123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129 |
- ;;; init-navigation.el --- Navigation Configuration File -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
- ;;; Commentary:
- ;;; Code:
- (use-package avy
- :custom
- (avy-all-windows nil)
- (avy-all-windows-alt t)
- (avy-timeout-seconds 0.3)
- :config
- ;; https://karthinks.com/software/avy-can-do-anything/#avy-plus-embark-any-action-anywhere
- (defun avy-action-embark (pt)
- (unwind-protect
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char pt)
- (embark-act))
- (select-window
- (cdr (ring-ref avy-ring 0))))
- t)
- (add-to-list 'avy-dispatch-alist '(?o . avy-action-embark))
- (defun avy-copy-as-kill ()
- (interactive)
- (avy-goto-char-timer)
- (let ((beg (point)))
- (avy-goto-char-timer)
- (copy-region-as-kill beg (point))))
- (defun avy-copy-as-kill-in-line ()
- (interactive)
- (avy-goto-char-timer)
- (let ((beg (point)))
- (call-interactively 'avy-goto-char-in-line)
- (copy-region-as-kill beg (point))))
- :bind
- ("C-'" . avy-goto-char-timer)
- ("C-;" . avy-goto-char-in-line)
- ("C-#" . avy-goto-word-1)
- ("C-c C-'" . avy-copy-as-kill)
- ("C-c C-;" . avy-copy-as-kill-in-line))
- (use-package casual-avy
- :bind ("C-M-;" . casual-avy-tmenu))
- (use-package smartscan
- :custom (smartscan-symbol-selector "symbol")
- :config
- (unbind-key "M-'" smartscan-map)
- :hook
- ((cider-repl-mode
- ielm-mode
- vterm-mode
- term-mode
- ansi-term-mode
- eshell-mode
- shell-mode
- sql-interactive-mode
- magit-status-mode
- compilation-mode
- deadgrep-mode) . (lambda () (smartscan-mode -1)))
- (elpaca-after-init . global-smartscan-mode)
- :bind (:map smartscan-map
- ("C-M-'" . smartscan-symbol-replace)))
- (use-package symbol-overlay
- :config
- (defun symbol-overlay-put-or-clear (arg)
- "Toggle all overlays of symbol at point.
- Or remove all highlighted symbols in the current buffer (with`ARG')."
- (interactive "P")
- (if arg
- (symbol-overlay-remove-all)
- (symbol-overlay-put)))
- :bind
- ("C-c o" . symbol-overlay-put-or-clear)
- ("M-N" . symbol-overlay-switch-forward)
- ("M-P" . symbol-overlay-switch-backward)
- (:map symbol-overlay-map ("o" . symbol-overlay-put-or-clear)))
- (use-package gumshoe
- :after perspective
- :demand t
- :diminish global-gumshoe-mode
- :custom
- (gumshoe-show-footprints-p nil)
- (gumshoe-idle-time 5)
- (gumshoe-follow-distance 5)
- (gumshoe-slot-schema '(perspective time buffer position line))
- :config
- (global-gumshoe-mode +1)
- :bind
- ("C-c '" . gumshoe-peruse-in-persp))
- (use-package goto-chg
- :config
- (defvar goto-chg-repeat-map
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (define-key map (kbd "C-(") #'goto-last-change)
- (define-key map (kbd "C-)") #'goto-last-change-reverse)
- map))
- (dolist (cmd '(goto-last-change goto-last-change-reverse))
- (put cmd 'repeat-map 'goto-chg-repeat-map))
- :bind
- ("C-c C-(" . goto-last-change)
- ("C-c C-)" . goto-last-change-reverse))
- (use-package goto-last-point
- :diminish
- :custom (goto-last-point-max-length 100)
- :hook (elpaca-after-init . goto-last-point-mode)
- :config
- (defvar goto-last-point-repeat-map
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (define-key map (kbd "<") #'goto-last-point)
- map))
- (put 'goto-last-point 'repeat-map 'goto-last-point-repeat-map)
- :bind ("C-c <" . goto-last-point))
- (use-package link-hint
- :bind
- ("C-c C-l" . link-hint-open-link)
- ("C-c C-S-l" . link-hint-copy-link))
- (use-package dumb-jump
- :defer 5
- :custom (dumb-jump-force-searcher 'rg)
- :config (add-hook 'xref-backend-functions #'dumb-jump-xref-activate))
- (provide 'init-navigation)
- ;;; init-navigation.el ends here