array}{cc}
- a \bmod 2 & b \pod 3 \\
- c \pmod{4} & d \mod{56} \\
- \displaystyle a\bmod 2 & \displaystyle b \pod 3 \\
- \displaystyle c\pmod{4} & \displaystyle d \mod{56}
- \end{array}
- ModScript: |
- \begin{array}{cc}
- \scriptstyle a\bmod 2 & \scriptstyle b \pod 3 \\
- \scriptstyle c\pmod{4} & \scriptstyle d \mod{56}
- \end{array}
- ModSpacing: |
- \begin{array}{l}
- (a \cdot b) \bmod 257 \\
- (a \cdot b) \mkern1mu\mathbin{\mathrm{mod}}\mkern1mu 257 \\
- (a \cdot b) \mathbin{\mathrm{mod}} 257
- \end{array}
- NegativeSpaceBetweenRel: A =\!= B
- NegativeSpace:
- tex: \boxed{\$1,\!000,\!000}\KaTeX
- post: .
- NestedFractions: |
- \dfrac{\frac{a}{b}}{\frac{c}{d}}\dfrac{\dfrac{a}{b}}
- {\dfrac{c}{d}}\frac{\frac{a}{b}}{\frac{c}{d}}
- NewLine: |
- \frac{a^2+b^2}{c^2} \newline
- \frac{a^2+b^2}{c^2} \\[1ex]
- \begin{pmatrix}
- a & b \\
- c & d \cr
- \end{pmatrix} \\
- a+b+c+{d+\\e}+f+g
- Not: |
- \begin{array}{l}
- \not=\not>\not\geq\not\in\not<\not\leq\not{abc} \\
- \not xy + ab \not xy \\
- a \neq b \notin c
- \end{array}
- NullDelimiterInteraction: a \bigl. + 2 \quad \left. + a \right)
- OldFont: |
- \begin{matrix}
- \rm rm & it & \it it & \bf bf & \sf sf & \tt tt \\
- \text{\rm rm} & \text{rm} & \text{\it it} & \text{\bf bf} & \text{\sf sf} & \text{\tt tt} \\
- i\rm r\it i & \text{r\it i\rm r}
- \end{matrix}
- OperatorName: |
- \begin{matrix}
- \operatorname g (z) + 5\operatorname{g}z + \operatorname{Gam-ma}(z) \\
- \operatorname{Gam ma}(z) + \operatorname{\Gamma}(z) + \operatorname{}x
- \end{matrix}
- OpLimits: |
- \begin{matrix}
- {\sin_2^2 \lim_2^2 \int_2^2 \sum_2^2}
- {\displaystyle \lim_2^2 \int_2^2 \intop_2^2 \sum_2^2} \\
- \limsup_{x \rightarrow \infty} x \stackrel{?}= \liminf_{x \rightarrow \infty} x
- \end{matrix}
- OverUnderline: x\underline{x}\underline{\underline{x}}\underline{x_{x_{x_x}}}\underline{x^{x^{x^x}}}\overline{x}\overline{x}\overline{x^{x^{x^x}}} \blue{\overline{\underline{x}}\underline{\overline{x}}}
- OverUnderset: |
- \begin{array}{l}
- x\overset?=1 \quad \underset{*}{x}^2 \quad \overset{a}{b}b\underset{a}{b}b \\
- {\displaystyle\lim_{t\underset{>0}\to0}}\\
- a+b+c+d\overset{b+c=0}\longrightarrow a+d\\
- \overset { x = y } { \sqrt { a b } }
- \end{array}
- Phantom: \begin{array}{l}
- \dfrac{1+\phantom{x^{\blue{2}}} = x}{1+x^{\blue{2}} = x} \left(\vphantom{\int_t} zzz \right) \left( X \hphantom{\frac{\frac X X}{X}} \right)\\
- \text{a \phantom{123} b \hphantom{45678} c \vphantom{101112} d}
- \end{array}
- Pmb: \mu\pmb{\mu}\pmb{=}\mu\pmb{+}\mu
- PrimeSpacing: f'+f_2'+f^{f'}
- PrimeSuper: x'^2+x'''^2+x'^2_3+x_3'^2
- Raisebox: \frac{a}{a\raisebox{0.5em}{b}} \cdot \frac{a\raisebox{-0.5em}{b}}{a} \cdot \sqrt{a\raisebox{0.5em}{b}} \cdot \sqrt{a\raisebox{-0.5em}{b}} \cdot \sqrt{a\raisebox{0.5em}{b}\raisebox{-0.5em}{b}}
- ReactionArrows: |
- \begin{matrix}
- A \xrightleftarrows{} B \xrightequilibrium{} C \xleftequilibrium{} D \\
- A \xrightleftarrows{over} B \xrightequilibrium{over} C \xleftequilibrium{over} D
- \end{matrix}
- RelativeUnits: |
- \begin{array}{ll}
- a\kern1emb^{a\kern1emb^{a\kern1emb}} &
