123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432 |
- # GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting
- # Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 MediaGoblin contributors. See AUTHORS.
- #
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- from functools import wraps
- from werkzeug.exceptions import Forbidden, NotFound
- from oauthlib.oauth1 import ResourceEndpoint
- from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin
- from mediagoblin import mg_globals as mgg
- from mediagoblin import messages
- from mediagoblin.db.models import MediaEntry, LocalUser, TextComment, \
- AccessToken, Comment
- from mediagoblin.tools.response import (
- redirect, render_404,
- render_user_banned, json_response)
- from mediagoblin.tools.translate import pass_to_ugettext as _
- from mediagoblin.oauth.tools.request import decode_authorization_header
- from mediagoblin.oauth.oauth import GMGRequestValidator
- def user_not_banned(controller):
- """
- Requires that the user has not been banned. Otherwise redirects to the page
- explaining why they have been banned
- """
- @wraps(controller)
- def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
- if request.user:
- if request.user.is_banned():
- return render_user_banned(request)
- return controller(request, *args, **kwargs)
- return wrapper
- def require_active_login(controller):
- """
- Require an active login from the user. If the user is banned, redirects to
- the "You are Banned" page.
- """
- @wraps(controller)
- @user_not_banned
- def new_controller_func(request, *args, **kwargs):
- if request.user and \
- not request.user.has_privilege(u'active'):
- return redirect(
- request, 'mediagoblin.user_pages.user_home',
- user=request.user.username)
- elif not request.user or not request.user.has_privilege(u'active'):
- next_url = urljoin(
- request.urlgen('mediagoblin.auth.login',
- qualified=True),
- request.url)
- return redirect(request, 'mediagoblin.auth.login',
- next=next_url)
- return controller(request, *args, **kwargs)
- return new_controller_func
- def user_has_privilege(privilege_name, allow_admin=True):
- """
- Requires that a user have a particular privilege in order to access a page.
- In order to require that a user have multiple privileges, use this
- decorator twice on the same view. This decorator also makes sure that the
- user is not banned, or else it redirects them to the "You are Banned" page.
- :param privilege_name A unicode object that is that represents
- the privilege object. This object is
- the name of the privilege, as assigned
- in the Privilege.privilege_name column
- :param allow_admin If this is true then if the user is an admin
- it will allow the user even if the user doesn't
- have the privilage given in privilage_name.
- """
- def user_has_privilege_decorator(controller):
- @wraps(controller)
- @require_active_login
- def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
- if not request.user.has_privilege(privilege_name, allow_admin):
- raise Forbidden()
- return controller(request, *args, **kwargs)
- return wrapper
- return user_has_privilege_decorator
- def active_user_from_url(controller):
- """Retrieve LocalUser() from <user> URL pattern and pass in as url_user=...
- Returns a 404 if no such active user has been found"""
- @wraps(controller)
- def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
- user = LocalUser.query.filter_by(username=request.matchdict['user']).first()
- if user is None:
- return render_404(request)
- return controller(request, *args, url_user=user, **kwargs)
- return wrapper
- def user_may_delete_media(controller):
- """
- Require user ownership of the MediaEntry to delete.
- """
- @wraps(controller)
- def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
- uploader_id = kwargs['media'].actor
- if not (request.user.has_privilege(u'admin') or
- request.user.id == uploader_id):
- raise Forbidden()
- return controller(request, *args, **kwargs)
- return wrapper
- def user_may_alter_collection(controller):
- """
- Require user ownership of the Collection to modify.
- """
- @wraps(controller)
- def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
- creator_id = request.db.LocalUser.query.filter_by(
- username=request.matchdict['user']).first().id
- if not (request.user.has_privilege(u'admin') or
- request.user.id == creator_id):
- raise Forbidden()
- return controller(request, *args, **kwargs)
- return wrapper
- def uses_pagination(controller):
- """
- Check request GET 'page' key for wrong values
- """
- @wraps(controller)
- def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
- try:
- page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
- if page < 0:
- return render_404(request)
- except ValueError:
- return render_404(request)
- return controller(request, page=page, *args, **kwargs)
- return wrapper
- def get_user_media_entry(controller):
- """
- Pass in a MediaEntry based off of a url component
- """
- @wraps(controller)
- def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
- user = LocalUser.query.filter_by(username=request.matchdict['user']).first()
- if not user:
- raise NotFound()
- media = None
- # might not be a slug, might be an id, but whatever
- media_slug = request.matchdict['media']
- # if it starts with id: it actually isn't a slug, it's an id.
- if media_slug.startswith(u'id:'):
- try:
- media = MediaEntry.query.filter_by(
- id=int(media_slug[3:]),
- state=u'processed',
- actor=user.id).first()
- except ValueError:
- raise NotFound()
- else:
- # no magical id: stuff? It's a slug!
- media = MediaEntry.query.filter_by(
- slug=media_slug,
- state=u'processed',
- actor=user.id).first()
- if not media:
- # Didn't find anything? Okay, 404.
- raise NotFound()
- return controller(request, media=media, *args, **kwargs)
- return wrapper
- def get_user_collection(controller):
- """
- Pass in a Collection based off of a url component
- """
- @wraps(controller)
- def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
- user = request.db.LocalUser.query.filter_by(
- username=request.matchdict['user']).first()
- if not user:
- return render_404(request)
- collection = request.db.Collection.query.filter_by(
- slug=request.matchdict['collection'],
- actor=user.id).first()
- # Still no collection? Okay, 404.
