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/r/Piracy FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

► General questions

Browsing and downloading guide

Can I receive updates on my now-activated windows 10 PC as normal? Yes. Will it break the activation? No.

I want to disable updates just in case, how do I do this? Don't do this. You need security updates.

  • I have Win 10 Home. How do I upgrade to the Pro version?

Simply use hwidgen's license switch function: https://i.imgur.com/lmjLOtq.jpg

They upload to private FTPs. You will never have access to them.

Short, concise, and simplistic explanation of what "The Scene" is - Reddit thread

What is the difference between "The Scene" and p2p? - Reddit thread. Outdated, but the idea is the same.

Warez Scene - Wikipedia

  • What are services like All-Debrid, premiumizeMe, real-debrid used for?

As a standalone service, they will download things for you for you to later download from them at full speed. They are useful for file hosts which limit your download speeds unless you subscribe to their service. It can be used with torrents too, so their servers will do the downloading to prevent your IP from ever hitting the torrent swarm (which is the cause of copyright infringement complaints). You then download the content from their servers directly.

They keep the downloads in their servers for a while, for as long as people are trying to grab content from a particular link. So in conjunction with streaming apps that support real debrid, it works as a caching service, so that you can stream the popular links at full speed from real debrid as opposed to streaming directly from the slow file hosts.


► Torrenting and VPN questions

  • Which free VPN service is recommended for downloading torrents?

None. Free VPNs are likely to collect data from you for marketing purposes, be too slow to bother with, or do not allow torrent traffic in the first place. It's recommended to purchase a subscription of a VPN service - many can be as cheap as 3 USD/month, if you buy in bulk.

  • How can I access websites that my ISP is blocking?

Try using proxies for popular sites: Option 1 - Option 2 - Option 3 - Option 4. Alternatively, some ISPs simply do blocking at the DNS level, so you'll need to change your DNS settings in your router's configuration. Some DNS services you can use are Cloudflare, openDNS, DNS-Watch. Google how to change your DNS settings for your specific router model (or simply brand, as their WEB GUIs don't typically change all that much between revisions). Enter the IPs that your new chosen DNS service provided you.

If changing your DNS service provider did not work, then you may use a VPN. ProtonVPN is a good, free, and privacy-oriented VPN service provider that you can use to access blocked sites.

  • My torrent download speeds are hecking slow or stalled even though the torrent site is reporting a ton of seeders for that torrent. What do?

As a preliminary measure, check the website you got the torrent file from to see how many peers are in the swarm. If there is an equal amount of peers, or greater amount of peers, than seeders, it's only natural that your download speeds will be slow. You'll have to wait it out. If your torrent is stalled, right click on it and choose to re-announce yourself to the swarm.

Add more trackers to your torrent. This will give you a chance to gain a larger swarm of peers/seeds who are sharing the same torrent.

Make sure you are connectable. In your torrent client's settings, find the setting listing the port that it uses for "incoming connections". Change the port number to one in the range of 49152 - 65535. Visit this site and enter the port number you changed it to and it'll tell you if you are reachable or not. If it shows you are not reachable, you'll need to whitelist the port number in your windows firewall settings and in your router settings. You'll need to google how to accomplish this, as it will depend on your router's model/brand.

If you are using a VPN, make sure you are using a VPN service that allows port forwarding. If they allow port forwarding, they will allow you to enable port forwarding via their control panel, either on their website or directly through their app. Choose to open a port from their control panel, and then change your torrent client's port for incoming connections to match that same port number. That should be it - You won't need to mess with your firewall or router settings afterwards.


► Downloading from websites

  • How do I download audio/video from streaming websites like youtube? (Does not work with Premium Youtube Videos, as these are protected by Widevine DRM. No public tools available to decrypt the streams.)

With Youtube-DL (open-source command-line tool). Alternatively, you can use Youtube-DLG., which is a GUI for Youtube-DL

JDownloader2 also works well. Also allows you to add your login credentials in order to access premium-only content that your account has access to.

