#296 The outbox page next query is wrong

1 سال پیش باز شده توسط osapon · 0 دیدگاه

When a page query is attached to the outbox, the URL in next is incorrect.


  "@context": [
  "id": "https://example.com/user/1/outbox.json",
  "type": "OrderedCollection",
  "totalItems": 30,
  "first": "https://example.com/user/1/outbox.json?page=1"

first is right.


  "@context": [
  "id": "https://example.com/user/1/outbox.json?page=1",
  "type": "OrderedCollectionPage",
/*  */
  "partOf": "https://example.com/user/1/outbox.json",
  "next": "https://example.com/user/1/outbox.jsonpage=2"

The next is incorrect, it cannot be acquired after this.

When a page query is attached to the outbox, the URL in next is incorrect. https://example.com/user/1/outbox.json ``` { "@context": [ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", "https://w3id.org/security/v1" ], "id": "https://example.com/user/1/outbox.json", "type": "OrderedCollection", "totalItems": 30, "first": "https://example.com/user/1/outbox.json?page=1" } ``` first is right. https://example.com/user/1/outbox.json?page=1 ``` { "@context": [ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", "https://w3id.org/security/v1" ], "id": "https://example.com/user/1/outbox.json?page=1", "type": "OrderedCollectionPage", /* */ "partOf": "https://example.com/user/1/outbox.json", "next": "https://example.com/user/1/outbox.jsonpage=2" } ``` The next is incorrect, it cannot be acquired after this.
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