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- from __future__ import annotations
- from aiohttp import ClientSession
- from ..typing import AsyncResult, Messages
- from .base_provider import AsyncGeneratorProvider
- class GptTalkRu(AsyncGeneratorProvider):
- url = "https://gpttalk.ru"
- working = True
- supports_gpt_35_turbo = True
- @classmethod
- async def create_async_generator(
- cls,
- model: str,
- messages: Messages,
- proxy: str = None,
- **kwargs
- ) -> AsyncResult:
- if not model:
- model = "gpt-3.5-turbo"
- headers = {
- "Accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*",
- "Accept-Language": "en-US",
- "Connection": "keep-alive",
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- "Origin": "https://gpttalk.ru",
- "Referer": "https://gpttalk.ru/",
- "Sec-Fetch-Dest": "empty",
- "Sec-Fetch-Mode": "cors",
- "Sec-Fetch-Site": "same-origin",
- "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
- "sec-ch-ua": '"Google Chrome";v="119", "Chromium";v="119", "Not?A_Brand";v="24"',
- "sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0",
- "sec-ch-ua-platform": '"Linux"',
- }
- async with ClientSession(headers=headers) as session:
- data = {
- "model": model,
- "modelType": 1,
- "prompt": messages,
- "responseType": "stream",
- }
- async with session.post(f"{cls.url}/gpt2", json=data, proxy=proxy) as response:
- response.raise_for_status()
- async for chunk in response.content.iter_any():
- yield chunk.decode()