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Knight Foundation

How to apply

Knight Prototype Fund: Arts and Technology

Graham Foundation

Resist Grant


Example Grantees


Supporting government innovation by creating tools and servers that meet government regulations, so that developers can easily build and adopt new technology

Governments are often reluctant to adopt new software and technology because of security and compliance concerns. GitMachines allows developers doing civic innovation to easily build new technology governments can use faster, by offering a grab-and-go depot of accreditation-ready servers that support their projects. Unlike traditional servers that can take hours or days to set-up, GitMachines can be up and running in minutes and are pre-configured to meet government guidelines. This makes it easier for governments to adopt open source software, and will help government agencies adopt new technology more quickly in the future. Period:6/24/2013 to 6/24/2014 Amount:$500,000 Grantee:GitMachines Challenges:Knight News Challenge Focus Areas:Technology


Dat seeks to increase the traction of the open data movement by developing better tools for collaboration.

A great model of this idea working in a different space is GitHub, which lets software developers find code written by others, adapt it for their own use and make improvements. In a similar fashion, Dat will be a set of tools to store, synchronize, manipulate and collaborate on data in a decentralized fashion, enabling a platform analogous to GitHub to be built on top of it. Date Awarded:3/11/2017 Period:6/23/2013 to 1/31/2014 Amount:$50,000 Grantee:Max Ogden Challenges:Knight Prototype Fund: Arts and Technology Focus Areas:Technology


Making it easier for residents to register and create new businesses by building open source software that governments can use to simplify the process

While entrepreneurs may have market-moving ideas, very few can expertly navigate the local government permitting process that allows them to open and operate. Whether it’s a startup, boutique or restaurant, OpenCounter helps to simplify this interaction with city government. It collects and sorts data on existing regulations while providing running totals of the costs and time involved in setting up shop. A team of Code for America fellows developed and piloted OpenCounter in Santa Cruz, Calif. during 2012. Knight Foundation funds will support OpenCounter's expansion to new communities, including several 2013 Code for America cities.

OpenCounter was piloted through Code for America’s fellowship with the City of Santa Cruz in 2012.
Note: Fluxx ID 201448095 Period:6/21/2013 to 6/21/2014 Grantee:Open Counter Enterprises, Inc. Challenges:Knight News Challenge Focus Areas:Technology


For creating tools to deliver Wikipedia for free to users in the developing world

As mobile technology is increasingly the primary opportunity for billions of people around the world to access the Internet, the Wikimedia Foundation is working to remove the two biggest hurdles to access free knowledge: cost and accessibility. News Challenge funding will help create software to bring Wikipedia to lower-end, more basic phones - the kinds the majority of people use to access data outside of the West. Specifically, efforts will be focused in three areas: developing features to improve the mobile experience regardless of how feature-rich the device is – including new ways to access Wikipedia via text; increasing the number of languages that can access Wikipedia on mobile; and improving the way feature phones access the platform.
 Period:3/21/2013 to 4/20/2015 Amount:$600,000 Grantee:Wikimedia Foundation Inc. Challenges:Knight News Challenge Focus Areas:Technology


For developing a mobile toolkit and training low-technology communities to collect and share information

In remote parts of the Peruvian Amazon, where mining and oil drilling are impacting the environment, health and economies of indigenous communities, residents lack the tools to collect and report these events to the outside world. Digital Democracy, a nonprofit that builds community technology capacity in marginalized communities, will create and combine existing open software to produce a tool kit communities can use to share their stories and make informed choices. The team will work with local partners in the Peruvian Amazon to deploy and test the tool kit and train residents in its use.
 Period:1/1/2013 to 1/31/2015 Amount:$200,000 Grantee:Digital Democracy Challenges:Knight News Challenge Focus Areas:Journalism, Technology


To develop a collaborative organizing dashboard for governments, outside organizations and the public to use in disaster response and other situations.

Summary: When a tornado touched down in her Massachusetts yard, Caitria O’Neill and her neighbors struggled to match the sudden wave of resources with massive community needs. While large aid organizations can deliver significant resources, in each disaster untrained local volunteers must help structure unofficial resources long-term. O’Neill and her sister Morgan O’Neill teamed up with engineer Alvin Liang to create, and to build and deliver Web tools and local hubs for disaster recovery efforts. Their online organizing platform, located at [], can be launched before or immediately after an event, to turn interest into aid. Already their platform has helped turn the post-disaster spike in interest into money, supplies and volunteers in five communities. Post-disaster launches are pro-bono, but the team licenses the software to areas interested in preparing and enabling the community’s response. The platform is already being used ahead of a disaster for preparation and community organizing in five communities nationwide. Period:6/18/2012 to 6/18/2014 Amount:$340,000 Grantee:The Miami Foundation Challenges:Knight News Challenge Focus Areas:Technology


To create open-source software for neighborhood news

To help residents connect with others and their community, this grant will help rebuild and enhance a successful community news site, expand it to more towns and release the software so other organizations, anywhere can use it. The Front Porch Forum, a virtual town hall space, helps residents share and discuss local news, build community and increase engagement. The site, currently serving 25 Vermont towns, will expand to 250. Period:10/1/2010 to 12/31/2011 Amount:$220,000 Grantee:Front Porch Forum Challenges:Knight News Challenge Focus Areas:Technology


To create an addition to the free, open-source web publishing module that will allow anyone to add micro-blogging to a personal Drupal web site. Part of the Knight Drupal Initiative.

A project that intends to create an addition to the free, open-source Drupal web publishing system that will allow anyone to add micro-blogging functionality – the transmission of brief text updates – to a personal Drupal web site and to allow the growing number of individuals and organizations using micro-blogging to receive or distribute notices across different web sites and micro-blogging services such as Twitter.

The grantee is Rob Loach, a Web developer who specializes in the development of Web applications using Drupal and open-source Linux software. He works at Mansueto Ventures in New York ( More. Period:3/1/2009 to 9/30/2011 Amount:$40,240 Grantee:Tides Center Focus Areas:Journalism, Technology


To increase the awareness of an appreciation for Miami-Dade County's grand collection of art in public places by designing an easily accessible digital inventory

Over the past 35 years, the Miami-Dade Art in Public Places program has installed more than 600 works of art around the county. This grant will create a Web site to catalogue the collection. Visitors to the Art in Public Places Web site will be able to take a virtual tour of the collection, create custom public art walking tours and explore the works by location, media or artist. Artists interested in participating in the program will be able to apply online and upload digital images of their work for jury presentation. Also, the software developed will help track the pieces and their condition and provide specialized instructions for care and artwork appraisals. The site will help the public appreciate its “county-wide museum of art.” Period:12/1/2008 to 12/31/2011 Amount:$30,000 Grantee:Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs Communities:Miami Challenges:Knight Arts Challenge Focus Areas:Arts, Communities

Captain Planet Foundation

National Cristina Foundation

Hack The Hood

Grant Writing Resources
