.gitattributes 1.1 KB

  1. # To enable automatic merging of ChangeLog files, use the following command:
  2. # git config merge.changelog.driver "resolve-ChangeLogs --merge-driver %O %A %B"
  3. ChangeLog* merge=changelog
  4. # To enable smart diffing of ObjC[++] files, run the following commands:
  5. # git config diff.objcpp.xfuncname "^[-+@a-zA-Z_].*$"
  6. # git config diff.objcppheader.xfuncname "^[@a-zA-Z_].*$"
  7. *.m diff=objc
  8. *.mm diff=objcpp
  9. mac/*.h diff=objcppheader
  10. */mac/*.h diff=objcppheader
  11. */*/mac/*.h diff=objcppheader
  12. objc/*.h diff=objcppheader
  13. */objc/*.h diff=objcppheader
  14. */*/objc/*.h diff=objcppheader
  15. # To enable smart diffing of *.strings files, run the following command:
  16. # git config diff.localizablestrings.textconv "iconv -f utf-16 -t utf-8"
  17. *.strings diff=localizablestrings
  18. *.vcproj eol=crlf
  19. *.vsprops eol=crlf
  20. *.sln eol=crlf
  21. # For best performance, place rules for deep paths in the parent directory.
  22. # For example: instead of "Source/WebCore/inspector/Inspector.json -crlf" here,
  23. # place "Inspector.json -crlf" in Source/WebCore/inspector/.gitattributes
  24. # Exclude these git specific files from archives created via git-archive.
  25. .gitignore export-ignore
  26. .gitattributes export-ignore