IDLAttributes.txt 3.0 KB

  1. #
  2. # This file describes all IDL attributes.
  3. # If any IDL file uses an IDL attribute not listed below, the WebKit build will fail.
  4. # If you want to add a new IDL attribute, you need to
  5. # (1) add the IDL attribute to this file
  6. # (2) add the explanation to the WebKit IDL document (
  7. # (3) add test cases to run-bindings-tests
  8. #
  9. # The syntax of this file is as follows:
  10. # - You can write one IDL attribute per one line.
  11. # - "ATTR" means that the IDL attribute ATTR does not take any argument; i.e. [ATTR].
  12. # - "ATTR=X" means that the IDL attribute ATTR always takes one argument X; i.e. [ATTR=X].
  13. # - "ATTR=X|Y|Z" means that the IDL attribute ATTR takes one or more arguments
  14. # and the arguments are X, Y or Z; e.g. [ATTR=X], [ATTR=Y], [ATTR=X|Z], [ATTR=X|Y|Z].
  15. # - "ATTR=|X|Y|Z" means that the IDL attribute ATTR can take arguments
  16. # and the arguments are X, Y or Z; e.g. [ATTR], [ATTR=X], [ATTR=Y], [ATTR=X|Z], [ATTR=X|Y|Z].
  17. # - "ATTR=*" means that the IDL attribute ATTR can take arbitrary arguments;
  18. # e.g. [ATTR=INDEXED_DATABASE], [ATTR=deleteFunction].
  19. #
  20. ActiveDOMObject
  21. CPPPureInterface
  22. CachedAttribute
  23. CallWith=ScriptExecutionContext|ScriptState|ScriptArguments|CallStack
  24. CheckSecurity
  25. CheckSecurityForNode
  26. Clamp
  27. Conditional=*
  28. Constructor
  29. ConstructorCallWith=ScriptExecutionContext
  30. ConstructorConditional=*
  31. ConstructorRaisesException
  32. ConstructorTemplate=Event|TypedArray
  33. Custom
  34. CustomCall
  35. CustomConstructor
  36. CustomDeleteProperty
  37. CustomEnumerateProperty
  38. CustomGetOwnPropertySlot
  39. CustomGetter
  40. CustomIndexedSetter
  41. CustomIsReachable
  42. CustomNamedGetter
  43. CustomNamedSetter
  44. CustomPutFunction
  45. CustomReturn
  46. CustomSetter
  47. CustomToJSObject
  48. Default=NullString|Undefined
  49. Deletable
  50. DoNotCheckConstants
  51. DoNotCheckSecurity
  52. DoNotCheckSecurityOnGetter
  53. DoNotCheckSecurityOnSetter
  54. EnabledAtRuntime=*
  55. EnabledBySetting=*
  56. EnforceRange
  57. EventTarget
  58. ExtendsDOMGlobalObject
  59. GenerateIsReachable=|Impl|ImplContext|ImplDocument|ImplElementRoot|ImplFrame|ImplOwnerNodeRoot
  60. GetterRaisesException
  61. GlobalContext=WindowOnly|WorkerOnly|WindowAndWorker
  62. Immutable
  63. ImplementationLacksVTable
  64. ImplementationNamespace=*
  65. ImplementedAs=*
  66. InitializedByEventConstructor
  67. InterfaceName=*
  68. IsIndex
  69. IsWorkerContext
  70. JSCustomDefineOwnProperty
  71. JSCustomDefineOwnPropertyOnPrototype
  72. JSCustomFinalize
  73. JSCustomGetOwnPropertySlotAndDescriptor
  74. JSCustomHeader
  75. JSCustomMarkFunction
  76. JSCustomNamedGetterOnPrototype
  77. JSCustomPushEventHandlerScope
  78. JSCustomToNativeObject
  79. JSGenerateToJSObject
  80. JSGenerateToNativeObject
  81. JSInlineGetOwnPropertySlot
  82. JSLegacyParent=*
  83. JSNoStaticTables
  84. JSWindowEventListener
  85. MasqueradesAsUndefined
  86. NamedConstructor=*
  87. NoInterfaceObject
  88. NotEnumerable
  89. ObjCCustomImplementation
  90. ObjCLegacyUnnamedParameters
  91. ObjCPolymorphic
  92. ObjCProtocol
  93. PassContext
  94. PassThisToCallback=*
  95. RaisesException
  96. Reflect=*
  97. Replaceable
  98. ReplaceableConstructor
  99. ReturnNewObject
  100. SetterRaisesException
  101. SkipVTableValidation
  102. StrictTypeChecking
  103. SuppressToJSObject
  104. TreatNullAs=NullString
  105. TreatReturnedNullStringAs=Null|Undefined
  106. TreatUndefinedAs=NullString
  107. TypedArray=*
  108. URL