Internet Download Manager will do the job as well, though it is a premium application. Also allows you to add your login credentials in order to access premium-only content that your account has access to. Use the free trial, then when the trial is nearing its end, simply reset the trial with this.

You may also try out Video Download Helper extensions for your browser.

  • How the heck do I use or install Youtube-DL?

Guide on how to install it.

List of commands available with Youtube-DL.

Example of use: type cmd into the navigation bar of windows explorer to open a terminal.

If you have a video that needs a login to access, youtube-dl supports adding your credentials and uses your login to grab the video stream. Example usage: youtube-dl -u "myusername" -p "mypassword" "myvideoURL"

If using the -u and -p flags won't work for you, you can always input your cookies, which will contain your login session, for youtube-dl to use to download the content. Download the browser extension "cookies.txt", which will download your cookies (firefox link here, chrome link here). Then use the --cookies flag to pass in the downloaded cookies file to youtube-dl. Usage: youtube-dl --cookies "/path/to/cookies" "myvideoURL"

  • How do I download from spotify?

You can't. There aren't any tools that can download the unencrypted spotify streams. The best method is to convert your Spotify playlist to a Deezer playlist, then download that via Deezloader. More sites/tools for music available in the megathread.

  • How Do I download from streaming sites such as Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, etc?

You don't. The methods detailed above won't work on paid streaming sites such as netflix, hulu, disney+, etc. due to their implementation of the Widevine DRM to encrypt the video stream. Scene groups and p2p groups have obtained methods to crack Widevine-protected streams, but they are kept internal to these groups, due to the fact that public disclosure of these methods would cause the exploits to be patched.

  • How do I download video from pan baidu?



► Movies & TV

Related questions:

Why do file sizes of videos with the same resolution vary so much?

Which release do I get? Which is better?

  • Why do some of my downloads have dull/darkened/washed out colors?

You downloaded a video with HDR metadata. You need an HDR-capable display to play it back properly, else you'll have to use a tone-mapping software such as madVR with a video player such as MPC. MPV includes tone-mapping by default.

  • How long does it take for new movies to release on torrent sites in HD?

About 3 months following the theater date. Check https://www.dvdsreleasedates.com/ for the digital release. The blu-ray/DVD follows 2 weeks later, but is usually leaked up to 2 weeks early from somewhere in the production chain, coinciding with the digital release. It is extremely rare for the digital to get leaked, so for all intents and purposes, the official digital release date is the pirate release date.

Some movies get an official early release in South Korea (typically 1-1.5 months following the theater release), offered as pay-per-view in hotels in mini personal theaters where they get screencapped. These are referred to as "Korsubs", due to the hardcoded korean subtitles, though the quality can be pretty bad. Further reading: [Reddit Thread] Where do KorSubbed rips come from?

During the holiday season (Nov/Dec), Screeners get sent out to a select jury, which will be comprised of Academy members/critics, who are expected to review them and vote on the films that excel at specific categories. The recipients of these screeners will typically rip and send their copy of the screener to select pirate groups who will take charge in removing any and all embedded invisible watermarks in the video and release it publicly. These releases are also not very high quality.

Other forms of early releases come in the shape of CAM or TELESYNC releases. These are not high quality at all -- the telesync releases usually appearing on torrent sites are mislabeled and are simply cams. These are simply theater screens recorded with a mobile camera and are of terrible quality. These types of recordings come with a good deal of risk, however, so people only bother with movies that are in high demand, such that they can make money selling access or by plastering advertisements on the recording. New cam releases are typically found on general trackers, such as 1337x.to.

  • How long does it take for TV episodes to become available to pirate?

Depends on the popularity, ease of access, workload of the first person who gets it, fucks he gives about it, etc.

There is no way of telling when a show is released after it airs. Sometimes it's a couple hours or days, sometimes it's 5 minutes after it airs.

  • Poem by /u/d3str0yer


► Games

  • Will I get banned from steam/origin/uplay/epic if i play a pirated game? No.

