#252 Solution for #248

ajdunevent chce scalić 1 commity/ów z ajdunevent/mysqli_num_rows-NO-BOOL do diogo/master
AJ skomentował 3 lat temu

Ensures we're not using a bool in mysqli_num_rows by testing if $this->result is a bool first.

Ensures we're not using a bool in mysqli_num_rows by testing if $this->result is a bool first.
AJ skomentował 3 lat temu

I hope this is helpful. I have only the barest familiarity with PHP so I won't be insulted if this is a terrible solution or if it is an okay solution but terribly executed. It worked on my install but it could have consequences I'm not yet noticing.

I hope this is helpful. I have only the barest familiarity with PHP so I won't be insulted if this is a terrible solution or if it is an okay solution but terribly executed. It worked on my install but it could have consequences I'm not yet noticing.
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