If you have purchased the kindle edition of your book and wish to strip its DRM and export it to .pdf, view this guide on how to deDRM your book.
If the ebook you are searching is available for kindle, you may also borrow the ebook, use the guide, and then return it for a refund.
archive.org/details/texts - The Internet Archive's immense archive of ebooks.
gen.lib.rus.ec -- (https://libgen.pw/) - Most popular ebook site and provides several mirrors to ebooks including torrents. Textbook focused. If you have any textbook or any other educational book to share, this is the place. For any book not available, make a request in the respective thread in the forums.
b-ok.org - Formerly known as Bookzz. Mirrors Libgen library with better navigation.
the-eye.eu/public/Books - The Eye's extensive eBooks archive
forcoder.su - Focuses on programming textbooks
mobilism.org - Large ebook forum that contains a request subforum
s2.bitdownload.ir - Open directory of Ebooks
s3.bitdownload.ir - Open directory of Ebooks
Guides and Search Engines dedicated to help you increase your reach in finding content
u/Amosqu's CSE - Scours in many sites listed above. Guide to accompany this CSE.
r/Piracy's updated ebooks CSE - Removed all dead links and added new websites. See here for the contents of the sites it scrapes: https://pastebin.com/aapQMv7t
[GUIDE] Idiot-proof guide to downloading ebooks off IRC - Guide by u/Servalpur
[GUIDE] How to "rent" your textbooks for free from Amazon using DeDRM Tools & Kindle Unpack - Guide by u/Daveid
[GUIDE] How to search for open directories - Guide by u/ElectroXexual
[GUIDE] Finding ebooks and textbooks
sci-hub.tw - Largest collection of research papers.
booksc.xyz - b-ok's (Z-Library) repo for articles.
Hampshire College - several links to free eBook resources.
audiobookbay.nl - #1 public tracker for audiobooks. Shares a lot of content with MAM. When viewing the page for a particular audiobook, copy the torrent info hash to paste into your torrent client using the following format: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:infohash
audiobooks.cloud - DDL audiobook site
AAXtoMP3 - Convert Audible files to mp3 and other file types
See also: General Sites and Search Engines. Many popular torrent indexers have courses available, such as Rutracker and 1337x.to
freetutorialsus.com - Udemy, Lynda, Pluralsight courses available via torrents.
gfxdomain.net - Computer graphics design tutorials/courses via fileshosters (some through torrents).
git.ir - Costs many courses/tutorials from udemy, tutsplus, lynda, etc... Available through direct download links.
desirecourse.net - Download and request premium courses
forcoder.su - Focuses on programming textbooks
Avaxhome - E-learning material. Pair together with this to download.
Skillshare-dl - download from Skillshare (original thread)
magazinesdownload.org - magazines hosted on free, fast, file hosting sites
ebook3000.com - be sure to use an adblocker
Omnibus - Download from GetComics.info easily
MangaPlus.shueisha.co.jp [Official legal site] - Provides initial chapters of popular manga titles for free.
/r/animepiracy's exhaustive wiki filled with anime streaming, manga, and light novel sites
MyAnonamouse a.k.a. MAM - One of the 2 biggest private tracker for ebooks/audiobooks. The focus is on the fictional ebooks side unlike libgen though making requests can do the job. Also the best place for audiobooks in numbers though overall quality lacks a little. Similar to libgen, it's also a great place to contribute
bibliotik - private tracker for ebooks/audiobooks
For a complete listing of popular ebook sites (some defunct), see:
How to download ebooks off IRC:
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