Related: Will I get banned from steam if I use the "Add a non-steam game to my library" function to add a pirated game? No.

  • Are the game sites linked in the megathread safe?

If you use general trackers that allow user uploading, you'll have to be careful, especially more so if you use a torrent search engine which will list as many publicly distributed torrent as possible. Otherwise, if you use the dedicated game websites listed under Games, then yes, they're safe. ^^^^But ^^^^that's ^^^^exactly ^^^^what ^^^^a ^^^^malware ^^^^distributor ^^^^would ^^^^say...

  • My game downloads are being flagged as malware by my antivirus.

That is the nature of cracked files. Not to say that you should trust every loon in a youtube video that says "it's a false positive, go ahead and install", but the sites listed in the megathread listed under the Games section are safe to use as proper game cracks will yield few generic detections. If you have an adblocker and used the proper download link, you should be good to go. Browsing pirate sites without an adblocker will just yield adverts posing as download buttons, which will yield virus-infected downloads, so make sure you're not just clicking on the most vibrant-looking link.

  • Fitgirl is packed with ViRuSes!?

Read above, fitgirl's site is safe to use.

  • Fitgirl's repacks are taking a hecking long time to install. Why?

Fitgirl's repacks are extremely compressed, so they'll take a long time to decompress and will take several hours to install, even on a beefy system. They are intended for people with very slow or data-capped internet, in order to give them a chance to download a game in a timely manner or without blowing through their data cap. If you have a strong internet connection, you should be opting to download the original scene releases rather than her repacks.

  • How do I install a "cracked" game/software? I installed it but when I run it, the store page just pops up.

If your download yielded a set of rar files in parts (in a sequence of .r00, .r01, .r02, etc.), then simply find the non-numbered .rar file, right click on it, and click extract here. Example image: https://i.imgur.com/WhaFCSu.jpg.

It will automatically extract and combine the data from all the other parts and yield a .iso file.

Installing from the.iso file requires you to "mount" it onto your system as a virtual disc. Windows 10 has this functionality built-in. Just right click on the .iso file, select properties, then choose to change the program that handles .iso files. Choose Windows Explorer, then just click OK.

After setting Windows Explorer as the default program for .iso files, simply double click on the .iso file to mount it. It will take you to the folder structure contained inside the .iso file, then just run the setup .exe file to install the game.

Default installations are usually for the base game without a crack, so you'll need to take steps to patch the game files with the crack files post-installation. Read below.

Codex installers will tend to be one-click installs and will have a checkbox that says move patch files to installation directory, so make sure that box is checked - that's all there is to it, the game will be cracked once the installation finishes (if you checked the aforementioned checkbox). Otherwise, read the readme file included in your download. It's usually an .nfo file, but they are just text files, just right click on it and choose edit to open it.

If for some strange reason there is no readme file, the common method for games is to just copy and paste the patch/crack files included with your download, to your game's installation folder under C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86). The crack files may sometimes be contained in a non-descript folder, usually just named after the release group, eg. CODEX.

  • Can I transfer the save files from my cracked game install to my soon-to-be-purchased game install?

In some cases, save files that are sourced from an older version of a game may not work on a newer version, and since pirated games tend to be running on the version that the game originally released on, this may be the case for you.

Otherwise, you just need to google what the save location is for your game. Naturally, you will find answers regarding the purchased version of the game, but you only need to find the save file's name and file extension. Afterwards, just install Everything, a file indexer and browser program, to instantly search through your entire filesystem (upon install, you may have to wait a bit for it to index all your files). Then just search for the file extension to see where the save file might be in your system (since pirated game installs may store save files elsewhere than the legitimate version). To search for a file extension, type *.extension, depending on what the extension is for your game's save files.

  • How can I play co-cop (LAN-play) with a friend of mine?

If the game does not use Steam Connect to find LAN players, you can use software such as ZeroTier or PlayHide to set up a self-hosted VPN solution for your friend to join and be able to see you in the game's co-op listing.