- {\footnotesize a\kern1emb^{a\kern1emb^{a\kern1emb}}} \\
- a\mkern18mub^{a\mkern18mub^{a\mkern18mub}} &
- {\footnotesize a\mkern18mub^{a\mkern18mub^{a\mkern18mub}}} \\
- \rule{1em}{1em}^{\rule{1em}{1em}}\rule{18mu}{18mu}^{\rule{18mu}{18mu}} &
- {\footnotesize\rule{1em}{1em}^{\rule{1em}{1em}}\rule{18mu}{18mu}^{\rule{18mu}{18mu}}}
- \end{array}
- RlapBug: \frac{\mathrlap{x}}{2}
- Rule: \rule{1em}{0.5em}\rule{1ex}{2ex}\rule{1em}{1ex}\rule{1em}{0.431ex}
- SizingBaseline:
- tex: '{\tiny a+b}a+b{\Huge a+b}'
- pre: x
- post: M
- Sizing: |
- {\Huge x}{\LARGE y}{\normalsize z}{\scriptsize w}\sqrt[\small 3]{x+1}
- Smash: \left( X^{\smash 2} \right) \sqrt{\smash[b]{y}}
- Spacing: |
- \begin{matrix}
- ^3+[-1][1-1]1=1(=1)\lvert a\rvert~b \\
- \scriptstyle{^3+[-1][1-1]1=1(=1)\lvert a\rvert~b} \\
- \scriptscriptstyle{^3+[-1][1-1]1=1(=1)\lvert a\rvert~b} \\
- a : a \colon a \\
- \end{matrix}
- Sqrt: |
- \sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{x}}}_{\sqrt{\sqrt{x}}}^{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{x}}}
- ^{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{x}}}}}
- SqrtRoot: |
- \begin{array}{l}
- 1+\sqrt[3]{2}+\sqrt[1923^234]{2^{2^{2^{2^{2^{2^{2^{2^{2^{2^{2^2}}}}}}}}}}} \\
- \Huge \sqrt[3]{M} + x^{\sqrt[3] a}
- \end{array}
- StackRel: a \stackrel{?}{=} b \stackrel{\text{def}}{=} c
- StretchyAccent: |
- \begin{array}{l}
- \overrightarrow{AB} \quad \overleftarrow{AB} \quad \Overrightarrow{AB} \quad \overleftrightarrow{AB} \quad \overgroup{AB} \\
- \overlinesegment{AB} \quad \overleftharpoon{AB} \quad \overrightharpoon{AB} \quad \color{red}{\overrightarrow{AB}} \quad \widehat{\theta} \widetilde{A} \\
- \widecheck{AB} \quad \widehat{ABC} \quad \widetilde{AB} \quad \widetilde{ABC} \\
- \overrightarrow{F} + \overrightarrow{AB} + \overrightarrow{F}^2 + \overrightarrow{F}_2 + \overrightarrow{F}_1^2 \\
- \overrightarrow{AB}^2+\frac{\overrightarrow{AB}}{\overrightarrow{AB}} + \sqrt{\overrightarrow{AB}} + \left\lvert\overrightarrow{AB}\right\rvert
- \end{array}
- StretchyAccentColor: |
- \red{\overrightarrow{AB}} \quad \color{blue}{\overleftarrow{AB}} \quad \color{blue}{\green{\Overrightarrow{AB}}}
- StrikeThrough: |
- \begin{array}{l}
- \cancel x \quad \cancel{2B} + \bcancel 5 +\bcancel{5ay} \\
- \sout{5ab} + \sout{5ABC} + \xcancel{\oint_S{\vec E\cdot\hat n\,\mathrm d a}} \\[0.3em]
- \frac{x+\cancel B}{x+\cancel x} + \frac{x+\cancel y}{x} + \cancel{B}_1^2 + \cancel{B^2} \\[0.2em]
- \left\lvert\cancel{ac}\right\rvert
- \end{array}
- StrikeThroughColor: |
- \begin{array}{l}
- \red{\cancel x \quad \cancel{2B} + \bcancel 5 +\bcancel{5ay}} \\
- \color{green}{\sout{5ab} + \sout{5ABC} + \xcancel{\oint_S{\vec E\cdot\hat n\,\mathrm d a}}}
- \end{array}
- StyleSpacing: \scriptstyle ab\;cd
- StyleSwitching: a\cdot b\scriptstyle a\cdot ba\textstyle\cdot ba\scriptstyle\cdot b
- SupSubCharacterBox: a_2f_2{f}_2{aa}_2{af}_2\mathbf{y}_Ay_A
- SupSubHorizSpacing: |
- x^{x^{x}}\Big|x_{x_{x_{x_{x}}}}\bigg|x^{x^{x_{x_{x_{x_{x}}}}}}\bigg|
- SupSubLeftAlignReset: |
- \omega^8_{888} \quad \frac{1}{\hat{\omega}^{8}_{888}} \quad \displaystyle\sum_{\omega^{8}_{888}}
