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- import wx
- from searchpanels import FindPanel, ReplacePanel
- class PassageSearchFrame(wx.Frame):
- """
- This allows a user to do search and replaces on a PassageFrame.
- By default, this shows the Find tab initially, but this can be
- set via the constructor.
- """
- def __init__(self, parent, passageFrame, app, initialState = 0):
- self.passageFrame = passageFrame
- self.app = app
- wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, title = 'Find/Replace In Passage')
- panel = wx.Panel(self)
- panelSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
- panel.SetSizer(panelSizer)
- self.notebook = wx.Notebook(panel)
- self.findPanel = FindPanel(self.notebook, onFind = self.passageFrame.findRegexp, \
- onClose = self.Close)
- self.replacePanel = ReplacePanel(self.notebook, onFind = self.passageFrame.findRegexp, \
- onReplace = self.passageFrame.replaceOneRegexp, \
- onReplaceAll = self.passageFrame.replaceAllRegexps, \
- onClose = self.Close)
- self.notebook.AddPage(self.findPanel, 'Find')
- self.notebook.AddPage(self.replacePanel, 'Replace')
- self.notebook.Bind(wx.EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, self.onChangeTab)
- self.notebook.ChangeSelection(initialState)
- if initialState == PassageSearchFrame.FIND_TAB:
- self.findPanel.focus()
- else:
- self.replacePanel.focus()
- panelSizer.Add(self.notebook, 1, wx.EXPAND)
- panelSizer.Fit(self)
- self.SetIcon(self.app.icon)
- self.Show()
- def onChangeTab(self, event):
- if event.GetSelection() == PassageSearchFrame.FIND_TAB:
- self.findPanel.focus()
- else:
- self.replacePanel.focus()
- # for some reason, we have to manually propagate the event from here
- event.Skip(True)
- FIND_TAB = 0