Woof-CE (woof-Community Edition) is a fork of Barry Kauler's woof2 fossil
repository of Nov 11, 2013 commit f6332edbc4a75c262a8fec6e7d39229b0acf32cd.
BK's original (unmaintained) is at http://bkhome.org/fossil/woof2.cgi/index
Woof-CE is a "Puppy builder". What this means is you can build your own custom
Puppy Linux live-CD from the binary packages of another distro.
Currently supported: Ubuntu, Debian, Slackware, Arch, T2, Puppy, Mageia
woof-CE has four directories.
woof-arch: architecture-dependent (x86, arm) files, mostly binary executables.
woof-code: the core of Woof. Mostly scripts.
woof-distro: distro-configuration (Debian, Slackware, etc.) files.
kernel-kit: scripts to download, patch, configure and build the kernel.
Information on the puppy building process with woof-CE can be found in
README-FIRST, woof-code/README.txt and kernel-kit/README.