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  66. <h1>I&apos;m falling for it again: creating a PayPal account will bring nothing but trouble</h1>
  67. <p>Day 00125: Friday, 2015 July 10</p>
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  69. <p>
  70. PayPal got back to me today, saying that if I had a PayPal business account, I could set the account up in the name of my website, and that name would be used when processing payments.
  71. Having a PayPal account was an insufferable experience last time, but if it goes as poorly this tame as it did last time, at least I am better equipped to deal with it now.
  72. Previously, I had a singular main email address, and when PayPal locked it to my account, I didn&apos;t have a reasonable way to make accountless payments through them to merchants that don&apos;t offer a second payment option, such as Bandcamp.
  73. Now that I have more email addresses than I will ever use and now that I know that PayPal is an irritating pain in the neck to deal with, all I need to do is use a different email address from my main PayPal email address that I use for accountless payments.
  74. I still do not like the idea of sending PayPal any extra information about myself, as I will no doubt have to do if I register an account, but on the flip side, being an account holder may cause them to not write me off as badly, especially if I comply with their nosey demands.
  75. It&apos;s unlikely, but perhaps I can hassle them to the point where they actually fix their bloody system.
  76. </p>
  77. <p>
  78. However, this will not be happening today.
  79. The business account registration form asks for two things I don&apos;t have: a legal business name and a business telephone number.
  80. I don&apos;t have a telephone number at all, and legally speaking, I don&apos;t have a business and therefor don&apos;t have a legal business name.
  81. I have written explaining both issues, so we&apos;ll see what comes of it.
  82. </p>
  83. <p>
  84. I&apos;ve been dropping by the Devote 30 store every so often, trying to get ahold of the guy that told me that he might be able to sell me a Red Pocket Mobile tablet plan.
  85. He said that he would shoot me an email once he found out for sure if he could, but that email never came.
  86. I tried talking to another representative there, but he didn&apos;t seem to be in the loop about it.
  87. Today, I caught the guy I wanted to talk to and asked him about it.
  88. He said he could do it, but he cannot keep the <abbr title="subscriber identity module">SIM</abbr> cards in stock.
  89. Unlike the smartphone <abbr title="subscriber identity module">SIM</abbr> cards, he has to order them as requested.
  90. As an experiment, I said I wanted to buy the plan.
  91. I know the plan is no longer available, but I wanted to see what the system would say on their end.
  92. Instead of punching it into his computer as I thought he would, he placed the order over the telephone, and it seemed to go through successfully.
  93. I suppose now I wait and see what happens.
  94. He said he would send me an email when it came in, but that didn&apos;t happen last time.
  95. I will probably drop by in a week&apos;s time and check in person.
  96. </p>
  97. <p>
  98. I&apos;ve decided that in order to make eating out easier for myself, I&apos;m going to research the foods offered at local restaurants and make a list of edible and non-edible menu items.
  99. I&apos;ll start with fast food joints, as I eat more fast food than I do food at fancier restaurants.
  100. You would think that a listing of options at restaurants from <abbr title="People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals">PETA</abbr> would be vegan, but their list admits including dairy items.
  101. While I disagree with <abbr title="People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals">PETA</abbr>&apos;s motives, the work they put into achieving their goal is often useful to any vegan, no mater what reason said vegan may have.
  102. The lists at <a href="http://munchyymenus.com/vegan-fast-food-restaurants/">Munchyy Menus</a> seem to be more accurate if you browse the vegan section, but they don&apos;t include some of my local restaurants.
  103. My lists won&apos;t be complete either, as they will really only contain restaurants that are relevant to me.
  104. I&apos;m not sure a complete list is out there.
  105. Besides, making my own lists will allow me the chance to look over the ingredients and make decisions myself.
  106. The list at <a href="https://www.veganpeace.com/ingredients/ingredients.htm">Vegan Peace</a> should be valuable for figuring out which ingredients are vegan and not.
  107. </p>
  108. <p>
  109. My <a href="/a/canary.txt">canary</a> still sings the tune of freedom and transparency.
  110. </p>
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