- SupSubOffsets: \displaystyle \int_{2+3}x f^{2+3}+3\lim_{2+3+4+5}f
- SurrogatePairs: |
- \begin{array}{l}
- 𝐀𝐚𝟎𝐴𝑎𝑨𝒂𝔅𝔞𝔸𝒜 \\
- 𝖠𝖺𝟢𝗔𝗮𝟬𝘈𝘢𝙰𝚊𝟶 \\
- \text{𝐀𝐚𝟎𝐴𝑎𝑨𝒂𝔅𝔞𝔸𝒜} \\
- \text{𝖠𝖺𝟢𝗔𝗮𝟬𝘈𝘢𝙰𝚊𝟶} \\
- \mathrm{𝐀𝐚𝑨𝒂𝔅𝔞𝔸𝒜} \\
- \end{array}
- SvgReset:
- # This math uses a lot of SVG glyphs
- tex: '\underbrace{\sqrt{\vec{x}} + \sqrt{\vec{\color{#f00}y}}}'
- # Some of these styles should affect both svg and text. We want
- # those to be inherited. But some of the styles only affect svg
- # and the point of this test is to verify that the svg-only
- # styles (like fill-opacity) are not inherited
- styles: 'display:block; width:500px;border:solid yellow 5px;padding:50px;background:#ccc;color:green;font-size:92px;transform:translate(100px,250px)rotate(-45deg);fill-opacity:0;stroke-width:40;stroke:blue;'
- Symbols1: |
- \maltese\degree\pounds\$
- \text{\maltese\degree\pounds\textdollar}
- Tag:
- tex: \tag{$+$hi} \frac{x^2}{y}+x^{2^y}
- display: 1
- Text: \frac{a}{b}\text{c~ {ab} \ e}+fg
- TextSpace:
- \begin{array}{l}
- \texttt{12345678901234} \\
- \texttt{A test 1~~2\ \ 3} \\
- \verb|A test 1 2 3|
- \end{array}
- TextStacked:
- \begin{matrix}
- \textsf{abc123 \textbf{abc123} \textit{abc123}}\\
- \text{abc123 \textbf{abc123} \textit{abc123}}\\
- \textrm{abc123 \textbf{abc123} \textit{abc123}}\\
- \textsf{\textrm{\textbf{abc123}} \textbf{abc123} \textit{abc123}}\\
- \textit{abc123 \textbf{abc123} \textsf{abc123}}\\
- \end{matrix}
- TextWithMath:
- \begin{matrix}
- \text{for $a < b$ and $ c < d $}. \\
- \textsf{for $a < b$ and $ c < d $}. \\
- \textsf{for $a < b \textbf{ and } c < d $} \\
- \text{\sf for $a < b$ and $c < d$.}
- \end{matrix}
- Unicode: \begin{matrix}\text{ÀàÇçÉéÏïÖöÛû} \\ \text{БГДЖЗЙЛФЦШЫЮЯ} \\ \text{여보세요} \\ \text{私はバナナです} \end{matrix}
- Units: |
- \begin{array}{ll}
- \mathrm H\kern 1em\mathrm H \text{\tiny (1em)}
- & \mathrm H\kern 1ex\mathrm H \text{\tiny (1ex)} \\
- \mathrm H{\scriptstyle \kern 1em}\mathrm H \text{\tiny (ss 1em)}
- & \mathrm H{\scriptstyle \kern 1ex}\mathrm H \text{\tiny (ss 1ex)} \\
- \mathrm H{\small \kern 1em}\mathrm H \text{\tiny (sm 1em)}
- & \mathrm H{\small \kern 1ex}\mathrm H \text{\tiny (sm 1ex)} \\
- \mathrm H\mkern 18mu\mathrm H \text{\tiny (18mu)}
- & \mathrm H\kern 1cm\mathrm H \text{\tiny (1cm)} \\
- \mathrm H{\scriptstyle \mkern 18mu}\mathrm H \text{\tiny (ss 18mu)}
- & \mathrm H{\scriptstyle \kern 1cm}\mathrm H \text{\tiny (ss 1cm)} \\
- \mathrm H{\small \mkern 18mu}\mathrm H \text{\tiny (sm 18mu)}
- & \mathrm H{\small \kern 1cm}\mathrm H \text{\tiny (sm 1cm)}
- \end{array}
- UnsupportedCmds:
- tex: \err\,\frac\fracerr3\,2^\superr_\suberr\,\sqrt\sqrterr
- noThrow: 1
- errorColor: "#dd4c4c"
- nolatex: deliberately does not compile
- Verb: |
- \begin{array}{ll}
- \verb \verb , & \verb|\verb |, \\
- \verb* \verb* , & \verb*|\verb* |, \\
- \verb!<x> & </y>! & \scriptstyle\verb|ss verb| \\
- \verb*!<x> & </y>! & \small\verb|sm verb| \\
- \verb|``---''~|
- \end{array}
- VerticalSpacing:
- pre: potato<br>blah
- tex: x^{\Huge y}z
- post: <br>moo