LLIntOffsetsExtractor.pro 2.0 KB

  1. # -------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. # Project file for the LLIntOffsetsExtractor binary, used to generate
  3. # derived sources for JavaScriptCore.
  4. #
  5. # See 'Tools/qmake/README' for an overview of the build system
  6. # -------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. TEMPLATE = app
  8. TARGET = LLIntOffsetsExtractor
  9. debug_and_release {
  10. CONFIG += force_build_all
  11. CONFIG += build_all
  12. }
  13. # Don't try to link against any Qt libraries, but at least
  14. # pull in include paths as we include qglobal.h.
  15. INCLUDEPATH += $$QT.core.includes
  16. CONFIG += console
  17. CONFIG -= qt
  18. LIBS =
  19. defineTest(addIncludePaths) {
  20. # Just needed for include paths
  21. include(JavaScriptCore.pri)
  22. include(../WTF/WTF.pri)
  23. export(INCLUDEPATH)
  24. }
  25. addIncludePaths()
  27. $$PWD/llint/LowLevelInterpreter.asm \
  28. $$PWD/llint/LowLevelInterpreter32_64.asm \
  29. $$PWD/llint/LowLevelInterpreter64.asm \
  30. $$PWD/offlineasm/arm.rb \
  31. $$PWD/offlineasm/ast.rb \
  32. $$PWD/offlineasm/backends.rb \
  33. $$PWD/offlineasm/generate_offset_extractor.rb \
  34. $$PWD/offlineasm/instructions.rb \
  35. $$PWD/offlineasm/offsets.rb \
  36. $$PWD/offlineasm/opt.rb \
  37. $$PWD/offlineasm/parser.rb \
  38. $$PWD/offlineasm/registers.rb \
  39. $$PWD/offlineasm/self_hash.rb \
  40. $$PWD/offlineasm/settings.rb \
  41. $$PWD/offlineasm/transform.rb \
  42. $$PWD/offlineasm/x86.rb
  43. INPUT_FILES = $$PWD/llint/LowLevelInterpreter.asm
  44. llint.output = LLIntDesiredOffsets.h
  45. llint.script = $$PWD/offlineasm/generate_offset_extractor.rb
  46. llint.input = INPUT_FILES
  47. llint.depends = $$LLINT_DEPENDENCY
  48. llint.commands = ruby $$llint.script ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT}
  49. llint.CONFIG += no_link
  51. macx {
  52. DESTDIR = $$targetSubDir()
  53. llint.output = $$targetSubDir()/$$llint.output
  54. INCLUDEPATH += $$targetSubDir()
  55. }
  56. # Compilation of this file will automatically depend on LLIntDesiredOffsets.h
  57. # due to qmake scanning the source file for header dependencies.
  58. SOURCES = llint/LLIntOffsetsExtractor.cpp
  59. mac: LIBS_PRIVATE += -framework AppKit