README.rst 2.1 KB

  1. .. MediaGoblin Documentation
  2. Written in 2012 by MediaGoblin contributors
  3. To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
  4. copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to
  5. the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without
  6. any warranty.
  7. You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain
  8. Dedication along with this software. If not, see
  9. <>.
  10. .. _ldap-plugin:
  11. =============
  12. ldap plugin
  13. =============
  14. .. Warning::
  15. This plugin is not compatible with the other authentication plugins.
  16. This plugin allow your GNU Mediagoblin instance to authenticate against an
  17. LDAP server.
  18. Set up the ldap plugin
  19. ======================
  20. 1. Install the ``python-ldap`` package.
  21. 2. Add the following to your MediaGoblin .ini file in the ``[plugins]`` section::
  22. [[mediagoblin.plugins.ldap]]
  23. Configuring the ldap plugin
  24. ===========================
  25. This plugin allows you to use multiple ldap servers for authentication.
  26. In order to configure a server, add the following to you MediaGoblin .ini file
  27. under the ldap plugin::
  28. [[mediagoblin.plugins.ldap]]
  29. [[[server1]]]
  30. LDAP_SERVER_URI = 'ldap://'
  31. LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE = 'cn={username},ou=users,dc=testathon,dc=net'
  32. [[[server2]]]
  33. ...
  34. Make any necessary changes to the above to work with your sever. Make sure
  35. ``{username}`` is where the username should be in LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE.
  36. If you would like to fetch the users email from the ldap server upon account
  37. registration, add ``LDAP_SEARCH_BASE = 'ou=users,dc=testathon,dc=net'`` and
  38. ``EMAIL_SEARCH_FIELD = 'mail'`` under you server configuration in your
  39. MediaGoblin .ini file.
  40. .. Warning::
  41. By default, this plugin provides no encryption when communicating with the
  42. ldap servers. If you would like to use an SSL connection, change
  43. LDAP_SERVER_URI to use ``ldaps://`` and whichever port you use. Default ldap
  44. port for SSL connections is 636. If you would like to use a TLS connection,
  45. add ``LDAP_START_TLS = 'true'`` under your server configuration in your
  46. MediaGoblin .ini file.