queuestatus.html 2.6 KB

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html>
  3. <head>
  4. <title>{{ page_title }}</title>
  5. <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/dashboard.css" />
  6. </head>
  7. <body>
  8. <h1>{{ page_title }}</h1>
  9. <h3>Summary</h3>
  10. <div>
  11. <div>[{{ queue_name|force_escape|queue_charts_link:"charts"|safe }}]</div>
  12. Last Pass: {% if last_pass %}{{ last_pass.date|timesince }} ago{% else %}never{% endif %}
  13. {% if not bot_id and last_pass.bot_id %}
  14. by <a href="/queue-status/{{last_pass.queue_name}}/bots/{{last_pass.bot_id}}">{{ last_pass.bot_id }}</a>
  15. {% endif %}
  16. </div>
  17. <div>
  18. Last Boot: {% if last_boot %}{{ last_boot.date|timesince }} ago{% else %}never{% endif %}
  19. {% if not bot_id and last_boot.bot_id %}
  20. by <a href="/queue-status/{{last_boot.queue_name}}/bots/{{last_boot.bot_id}}">{{ last_boot.bot_id }}</a>
  21. {% endif %}
  22. </div>
  23. <div>7-day "Pass" count: {{ trailing_week_pass_count }}</div>
  24. <div>30-day "Pass" count: {{ trailing_month_pass_count }}</div>
  25. <h3>Recent Status</h3>
  26. <div class="status-details">
  27. <ul>
  28. {% for status_group in status_groups %}
  29. {% with status_group.0 as title_status %}
  30. <li class="status-group">
  31. {% if title_status.active_bug_id %}
  32. <span class="status-bug">
  33. Patch {{ title_status.active_patch_id|force_escape|webkit_attachment_id|safe }} from bug
  34. {{ title_status.active_bug_id|force_escape|webkit_bug_id|safe }}:
  35. </span>
  36. {% endif %}
  37. {% ifequal status_group|length 1 %}
  38. {% with title_status as status %}
  39. {% include 'includes/singlequeuestatus.html' %}
  40. {% endwith %}
  41. {% else %}
  42. <ul>
  43. {% for status in status_group %}
  44. <li class="status">
  45. {% include 'includes/singlequeuestatus.html' %}
  46. </li>
  47. {% endfor %}
  48. </ul>
  49. {% endifequal %}
  50. </li>
  51. {% endwith %}
  52. {% endfor %}
  53. </ul>
  54. </div>
  55. <h3>Patches in queue</h3>
  56. <table>
  57. <tr><th>Position</th><th>Patch</th><th>Lock Acquired</th></tr>
  58. {% for row in work_item_rows %}
  59. <tr>
  60. <td>#{{ forloop.counter }}</td>
  61. <td>
  62. {{ row.attachment_id|force_escape|webkit_attachment_id|safe }}
  63. </td>
  64. <td>
  65. {% if row.lock_time %}
  66. {{ row.lock_time|timesince }} ago
  67. {% endif %}
  68. </td>
  69. </tr>
  70. {% endfor %}
  71. </table>
  72. </body>
  73. </html>