Target.pri 1.8 KB

  1. # -------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. # Project file for WebKitTestRunner's InjectedBundle
  3. #
  4. # See 'Tools/qmake/README' for an overview of the build system
  5. # -------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. TEMPLATE = lib
  7. TARGET = WTRInjectedBundle
  8. SOURCES += \
  9. AccessibilityController.cpp \
  10. AccessibilityTextMarker.cpp \
  11. AccessibilityTextMarkerRange.cpp \
  12. AccessibilityUIElement.cpp \
  13. InjectedBundle.cpp \
  14. InjectedBundle.h \
  15. InjectedBundleMain.cpp \
  16. InjectedBundlePage.cpp \
  17. InjectedBundlePage.h \
  18. EventSendingController.cpp \
  19. EventSendingController.h \
  20. GCController.cpp \
  21. GCController.h \
  22. TestRunner.cpp \
  23. TestRunner.h \
  24. TextInputController.cpp \
  25. TextInputController.h \
  26. Bindings/JSWrapper.cpp \
  27. qt/ActivateFontsQt.cpp \
  28. qt/InjectedBundleQt.cpp \
  29. qt/TestRunnerQt.cpp
  30. # Adds the generated sources to SOURCES
  31. include(DerivedSources.pri)
  32. HEADERS += \
  33. AccessibilityController.h \
  34. AccessibilityTextMarker.h \
  35. AccessibilityTextMarkerRange.h \
  36. AccessibilityUIElement.h \
  37. ActivateFonts.h \
  38. EventSendingController.h \
  39. GCController.h \
  40. InjectedBundle.h \
  41. InjectedBundlePage.h \
  42. TestRunner.h \
  43. TextInputController.h \
  44. DESTDIR = $${ROOT_BUILD_DIR}/lib
  45. QT += widgets webkit
  46. WEBKIT += wtf javascriptcore webcore
  47. CONFIG += plugin rpath
  48. have?(FONTCONFIG): PKGCONFIG += fontconfig
  49. INCLUDEPATH += \
  50. $$PWD \
  51. $$PWD/.. \
  52. $$PWD/Bindings \
  53. $${ROOT_WEBKIT_DIR}/Source/WebCore/platform/qt \
  54. $${ROOT_WEBKIT_DIR}/Source/WebCore/testing/js \
  55. $${ROOT_WEBKIT_DIR}/Source/WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport
  56. PREFIX_HEADER = $$PWD/../WebKitTestRunnerPrefix.h
  57. *-g++*:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += "-include $$PREFIX_HEADER"
  58. linux-* {
  59. QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,--no-undefined
  60. }