- if not collection:
- return render_404(request)
- return controller(request, collection=collection, *args, **kwargs)
- return wrapper
- def get_user_collection_item(controller):
- """
- Pass in a CollectionItem based off of a url component
- """
- @wraps(controller)
- def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
- user = request.db.LocalUser.query.filter_by(
- username=request.matchdict['user']).first()
- if not user:
- return render_404(request)
- collection_item = request.db.CollectionItem.query.filter_by(
- id=request.matchdict['collection_item']).first()
- # Still no collection item? Okay, 404.
- if not collection_item:
- return render_404(request)
- return controller(request, collection_item=collection_item, *args, **kwargs)
- return wrapper
- def get_media_entry_by_id(controller):
- """
- Pass in a MediaEntry based off of a url component
- """
- @wraps(controller)
- def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
- media = MediaEntry.query.filter_by(
- id=request.matchdict['media_id'],
- state=u'processed').first()
- # Still no media? Okay, 404.
- if not media:
- return render_404(request)
- given_username = request.matchdict.get('user')
- if given_username and (given_username != media.get_actor.username):
- return render_404(request)
- return controller(request, media=media, *args, **kwargs)
- return wrapper
- def get_workbench(func):
- """Decorator, passing in a workbench as kwarg which is cleaned up afterwards"""
- @wraps(func)
- def new_func(*args, **kwargs):
- with mgg.workbench_manager.create() as workbench:
- return func(*args, workbench=workbench, **kwargs)
- return new_func
- def allow_registration(controller):
- """ Decorator for if registration is enabled"""
- @wraps(controller)
- def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
- if not mgg.app_config["allow_registration"]:
- messages.add_message(
- request,
- messages.WARNING,
- _('Sorry, registration is disabled on this instance.'))
- return redirect(request, "index")
- return controller(request, *args, **kwargs)
- return wrapper
- def allow_reporting(controller):
- """ Decorator for if reporting is enabled"""
- @wraps(controller)
- def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
- if not mgg.app_config["allow_reporting"]:
- messages.add_message(
- request,
- messages.WARNING,
- _('Sorry, reporting is disabled on this instance.'))
- return redirect(request, 'index')
- return controller(request, *args, **kwargs)
- return wrapper
- def get_optional_media_comment_by_id(controller):
- """
- Pass in a Comment based off of a url component. Because of this decor-
- -ator's use in filing Reports, it has two valid outcomes.
- :returns The view function being wrapped with kwarg `comment` set to
- the Comment who's id is in the URL. If there is a
- comment id in the URL and if it is valid.
- :returns The view function being wrapped with kwarg `comment` set to
- None. If there is no comment id in the URL.
- :returns A 404 Error page, if there is a comment if in the URL and it
- is invalid.
- """
- @wraps(controller)
- def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
- if 'comment' in request.matchdict:
- comment = Comment.query.filter_by(
- id=request.matchdict['comment']
- ).first()
- if comment is None:
- return render_404(request)
- return controller(request, comment=comment, *args, **kwargs)
- else:
- return controller(request, comment=None, *args, **kwargs)
- return wrapper
- def auth_enabled(controller):
- """Decorator for if an auth plugin is enabled"""
- @wraps(controller)
- def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
- if not mgg.app.auth:
- messages.add_message(
- request,
- messages.WARNING,
- _('Sorry, authentication is disabled on this instance.'))
- return redirect(request, 'index')
- return controller(request, *args, **kwargs)
- return wrapper
- def require_admin_or_moderator_login(controller):
- """
- Require a login from an administrator or a moderator.
- """
- @wraps(controller)
- def new_controller_func(request, *args, **kwargs):
- if request.user and \
- not (request.user.has_privilege(u'admin')
- or request.user.has_privilege(u'moderator')):
- raise Forbidden()
- elif not request.user:
- next_url = urljoin(
- request.urlgen('mediagoblin.auth.login',
- qualified=True),
- request.url)
- return redirect(request, 'mediagoblin.auth.login',
- next=next_url)
- return controller(request, *args, **kwargs)
- return new_controller_func
- def oauth_required(controller):
- """ Used to wrap API endpoints where oauth is required """
- @wraps(controller)
- def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
- data = request.headers
- authorization = decode_authorization_header(data)
- if authorization == dict():
- error = "Missing required parameter."
- return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)
- request_validator = GMGRequestValidator()
- resource_endpoint = ResourceEndpoint(request_validator)
- valid, r = resource_endpoint.validate_protected_resource_request(
- uri=request.url,
- http_method=request.method,
- body=request.data,
- headers=dict(request.headers),
- )
- if not valid:
- error = "Invalid oauth prarameter."
- return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)
- # Fill user if not already
- token = authorization[u"oauth_token"]
- request.access_token = AccessToken.query.filter_by(token=token).first()
- if request.access_token is not None and request.user is None:
- user_id = request.access_token.actor
- request.user = LocalUser.query.filter_by(id=user_id).first()
- return controller(request, *args, **kwargs)
- return wrapper